878 resultados para South-west


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La metodología del número de la curva (NC) es la más empleada para transformar la precipitación total en precipitación efectiva. De esta manera se constituye en una herramienta de gran valor para realizar estudios hidrológicos en cuencas hidrográficas, fundamentalmente cuando hay una deficiencia de registros extensos y confiables. Esta metodología requiere del conocimiento del tipo y uso de suelo de la cuenca en estudio y registros pluviográficos. En el presente trabajo se aplicó el procesamiento de imágenes LANDSAT para la zonificación de la vegetación y uso del suelo en la cuenca del Arroyo Pillahuinco Grande (38° LS y 61° 15' LW), ubicada sobre el sistema serrano de La Ventana, en el sudoeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. El análisis de su interrelación generó los valores de NC y coeficiente de escorrentía (CE). El procesamiento digital de la base de datos raster georreferenciada se realizó con aplicación de herramientas de sistema de información geográfica (Idrisi Kilimanjaro). El análisis de regresión múltiple efectuado a las variables generó un R2 que explica el 89,77 % de la variabilidad de CE (a < 0,01). Los resultados se exponen a nivel diagnóstico y zonificación del NC, donde la mayor influencia de la escorrentía se relaciona con las variables cobertura vegetal y uso del suelo.


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El modelo U.S.L.E. (Universal Soil Loss Equation), desarrollado por Wischmeier y Smith en 1978, es un modelo paramétrico creado para estimar la pérdida anual de suelo. Engloba, dentro de los cinco factores intervinientes, todas las características de la cuenca, incluyendo tanto aspectos físicos como características edáficas, geológicas y geomorfológicas, sin olvidar las relacionadas con el clima, y el tipo de manejo y uso del suelo. El objetivo del trabajo fue estimar la pérdida de suelo a nivel de la cuenca hidrográfica del Arroyo Belisario, ubicada en el Partido de Tornquist, en el Sudoeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Más de 1.200 ha (aproximadamente 50% de la cuenca), presentaron pérdidas de suelo mayores a las 50 tn.ha-1.año-1. Se observó que los factores K y LS son determinantes de los elevados valores presentes en la cabecera de la cuenca. La elaboración de la cartografía correspondiente a cada factor de la U.S.L.E se realizó con el Sistema de Información Geográfica Idrisi Andes. Se concluye que el modelo fue aplicado de manera correcta en la cuenca del Arroyo Belisario, brindando resultados que facilitarán la toma de decisiones para un futuro ordenamiento territorial.


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Benthic foraminiferal faunas from three bathyal sequences provide a proxy record of oceanographic changes through the mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) on either side of the Subtropical Front (STF), east of New Zealand. Canonical correspondence analyses show that factors related to water depth, latitude and climate cycles were more significant than oceanographic factors in determining changes in faunal assemblage composition over the last 1 Ma. Even so, mid-Pleistocene faunal changes are recognizable and can be linked to inferred palaeoceanographic causes. North of the largely stationary STF the faunas were less variable than to the south, perhaps reflecting the less extreme glacial-interglacial fluctuations in the overlying Subtropical Surface Water. Prior to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 21 and after MIS 15, the northern faunas had fairly constant composition, but during most of the MPT faunal composition fluctuated in response to climate-related food-supply variations. Faunal changes through the MPT suggest increasing food supply and decreasing dissolved bottom oxygen. South of the STF, beneath Subantarctic Surface Water, mid-Pleistocene faunas exhibited strong glacial-interglacial fluctuations, inferred to be due to higher interglacial nutrient supply and lower oxygen levels. The most dramatic faunal change in the south occurred at the end of the MPT (MIS 17- 12). with an acme of Abditodentrix pseudothalmanni, possibly reflecting higher carbon flux and lower bottom oxygen. This study suggests that the mid-Pleistocene decline and extinction of a group of elongate, cylindrical deep-sea foraminifera may have been related to decreased bottom oxygen concentrations as aresult of slower deep-water currents.


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La propuesta presenta la perspectiva integral y natural desde la Orientación en sí misma, ofreciendo el sustento para promover el debate sobre el manejo y el dominio de perspectivas físicas y geográficas. Toma al ser humano como el sujeto, en este caso como el observador terrestre. Se ha desarrollado un marco teórico sustentado por axiomas, los cuales permiten la discusión sobre el uso de perspectivas, su aplicación en el conocimiento, la educación, el replanteamiento epistemológico y la definición de una identidad global. Este planteamiento busca generar una nueva línea de discusión, una propuesta científicamente cuestionadora de la hegemonía del pensamiento geográfico y que brinde nuevas matrices de racionalidad geográfica


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We present ice thickness and bed topography maps with a high spatial resolution (250-500 m) of a land-terminating section of the Greenland Ice Sheet derived from ground-based and airborne radar surveys. The data have a total area of ~12 000 km^2 and cover the whole ablation area of the outlet glaciers of Isunnguata Sermia, Russell, Leverett, Ørkendalen and Isorlersuup up to the long-term mass balance equilibrium line altitude at ~1600 m above sea level. The bed topography shows highly variable subglacial trough systems, and the trough of Isunnguata Sermia Glacier is overdeepened and reaches an elevation of ~500 m below sea level. The ice surface is smooth and only reflects the bedrock topography in a subtle way, resulting in a highly variable ice thickness. The southern part of our study area consists of higher bed elevations compared to the northern part. The compiled data sets of ground-based and airborne radar surveys cover one of the most studied regions of the Greenland Ice Sheet and can be valuable for detailed studies of ice sheet dynamics and hydrology.


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La propuesta presenta la perspectiva integral y natural desde la Orientación en sí misma, ofreciendo el sustento para promover el debate sobre el manejo y el dominio de perspectivas físicas y geográficas. Toma al ser humano como el sujeto, en este caso como el observador terrestre. Se ha desarrollado un marco teórico sustentado por axiomas, los cuales permiten la discusión sobre el uso de perspectivas, su aplicación en el conocimiento, la educación, el replanteamiento epistemológico y la definición de una identidad global. Este planteamiento busca generar una nueva línea de discusión, una propuesta científicamente cuestionadora de la hegemonía del pensamiento geográfico y que brinde nuevas matrices de racionalidad geográfica


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La propuesta presenta la perspectiva integral y natural desde la Orientación en sí misma, ofreciendo el sustento para promover el debate sobre el manejo y el dominio de perspectivas físicas y geográficas. Toma al ser humano como el sujeto, en este caso como el observador terrestre. Se ha desarrollado un marco teórico sustentado por axiomas, los cuales permiten la discusión sobre el uso de perspectivas, su aplicación en el conocimiento, la educación, el replanteamiento epistemológico y la definición de una identidad global. Este planteamiento busca generar una nueva línea de discusión, una propuesta científicamente cuestionadora de la hegemonía del pensamiento geográfico y que brinde nuevas matrices de racionalidad geográfica


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In the Arabian Sea, productivity in the surface waters and particle flux to the deep sea are controlled by monsoonal winds. The flux maxima during the South-West (June-September) and the North-East Monsoon (December-March) are some of the highest particle fluxes recorded with deep-sea sediment traps in the open ocean. Benthic microbial biomass and activities in surface sediments were measured for the first time in March 1995 subsequent to the NE-monsoon and in October 1995 subsequent to the SW-monsoon. These measurements were repeated in April/May 1997 and February/March 1998, at a total of six stations from 1920 to 4420 m water depth. This paper presents a summary on the regional and temporal variability of microbial biomass, production, enzyme activity, degradation of 14C-labeled Synechococcus material as well as sulfate reduction in the northern, western, eastern, central and southern Arabian deep sea. We found a substantial regional variation in microbial biomass and activity, with highest values in the western Arabian Sea (station WAST), decreasing approximately threefold to the south (station SAST). Benthic microbial biomass and activity during the NE-monsoon was as high or higher than subsequent to the SW-monsoon, indicating a very rapid turnover of POC in the surface sediments. This variation in the biomass and activity of the microbial assemblages in the Arabian deep sea can largely be explained by the regional and temporal variation in POC flux. Compared to other abyssal regions, the substantially higher benthic microbial biomasses and activities in the Arabian Sea reflect the extremely high productivity of this tropical basin.


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European lobsters were captured by employees of the Marine Biological Station and local fishermen from the rocky subtidal zone around the island of Helgoland (North Sea, 54°11.3'N, 7°54.0'E) and from the Helgoland Deep Trench, located south west of the island. The animals were captured by pots, traps, trawl and divers. All measured lobsters were tagged and released. A tagged lobster was classified by the absence or presence of colour tag and/or T-bar tag. Data of lobsters contains capture date, fresh weight, carapace lengths, sex and the information if lobsters were egg-bearing and tagged. Furthermore, data of commercial landed lobsters are included.


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The purpose of the present study was to explore the composition and variation of the pico-, nano- and micro-plankton communities in Norwegian coastal waters and Skagerrak, and the co-occurrence of bacteria and viruses. Samples were collected along three cruise transects from Jaeren, Lista and Oksoy on the south coast of Norway and into the North Sea and Skagerrak. We also followed a drifting buoy for 55 h in Skagerrak in order to observe diel variations. Satellite ocean color images (SeaWiFS) of the chlorophyll a (chl a) distribution compared favorably to in situ measurements in open waters, while closer to the shore remote sensing chl a data was overestimated compared to the in situ data. Using light microscopy, we identified 49 micro- and 15 nanoplankton sized phototrophic forms as well as 40 micro- and 12 nanoplankton sized heterotrophic forms. The only picoeukaryote (0.2-2.0 µm) we identified was Resultor micron (Pedinophyceae). Along the transects a significant variation in the distribution and abundance of different plankton forms were observed, with Synechococcus spp and autotrophic picoeukaryotes as the most notable examples. There was no correlation between viruses and chl a, but between viruses and bacteria, and between viruses and some of the phytoplankton groups, especially the picoeukaryotes. Moreover, there was a negative correlation between nutrients and small viruses (Low Fluorescent Viruses) but a positive correlation between nutrients and large viruses (High Fluorescent Viruses). The abundance of autotrophic picoplankton, bacteria and viruses showed a diel variation in surface waters with higher values around noon and late at night and lower values in the evening. Synechococcus spp were found at 20 m depth 25-45 nautical miles from shore apparently forming a bloom that stretched out for more than 100 nautical miles from Skagerrak and up the south west coast of Norway. The different methods used for assessing abundance, distribution and diversity of microorganisms yielded complementary information about the plankton community. Flow cytometry enabled us to map the distribution of the smaller phytoplankton forms, bacteria and viruses in more detail than has been possible before but detection and quantification of specific forms (genus or species) still requires taxonomic skills, molecular analysis or both.


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