542 resultados para Slave insurrections.


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Se analiza el tema del estatus de los afrodescendientes libres en las sociedades esclavistas más pobladas de América, desde el punto de vista de los derechos políticos y sociales de súbditos y ciudadanos. Con la carta de libertad, los antiguos esclavos y sus descendientes libres adquirieron teóricamente los mismos derechos y obligaciones que la población blanca eurodescendiente. Sin embargo, por razones de “seguridad pública” y de “mantención del orden establecido”, en la práctica, se establecieron restricciones y privilegios para mantener la distancia social entre blancos y afrodescendientes. Desde una perspectiva comparada se estudian Brasil, Cuba y los Estados Unidos, las tres sociedades esclavistas más notorias en América durante el siglo XIX, y se examina este proceso tomando como objetos de análisis los derechos de libre movimiento, el acceso a la enseñanza superior, el sufragio y la propiedad.


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El presente trabajo se centra en el análisis de los conflictos que giraron en torno a las operaciones de compra de esclavos en el nororiente neogranadino durante el siglo XVIII. Legalizaciones aplazadas, ventas desautorizadas, pagos pendientes, esclavos hipotecados y confusiones sobre el estado real del esclavo comercializado fueron situaciones que desataron enconadas disputas y pleitos judiciales que terminaron algunas veces con la declaratoria de redhibitoria, es decir, la anulación del contrato de venta y la devolución del esclavo. En vista de estos antecedentes, y con un ánimo preventivo, los negociantes se aseguraron de fijar en las escrituras de compraventa ciertas garantías o aclaraciones para no verse involucrados en tales litigios.


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Asynchronous Optical Sampling (ASOPS) [1,2] and frequency comb spectrometry [3] based on dual Ti:saphire resonators operated in a master/slave mode have the potential to improve signal to noise ratio in THz transient and IR sperctrometry. The multimode Brownian oscillator time-domain response function described by state-space models is a mathematically robust framework that can be used to describe the dispersive phenomena governed by Lorentzian, Debye and Drude responses. In addition, the optical properties of an arbitrary medium can be expressed as a linear combination of simple multimode Brownian oscillator functions. The suitability of a range of signal processing schemes adopted from the Systems Identification and Control Theory community for further processing the recorded THz transients in the time or frequency domain will be outlined [4,5]. Since a femtosecond duration pulse is capable of persistent excitation of the medium within which it propagates, such approach is perfectly justifiable. Several de-noising routines based on system identification will be shown. Furthermore, specifically developed apodization structures will be discussed. These are necessary because due to dispersion issues, the time-domain background and sample interferograms are non-symmetrical [6-8]. These procedures can lead to a more precise estimation of the complex insertion loss function. The algorithms are applicable to femtosecond spectroscopies across the EM spectrum. Finally, a methodology for femtosecond pulse shaping using genetic algorithms aiming to map and control molecular relaxation processes will be mentioned.


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A novel Neuropredictive Teleoperation (NPT) Scheme is presented. The design results from two key ideas: the exploitation of the measured or estimated neural input to the human arm or its electromyograph (EMG) as the system input and the employment of a predictor of the arm movement, based on this neural signal and an arm model, to compensate for time delays in the system. Although a multitude of such models, as well as measuring devices for the neural signals and the EMG, have been proposed, current telemanipulator research has only been considering highly simplified arm models. In the present design, the bilateral constraint that the master and slave are simultaneously compliant to each other's state (equal positions and forces) is abandoned, thus obtaining a simple to analyzesuccession of only locally controlled modules, and a robustness to time delays of up to 500 ms. The proposed designs were inspired by well established physiological evidence that the brain, rather than controlling the movement on-line, programs the arm with an action plan of a complete movement, which is then executed largely in open loop, regulated only by local reflex loops. As a model of the human arm the well-established Stark model is employed, whose mathematical representation is modified to make it suitable for an engineering application. The proposed scheme is however valid for any arm model. BIBO-stability and passivity results for a variety of local control laws are reported. Simulation results and comparisons with traditional designs also highlight the advantages of the proposed design.


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In this chapter we described how the inclusion of a model of a human arm, combined with the measurement of its neural input and a predictor, can provide to a previously proposed teleoperator design robustness under time delay. Our trials gave clear indications of the superiority of the NPT scheme over traditional as well as the modified Yokokohji and Yoshikawa architectures. Its fundamental advantages are: the time-lead of the slave, the more efficient, and providing a more natural feeling manipulation, and the fact that incorporating an operator arm model leads to more credible stability results. Finally, its simplicity allows less likely to fail local control techniques to be employed. However, a significant advantage for the enhanced Yokokohji and Yoshikawa architecture results from the very fact that it’s a conservative modification of current designs. Under large prediction errors, it can provide robustness through directing the master and slave states to their means and, since it relies on the passivity of the mechanical part of the system, it would not confuse the operator. An experimental implementation of the techniques will provide further evidence for the performance of the proposed architectures. The employment of neural networks and fuzzy logic, which will provide an adaptive model of the human arm and robustifying control terms, is scheduled for the near future.


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Researchers in the rehabilitation engineering community have been designing and developing a variety of passive/active devices to help persons with limited upper extremity function to perform essential daily manipulations. Devices range from low-end tools such as head/mouth sticks to sophisticated robots using vision and speech input. While almost all of the high-end equipment developed to date relies on visual feedback alone to guide the user providing no tactile or proprioceptive cues, the “low-tech” head/mouth sticks deliver better “feel” because of the inherent force feedback through physical contact with the user's body. However, the disadvantage of a conventional head/mouth stick is that it can only function in a limited workspace and the performance is limited by the user's strength. It therefore seems reasonable to attempt to develop a system that exploits the advantages of the two approaches: the power and flexibility of robotic systems with the sensory feedback of a headstick. The system presented in this paper reflects the design philosophy stated above. This system contains a pair of master-slave robots with the master being operated by the user's head and the slave acting as a telestick. Described in this paper are the design, control strategies, implementation and performance evaluation of the head-controlled force-reflecting telestick system.


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This paper presents a virtual headstick system as an alternative to the conventional passive headstick for persons with limited upper extremity function. The system is composed of a pair of kinematically dissimilar master-slave robots with the master robot being operated by the user's head. At the remote site, the end-effector of the slave robot moves as if it were at the tip of an imaginary headstick attached to the user's head. A unique feature of this system is that through force-reflection, the virtual headstick provides the user with proprioceptive information as in a conventional headstick, but with an augmentation of workspace volume and additional mechanical power. This paper describes the test-bed development, system identification, bilateral control implementation, and system performance evaluation.


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People with disabilities such as quadriplegia can use mouth-sticks and head-sticks as extension devices to perform desired manipulations. These extensions provide extended proprioception which allows users to directly feel forces and other perceptual cues such as texture present at the tip of the mouth-stick. Such devices are effective for two principle reasons: because of their close contact with the user's tactile and proprioceptive sensing abilities; and because they tend to be lightweight and very stiff, and can thus convey tactile and kinesthetic information with high-bandwidth. Unfortunately, traditional mouth-sticks and head-sticks are limited in workspace and in the mechanical power that can be transferred because of user mobility and strength limitations. We describe an alternative implementation of the head-stick device using the idea of a virtual head-stick: a head-controlled bilateral force-reflecting telerobot. In this system the end-effector of the slave robot moves as if it were at the tip of an imaginary extension of the user's head. The design goal is for the system is to have the same intuitive operation and extended proprioception as a regular mouth-stick effector but with augmentation of workspace volume and mechanical power. The input is through a specially modified six DOF master robot (a PerForceTM hand-controller) whose joints can be back-driven to apply forces at the user's head. The manipulation tasks in the environment are performed by a six degree-of-freedom slave robot (the Zebra-ZEROTM) with a built-in force sensor. We describe the prototype hardware/software implementation of the system, control system design, safety/disability issues, and initial evaluation tasks.


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Presents a method for model based bilateral control of master-slave arm with time delay between master and slave arms, where the system supports cooperative action between manual and automatic modes. The method realises efficiencies in master-slave arm control with the simplicities of a computer and the flexibility of a skilled human operator.


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This piece is a contribution to the exhibition catalogue of Barbadian / Canadian artist Joscelyn Gardner's exhibition, 'Bleeding & Breeding' curated by Olexander Wlasenko, January 14-February 12, 2012 in the Station Gallery, Whitby, Ontario, Canada. The piece examines the ways in which Gardner's Creole Portraits II (2007) and Creole Portraits III (2009) issue a provocative and carefully crafted contestation to the journals of the slave-owner and amateur botanist Thomas Thistlewood. It argues that while Thistlewood’s journals make raced and gendered bodies seemingly available to knowledge, incorporating them within the colonial archive as signs of subjection, Gardener’s portraits disrupt these acts of history and knowledge. Her artistic response marks a radical departure from the significant body of scholarship that has drawn on the Thistlewood journals to date. Creatively contesting his narratives’ dispossession of Creole female subjects and yet aware of the problems of innocent recovery, her works style representations that retain the consciousness and effect of historical erasure. Through an oxymoronic aesthetic that assembles a highly crafted verisimilitude alongside the condition of invisibility and brings atrocity into the orbit of the aesthetic, these portraits force us to question what stakes are involved in bringing the lives of the enslaved and violated back into regimes of representation.


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This paper applies the concepts and methods of complex networks to the development of models and simulations of master-slave distributed real-time systems by introducing an upper bound in the allowable delivery time of the packets with computation results. Two representative interconnection models are taken into account: Uniformly random and scale free (Barabasi-Albert), including the presence of background traffic of packets. The obtained results include the identification of the uniformly random interconnectivity scheme as being largely more efficient than the scale-free counterpart. Also, increased latency tolerance of the application provides no help under congestion.


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During the last decade, the Internet usage has been growing at an enormous rate which has beenaccompanied by the developments of network applications (e.g., video conference, audio/videostreaming, E-learning, E-Commerce and real-time applications) and allows several types ofinformation including data, voice, picture and media streaming. While end-users are demandingvery high quality of service (QoS) from their service providers, network undergoes a complex trafficwhich leads the transmission bottlenecks. Considerable effort has been made to study thecharacteristics and the behavior of the Internet. Simulation modeling of computer networkcongestion is a profitable and effective technique which fulfills the requirements to evaluate theperformance and QoS of networks. To simulate a single congested link, simulation is run with asingle load generator while for a larger simulation with complex traffic, where the nodes are spreadacross different geographical locations generating distributed artificial loads is indispensable. Onesolution is to elaborate a load generation system based on master/slave architecture.


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O principal objetivo dessa dissertação é analisar, através de um estudo caso, como a questão do “preconceito intergrupal” pode ser percebida no desenvolvimento histórico de pequenos municípios brasileiros. Escolhendo a história da memória da cidade de Cachoeira da Prata como objeto central, buscamos discutir como ocorreu o processo de diferenciação social da pequena comunidade formada pelos descendentes do ex-escravo Nicolau Teixeira do restante da cidade. Para tanto, dividimos a dissertação em duas partes. A primeira é formada pelos três primeiros capítulos, nos quais apresentamos a vila fabril de Cachoeira de Macacos como o cenário, no qual o cel. Américo Teixeira é identificado como o líder maior de um projeto de domínio político e industrial que deixou marcas duradouras na memória da população mais antiga da cidade. Nesse contexto, buscamos discutir como o fenômeno do pós-emancipação da escravidão se manifestou na localidade, analisando parte da trajetória de vida do ex-escravo Nicolau Teixeira, um leal apoiador do projeto político do cel. Américo, que se tornou, na primeira metade do século XX, o patriarca de uma comunidade criada nas imediações da antiga vila fabril. Na segunda parte, composta exclusivamente pelo quarto capítulo, discutimos de maneira conjugada, a história da diferenciação social da comunidade e diferentes posicionamentos políticos e metodológicos que adotamos ao longo da pesquisa. Após essa análise, concluímos que só é possível entender os meandros do processo que levou os descendentes de Nicolau Teixeira à condição de exclusão social após percebê-los como atores capazes de elaborar narrativas e representações que auxiliam a população de Cachoeira da Prata a conhecer um “outro lado” da história local.


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A presente dissertação procura identificar a maneira pela qual a problemática da mulher afeta o magistério, majoritariamente feminino, analisando a partir dai, as dificuldades que se apresentam para uma real transformação da escola pública. No movimento das contradições que povoam a Escola em nosso Estado, a questão feminina se faz presente como uma das determinantes, para a super! ção ou não, do conservadorismo que tão bem caracteriza ainda esta Escola Pública proveniente do Brasil Republicano. O histórico da condição feminina através dos séculos denota toda uma· luta pelo seu direito ã esfera pública, principalmente pelo trabalho. Isto demonstra que o "aprisionamento" feminino, na esfera privada,nada tem a ver com caracteres biológicos, mas sim com múltiplas determinações políticas, sociais e econômicas de cada sociedade, em dado momento histórico. E tal "aprisionamento" será uma das dificuldades da mulher-professora em se constituir como profissional consciente, atuando, de forma critica, para a me lnoria de nossa Escola. Nas últimas décadas (de 60 para cá), percebemos todo um movimento de rebeldia que originará lideranças femininas, lutando, não apenas pela libertação das mulheres, mas também por transformações profundas em nossa Escola e na sociedade como um todo. A presença petrificada da MULHER na história oficial brasileira, como mucama, sinhá-moça, escrava ou professorinha, já aponta, hoje, possibilidades de mudança no horizonte de construção de uma NOVA MULHER, sujeito de sua própria história, profissional competente e militante política. Esta NOVA PROFESSORA, não mais será a "tia ou a "professorinha" e sim, finalmente, CIDADÃ ... TORNANDO-SE MULHER (Beauvoir).


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O estudo tem como objetivo identificar na evolução das políticas públicas para erradicação do trabalho escravo os diferentes atores e a dinâmica das relações entre eles. A ocorrência da escravidão contemporânea pôde se dar a partir da contribuição de alguns fatores estruturais e conjunturais, tais como o processo de aprofundamento do capitalismo e de modernização conservadora no país e especificamente na agricultura e relações políticas, sociais e históricas que perpetuam a enorme concentração fundiária brasileira. Além disso, algumas relações pessoais, sociais e políticas de intermediação de interesses entre Estado e sociedade, tais como clientelismo e patronagem e redes de políticas, de modo geral e de forma mais específica nas políticas agrárias, também interferem no desenvolvimento dos processos de políticas públicas e dentre elas nas políticas de combate ao trabalho escravo. Desse modo, a dissertação tem como problema a investigação da dinâmica das relações entre atores governamentais e nãogovernamentais na formulação e implantação das políticas públicas de erradicação ao trabalho escravo no Brasil. Para tanto, o estudo foi realizado por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e de campo, tendo entrevistado os seguintes atores políticos: MTE, MPT, OIT, CPT, ONG Repórter Brasil, GPTEC e OAB. Os dados foram analisados pelo método de análise de conteúdo, sob um viés qualitativo. Os resultados da pesquisa permitiram identificar a formação de múltiplas redes entre os atores governamentais e não-governamentais envolvidos nesta questão, demonstrando certa divisão entre as redes que atuam lutando pelo combate ao trabalho escravo e outras que se posicionam como uma certa resistência a esse combate, devido a interesses econômicos e políticos, revelando, assim, um jogo de forças que ora apresenta avanços e conquistas, ora mostra retrocessos ou estagnação na luta contra a escravidão contemporânea brasileira.