949 resultados para Surfactant Lipids
The amyloid peptide (Aß), a normal constituent of neuronal and non-neuronal cells, has been shown to be a major component of the extracellular plaque of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The interaction of Aß peptides with the lipid matrix of neuronal cell membranes plays an important role in the pathogenesis of AD. In this study, we have developed peptide-tethered artificial lipid membranes by the Langmuir-Blodgett and Langmuir-Schaefer methods. Anti-Aß40-mAb labeled with a fluorophore was used to probe the Aß40 binding to the model membrane system. Systematic studies on the antibody or Aß-membrane interactions were carried out in our model systems by Surface Plasmon Field-Enhanced Fluorescence Spectroscopy (SPFS). Aß adsorption is critically determined by the lipid composition of the membranes. Aß specifically binds with membranes of sphingomyelin, and this preferential adsorption was markedly amplified by the addition of sterols (cholesterol or 25-OH-Chol). Fluorescence microscopy indicated that 25-OH-Chol could also form micro-domains with sphingomyelin as cholesterol does at the conditions used for the built-up of the model membranes. Our findings suggest that micro-domains composed of sphingomyelin and the sterols could be the binding sites of Aß and the role of sphingomyelin in AD should receive much more attention. The artificial membranes provide a novel platform for the study on AD, and SPFS is a potential tool for detecting Aß-membrane interaction. Numerous investigations indicate that the ability of Aß to form fibrils is considerably dependent upon the levels of ß-sheet structure adopted by Aß. Membrane-mediated conformational transition of Aß has been demonstrated. In this study, we focus on the interaction of Aß and the membranes composed of POPC/SM/25-OH-Chol (2:1:1). The artificial membrane system was established by the methods as described above. Immunoassy based on a pair of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against different epitopes was employed to detect the orientation of the Aß at the model membranes. Kinetics of antibody-Aß binding was determined by surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS). The attempt has also been made to probe the change in the conformation of Aß using SPFS combined with immunoassay. Melatonin was employed to induce the conformational change of Aß. The orientation and the conformational change of Aß are evaluated by analysing kinetic/affinity parameters. This work provides novel insight into the investigation on the structure of Aß at the membrane surface.
Tethered bilayer lipid membranes (tBLMs) are a promising model system for the natural cell membrane. They consist of a lipid bilayer that is covalently coupled to a solid support via a spacer group. In this study, we developed a suitable approach to increase the submembrane space in tBLMs. The challenge is to create a membrane with a lower lipid density in order to increase the membrane fluidity, but to avoid defects that might appear due to an increase in the lateral space within the tethered monolayers. Therefore, various synthetic strategies and different monolayer preparation techniques were examined. Synthetical attempts to achieve a large ion reservoir were made in two directions: increasing the spacer length of the tether lipids and increasing the lateral distribution of the lipids in the monolayer. The first resulted in the synthesis of a small library of tether lipids (DPTT, DPHT and DPOT) characterized by 1H and 13C NMR, FD-MS, ATR, DSC and TGA. The synthetic strategy for their preparation includes synthesis of precursor with a double bond anchor that can be easily modified for different substrates (e.g. metal and metaloxide). Here, the double bond was modified into a thiol group suitable for gold surface. Another approach towards the preparation of homogeneous monolayers with decreased two-dimensional packing density was the synthesis of two novel anchor lipids: DPHDL and DDPTT. DPHDL is “self-diluted” tether lipid containing two lipoic anchor moieties. DDPTT has an extended lipophylic part that should lead to the preparation of diluted, leakage free proximal layers that will facilitate the completion of the bilayer. Our tool-box of tether lipids was completed with two fluorescent labeled lipid precursors with respectively one and two phytanyl chains in the hydrophobic region and a dansyl group as a fluorophore. The use of such fluorescently marked lipids is supposed to give additional information for the lipid distribution on the air-water interface. The Langmuir film balance was used to investigate the monolayer properties of four of the synthesized thiolated anchor lipids. The packing density and mixing behaviour were examined. The results have shown that mixing anchor with free lipids can homogeneously dilute the anchor lipid monolayers. Moreover, an increase in the hydrophylicity (PEG chain length) of the anchor lipids leads to a higher packing density. A decrease in the temperature results in a similar trend. However, increasing the number of phytanyl chains per lipid molecule is shown to decrease the packing density. LB-monolayers based on pure and mixed lipids in different ratio and transfer pressure were tested to form tBLMs with diluted inner layers. A combination of the LB-monolayer transfer with the solvent exchange method accomplished successfully the formation of tBLMs based on pure DPOT. Some preliminary investigations of the electrical sealing properties and protein incorporation of self-assembled DPOT and DDPTT-based tBLMs were conducted. The bilayer formation performed by solvent exchange resulted in membranes with high resistances and low capacitances. The appearance of space beneath the membrane is clearly visible in the impedance spectra expressed by a second RC element. The latter brings the conclusion that the longer spacer in DPOT and the bigger lateral space between the DDPTT molecules in the investigated systems essentially influence the electrical parameters of the membrane. Finally, we could show the functional incorporation of the small ion carrier valinomycin in both types of membranes.
Amphiphile Blockcopolymere sind in der Lage in Wasser Morphologien auszubilden, die analog sind zur hydrophil-hydrophob-hydrophil-Struktur von natürlichen Lipiddoppelschichten. In dieser Arbeit wird zum ersten Mal die Präparation und Charakterisierung von oberflächengestützten Polymerdoppelschichten aus Polybutadien-b-Polyethylenoxid (PB-PEO) beschrieben. Für die Herstellung dieser Strukturen wurden zwei unterschiedliche Präparationsstrategien verfolgt. Der erste Weg besteht aus einer zweistufigen Methode, bei der im ersten Schritt organisierte Monoschichten mittels Langmuir-Blodgett-Transfer auf Gold übertragen und kovalent angebunden werden. Im zweiten Schritt werden hydrophobe Wechselwirkungen ausgenutzt, um über Langmuir-Schaefer-Transfer eine weitere Schicht aufzubringen. Somit wurden homogene Architekturen erzeugt, die oberflächengestützten Lipiddoppelschichten gleichen. Als alternativer, einstufiger Ansatz zur Herstellung von Polymerdoppelschichten wurde das Spreiten von Polymervesikeln auf Gold verfolgt. Auch hierdurch ließen sich Doppelschichtstrukturen mit einer vollständigen Oberflächenbedeckung erzeugen. Die hergestellten Polymerdoppelschichten besitzen eine Dicke von 11-14 nm, die von der Präparationsmethode abhängt. Die Polymerstrukturen weisen bei Trocknung für 1.5 h eine Stabilität gegenüber Luft auf. Bei längeren Trocknungszeiten von ca. 12 h kommt es zu einer Reorganisation der Oberfläche. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass Wasser dazu notwendig ist die Strukturen auf lange Sicht zu stabilisieren. Um die Biokompatibilität der Polymerschichten nachzuweisen, wurden die Wechselwirkungen mit dem membranaktiven Peptid Polymyxin B und dem Transmembranprotein α-Haemolysin gezeigt. Mobilität ist ein wichtiger Faktor für die korrekte Funktion vieler Transmembranproteine. Um die laterale Diffusionsdynamik innerhalb der künstlichen Strukturen zu untersuchen, wurde die Mobilität eines integralen Modellpeptids und von fluoreszierenden Membransonden gemessen. Es konnte mit einzelmolekülempfindlichen Techniken gezeigt werden, dass das α-helikale Peptid und die kleinen Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe frei im hydrophoben Kern der Polymerdoppelschicht diffundieren können. Die Diffusion von beiden Spezies scheint stark von der Fluidität der Polymermatrix beeinflusst zu sein. Ein weiterer Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich der Entwicklung eines angemessenen, lipidbasierten Referenzsystems für zukünftige Proteinuntersuchungen. Hierzu wurde eine neue Methode zu Herstellung von peptidgestützten Lipiddoppelschichtmembranen entwickelt. Dies wurde durch kovalente Befestigung eines Thiopeptids an einen Goldfilm und darauffolgende Anbindung eines Lipids erreicht. Zur Ausbildung der Lipiddoppelschicht auf dem Lipopeptidunterbau wurder der Rapid Solvent Exchange verwendet. Die Ausbildung der Lipiddoppelschicht wurde sowohl auf microskopischer als auch auf makroskopischer Ebene nachgewiesen. Im letzten Schritt wurde die Anwendbarkeit des Modelsystems für elektrochemische Messungen durch den funktionalen Einbau des Ionentransporters Valinomycin unter Beweis gestellt.
Der Einsatz von den Polyelektrolytkomplexen von DNA / RNA mit Polykationen oder Lipiden in der Gen-Therapie ist für Wissenschaftler von besonderem Interesse, da sie als Träger für den Transport von genetischem Material in lebende Zellen fungieren können. Interessant ist auch die Komplexbildung aus Gadolinium und Polykation, hier können die stabil gebildeten Aggregate als Kontrastmittel zur Anwendung in der Magnetresonanztomographie eingeführt werden. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, strukturdefinierte, positiv geladene, polyvalente sperminanaloge Polymere zu synthetisieren. Durch die polyelektrolytische Natur erlauben solche Polymere die Komplexierung von mehr Gadolinium-Polyoxometalaten und wären deshalb sehr gut als Kontrastmittel geeignet. Aufbauend auf den Vorarbeiten, wurde insbesondere die Komplexbildung von kationischem Polymer mit der Green Fluorescent Protein DNA in physiologischem Salzgehalt untersucht. Die Beschreibung der Synthese im Rahmen dieser Arbeit zeigt, dass es mit dem entwickelten Syntheseprinzip, also unter Einsatz von orthogonaler Schutzgruppenchemie und funktionaler Transformation gelungen ist, durch einfache nukleophile Substitution die Kopplung der Elementareinheiten zu komplexeren, auch ionischen Tensiden durchzuführen. Die Komplexierung von Gadolinium-Polyoxometalat mit kationisch geladenem Polymer in reinem Wasser und in physiologischem Salzgehalt hat gezeigt, dass bei einem Ladungsverhältnis von ungefähr 2:1 stabile sphärische Komplexe gebildet werden. HeLa-Zellen zeigen keine hohe Empfindlichkeit gegenüber Polykation-POM-Komplexen, da deren toxische Wirkung nur einen Anteil toter Zellen von maximal 24 % zur Folge hatte. Die Bildqualität einer MRT-Aufnahme der gebildeten Polykation-POM-Komplexe wurde im Vergleich zu den reinen Gadolinium-Polyoxometalat-Lösungen erheblich verbessert. Die Komplexierung von DNA mit dem im Überschuss vorliegenden kationisch geladenen Polymer wurde mittels Rasterkraftmikroskopie, statischer sowie dynamischer Lichtstreuung untersucht. Die Molmasse und Größe der Polykation-DNA-Komplexe geben eindeutige Hinweise darauf, dass sich in physiologischer Salzlösung Multi-Ketten-Komplexe bilden. Neben der Untersuchung der Polymer-Komplexe wurde eine Reihe neuartiger multivalenter kationischer Tenside hergestellt, wobei ihre Eigenschaften beispielsweise mit Tensid B (C12N4), Tensid C (EG8N4) und Tensid F (EG8C12N4) in wässriger Lösung bei verschiedener Salzkonzentration im Vordergrund stehen.
The present study aimed to assess the effects of excess fat, fructose and fat-plus-fructose intakes on intrahepatocellular lipid (IHCL).
Intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) are flexible fuel stores that are depleted by physical exercise and replenished by fat intake. IMCL or their degradation products are thought to interfere with insulin signaling thereby contributing to insulin resistance. From a practical point of view it is desirable to deplete IMCL prior to replenishing them. So far, it is not clear for how long and at which intensity subjects have to exercise in order to deplete IMCL. We therefore aimed at developing a standardized exercise protocol that is applicable to subjects over a broad range of exercise capacity and insulin sensitivity and allows measuring reliably reduced IMCL levels.Twelve male subjects, including four diabetes type 2 patients, with wide ranges of exercise capacity (VO(2)peak per total body weight 27.9-55.8 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)), insulin sensitivity (glucose infusion rate per lean body mass 4.7-15.3 mg x min(-1) x kg(-1)), and BMI (21.7-31.5 kg x m(-2)), respectively, were enrolled. Using (1)H magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H-MRS), IMCL was measured in m.tibialis anterior and m.vastus intermedius before and during a depletion protocol of a week, consisting of a moderate additional physical activity (1 h daily at 60% VO(2)peak) and modest low-fat (10-15%) diet.Absolute IMCL-levels were significantly reduced in both muscles during the first 3 days and stayed constant for the next 3 days of an identical diet/exercise-scheme. These reduced IMCL levels were independent of insulin sensitivity, yet a tendency to lower depleted IMCL levels has been observed in subjects with higher VO(2)peak.The proposed protocol is feasible in subjects with large differences in exercise capacity, insulin sensitivity, and BMI, leading to reduced IMCL levels that neither depend on the exact duration of the depletion protocol nor on insulin sensitivity. This allows for a standardized preparation of IMCL levels either for correlation with other physiological parameters or for replenishment studies.
The pulmonary route is very attractive for drug delivery by inhalation. In this regard, nanoparticulate drug delivery systems, designed as multifunctional engineered nanoparticles, are very promising since they combine several opportunities like a rather uniform distribution of drug dose among all ventilated alveoli allowing for uniform cellular drug internalization. However, although the field of nanomedicine offers multiple opportunities, it still is in its infancy and the research has to proceed in order to obtain a specific targeting of the drug combined with minimum side effects. If inhaled nanoparticulate drug delivery systems are deposited on the pulmonary surfactant, they come into contact with phospholipids and surfactant proteins. It is highly likely that the interaction of nanoparticulate drug delivery systems with surfactant phospholipids and proteins will be able to mediate/modulate the further fate of this specific drug delivery system. In the present comment, we discuss the potential interactions of nanoparticulate drug delivery systems with pulmonary surfactant as well as the potential consequences of this interaction.
High protein diets have been shown to improve hepatic steatosis in rodent models and in high-fat fed humans. We therefore evaluated the effects of a protein supplementation on intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL), and fasting plasma triglycerides in obese non diabetic women.
Although magnetic resonance spectroscopy can be used as a unique tool to study molecular diffusion, it is rarely used to measure the diffusion properties of intramyocellular and extramyocellular lipids. Lipids have very low apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs), which make these measurements difficult and necessitate strong diffusion gradients and long diffusion times. Consequence is that these measurements have inherently low signal-to-noise ratio and are prone to artifacts. The addition of physiological triggering and individual storage and processing of the spectra is seen to be a possible approach to maximize signal intensity and achieve high reproducibility of the experiments. Thus, the optimized measurement protocol was used to investigate the diffusion properties of lipids in human skeletal muscle in vivo. At a diffusion time of about 110 ms, intramyocellular lipids show a significantly lower ADC (2.0 × 10(-6) mm(2)/s, 95% confidence interval 1.10 × 10(-6) to 2.94 × 10(-6) mm(2)/s) than extramyocellular lipids (1.58 × 10(-5) mm(2)/s, 95% confidence interval 1.41 × 10(-5) to 1.75 × 10(-5) mm(2)/s). Because the chemical properties of both lipid pools can be assumed to be similar, the difference can only be attributed to restricted or severely hindered diffusion in the intramyocellular droplets.
Aim of the study was to determine distribution and depletion patterns of intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) in leg muscles before and after two types of standardized endurance exercise. ¹H-magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging was performed (1) in the thigh of eight-trained cyclists after exercising on an ergometer for 3 h at 52 ± 8% of maximal speed and (2) in the lower leg of eight-trained runners after exercising on a treadmill for 3 h at 49 ± 3% of maximal workload. Pre-exercise IMCL contents were reduced postexercise in 11 out of 13 investigated upper and lower leg muscles (P < 0.015 for all). A strong linear correlation with a slope of ∼0.5 between pre-exercise IMCL content and IMCL depletion was found. IMCL depletion differed strongly between muscles. Absolute and also relative IMCL reduction was significantly higher in muscles with predominantly slow fibers compared to those with fast fibers. Creatine levels and fiber orientation were stable and unchanged after exercise, while trimethyl-ammonium groups increased. This is presented in the accompanying paper. In conclusion, a systematic comparison of metabolic changes in cross sections of the upper and lower leg was performed. The results imply that pre-exercise IMCL levels determine the degree of IMCL depletion after exercise.
To determine how changes in lipids, liver enzymes, and inflammatory and glycemia markers intercorrelate during prolonged dietary intervention in obese participants with or without type 2 diabetes (T2D).
Exogenous surfactant is an undisputed treatment for neonatal respiratory distress syndrome but its efficacy is highly dependent on the treatment strategy. International guidelines have published recommendations on the optimal surfactant replacement strategy.