986 resultados para Sharpe, Bartholomew, fl. 1679-1682.
Efforts to rehydrate and restore surface water flow in karst wetlands can have unintended consequences, as these highly conductive and heterogeneous aquifers create a close connection between groundwater and surface water. Recently, hydrologic restoration efforts in the karstic Taylor Slough portion of the Everglades has changed from point source delivery of canal water (direct restoration), to the use of a series of surface water recharge retention basins (diffuse restoration). To determine the influence of restoration on groundwater-surface water interactions in the Taylor Slough headwaters, a water budget was constructed for 1997–2011 using 70 hydro-meteorological stations. With diffuse restoration, groundwater seepage from the Everglades toward the urban boundary increased, while the downstream delivery of surface water to the main portion of the slough declined. The combined influence of diffuse restoration and climate led to increased intra-annual variability in the volume of groundwater and surface water in storage but supported a more seasonally hydrated wetland compared to the earlier direct tactics. The data further indicated that hydrologic engineering in karst wetland landscapes enhances groundwater-surface water interactions, even those designed for restoration purposes.
A series of 7 maps illustrating the impact of sea level rise on Nautilus Island in Miami Beach.
Established as a National Park in 1980, Biscayne National Park (BISC) comprises an area of nearly 700 km2 , of which most is under water. The terrestrial portions of BISC include a coastal strip on the south Florida mainland and a set of Key Largo limestone barrier islands which parallel the mainland several kilometers offshore and define the eastern rim of Biscayne Bay. The upland vegetation component of BISC is embedded within an extensive coastal wetland network, including an archipelago of 42 mangrove-dominated islands with extensive areas of tropical hardwood forests or hammocks. Several databases and vegetation maps describe these terrestrial communities. However, these sources are, for the most part, outdated, incomplete, incompatible, or/and inaccurate. For example, the current, Welch et al. (1999), vegetation map of BISC is nearly 10 years old and represents the conditions of Biscayne National Park shortly after Hurricane Andrew (August 24, 1992). As a result, a new terrestrial vegetation map was commissioned by The National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Program South Florida / Caribbean Network.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
El presente trabajo de investigación está dedicado a estudiar al pintor Francisco Zorrilla y Luna (1679-1747), natural de la villa riojana de Haro pero que desarrolló prácticamente toda su carrera artística en Madrid, lo que justifica que su estilo entronque con la escuela madrileña de finales del siglo XVII, con la que se formó, recogiendo las influencias de los pintores cortesanos, nacionales y extranjeros, con los que coincidió en las primeras décadas del siglo XVIII. El primer capítulo lo hemos dedicado a trazar su biografía: los primeros años en su villa natal, la llegada a Madrid en fechas tan tempranas como 1698 y, tras los difíciles años de la Guerra de sucesión, su asentamiento en la Corte donde a lo largo de más de dos décadas lo encontramos plenamente integrado en la sociedad madrileña, haciéndose un hueco en su panorama artístico y en la que realizó la mayor parte de sus obras, hasta su regreso a Haro en 1742. Nos ha preocupado especialmente hacerle partícipe de la sociedad de su época, interesándonos sobremanera conocer cuáles fueron las relaciones que mantuvo, al estar convencidos de que en muchos casos las personas de su entorno posibilitaron que fuese a él a quien se le encomendase un determinado trabajo. En cuanto a su actividad, nos ha resultado de sumo interés encontrarlo al frente de una Academia, establecida en su domicilio, así como la defensa que Francisco Zorrilla, entre otros, hicieron de la Pintura como Arte liberal, pues vemos en ello el germen que, años más tarde, fructificó en la creación de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Tras un apartado dedicado a su labor como tasador, dedicamos los últimos capítulos a estudiar el catálogo de su obra pictórica, realizado de forma cronológica, donde damos a conocer las pinturas, dibujos para estampas, decorados teatrales y tareas de restauración por él realizados, destinados a una clientela diversa, pues trabajó para particulares, cofradías, ayuntamientos y, especialmente, para diversas órdenes religiosas, destacando las series dedicadas a santos de la orden trinitaria, tanto descalzos como calzados, que adornaban los claustros de los conventos de Madrid y Alcalá de Henares, así como las obras realizadas para el monasterio benedictino de San Martín de Madrid o de personas a él vinculadas, como los obispos de Mondoñedo, Osma y Almería...
El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es presentar el marco completo que abarca la real boda de María Luisa de Orleáns y Carlos II, desde que tuvo lugar la ceremonia por poderes el 31 de agosto de 1679 en Fontainebleau hasta la real entrada en Madrid el 11 de enero de 1681, basado en el estudio y edición de las fuentes que relatan el acontecimiento y los elementos teatrales y parateatrales que subyacen de dicho estudio, con la idea de demostrar la funcionalidad de la fiesta y la literatura en la celebración nupcial. La presente tesis se inscribe en la línea de investigación del trabajo que presentamos para la obtención del DEA, titulado Boda de Felipe IV y Mariana de Austria (1649) Relaciones de sucesos y poesía celebrativa, cuya elaboración abrió el campo de investigación de la tesis que ahora presentamos en tres direcciones: la primera de ellas, el estudio de las relaciones de sucesos cortesanas, fuente histórica principal. La segunda, la literatura española de las postrimerías del Barroco y la tercera, la figura de la reina María Luisa de Orleáns. Durante la primera parte de nuestra investigación nos hemos encontrado con muchas fuentes de información y a priori con un tema trabajado desde diferentes ángulos. De manera que la originalidad de nuestra tesis radica, por un lado, en la focalización del tema, enmarcándolo en el acontecimiento de la real boda, tomando para ello fuentes de información tanto histórica, como literaria; y por otro lado, la perspectiva ofrecida desde el punto de vista y el sentir de la reina María Luisa, que es lo que da sentido a la literatura que enmarca la boda de los reyes. El planteamiento y el contenido de esta tesis se justifican por la necesidad de ilustrar el evento regio bajo una luz que aúne la ingente información que nos ofrecen las fuentes históricas y literarias, y presentar de manera sinérgica los aspectos históricos, literarios y filológicos, demostrando con ello la indisolubilidad de estos campos de investigación para una mayor aproximación a la verdad histórica...
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of wetland restoration on the water balance, flushing time, and water chemistry of southern Taylor Slough, a major water way in Everglades National Park. Water balance and flushing time equations were calculated on a monthly time step from 2001 – 2011. Water chemistry of major ions and nutrients were analyzed and correlated with water flushing times. Results showed that evapotranspiration followed by water volume had the greatest influence on flushing time. The flushing times varied between 3 and 78 days, with longer times observed between October and December, and the shorter times between March and May. Ion concentrations at the coastal areas decreased with increased flushing times. Increased surface water inflow that resulted from restoration projects and water management changes were productive in the rainy season and should result in increased flushing times and decreased ion concentrations in Taylor Slough.
In two experiments, we study how the temporal orientation of consumers (i.e., future-oriented or present-oriented), temporal construal (distant future, near future), and product attribute importance (primary, secondary) influence advertisement evaluations. Data suggest that future-oriented consumers react most favorably to ads that feature a product to be released in the distant future and that highlight primary product attributes. In contrast, present-oriented consumers prefer near-future ads that highlight secondary product attributes. Study 2 shows that consumer attitudes are mediated by perceptions of attribute diagnosticity (i.e., the perceived usefulness of the attribute information). Together, these experiments shed light on how individual differences, such as temporal orientation, offer valuable insights into temporal construal effects in advertising.
In two experiments, we show how a consumer’s susceptibility to normative influence (SNI) offers useful insights into the effectiveness of two types of testimonials: a typical person endorsement (Study 1) and a celebrity endorsement (Study 2). Specifically, we suggest that two variables moderate testimonial effects—SNI and product attribute information. Results show that in forming their evaluations, high-SNI consumers place a greater emphasis on the testimonial than on the attribute information. In contrast, low-SNI consumers are more influenced by attribute information. A mediation analysis shows that advertising attitudes for high-SNI consumers are mediated by testimonial thoughts, whereas the attitudes for low-SNI consumers are mediated by their attribute thoughts. Theoretical and managerial implications are presented.
This paper examines consumers self-referencing as a mechanism for explaining ethnicity effects in advertising. Data was collected from a 2 (model ethnicity: Asian, white) x 2 (product stereotypicality: stereotypical, non-stereotypical) experiment. Measured independent variables included participant ethnicity and self-referencing. Results shows that (1) Asian exhibit greater self-referencing of Asian models than whites do; (2) self-referencing mediates ethnicity effects on attitude ( ie, attitude towards the model, attitude toward the add, brand attitude, and purchase intentions); (3) high self-referencing Asian have more favourable attitude towards the add and purchase intentions than low self referencing Asians; and (4) Asian models advertising atypical products generate more self-referencing and more favourable attitudes toward the model, A, and purchase intentions for both Asians and whites.
Previous research into the use of explicit and implicit conclusions in advertising has yet to demonstrate consistent effects for both brand attitudes and purchase intentions. While research has examined the role of involvement, this study contributes by examining the trait called need for cognition (NFC), which addresses a person’s propensity to engage in effortful thinking. In addition, this study introduces argument quality (AQ) as another potential moderator of conclusion explicitness effects. In a 2 × 2 experiment of 261 subjects, conclusion explicitness (explicit conclusion, implicit conclusion) and AQ (strong, weak) are manipulated, with NFC (high NFC, low NFC) as a third measured variable. Results indicate more favorable evaluations for implicit conclusions over explicit conclusions for high-NFC individuals. Further, implicit conclusions result in more favorable brand attitudes and purchase intentions when linked with strong AQ for high-NFC individuals. The findings confirm that conclusion explicitness does not differentially affect the evaluations of low-NFC subjects. Results suggest that NFC may represent an important moderating variable for future conclusion explicitness research.
The Perth Declaration on Science and Technology Education of 2007 expresses strong concern about the state of science and technology education worldwide and calls on governments to respond to a number of suggestions for establishing the structural conditions for their improved practice. The quality of school education in science and technology has never before been of such critical importance to governments. There are three imperatives for its critical importance. The first relates to the traditional role of science in schooling, namely the identification, motivation and initial preparation of those students who will go on to further studies for careers in all those professional fi elds that directly involve science and technology. A suffi cient supply of these professionals is vital to the economy of all countries and to the health of their citizens. In the 21st century they are recognised everywhere as key players in ensuring that industrial and economic development occurs in a socially and environmentally sustainable way. In many countries this supply is now falling seriously short and urgently needs to be addressed. The second imperative is that sustainable technological development and many other possible societal applications of science require the support of scientifically and technologically informed citizens. Without the support and understanding of citizens, technological development can all too easily serve short term and sectional interests. The longer term progress of the whole society is overlooked, citizens will be confused about what should, and what should not be supported, and reactive and the environment will continue to be destroyed rather than sustained. Sustainable development, and the potential that science and technology increasingly offers, involves societies in ways that can often interact strongly, with traditional values, and hence, making decisions about them involve major moral decisions. All students need to be prepared through their science and technology education to be able to participate actively as persons and as responsible citizens in these essential and exciting possibilities. This goal is far from being generally achieved at present, but pathways to it are now more clearly understood. The third imperative derives from the changes that are resulting from the application of digital technologies that are the most rapid, the most widespread, and probably the most pervasive influence that science has ever had on human society. We all, wherever we live, are part of a global communication society. Information exchange and access to it that have been hitherto the realm of the few, are now literally in the hands of individuals. This is leading to profound changes in the World of Work and in what is known as the Knowledge Society. Schooling is now being challenged to contribute to the development in students of an active repertoire of generic and subject-based competencies. This contrasts very strongly with existing priorities, in subjects like the sciences that have seen the size of a student’s a store of established knowledge as the key measure of success. Science and technology education needs to be a key component in developing these competencies. When you add to these imperatives, the possibility that a more effective education in science and technology will enable more and more citizens to delight in, and feel a share in the great human enterprise we call Science, the case for new policy decisions is compellingly urgent. What follows are the recommendations (and some supplementary notes) for policy makers to consider about more operational aspects for improving science and technology education. They are listed under headings that point to the issues within each of these aspects. In the full document, a background is provided to each set of issues, including the commonly current state of science and technology education. Associated with each recommendation for consideration are the positive Prospects that could follow from such decision making, and the necessary Prerequisites, if such bold policy decisions are to fl ow, as intended, into practice in science and technology classrooms.
The accuracy of data derived from linked-segment models depends on how well the system has been represented. Previous investigations describing the gait of persons with partial foot amputation did not account for the unique anthropometry of the residuum or the inclusion of a prosthesis and footwear in the model and, as such, are likely to have underestimated the magnitude of the peak joint moments and powers. This investigation determined the effect of inaccuracies in the anthropometric input data on the kinetics of gait. Toward this end, a geometric model was developed and validated to estimate body segment parameters of various intact and partial feet. These data were then incorporated into customized linked-segment models, and the kinetic data were compared with that obtained from conventional models. Results indicate that accurate modeling increased the magnitude of the peak hip and knee joint moments and powers during terminal swing. Conventional inverse dynamic models are sufficiently accurate for research questions relating to stance phase. More accurate models that account for the anthropometry of the residuum, prosthesis, and footwear better reflect the work of the hip extensors and knee flexors to decelerate the limb during terminal swing phase.
Classical negotiation models are weak in supporting real-world business negotiations because these models often assume that the preference information of each negotiator is made public. Although parametric learning methods have been proposed for acquiring the preference information of negotiation opponents, these methods suffer from the strong assumptions about the specific utility function and negotiation mechanism employed by the opponents. Consequently, it is difficult to apply these learning methods to the heterogeneous negotiation agents participating in e‑marketplaces. This paper illustrates the design, development, and evaluation of a nonparametric negotiation knowledge discovery method which is underpinned by the well-known Bayesian learning paradigm. According to our empirical testing, the novel knowledge discovery method can speed up the negotiation processes while maintaining negotiation effectiveness. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first nonparametric negotiation knowledge discovery method developed and evaluated in the context of multi-issue bargaining over e‑marketplaces.