882 resultados para Supersymmetry Breaking
After completion of the LHC8 run in 2012, the plan is to upgrade the LHC for operation close to its design energy root s = 14 TeV, with a goal of collecting hundreds of fb(-1) of integrated luminosity. The time is propitious to begin thinking of what is gained by even further LHC upgrades. In this report, we compute an LHC14 reach for supersymmetry in the mSUGRA/CMSSM model with an anticipated high luminosity upgrade. We find that LHC14 with 300 (3000) fb(-1) has a reach for supersymmetry via gluino/squark searches of m((g) over tilde) similar to 3.2 TeV (3.6 TeV) for m((q) over tilde) similar to m((g) over tilde), and a reach of m((g) over tilde) similar to 1.8 TeV (2.3 TeV) for m((q) over tilde) >> m((g) over tilde). In the case where m((q) over tilde) >> m((g) over tilde), then the LHC14 reach for chargino-neutralino production with decay into the Wh + 6 is not an element of(T) final state reaches to m((g) over tilde) similar to 2.6 TeV for 3000 fb(-1).
By computing the two-loop effective potential of the D=3 N=1 supersymmetric Chern-Simons model minimally coupled to a massless self-interacting matter superfield, it is shown that supersymmetry is preserved, while the internal U(1) and the scale symmetries are broken at two-loop order, dynamically generating masses both for the gauge superfield and for the real component of the matter superfield.
In this work, we introduce the class of quantum mechanics superpotentials W(x) = g epsilon(x)x(2n) and study in detail the cases n = 0 and 1. The n = 0 superpotential is shown to lead to the known problem of two supersymmetrically related Dirac delta potentials (well and barrier). The n = 1 case results in the potentials V+/-(x) = g(2)x(4) +/- 2g|x|. For V-, we present the exact ground-state solution and study the excited states by a variational technique. Starting from the ground state of V- and using logarithmic perturbation theory, we study the ground states of V+ and also of V(x) = g(2)x(4) and compare the result obtained in this new way with other results for this last potential in the literature.
We extend our earlier results delineating the supersymmetry reach of the CERN Large Hadron Collider operating at a center-of-mass energy root s = 7 TeV to integrated luminosities in the range 5-30 fb(-1). Our results are presented within the paradigm minimal supergravity model or constrained minimal supersymmetric standard model. Using a six-dimensional grid of cuts for the optimization of signal to background ratio-including missing E-T-we find for m((g) over tilde) similar to m((q) over tilde) an LHC 5 sigma supersymmetry discovery reach of m((g) over tilde) similar to 1:3, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 TeV for 5, 10, 20, and 30 fb(-1), respectively. For m((q) over tilde) >> m((g) over tilde), the corresponding reach is instead m((g) over tilde) similar to 0: 8, 0.9, 1.0, and 1.05 TeV, for the same integrated luminosities.
In this work, we reported some results about the stochastic quantization of the spherical model. We started by reviewing some basic aspects of this method with emphasis in the connection between the Langevin equation and the supersymmetric quantum mechanics, aiming at the application of the corresponding connection to the spherical model. An intuitive idea is that when applied to the spherical model this gives rise to a supersymmetric version that is identified with one studied in Phys. Rev. E 85, 061109, (2012). Before investigating in detail this aspect, we studied the stochastic quantization of the mean spherical model that is simpler to implement than the one with the strict constraint. We also highlight some points concerning more traditional methods discussed in the literature like canonical and path integral quantization. To produce a supersymmetric version, grounded in the Nicolai map, we investigated the stochastic quantization of the strict spherical model. We showed in fact that the result of this process is an off-shell supersymmetric extension of the quantum spherical model (with the precise supersymmetric constraint structure). That analysis establishes a connection between the classical model and its supersymmetric quantum counterpart. The supersymmetric version in this way constructed is a more natural one and gives further support and motivations to investigate similar connections in other models of the literature.
This thesis presents an analysis for the search of Supersymmetry with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The final state with one lepton, several coloured particles and large missing transverse energy was chosen. Particular emphasis was placed on the optimization of the requirements for lepton identification. This optimization showed to be particularly useful when combining with multi-lepton selections. The systematic error associated with the higher order QCD diagrams in Monte Carlo production is given particular focus. Methods to verify and correct the energy measurement of hadronic showers are developed. Methods for the identification and removal of mismeasurements caused by the detector are found in the single muon and four jet environment are applied. A new detector simulation system is shown to provide good prospects for future fast Monte Carlo production. The analysis was performed for $35pb^{-1}$ and no significant deviation from the Standard Model is seen. Exclusion limits subchannel for minimal Supergravity. Previous limits set by Tevatron and LEP are extended.
Im Jahr 2011 wurde am Large Hadron Collider mit dem ATLAS Experiment ein Datensatz von 4.7 inversen Femtobarn bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von 7 TeV aufgezeichnet. Teil des umfangreichen Physikprogrammes des ATLAS Experiments ist die Suche nach Physik jenseits des Standardmodells. Supersymmetrie - eine neue Symmetrie zwischen Bosonen und Fermionen - wird als aussichtsreichester Kandidat für neue Physik angesehen, und zahlreiche direkte und indirekte Suchen nach Supersymmetrie wurden in den letzten Jahrzehnten bereits durchgeführt. In der folgenden Arbeit wird eine direkte Suche nach Supersymmetrie in Endzuständen mit Jets, fehlender Transversalenergie und genau einem Elektron oder Myon durchgeführt. Der analysierte Datensatz von 4.7 inversen Femtobarn umfasst die gesamte Datenmenge, welche am ATLAS Experiment bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von 7 TeV aufgezeichnet wurde. Die Ergebnisse der Analyse werden mit verschiedenen anderen leptonischen Suchkanälen kombiniert, um die Sensitivität auf diversen supersymmetrischen Produktions- und Zerfallsmodi zu maximieren. Die gemessenen Daten sind kompatibel mit der Standardmodellerwartung, und neue Ausschlussgrenzen in verschiedenen supersymmetrischen Modellen werden berechnet.
Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are increasingly used as embedded languages within general-purpose host languages. DSLs provide a compact, dedicated syntax for specifying parts of an application related to specialized domains. Unfortunately, such language extensions typically do not integrate well with the development tools of the host language. Editors, compilers and debuggers are either unaware of the extensions, or must be adapted at a non-trivial cost. We present a novel approach to embed DSLs into an existing host language by leveraging the underlying representation of the host language used by these tools. Helvetia is an extensible system that intercepts the compilation pipeline of the Smalltalk host language to seamlessly integrate language extensions. We validate our approach by case studies that demonstrate three fundamentally different ways to extend or adapt the host language syntax and semantics.
This Letter presents the first search for supersymmetry in final states containing one isolated electron or muon, jets, and missing transverse momentum from √s=7 TeV proton-proton collisions at the LHC. The data were recorded by the ATLAS experiment during 2010 and correspond to a total integrated luminosity of 35 pb(-1). No excess above the standard model background expectation is observed. Limits are set on the parameters of the minimal supergravity framework, extending previous limits. Within this framework, for A(0)=0 GeV, tanβ=3, and μ>0 and for equal squark and gluino masses, gluino masses below 700 GeV are excluded at 95% confidence level.