364 resultados para Sintese inorganica
Con questo lavoro di tesi si è cercato da un lato di dare un contributo al settore dei sensori chimici, caratterizzando e sviluppando diversi sistemi che presentano promettenti proprietà per l’utilizzo nella realizzazione di sensori luminescenti, e dall’altro di studiare sistemi di nanoparticelle di oro per identificarne e caratterizzarne i processi che portano all’interazione con un’unità fluorescente di riferimento, il pirene. Quest’ultima parte della tesi, sviluppata nel capitolo 4, sebbene possa apparire “slegata” dall’ambito della sensoristica, in realtà non lo è in quanto il lavoro di ricerca svolto rappresenta una buona base di partenza per lo sviluppo di sistemi di nanoparticelle metalliche con un possibile impiego in campo biomedico e diagnostico. Tutte le specie studiate, seppur molto diverse tra loro, posseggono quindi buone caratteristiche di luminescenza ed interessanti capacità di riconoscimento, più o meno selettivo, di specie in soluzione o allo stato gassoso. L’approccio generale che è stato adottato comporta una iniziale caratterizzazione in soluzione ed una susseguente ottimizzazione del sistema mirata a passare al fissaggio su supporti solidi in vista di possibili applicazioni pratiche. A tal proposito, nel capitolo 3 è stato possibile ottenere un monostrato organico costituito da un recettore (un cavitando), dotato di una parte fluorescente le cui proprietà di luminescenza sono sensibili alla presenza di una funzione chimica che caratterizza una classe di analiti, gli alcoli. E’ interessante sottolineare come lo stesso sistema in soluzione si comporti in maniera sostanzialmente differente, mostrando una capacità di segnalare l’analita molto meno efficiente, anche in funzione di una diversa orientazione della parte fluorescente. All’interfaccia solido-gas invece, l’orientamento del fluoroforo gioca un ruolo chiave nel processo di riconoscimento, e ottimizzando ulteriormente il setup sperimentale e la composizione dello strato, sarà possibile arrivare a segnalare quantità di analita sempre più basse. Nel capitolo 5 invece, è stato preso in esame un sistema le cui potenzialità, per un utilizzo come sonda fluorescente nel campo delle superfici di silicio, sembra promettere molto bene. A tal proposito sono stati discussi anche i risultati del lavoro che ha fornito l’idea per la concezione di questo sistema che, a breve, verrà implementato a sua volta su superficie solida. In conclusione, le ricerche descritte in questa tesi hanno quindi contribuito allo sviluppo di nuovi chemosensori, cercando di migliorare sia le proprietà fotofisiche dell’unità attiva, sia quelle dell’unità recettrice, sia, infine, l’efficienza del processo di traduzione del segnale. I risultati ottenuti hanno inoltre permesso di realizzare alcuni prototipi di dispositivi sensoriali aventi caratteristiche molto promettenti e di ottenere informazioni utili per la progettazione di nuovi dispositivi (ora in fase di sviluppo nei laboratori di ricerca) sempre più efficienti, rispondendo in tal modo alle aspettative con cui questo lavoro di dottorato era stato intrapreso.
The introduction of hydroxyl groups into ligands is able to transfer high hydrophilic features to the related metal systems. The atom-economy synthetic procedure adopted which consists in the one-step Cyclopentene-oxide ring opening, quantitatitatively affords stereoselective formation of the multi-hydroxyl rac-1,2,4- C5H2[CH(CH2)3CHOH]3 Cpººº ligand1. Rh complexation of Cpººº gives rise to a novel class of water-soluble complexes (L,L)RhCpººº (LL=NBD 1, COD 2, CH2CH2 3, CO 4) (Scheme 1) characterized by their spectroscopic features (ESI-MS, IR, 2D NMR, n.O.e.). The X-ray diffraction studies of 1a reveal the occurrence of one couple of enantiomeric pairs in the crystal structure, whilst the crystal packing shows an interesting self-organization in chains of dimeric units of 1a, promoted by strong intermolecular hydroxyl H-bonding. This effect has been exploited by performing VT NMR experiments in different solvents (CDCl3, Py, DMSO). Unpredictably, in the absence of chiral tag, 1 exhibits solvent-dependent chiroptical properties (CD, αD^ 25), which are correlated to UV transitions and DFT calculations. The intra/inter molecular H-binding is crucial in driving the equilibrium between the observed atropisomers 1a and 1b, by varying the planar chirality on the two π-complexes.
In the last decades the development of bone substitutes characterized by a superior biomimetism has become of particular interest, owing to the increasing economic and societal impact of the bone diseases. In the present work of research the development of bone substitutes characterized by improved biomimetism, has been faced in a chemical, structural and morphological perspective. From a chemical point of view, it has been developed the synthesis of hydroxyapatite powders, exhibiting multiple ionic substitutions in both cationic and anionic sites, so to simulate the chemical composition of the natural bone. Particular emphasis has been given to the effect of silicon on the chemical-physical and solubility properties of the obtained hydroxyapatites. From a structural point of view, it has been developed the synthesis of ceramic composite materials, based on hydroxyapatite and calcium silicates, employed both as a reinforcing phase, to raise the mechanical strength of the composite compared to hydroxyapatite, and as a bioactive phase, able to increase the bioactivity properties of the whole ceramic. Finally the unique morphological features of the bone were mimicked by taking inspiration by Nature, so that native wood structures were treated in chemical and thermal way to obtain hydroxyapatite porous materials characterized by the same morphology as the native wood. The results obtained in the present work were positive in all the three different areas of investigation, so to cover the three different aspects of biomimetism, chemical, structural and morphological. Anyway, only at the convergence of the three different fields it is possible to find out the best solutions to develop the ideal bone-like scaffold. Thus, the future activity should be devoted to solve the problems at the borderline between the different research lines, which hamper this convergence and in consequence, the achievement of a bone scaffold able to mimic the various aspects exhibited by the bone tissue
Nell'aprile 2009 la città dell'Aquila e le zone limitrofe sono state interessate da uno sciame sismico che ha raggiunto l'apice della sua intensità durante la notte del 6 aprile, facendo registrare ai sismografi il sesto grado della scala Richter. Le conseguenze del sisma sono state devastanti, numerose le vittime e gli sfollati; ingenti i danni alla città. Molti edifici, in particolare nel centro storico, sono stati interessati da numerosi crolli o da danni spesso irreversibili, la situazione post-calamità ha quindi posto il grande problema della ricostruzione di una città consolidata. Partendo da questi presupposti il progetto si pone come obiettivo di fornire una proposta concreta per la ricostruzione dell'area di centro storico compresa fra la zona della ex chiesa di Santa Croce e il viale Duca Degli Abruzzi, tentando di ricostruire e riqualificare il tessuto che si affaccia su via Roma; Decumano della città storica. La necessità di ricostruire una parte così significativa della città ha condotto a delle riflessioni sulla natura stessa del luogo e della sua evoluzione. Si sono così potuti mettere a fuoco un certo numero di problemi urbanistici e architettonici che dal primo dopoguerra ad oggi hanno via via cambiato i caratteri fondamentali dell'area di progetto come dell'intera città; sviluppando quest'ultima in maniera piuttosto inorganica e contaminando la struttura originaria del centro storico. Il progetto vuole quindi cogliere l'occasione per riorganizzare parte del tessuto, rifacendosi ai principi generatori e ai caratteri della forma originaria dell'Aquila. Gli edifici progettati perseguono obiettivi molteplici e a volte discordanti ad esempio l' ottima qualità dell'abitare e l'economicità sono due importanti caratteristiche che si è cercato di unire tramite tecnologie votate all'efficienza energetica, alla semplificazione del cantiere e alla semiprefabbricazione. Tali strumenti tecnologici sono molto utili a razionalizzare e ottimizzare il processo costruttivo, in linea con quelle che sono le esigenze della produzione contemporanea; soprattutto in ambito residenziale.
The present PhD project was focused on the development of new tools and methods for luminescence-based techniques. In particular, the ultimate goal was to present substantial improvements to the currently available technologies for both research and diagnostic in the fields of biology, proteomics and genomics. Different aspects and problems were investigated, requiring different strategies and approaches. The whole work was thus divided into separate chapters, each based on the study of one specific aspect of luminescence: Chemiluminescence, Fluorescence and Electrochemiluminescence. CHAPTER 1, Chemiluminescence The work on luminol-enhancer solution lead to a new luminol solution formulation with 1 order of magnitude lower detection limit for HRP. This technology was patented with Cyanagen brand and is now sold worldwide for Western Blot and ELISA applications. CHAPTER 2, Fluorescescence The work on dyed-doped silica nanoparticles is marking a new milestone in the development of nanotechnologies for biological applications. While the project is still in progress, preliminary studies on model structures are leading to very promising results. The improved brightness of these nano-sized objects, their simple synthesis and handling, their low toxicity will soon turn them, we strongly believe, into a new generation of fluorescent labels for many applications. CHAPTER 3, Electrochemiluminescence The work on electrochemiluminescence produced interesting results that can potentially turn into great improvements from an analytical point of view. Ru(bpy)3 derivatives were employed both for on-chip microarray (Chapter 3.1) and for microscopic imaging applications (Chapter 3.2). The development of these new techniques is still under investigation, but the obtained results confirm the possibility to achieve the final goal. Furthermore the development of new ECL-active species (Chapter 3.3, 3.4, 3.5) and their use in these applications can significantly improve overall performances, thus helping to spread ECL as powerful analytical tool for routinary techniques. To conclude, the results obtained are of strong value to largely increase the sensitivity of luminescence techniques, thus fulfilling the expectation we had at the beginning of this research work.
Objects with complex shape and functions have always attracted attention and interest. The morphological diversity and complexity of naturally occurring forms and patterns have been a motivation for humans to copy and adopt ideas from Nature to achieve functional, aesthetic and social value. Biomimetics is addressed to the design and development of new synthetic materials using strategies adopted by living organisms to produce biological materials. In particular, biomineralized tissues are often sophisticate composite materials, in which the components and the interfaces between them have been defined and optimized, and that present unusual and optimal chemical-physical, morphological and mechanical properties. Moreover, biominerals are generally produced by easily traceable raw materials, in aqueous media and at room pressure and temperature, that is through cheap process and materials. Thus, it is not surprising that the idea to mimic those strategies proper of Nature has been employed in several areas of applied sciences, such as for the preparation of liquid crystals, ceramic thin films computer switches and many other advanced materials. On this basis, this PhD thesis is focused on the investigation of the interaction of biologically active ions and molecules with calcium phosphates with the aim to develop new materials for the substitution and repair of skeletal tissue, according to the following lines: I. Modified calcium phosphates. A relevant part of this PhD thesis has been addressed to study the interaction of Strontium with calcium phosphates. It was demonstrated that strontium ion can substitute for calcium into hydroxyapatite, causing appreciable structural and morphological modifications. The detailed structural analysis carried out on the nanocrystals at different strontium content provided new insight into its interaction with the structure of hydroxyapatite. At variance with the behaviour of Sr towards HA, it was found that this ion inhibits the synthesis of octacalcium phosphate. However, it can substitute for calcium in this structure up to 15 atom %, in agreement with the increase of the cell parameters observed on increasing ion concentration. A similar behaviour was found for Magnesium ion, whereas Manganese inhibits the synthesis of octacalcium phosphate and it promotes the precipitation of dicalcium phosphate dehydrate. It was also found that Strontium affects the kinetics of the reaction of hydrolysis of α-TCP. It inhibits the conversion from α-TCP to hydroxyapatite. However, the resulting apatitic phase contains significant amounts of Sr2+ suggesting that the addition of Sr2+ to the composition of α-TCP bone cements could be successfully exploited for its local delivery in bone defects. The hydrolysis of α-TCP has been investigated also in the presence of increasing amounts of gelatin: the results indicated that this biopolymer accelerates the hydrolysis reaction and promotes the conversion of α-TCP into OCP, suggesting that its addition in the composition of calcium phosphate cements can be employed to modulate the OCP/HA ratio, and as a consequence the solubility, of the set cement. II. Deposition of modified calcium phosphates on metallic substrates. Coating with a thin film of calcium phosphates is frequently applied on the surface of metallic implants in order to combine the high mechanical strength of the metal with the excellent bioactivity of the calcium phosphates surface layers. During this PhD thesis, thank to the collaboration with prof. I.N. Mihailescu, head of the Laser-Surface-Plasma Interactions Laboratory (National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics – Laser Department, Bucharest) Pulsed Laser Deposition has been successfully applied to deposit thin films of Sr substituted HA on Titanium substrates. The synthesized coatings displayed a uniform Sr distribution, a granular surface and a good degree of crystallinity which slightly decreased on increasing Sr content. The results of in vitro tests carried out on osteoblast-like and osteoclast cells suggested that the presence of Sr in HA thin films can enhance the positive effect of HA coatings on osteointegration and bone regeneration, and prevent undesirable bone resorption. The possibility to introduce an active molecule in the implant site was explored using Matrix Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation to deposit hydroxyapatite nanocrystals at different content of alendronate, a bisphosphonate widely employed in the treatments of pathological diseases associated to bone loss. The coatings displayed a good degree of crystallinity, and the results of in vitro tests indicated that alendronate promotes proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts even when incorporated into hydroxyapatite. III. Synthesis of drug carriers with a delayed release modulated by a calcium phosphate coating. A core-shell system for modulated drug delivery and release has been developed through optimization of the experimental conditions to cover gelatin microspheres with a uniform layer of calcium phosphate. The kinetics of the release from uncoated and coated microspheres was investigated using aspirin as a model drug. It was shown that the presence of the calcium phosphate shell delays the release of aspirin and allows to modulate its action.
Chemistry can contribute, in many different ways to solve the challenges we are facing to modify our inefficient and fossil-fuel based energy system. The present work was motivated by the search for efficient photoactive materials to be employed in the context of the energy problem: materials to be utilized in energy efficient devices and in the production of renewable electricity and fuels. We presented a new class of copper complexes, that could find application in lighting techhnologies, by serving as luminescent materials in LEC, OLED, WOLED devices. These technologies may provide substantial energy savings in the lighting sector. Moreover, recently, copper complexes have been used as light harvesting compounds in dye sensitized photoelectrochemical solar cells, which offer a viable alternative to silicon-based photovoltaic technologies. We presented also a few supramolecular systems containing fullerene, e.g. dendrimers, dyads and triads.The most complex among these arrays, which contain porphyrin moieties, are presented in the final chapter. They undergo photoinduced energy- and electron transfer processes also with long-lived charge separated states, i.e. the fundamental processes to power artificial photosynthetic systems.
The main scope of this Ph.D. thesis has concerned the possible transformations of bridging ligands in diiron complexes, in order to explore unconventional routes to the synthesis of new functionalized multisite bound organic frames. The results achieved during the Ph.D. can be summarized in the following points: 1) We have extended the assembling between small unsaturated molecules and bridging carbyne ligands in diiron complexes to other species. In particular, we have investigated the coupling between olefins and thiocarbyne, leading to the synthesis of thioallylidene bridging diiron complexes. Then, we have extended the study to the coupling between olefins and aminocarbyne. This result shows that the coupling between activated olefins and heteroatom substituted bridging carbynes has a general character. 2) As we have shown, the coupling of bridging alkylidyne ligands with alkynes and alkenes provides excellent routes to the synthesis of bridging C3 hydrocarbyl ligands. As a possible extension of these results we have examined the synthesis of C4 bridging frames through the combination of bridging alkylidynes with allenes. Also in this case the reaction has a general character. 3) Diiron complexes bearing bridging functionalized C3 organic frames display the presence of donor atoms, such as N and S, potentially able to coordinate unsaturated metal fragments. Thus, we have studied the possibility for these systems to act as ‘organometallic ligands’, in particular towards Pd and Rh. 4) The possibility of releasing the organic frame from the bridging coordination appears particularly appealing in the direction of a metal-assisted organic synthesis. Within this field, we have investigated the possibility of involving the C3 bridging ligand in cycloaddition reactions with alkynes, with the aim of generating variously functionalized five-membered cycles. The [3+2] cyclization does not lead to the complete release of the organic fragment but rather it produces its transformation into a cyclopentadienyl ring, which remains coordinated to one Fe atom. This result introduces a new approach to the formation of polyfunctionalised ferrocenes. 5) Furthermore, I have spent a research period of about six months at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the Barcelona University, under the supervision of Prof. Concepción López, with the aim of studying the chemistry of polydentate ferrocenyl ligands and their use in organometallic synthesis.
The thesis reports the synthesis, and the chemical, structural and spectroscopic characterization of a series of new Rhodium and Au-Fe carbonyl clusters. Most new high-nuclearity rhodium carbonyl clusters have been obtained by redox condensation of preformed rhodium clusters reacting with a species in a different oxidation state generated in situ by mild oxidation. In particular the starting Rh carbonyl clusters is represented by the readily available [Rh7(CO)16]3- 9 compound. The oxidized species is generated in situ by reaction of the above with a stoichiometric defect of a mild oxidizing agents such as [M(H2O)x]n+ aquo complexes possessing different pKa’s and Mn+/M potentials. The experimental results are roughly in keeping with the conclusion that aquo complexes featuring E°(Mn+/M) < ca. -0.20 V do not lead to the formation of hetero-metallic Rh clusters, probably because of the inadequacy of their redox potentials relative to that of the [Rh7(CO)16]3-/2- redox couple. Only homometallic cluster s such as have been fairly selectively obtained. As a fallout of the above investigations, also a convenient and reproducible synthesis of the ill-characterized species [HnRh22(CO)35]8-n has been discovered. The ready availability of the above compound triggered both its complete spectroscopic and chemical characterization. because it is the only example of Rhodium carbonyl clusters with two interstitial metal atoms. The presence of several hydride atoms, firstly suggested by chemical evidences, has been implemented by ESI-MS and 1H-NMR, as well as new structural characterization of its tetra- and penta-anion. All these species display redox behaviour and behave as molecular capacitors. Their chemical reactivity with CO gives rise to a new series of Rh22 clusters containing a different number of carbonyl groups, which have been likewise fully characterized. Formation of hetero-metallic Rh clusters was only observed when using SnCl2H2O as oxidizing agent because. Quite all the Rh-Sn carbonyl clusters obtained have icosahedral geometry. The only previously reported example of an icosahedral Rh cluster with an interstitial atom is the [Rh12Sb(CO)27]3- trianion. They have very similar metal framework, as well as the same number of CO ligands and, consequently, cluster valence electrons (CVEs). .A first interesting aspect of the chemistry of the Rh-Sn system is that it also provides icosahedral clusters making exception to the cluster-borane analogy by showing electron counts from 166 to 171. As a result, the most electron-short species, namely [Rh12Sn(CO)25]4- displays redox propensity, even if disfavoured by the relatively high free negative charge of the starting anion and, moreover, behaves as a chloride scavenger. The presence of these bulky interstitial atoms results in the metal framework adopting structures different from a close-packed metal lattice and, above all, imparts a notable stability to the resulting cluster. An organometallic approach to a new kind of molecular ligand-stabilized gold nanoparticles, in which Fe(CO)x (x = 3,4) moieties protect and stabilize the gold kernel has also been undertaken. As a result, the new clusters [Au21{Fe(CO)4}10]5-, [Au22{Fe(CO)4}12]6-, Au28{Fe(CO)3}4{Fe(CO)4}10]8- and [Au34{Fe(CO)3}6{Fe(CO)4}8]6- have been isolated and characterized. As suggested by concepts of isolobal analogies, the Fe(CO)4 molecular fragment may display the same ligand capability of thiolates and go beyond. Indeed, the above clusters bring structural resemblance to the structurally characterized gold thiolates by showing Fe-Au-Fe, rather than S-Au-S, staple motives. Staple motives, the oxidation state of surface gold atoms and the energy of Au atomic orbitals are likely to concur in delaying the insulator-to-metal transition as the nuclearity of gold thiolates increases, relative to the more compact transition-metal carbonyl clusters. Finally, a few previously reported Au-Fe carbonyl clusters have been used as precursors in the preparation of supported gold catalysts. The catalysts obtained are active for toluene oxidation and the catalytic activity depends on the Fe/Au cluster loading over TiO2.
The aim of this Ph.D. project has been the design and characterization of new and more efficient luminescent tools, in particular sensors and labels, for analytical chemistry, medical diagnostics and imaging. Actually both the increasing temporal and spatial resolutions that are demanded by those branches, coupled to a sensitivity that is required to reach the single molecule resolution, can be provided by the wide range of techniques based on luminescence spectroscopy. As far as the development of new chemical sensors is concerned, as chemists we were interested in the preparation of new, efficient, sensing materials. In this context, we kept developing new molecular chemosensors, by exploiting the supramolecular approach, for different classes of analytes. In particular we studied a family of luminescent tetrapodal-hosts based on aminopyridinium units with pyrenyl groups for the detection of anions. These systems exhibited noticeable changes in the photophysical properties, depending on the nature of the anion; in particular, addition of chloride resulted in a conformational change, giving an initial increase in excimeric emission. A good selectivity for dicarboxylic acid was also found. In the search for higher sensitivities, we moved our attention also to systems able to perform amplification effects. In this context we described the metal ion binding properties of three photoactive poly-(arylene ethynylene) co-polymers with different complexing units and we highlighted, for one of them, a ten-fold amplification of the response in case of addition of Zn2+, Cu2+ and Hg2+ ions. In addition, we were able to demonstrate the formation of complexes with Yb3+ an Er3+ and an efficient sensitization of their typical metal centered NIR emission upon excitation of the polymer structure, this feature being of particular interest for their possible applications in optical imaging and in optical amplification for telecommunication purposes. An amplification effect was also observed during this research in silica nanoparticles derivatized with a suitable zinc probe. In this case we were able to prove, for the first time, that nanoparticles can work as “off-on” chemosensors with signal amplification. Fluorescent silica nanoparticles can be thus seen as innovative multicomponent systems in which the organization of photophysically active units gives rise to fruitful collective effects. These precious effects can be exploited for biological imaging, medical diagnostic and therapeutics, as evidenced also by some results reported in this thesis. In particular, the observed amplification effect has been obtained thanks to a suitable organization of molecular probe units onto the surface of the nanoparticles. In the effort of reaching a deeper inside in the mechanisms which lead to the final amplification effects, we also attempted to find a correlation between the synthetic route and the final organization of the active molecules in the silica network, and thus with those mutual interactions between one another which result in the emerging, collective behavior, responsible for the desired signal amplification. In this context, we firstly investigated the process of formation of silica nanoparticles doped with pyrene derivative and we showed that the dyes are not uniformly dispersed inside the silica matrix; thus, core-shell structures can be formed spontaneously in a one step synthesis. Moreover, as far as the design of new labels is concerned, we reported a new synthetic approach to obtain a class of robust, biocompatible silica core-shell nanoparticles able to show a long-term stability. Taking advantage of this new approach we also showed the synthesis and photophysical properties of core-shell NIR absorbing and emitting materials that proved to be very valuable for in-vivo imaging. In general, the dye doped silica nanoparticles prepared in the framework of this project can conjugate unique properties, such as a very high brightness, due to the possibility to include many fluorophores per nanoparticle, high stability, because of the shielding effect of the silica matrix, and, to date, no toxicity, with a simple and low-cost preparation. All these features make these nanostructures suitable to reach the low detection limits that are nowadays required for effective clinical and environmental applications, fulfilling in this way the initial expectations of this research project.