498 resultados para Strips


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the susceptibility of winter crops to Pratylenchus brachyurus and their effect on the population of phytonematodes in the maize. To study the effect of the plants on nematodes, an experiment was set up in sandy, naturally-infested soil. The area was divided into strips, consisting of six blocks of 16 treatments, with eight winter treatments, subdivided on the basis of the fertilizer used (organic: bird litter, and synthetic: NPK). The initial nematode population was determined by sampling the soil (100 cm(3)) and weeds (10 g of root). The winter treatments put in place (bristle oats, chickpea, vetch bean, common bean, oilseed radish, wheat, intercropped bristle oats + oilseed radish and fallow), and the nematode population determined 100 days after sowing. Subsequently, two maize crops (summer and short season) were planted, and the nematode population in the soil and roots determined during crop full bloom. To evaluate the susceptibility of winter crops to nematodes, an experiment was conducted under controlled conditions, determining the nematode reproduction factor (RF) in the treatments described above. Both in the field and under controlled conditions, it was observed that the bristle oats, oilseed radish and intercropped oats + oilseed radish exhibited lower reproduction rates for P. brachyurus. In the field, lower population of nematodes was observed with the application of bird litter. Under controlled conditions, the highest RF were observed in the fallow plot and under common bean and chickpea, in that order.


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This work aims to present how the reconfigurable microstrip antennas and frequency selective surfaces can be used to operate at communication systems that require changing their operation frequency according to system requirements or environmental conditions. The main purpose is to present a reconfigurable circular microstrip antenna using a parasitic ring and a reconfigurable dipole frequency selective surface. Thereupon there are shown fundamental topics like microstrip antennas, PIN diodes and the fundamental theory of reconfigurable antennas and frequency selective surfaces. There are shown the simulations and measurements of the fabricated prototypes and it is done an analysis of some parameters like the bandwidth and radiation pattern, for the antennas, and the transmission characteristics, for the frequency selective surface. Copper strips were used in place of the diodes for proof of the reconfigurability concept


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This study examined a new conservation tillage tool, the rotary paraplow. Emphasis was placed on evaluating the tool's conservation potential using dimensionless graph analysis. The dynamic conditions of the soil were investigated in terms of physical soil properties. Having determined the variables to be measured, dimensional analysis was used to plan the experiments. Two variations were considered for each dependent variable (linear speed, working depth, and rotation velocity), totaling eight treatments, allotting in each an experimental strip with five data collection points. This arrangement totaled 16 experimental strips, with 80 data collection points for all variables. The rotary paraplow generates a trapezoidal furrow for planting with a very wide bottom and narrower at the top. The volumetric subsoiling action generates cracks on the sides of the band. Because of their specific geometry the blades of rotary paraplow generate a soil failure according to its natural crack angle, optimizing the energy use, while preserving the natural soil properties. Results showed the conservation character of the rotary paraplow, capable of breaking up clods for planting without changing the original physical soil properties.


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Com o objetivo de estudar o parcelamento e a largura da faixa de aplicação como meios para aumentar a recuperação pelo milho do nitrogênio da uréia aplicada em superfície, foi conduzido no ano agrícola 93/94, em um Latossolo Vermelho Escuro, em condições de campo, um experimento delineado em blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições. Sete tratamentos foram utilizados: testemunha (sem N em cobertura); aplicação de N parcelada (50 kg ha-1 de N aos 38 dias após semeadura - d.a.s e 50 kg ha-1 de N aos 60 d.a.s.) para faixas de 10, 20 e 40 cm; aplicação de N (100 kg ha-1 de N aos 38 d.a.s.) para faixas de 10 e 40 cm e, aplicação de N parcelada (50 kg de N/ha aos 38 d.a.s. e 50 kg ha-1 de N aos 60 d.a.s.) para faixa de 20 cm de largura, neste caso, uréia granulada. A aplicação de uréia parcelada em cobertura, em faixas de 10, 20 e 40 cm de largura, não afetaram a massa de matéria seca, o conteúdo, a quantidade e a recuperação do N pela planta de milho. A recuperação de N pela planta de milho foi maior para a aplicação de 220 kg ha-1 de uréia em uma única aplicação em faixas de 10cm de largura em relação a de 40 cm. O parcelamento da uréia aumentou os valores de massa seca, conteúdo, quantidade e recuperação do N na planta de milho em relação a aplicação em uma única vez.


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A semi solid thin strip continuous casting process was used to obtain 50%wt Pb/50%wtSn strip by single and twin roll processing at speed of 15 m/min. A 50%wt Pb/50%wtSn plate ingot was also cast for rolling conventionally into strips of 1.4 mm thickness and 45 mm width for comparison with those achieved non-conventionally. This hypoeutectic alloy has a solidification interval and fusion temperature of approximately 31 degrees C and 215 degrees C respectively. The casting alloy temperature was around 280 degrees C as measured by a type K immersion thermocouple prior to pouring into a tundish designed to maintain a constant melt flow on the cooling slope during semi solid material production. A nozzle with a weir ensures that the semi solid material is dragged smoothly by the lower roll, producing strip with minimum contamination of slag/oxide. The temperatures of the cooling slope and the lower roll were also monitored using K type thermocouples. The coiled semi solid strip, which has a thickness of 1.5 mm and 45 mm width, was rolled conventionally in order to obtain 1.2 mm thick strip. The coiled thixorolled strip had a thickness of 1.2 mm and achieved practically the same width as the conventional strips. Blanks of 40 mm diameter were cut from the strips in a mechanical press, ready for deep drawing and ironing for mechanical characterization. All the strips achieved from non-conventional processing had the same mechanical performance as those achieved conventionally. The limiting drawing ratio (LDR) achieved was approximately 2.0 for all strips. Microscopy examination was made in order to observe phase segregation during processing.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A aplicação de reguladores vegetais, com a finalidade de aumentar a produtividade das culturas, tem merecido, nos últimos anos, grande atenção de pesquisadores. No entanto, alguns resultados têm se mostrado contraditórios. em face disto, este estudo teve como objetivo verificar os efeitos da aplicação de regulador vegetal sobre os componentes da produção e a produtividade de grãos de duas cultivares de feijão de inverno, em condições de Cerrado. O experimento foi realizado no outono-inverno de 2007, na Fazenda Experimental da Unesp, Campus de Ilha Solteira, localizada no município de Selvíria (MS). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, no esquema em faixas, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram-se da combinação de cinco doses do regulador vegetal (0 L ha-1 0,5 L ha-1 1,0 L ha-1 1,5 L ha-1 e 2,0 L ha-1, que é composto por três hormônios vegetais (cinetina, ácido giberélico e ácido indolbutírico), em duas épocas de aplicação: no estádio vegetativo (V4) e reprodutivo (R5). Características vegetativas como altura das plantas de feijão, altura de inserção da primeira vagem, número de grãos por vagem e massa de 100 grãos não foram afetadas pela aplicação do produto. No entanto, sua aplicação no estádio reprodutivo (R5) aumentou o número de grãos por planta e a produtividade de grãos das cultivares de feijoeiro Carioca Precoce e IAC Apuã. Para este aumento, a melhor dose foi 2 L ha-1do regulador vegetal.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The process of decentralization of health policy in Brazil has evolved throughout the second half of the twentieth century, advancing by leaps and bounds in the last two decades. The various public institutions have assumed the function of responding to a growing demand for medical care and hospital. Monsenhor Hospital Walfredo Gurgel - H.M.W.G. fits into this context as an institution par excellence-oriented service the demand for medium and high complexity. This paper presents some questions about the process of decentralization and devolution occurred in Brazil. To do so is a brief historical background and politics, showing the concepts of reform and counter-reform and how the processes mentioned in the Country Correlates develop local social development of the decentralization process and discusses the modifications in policies social intervention in recent decades and the state health policies. Presents the implementation of a Health System in Brazil and the state showing how the decentralization of health policy occurs in Rio Grande do Norte. Finally, it explores the role of H.M.W.G. in health policy in RN. For this, portrays the institution and is located within the decentralized structure of health policy in the state and capital. An analysis of the demand for hospital care and the budget situation is realized at the close of work, correlating the role of HMWG with the decentralization of health policy in Brazil and Rio Grande do Norte. The methodology used for the preparation of this work was based on documentary research, systematic nonparticipant observation, field diary and analysis of data, documents and content. This set shows a quantitative and qualitative methodology that strips the institution, enabling the understanding of their role, boundaries, threats and opportunities


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Formal methods should be used to specify and verify on-card software in Java Card applications. Furthermore, Java Card programming style requires runtime verification of all input conditions for all on-card methods, where the main goal is to preserve the data in the card. Design by contract, and in particular, the JML language, are an option for this kind of development and verification, as runtime verification is part of the Design by contract method implemented by JML. However, JML and its currently available tools for runtime verification were not designed with Java Card limitations in mind and are not Java Card compliant. In this thesis, we analyze how much of this situation is really intrinsic of Java Card limitations and how much is just a matter of a complete re-design of JML and its tools. We propose the requirements for a new language which is Java Card compliant and indicate the lines on which a compiler for this language should be built. JCML strips from JML non-Java Card aspects such as concurrency and unsupported types. This would not be enough, however, without a great effort in optimization of the verification code generated by its compiler, as this verification code must run on the card. The JCML compiler, although being much more restricted than the one for JML, is able to generate Java Card compliant verification code for some lightweight specifications. As conclusion, we present a Java Card compliant variant of JML, JCML (Java Card Modeling Language), with a preliminary version of its compiler


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The area between São Bento do Norte and Macau cities, located in the northern coast of the Rio Grande do Norte State is submitted to intense and constant processes of littoral and aeolian transport, causing erosion, alterations in the sediments balance and modifications in the shoreline. Beyond these natural factors, the human interference is huge in the surroundings, composed by sensitive places, due to the existence of the Guamaré Petroliferous Pole, RN, the greater terrestrial oil producing in Brazil, besides the activities of the salt companies and shrimp farms. This socioeconomic-environmental context justifies the elaboration of strategies of environmental monitoring of that coastal area. In the environmental monitoring of coastal strips, submitted to human impacts, the use of multi-sources and multitemporal data integrated through a Spatio- Temporal Database that allows the multiuser friendly access. The objective was to use the potential of the computational systems as important tools the managers of environmental monitoring. The stored data in the form of a virtual library aid in making decisions from the related results and presented in different formats. This procedure enlarges the use of the data in the preventive attendance, in the planning of future actions and in the definition of new lines of researches on the area, in a multiscale approach. Another activity of this Thesis consisted on the development of a computational system to automate the process to elaborate Oil-Spill Environmental Sensitivity Maps, based on the temporal variations that some coastal ecosystems present in the sensibility to the oil. The maps generated in this way, based on the methodology proposed by the Ministério do Meio Ambiente, supply more updated information about the behavior of the ecosystem, as a support to the operations in case of oil spill. Some parameters, such as the hydrodynamic data, the declivity of the beach face, types of resources in risk (environmental, economical, human or cultural) and use and occupation of the area are some of the essential basic information in the elaboration of the sensitivity maps, which suffer temporal alterations.In this way, the two computational systems developed are considered support systems to the decision, because they provide operational subsidies to the environmental monitoring of the coastal areas, considering the transformations in the behavior of coastal elements resulting from temporal changes related the human and/or natural interference of the environment


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The goal of this work comprises the detailed mapping of the coastal zone of the south coast of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The emphasis of the study is the units of beachrocks and the features of the physical environment associated. The mapping of the beachrocks and of the adjacent coastal features is justified, among other aspects, by the fact that the beachrocks constitute an important protection agent against the sea erosion. By one side, they dissipate the energy of the sea waves and make possible the imprisonment of sediments in the foreshore. The beachrocks in the studied area are constituted of discontinuous strips, parallel to the coast line presenting emerged in some places, even in the highest tides, entirely submerged or partially buried by coastal sediments. These sandstones compose the landscape of big part of the coast and they are responsible for the partial dissipation of the energy of the waves on the studied coast. The methodology used in this work consisted of different techniques were used, as the use of aerial pictures of small format (FAPEFs), acquisition of data of system of global positioning (GPS) and later elaboration of thematic maps and of digital models of soil (MDTs). The results obtained in the mapping of the use and occupation of the soil, demonstrate the existence of strong human pressure in the coastal area (built lots and no built), occupying about 54,74% of built areas. This problem has been taking to degradation risks due to the inconsequent expansion of divisions into lots and tourist enterprises. The MDT came as an excellent resource, as visual as functional, being possible to visualize several angles and to act in three dimensions the relief of the area in study, as well as to identify the present features in the coastal area. By the importance of the bodies of beachrocks as a protection agent against the coastal erosion, faces were delimited in the sandstones based in geometric criteria, classifying them in, central face, outside face, inside face, break and undermiming. These last two associates to the erosion and washout in the base of these bodies. Field data indicate clearly that the most important process in the fracturing of the bodies is associated with mechanisms related to the gravity, being the joints formed by processes of gravitational sliding. Finally, the mapping of the coastal zone starting from aerial pictures of small format it made possible the identification of the elements that compose the beach strip, for accomplishing with larger detailed level and by presenting a better monitoring of the dynamics of the coastal zone


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The Environmental Protection area sof Pitimbu river are important tools for planning and territorial land management. The Pitimbu river protection is aided in laws, so much of Federal stamp, as the Brazilian s Forest Code (Law No. 4771/1965), and in State s and City s Resolutions. So, this research begins in the State s Law No. 8426/2003interpretations, for being the most restrictive in the river's margin occupation and management. The objective is to analyze the applicability of the Environmental Protection areas of Pitimbu river, localized at the State of Rio Grande do Norte, considering environmental legislation and how to use this space by the man. Having specific goals for the discussion of the legislation s scope to this river; the identification of the types of soil s covering and evaluation the effectiveness of Law Nº.8426/2003, as protection instrument and land management. The river is characterized by its ecological importance and for feeding the Jiqui pond, an important reservoir that supplies 30% of drinking water to the east, west and south population sof the capital of the State. Pitimbu river is passing by a process of environmental degradation, originating from actions as deforestations of its ciliary forests by intensive agricultural practices; introduction of urban and industrial effluents leading to its contamination; increase of the pluvial drainage; erosion, sedimentation and discharge of urban waste , along with pressure for urban settlements along its banks. Under the methodological point of view is part of theoretical planning and land management research, and from a vision of social and environmental spaces. It was produced a survey map of the soil s covering, with 16 classes. Divided into coverage and disturbed natural covering. Using the 300 meters spatial limits of the Environmental Protection Strip, according to the State Law. The survey highlighted a higher percentage of classes disturbed, indicating man s interference in the balance of that system, as well as the lack of environmental actions. Leading to the degradation of riparian areas, and lack of conservation of water resources. Finally, it was considered that the strips of environmental protection are not effective as the preservation and territorial ordination


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Purpose: To evaluate the effect of finishing and polishing techniques on surface roughness of resin-based composites (RBCs). Materials and Methods: Forty specimens of each material were cured under Mylar strips and immersed in artificial saliva for 1 wk. Samples were tested with a profilometer to obtain baseline average surface roughness (Ra). Specimens of both RBCs were then finished and polished according to four techniques: (1) Sof-Lex disks; (2) Sof-Lex disks followed by Prisma Gloss; (3) Enhance points; (4) Enhance points followed by Prisma Gloss application. New readings of the roughness pattern were carried out and the difference of post-polishing and baseline values were analyzed. Results: ANOVA test (alpha= 0.05) did not show differences between materials (P= 0.9393) nor interaction effects (P= 0.3094), but significant difference among the finishing/polishing techniques were detected (P= 0.0157). Tukey's test showed that the smoothest surface was obtained when the specimens were treated by Sof-Lex followed by Prosma Gloss polishing paste; and the worst results were obtained after using Enhance points alone.