944 resultados para Simultaneous excretion


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A rapid capillary electrophoresis method was developed simultaneously to determine artificial sweeteners, preservatives and colours used as additives in carbonated soft drinks. Resolution between all additives occurring together in soft drinks was successfully achieved within a 15-min run-time by employing the micellar electrokinetic chromatography mode with a 20 mM carbonate buffer at pH 9.5 as the aqueous phase and 62 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate as the micellar phase. By using a diode-array detector to monitor the UV-visible range (190-600 nm), the identity of sample components, suggested by migration time, could be confirmed by spectral matching relative to standards.


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Effects of increased ammonia and/or arginine absorption across the portal-drained viscera (PDV) on net splanchnic (PDV and liver) metabolism of nitrogenous compounds and urinary N excretion were investigated in six cathetenzed Hereford x Angus steers (501 +/- 1 kg BW) fed a 75% alfalfa:25% (as-fed basis) corn-soybean meal diet (0.523 MJ of ME/[kg BW0.15.d]) every 2 h without (27.0 g of N/kg of dietary DM) and with 20 g of urea/kg of dietary DM (35.7 g of N/kg of dietary DM) in a split-plot design. Net splanchnic flux measurements were obtained immediately before beginning and ending a 72-h mesenteric vein infusion of L-arginine (15 mmol/h). For 3 d before and during arginine infusion, daily urine voided was measured and analyzed for N composition. Feeding urea increased PDV absorption (P < 0.01) and hepatic removal (P < 0.01) of ammonia N, accounting for 80% of increased hepatic urea N output (P < 0.01). Numerical increases in net hepatic removal of AA N could account for the remaining portion of increased hepatic urea N output. Arginine infusion increased hepatic arginine removal (P < 0.01) and hepatic urea N output (P < 0.03) and switched hepatic ornithine flux from net uptake to net output (P < 0.01), but numerical changes in net hepatic removal of ammonia and AA N could not account fully for the increase in hepatic urea N output. Increases in urine N excretion equaled quantities of N fed as urea or infused as arginine. Estimated salivary urea N excretion was not changed by either treatment. Urea cycle regulation occurs via a complex interaction of mechanisms and requires N sources other than ammonia, but the effect of increased ammonia absorption on hepatic catabolism of individual AA in the present study was not significant.


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Acridine-4-carboxamides form a class of known DNA mono-intercalating agents that exhibit cytotoxic activity against tumour cell lines due to their ability to inhibit topoisomerases. Previous studies of bis-acridine derivatives have yielded equivocal results regarding the minimum length of linker necessary between the two acridine chromophores to allow bis-intercalation of duplex DNA. We report here the 1.7 angstrom resolution X-ray crystal structure of a six-carbon-linked bis(acridine-4-carboxamide) ligand bound to d(CGTACG)(2) molecules by non-covalent duplex cross-linking. The asymmetric unit consists of one DNA duplex containing an intercalated acridine-4-carboxamide chromophore at each of the two CG steps. The other half of each ligand is bound to another DNA molecule in a symmetry-related manner, with the alkyl linker threading through the minor grooves. The two crystallographically independent ligand molecules adopt distinct side chain interactions, forming hydrogen bonds to either O6 or N7 on the major groove face of guanine, in contrast to the semi-disordered state of mono-intercalators bound to the same DNA molecule. The complex described here provides the first structural evidence for the non-covalent cross-linking of DNA by a small molecule ligand and suggests a possible explanation for the inconsistent behaviour of six-carbon linked bis-acridines in previous assays of DNA bis-intercalation.


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The structure and thermal properties of polymers containing dibenzo-18-crown-6 ether units in the main chain linked to an aliphatic spacer of different lengths (C10-C14) is reported. X-ray diffraction patterns of all the studied samples exhibit a peak in the medium angle region, revealing the existence of a lamellar structure. Simultaneous calorimetry and small, medium (SAXS-MAXS) and wide (WAXS) X-ray measurements during cooling and subsequent heating of the samples reveal that a layer phase is formed upon cooling. In the case of the homopolymers, this phase is almost simultaneously accompanied by the appearance of some reflections in the wide angle region as an indication of lateral crystallization. However, by copolymerization, the formation of the layer phase is decoupled from lateral crystallization, being stable in a wide temperature region.


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Cigarette smoking is associated with increased oxidative stress and increased risk of degenerative disease. As the major lipophilic antioxidant, requirements for vitamin E may be higher in smokers due to increased utilisation. In this observational study we have compared vitamin E status in smokers and non-smokers using a holistic approach by measuring plasma, erythrocyte, lymphocyte and platelet alpha- and gamma-tocopherol, as well as the specific urinary vitamin E metabolites alpha- and gamma-carboxyethylhydroxychroman (CEHC). Fifteen smokers (average age 27 years, smoking time 7.5 years) and non-smokers of comparable age, gender and body mass index (BMI) were recruited. Subjects completed a 7-day food diary and on the final day they provided a 24 h urine collection and a 20 ml blood sample for measurement of urinary vitamin E metabolites and total vitamin E in blood components, respectively. No significant differences were found between plasma and erythrocyte alpha- and gamma-tocopherol in smokers and non-smokers. However, smokers had significantly lower ce-tocopherol (mean +/-SD, 1.34+/-0.31 mumol/g protein compared with 1.94+/-0.54, P = 0.001) and gamma-tocopherol (0.19 +/- 0.04 mumol/g protein compared with 0.26 +/- 0.08, P = 0.026) levels in their lymphocytes, as well as significantly lower (alpha-tocopherol levels in platelets (1.09 +/- 0.49 mumol/g protein compared with 1.60 +/- 0.55, P = 0.014; gamma-tocopherol levels were similar). Interestingly smokers also had significantly higher excretion of the urinary gamma-tocopherol metabolite, gamma-CEHC (0.49 +/- 0.25 mg/g creatinine compared with 0.32 +/- 0.16, P = 0.036) compared to non-smokers, while their (alpha-CEHC (metabolite of a-tocopherol) levels were similar. There was no significant difference between plasma ascorbate, urate and F-2-isoprostane levels. Therefore in this population of cigarette smokers (mean age 27 years, mean smoking duration 7.5 years), alterations to vitamin E status can be observed even without the more characteristic changes to ascorbate and F-2-isoprostanes. We suggest that the measurement of lymphocyte and platelet vitamin E may represent a valuable biomarker of vitamin E status in relation to oxidative stress conditions.


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Recent reports have demonstrated various cardiovascular and neurological benefits associated with the consumption of foods rich in anthocyanidins. However, information regarding absorption, metabolism, and especially, tissue distribution are only beginning to accumulate. In the present study, we investigated the occurrence and the kinetics of various circulating pelargonidin metabolites, and we aimed at providing initial information with regard to tissue distribution. Based on HPLC and LC-MS analyses we demonstrate that pelargonidin is absorbed and present in plasma following oral gavage to rats. In addition, the main structurally related pelargonidin metabolite identified in plasma and urine was pelargonidin glucuronide. Furthermore, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, a ring fission product of pelargonidin, was detected in plasma and urine samples obtained at 2 and 18 h after ingestion. At 2 h post-gavage, pelargonidin glucuronide was the major metabolite detected in kidney and liver, with levels reaching 0.5 and 0.15 nmol pelargonidin equivalents/g tissue, respectively. Brain and lung tissues contained detectable levels of the aglycone, with the glucuronide also present in the lungs. Other tissues, including spleen and heart, did not contain detectable levels of pelargonidin or ensuing metabolites. At 18 h post-gavage, tissue analyses did not reveal detectable levels of the aglycone nor of pelargonidin glucuronides. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the overall uptake of the administered pelargonidin was 18 % after 2 h, with the majority of the detected levels located in the stomach. However, the amounts recovered dropped to 1.2 % only 18 h post-gavage, with the urine and faecal content constituting almost 90 % of the total recovered pelargonidin.


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The utility of repeated salivary cortisol sampling as a substitute for 24-hour urinary-free cortisol (UFC) assessment was examined. Forty-four participants completed both 24-hour collections and 6 salivary collections at wake-up, 08:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00 and bedtime, during the same 24-hour period. The results demonstrated that mean, maximum, and amplitude (maximum minus minimum) for salivary cortisol all correlated positively with urinary cortisol, but the associations of these variables with urinary-free cortisol excretion were relatively small. Furthermore, a single salivary sample taken at wake-up was as good an indicator of overall cortisol production as the measures derived from multiple salivary samples. An examination of subject compliance indicated that many subjects failed to collect the timed salivary collections as instructed. The authors conclude that diurnal salivary cortisol sampling versus 24-hour urinary cortisol collections are likely to provide different information about ambient hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal productivity, and therefore these measures should not be used interchangeably. In addition, subject compliance is a serious consideration in designing studies that employ home salivary collections. Published by Elsevier Science Inc.


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While the Cluster spacecraft were located near the high-latitude magnetopause, between 1010 and 1040 UT on 16 January 2004, three typical flux transfer event (FTE) signatures were observed. During this interval, simultaneous and conjugated all‐sky camera measurements, recorded at Yellow River Station, Svalbard, are available at 630.0 and 557.7 nm that show poleward‐moving auroral forms (PMAFs), consistent with magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause. Simultaneous FTEs seen at the magnetopause mainly move northward, but having duskward (eastward) and tailward velocity components, roughly consistent with the observed direction of motion of the PMAFs in all‐sky images. Between the PMAFs meridional keograms, extracted from the all‐sky images, show intervals of lower intensity aurora which migrate equatorward just before the PMAFs intensify. This is strong evidence for an equatorward eroding and poleward moving open‐closed boundary associated with a variable magnetopause reconnection rate under variable IMF conditions. From the durations of the PMAFs, we infer that the evolution time of FTEs is 5–11 minutes from its origin on the magnetopause to its addition to the polar cap.


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The principal driver of nitrogen (N) losses from the body including excretion and secretion in milk is N intake. However, other covariates may also play a role in modifying the partitioning of N. This study tests the hypothesis that N partitioning in dairy cows is affected by energy and protein interactions. A database containing 470 dairy cow observations was collated from calorimetry experiments. The data include N and energy parameters of the diet and N utilization by the animal. Univariate and multivariate meta-analyses that considered both within and between study effects were conducted to generate prediction equations based on N intake alone or with an energy component. The univariate models showed that there was a strong positive linear relationships between N intake and N excretion in faeces, urine and milk. The slopes were 0.28 faeces N, 0.38 urine N and 0.20 milk N. Multivariate model analysis did not improve the fit. Metabolizable energy intake had a significant positive effect on the amount of milk N in proportion to faeces and urine N, which is also supported by other studies. Another measure of energy considered as a covariate to N intake was diet quality or metabolizability (the concentration of metabolizable energy relative to gross energy of the diet). Diet quality also had a positive linear relationship with the proportion of milk N relative to N excreted in faeces and urine. Metabolizability had the largest effect on faeces N due to lower protein digestibility of low quality diets. Urine N was also affected by diet quality and the magnitude of the effect was higher than for milk N. This research shows that including a measure of diet quality as a covariate with N intake in a model of N execration can enhance our understanding of the effects of diet composition on N losses from dairy cows. The new prediction equations developed in this study could be used to monitor N losses from dairy systems.


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A series of bimetallic ruthenium complexes [{Ru(dppe)Cp*}2(μ-C≡CArC≡C)] featuring diethynylaromatic bridging ligands (Ar = 1,4-phenylene, 1,4-naphthylene, 9,10-anthrylene) have been prepared and some representative molecular structures determined. A combination of UV–vis–NIR and IR spectroelectrochemical methods and density functional theory (DFT) have been used to demonstrate that one-electron oxidation of compounds [{Ru(dppe)Cp*}2(μ-C≡CArC≡C)](HC≡CArC≡CH = 1,4-diethynylbenzene; 1,4-diethynyl-2,5-dimethoxybenzene; 1,4-diethynylnaphthalene; 9,10-diethynylanthracene) yields solutions containing radical cations that exhibit characteristics of both oxidation of the diethynylaromatic portion of the bridge, and a mixed-valence state. The simultaneous population of bridge-oxidized and mixed-valence states is likely related to a number of factors, including orientation of the plane of the aromatic portion of the bridging ligand with respect to the metal d-orbitals of appropriate π-symmetry.


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An obese-type human microbiota with an increased Firmicutes:Bacteroidetes ratio has been described that may link the gut microbiome with obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS) development. Dietary fat and carbohydrate are modifiable risk factors that may impact on MetS by altering the human microbiome composition. We determined the effect of the amount and type of dietary fat and carbohydrate on faecal bacteria and short chain fatty acid (SCFA) concentrations in people ‘at risk’ of MetS.


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Although interindividual variation in isoflavone metabolism was high, intraindividual variation was low. Only concentrations of O-DMA in plasma and urine appeared to be influenced by sex. Chronic soy consumption does not appear to induce many significant changes to the gut metabolism of isoflavones other than higher beta-glucosidase activity.


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We studied the effect of tactile double simultaneous stimulation (DSS) within and between hands to examine spatial coding of touch at the fingers. Participants performed a go/no-go task to detect a tactile stimulus delivered to one target finger (e.g., right index), stimulated alone or with a concurrent non-target finger, either on the same hand (e.g., right middle finger) or on the other hand (e.g., left index finger=homologous; left middle finger=non-homologous). Across blocks we also changed the unseen hands posture (both hands palm down, or one hand rotated palm-up). When both hands were palm-down DSS interference effects emerged both within and between hands, but only when the non-homologous finger served as non-target. This suggests a clear segregation between the fingers of each hand, regardless of finger side. By contrast, when one hand was palm-up interference effects emerged only within hand, whereas between hands DSS interference was considerably reduced or absent. Thus, between hands interference was clearly affected by changes in hands posture. Taken together, these findings provide behavioral evidence in humans for multiple spatial coding of touch during tactile DSS at the fingers. In particular, they confirm the existence of representational stages of touch that distinguish between body-regions more than body-sides. Moreover, they show that the availability of tactile stimulation side becomes prominent when postural update is required.