977 resultados para Stipitopteris shanxiensis sp.nov.


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Hitherto, the Malaconothridae contained Malaconothrus Berlese, 1904 and Trimalaconothrus Berlese, 1916, defined by the possession of one pre-tarsal claw (monodactyly) or by three claws (tridactyly) respectively. However, monodactyly is a convergent apomorphy within the Oribatida and an unreliable character for a classification. Therefore we undertook a phylogenetic analysis of 102 species as the basis for a taxonomic review of the Malaconothridae. We identified two major clades, equivalent to the genera Tyrphonothrus Knülle, 1957 and Malaconothrus. These genera are redefined. Trimala-conothrus becomes the junior subjective synonym of Malaconothrus. Some 42 species of Trimalaconothrus are recom-bined to Malaconothrus and 15 species to Tyrphonothrus. Homonyms created by the recombinations are rectified. The replacement name M. hammerae nom. nov. is proposed for M. angulatus Hammer, 1958, the junior homonym of M. an-gulatus (Willmann, 1931) and the replacement name M. luxtoni nom. nov. is proposed for M. scutatus Luxton, 1987, the junior homonym of M. scutatus Mihelč ič, 1959. Trimalaconothrus iteratus Subías, 2004 is an unnecessary replacement name and is a junior objective synonym of Malaconothrus longirostrum (Hammer 1966). Malaconothrus praeoccupatus Subías, 2004 is a junior objective synonym of M. machadoi Balogh & Mahunka, 1969. Malaconothrus obsessus (Subías, 2004), an unnecessary replacement name for Trimalaconothrus albulus Hammer 1966 sensu Tseng 1982, becomes an available name for what is in fact a previously-undescribed species of Malaconothrus. We describe four new species of Tyrphonothrus: T. gnammaensis sp. nov. from Western Australia, T. gringai sp. nov. and T. maritimus sp. nov. from New South Wales, and T. taylori sp. nov. from Queensland. We describe six new species of Malaconothrus: M. beecroftensis sp. nov., M. darwini sp. nov. M. gundungurra sp. nov. and M. knuellei sp. nov. from New South Wales, M. jowettae sp. nov. from Norfolk Island, and M. talaitae sp. nov. from Victoria.


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Six consecutively hatched cohorts and one cohort of pre-hatch eggs of farmed barramundi (Lates calcarifer) from south Australia were examined for Chlamydia-like organisms associated with epitheliocystis. To identify and characterise the bacteria, 59 gill samples and three pre-hatch egg samples were processed for histology, in situ hybridisation and 16S rRNA amplification, sequencing and comprehensive phylogenetic analysis. Cases of epitheliocystis were observed microscopically and characterised by membrane-enclosed basophilic cysts filled with a granular material that caused hypertrophy of the epithelial cells. In situ hybridisation with a Chlamydiales-specific probe lead to specific labelling of the epitheliocystis inclusions within the gill epithelium. Two distinct but closely related 16S rRNA chlamydial sequences were amplified from gill DNA across the seven cohorts, including from pre-hatch eggs. These genotype sequences were found to be novel, sharing 97.1 - 97.5% similarity to the next closest 16S rRNA sequence, Ca. Similichlamydia latridicola, from Australian striped trumpeter. Comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of these genotype sequences against representative members of the Chlamydiales order and against other epitheliocystis agents revealed these Chlamydia-like organisms to be novel and taxonomically placed them within the recently proposed genus Ca. Similichlamydia. Following Fredricks and Relman's molecular postulates and based on these observations, we propose the epitheliocystis agents of barramundi to be known as "Candidatus Similichlamydia laticola" (sp. nov.).


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Barbadocladius n. gen. is erected and described in larval, pupal and adult stages for two species: B. andinus sp. nov. and B. limay sp. nov., from Andean streams. The larva is distinctive by virtue of the very large ventromental 'beard' and the anterior parapods with a 'sleeve' of hooklets in addition to apical pectinate claws. The pupa has hooklets on some tergal and sternal intersegmental membranes. The adult, reported only in teneral specimens has hairy eyes, no antennal apical strong seta, no acrostichals, bare and unmarked wings, cylindrical 4th tarsomere subequal in length to the 5th, pulvilli about half the claw length, and hypopygium with anal point, lacking a virga. Molecular phylogenetic analysis eliminates relationships directly to the Eukiefferiella complex (which also have pupal hooklets), or to the Cricotopus group (adults also with hairy eyes), suggesting instead a sister group relationship to a suite of predominantly austral genera of Orthocladiinae.


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The Australian species of the Orthocladiinae genus Cricotopus Wulp (Diptera: Chironomidae) are revised for larval, pupal, adult male and female life stages. Eleven species, ten of which are new, are recognised and keyed, namely Cricotopus acornis Drayson & Cranston sp. nov., Cricotopus albitarsis Hergstrom sp. nov., Cricotopus annuliventris (Skuse), Cricotopus brevicornis Drayson & Cranston sp. nov., Cricotopus conicornis Drayson & Cranston sp. nov., Cricotopus hillmani Drayson & Cranston, sp. nov., Cricotopus howensis Cranston sp. nov., Cricotopus parbicinctus Hergstrom sp. nov., Cricotopus tasmania Drayson & Cranston sp. nov., Cricotopus varicornis Drayson & Cranston sp. nov. and Cricotopus wangi Cranston & Krosch sp. nov. Using data from this study, we consider the wider utility of morphological and molecular diagnostic tools in untangling species diversity in the Chironomidae. Morphological support for distinguishing Cricotopus from Paratrichocladius Santo-Abreu in larval and pupal stages appears lacking for Australian taxa and brief notes are provided concerning this matter.


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The genus Austronothrus was previously known from three species recorded only from New Zealand. Austronothrus kinabalu sp. nov. is described from Sabah, Borneo and A. rostralis sp. nov. from Norfolk Island, south-west Pacific. A key to Austronothrus is included. These new species extend the distribution of Austronothrus beyond New Zealand and confirms that the subfamily Crotoniinae is not confined to former Gondwanan landmasses. The distribution pattern of Austronothrus spp., combining Oriental and Gondwanan localities, is indicative of a curved, linear track; consistent with the accretion of island arcs and volcanic terranes around the plate margins of the Pacific Ocean, with older taxa persisting on younger island though localised dispersal within island arc metapopulations. Phylogenetic analysis and an area cladogram are consistent with a broad ancestral distribution of Austronothrus in the Oriental region and on Gondwanan terranes, with subsequent divergence and distribution southward from the Sunda region to New Zealand. This pattern is more complex than might be expected if the New Zealand oribatid fauna was derived from dispersal following re-emergence of land after inundation during the Oligocene (25 mya), as well as if the fauna emanated from endemic, relictual taxa following separation of New Zealand from Gondwana during the Cretaceous (80 mya).


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Yelsemia lowrieana sp . nov. (Ustilaginomycetes) is described and illustrated from Byblis rorida collected in northwestern Western Australia. Infected plants had galls filled with spores on stems and pedicels. The spores were unusual in that each could be separated from a dark outer spore wall. This is the first record of a smut fungus on the dicotyledonous host family Byblidaceae.


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Five new species of the flightless scarabaeine genus Aptenocanthon Matthews are described from northern Australia: jimara sp. nov. from the Northern Territory; kabura sp. nov., wollumbin sp. nov., winyur sp. nov. and speewah sp. nov. from mountains in the wet tropics of northern Queensland. A key is given to the eight species in the genus. A. jimara is the first record of the genus away from the east coast. Biology and distribution are discussed.


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Aptenocanthorn monteithi sp. Nov. is described from Atherton Tableland areas in northern Queensland. The nearest relatives are from mountains in eastern New South Wales.


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Aulacopris mallhewsi sp. nov. is described from mountains behind Cape Tribulation in northern Queensland. Its nearest relatives are in southeastern Queensland. The species is the smallest in the genus and is flightless. Individuals engaged in ball making and ball rolling activities in the laboratory.


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A new species of Ptychozoon is described from the central portion of the Nicobar Archipelago, Bay of Bengal, India. It has been formerly referred to P. kuhli, a species widely distributed in Sundaland. Ptychozoon nicobarensis sp. nov. reaches an SVL of 100.3 mm, and is diagnosable from congeneric species in showing the following combination of characters: dorsum with a tan vertebral stripe, lacking dark transverse bars; supranasals in contact; cutaneous expansions on sides of head; absence of predigital notch in preantebrachial cutaneous expansion; imbricate parachute support scales; four irregular rows of low, rounded enlarged scales on dorsum; 20-29 scales across widest portion of tail terminus; three indistinct chevrons on dorsum; 7-11 pairs of preanal pores; femoral pores absent; tail with an expanded terminal flap and weak lobe fusion at proximal border of tail terminus. The curious distribution of the new species, centred around the central Nicobars is speculated to be the result of competition with and/or predation by large gekkonid species, to the north (Gekko verreauxi) and south (G. smithii) of the group of islands occupied by the new Ptychozoon from the central Nicobars.


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Botryosphaeria rhodina (anamorph Lasiodiplodia theobromae) is a common endophyte and opportunistic pathogen on more than 500 tree species in the tropics and subtropics. During routine disease surveys of plantations in Australia and Venezuela several isolates differing from L. theobromae were identified and subsequently characterized based upon morphology and ITS and EF1-a nucleotide sequences. These isolates grouped into three strongly supported clades related to but different from the known taxa, B. rhodina and L. gonubiensis, These have been described here as three new species L. venezuelensis sp. nov., L. crassispora sp. nov. and L. rubropurpurea sp. nov. The three could be distinguished easily from each other and the two described species of Lasiodiplodia, thus confirming phylogenetic separations. Furthermore all five Lasiodiplodia spp. now recognized separated from Diplodia spp. and Dothiorella spp. with 100% bootstrap support.


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The endemic Australian stiletto fly genus Acatopygia Krober is revised. Acatopygia pulchella Krober and Acatopygia paradoxa (Krober) are redescribed and a neotype for A. paradoxa designated. A new species, Acatopygia olivacea sp. nov., is described and a key to Acatopygia species is presented.


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Two new species of the endemic Australian stiletto fly genus Laxotela Winterton & Irwin are described and figured. Laxotela elongata sp. nov. is described from Queensland while Laxotela plata sp. nov. is described from south-eastern mainland Australia. Laxotela ornata (Krober) comb. nov. (originally Spatulipalpa Krober) was recently placed as incertae sedis within Therevidae, but is herein transferred to Laxotela. A revised key to Laxotela species is presented.


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Two new species are described in each of the closely related genera Nanexila Winterton & Irwin and Taenogera Krober. Nanexila atricauda sp. nov. and Nanexila jimrodmani sp. nov. are described. The phylogenetic placement and diagnostic characteristics of these new species and other species recently transferred to Nanexila are discussed. Taenogera luteola sp. nov. and Taenogera brunnea sp. nov. are distinctive species described from female specimens collected in Queensland. Taenogera is diagnosed in light of these new species and a revised key to species presented.


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The stiletto fly subfamily Agapophytinae is diverse and species rich in Australasia, with numerous undescribed species. A new species of Acraspisoides Hill & Winterton, A. monticola sp. nov., is described from females collected in montane localities in eastern Australia. Eight new species of Bonjeania Irwin & Lyneborg are also described, raising the total number of known species to 18. Five new species, B. affinis sp. nov., B. apluda sp. nov., B. bapsis sp. nov., B. webbi sp. nov. and B. zwicki sp. nov., all have a distinctive, forward-protruding head with antennae on a raised tubercle. Two other new species, B. argentea sp. nov. and B. jefferiesi sp. nov., are closely related to B. segnis (White), with very similar shaped male genitalia and body shape. An eighth species, B. lambkinae sp. nov., is closely related to B. clamosis Winterton & Skevington. Bonjeania and Acraspisoides are diagnosed and revised keys to species presented. An unusual new therevid, Vomerina humbug gen. et sp. nov., is also described and figured based on a series of males from New South Wales. This new genus likely represents the sister taxon to Bonjeania.