959 resultados para Square lattices
The effective mass Schrodinger equation of a QD of parallelepipedic shape with a square potential well is solved by diagonalizing the exact Hamiltonian matrix developed in a basis of separation-of-variables wavefunctions. The expected below bandgap bound states are found not to differ very much from the former approximate calculations. In addition, the presence of bound states within the conduction band is confirmed. Furthermore, filamentary states bounded in two dimensions and extended in one dimension and layered states with only one dimension bounded, all within the conduction band which are similar to those originated in quantum wires and quantum wells coexist with the ordinary continuum spectrum of plane waves. All these subtleties are absent in spherically shaped quantum dots, often used for modeling.
El Cerebro Escuadrado. Sobre el ángulo recto en arquitectura = The Brain is Square
There are still some set squares to be found in my studio. These are used not so much for drawing, which is done in Autocad, but for the many scale models that we do ourselves. When I was a child my mother used to bake the most magnificent home-made tarts. And so it is in my studio today, that I make the tarts, the scale-models, and - better still - so does my team. Our models are always home-made.
Collaborator: Modesto Sánchez Morales
In this paper, we axiomatically introduce fuzzy multi-measures on bounded lattices. In particular, we make a distinction between four different types of fuzzy set multi-measures on a universe X, considering both the usual or inverse real number ordering of this lattice and increasing or decreasing monotonicity with respect to the number of arguments. We provide results from which we can derive families of measures that hold for the applicable conditions in each case.
Estampado junto a "Plano de la Plaza del Eco"
Estampado en la misma hoja con: "Vista de dos Templos antiguos en la plaza del Eco de Sagunto"
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Deux sonates et La Coquette pour forte piano (XVIII/2815). Firma autógrafa de J.C. Salomon en la port.
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Deux sonates et La Coquette pour forte piano (XVIII/2815). Firma autógrafa de J.C. Salomon en la port.
To correctly evaluate semantic technologies and to obtain results that can be easily integrated, we need to put evaluations under the scope of a unique software quality model. This paper presents SemQuaRE, a quality model for semantic technologies. SemQuaRE is based on the SQuaRE standard and describes a set of quality characteristics specific to semantic technologies and the quality measures that can be used for their measurement. It also provides detailed formulas for the calculation of such measures. The paper shows that SemQuaRE is complete with respect to current evaluation trends and that it has been successfully applied in practice.
Sobre arquitectura
A significant amount of research has been conducted on FRP-confined circular columns, but much less is known about rectangular/square columns in which the effectiveness of confinement is much reduced. This paper presents the results of experimental investigations on low strength square concrete columns confined with FRP. Axial compression tests were performed on ten intermediate size columns. The tests results indicate that FRP composites can significantly improve the bearing capacity and ductility of square section reinforced concrete columns with rounded corners. The strength enhancement ratio is greater the lower the concrete strength and also increases with the stiffness of the jacket. The confined concrete behaviour was predicted according to the more accepted theoretical models and compared with experimental results. There are two key parameters which critically influence the fitting of the models: the strain efficiency factor and the effect of confinement in non-circular sections.