778 resultados para Sexual Guidance in School
Two objects with homologous landmarks are said to be of the same shape if the configuration of landmarks of one object can be exactly matched with that of the other by translation, rotation/reflection, and scaling. In an earlier paper, the authors proposed statistical analysis of shape by considering logarithmic differences of all possible Euclidean distances between landmarks. Tests of significance for differences in the shape of objects and methods of discrimination between populations were developed with such data. In the present paper, the corresponding statistical methodology is developed by triangulation of the landmarks and by considering the angles as natural measurements of shape. This method is applied to the study of sexual dimorphism in hominids.
The egr-type zinc-finger transcription factor encoded by the Drosophila gene stripe (sr) is expressed in a subset of epidermal cells to which muscles attach during late stages of embryogenesis. We report loss-of-function and gain-of-function experiments indicating that sr activity provides ectodermal cells with properties required for the establishment of a normal muscle pattern during embryogenesis and for the differentiation of tendon-like epidermal muscle attachment sites (EMA). Our results show that sr encodes a transcriptional activator which acts as an autoregulated developmental switch gene. sr activity controls the expression of EMA-specific target genes in cells of ectodermal but not of mesodermal origin. sr-expressing ectodermal cells generate long-range signals that interfere with the spatial orientation of the elongating myotubes.
Two very small late Eocene anthropoid primates, Catopithecus browni and Proteopithecus sylviae, from Fayum, Egypt show evidence of substantial sexual dimorphism in canine teeth. The degree of dimorphism suggests that these early anthropoids lived in social groups with a polygynous mating system and intense male–male competition. Catopithecus and Proteopithecus are smaller in estimated body size than any living primates showing canine dimorphism. The origin of canine dimorphism and polygyny in anthropoids was not associated with the evolution of large body size.
Few experiments have demonstrated a genetic correlation between the process of sexual selection and fitness benefits in offspring, either through female choice or male competition. Those that have looked at the relationship between female choice and offspring fitness have focused on juvenile fitness components, rather than fitness at later stages in the life cycle. In addition, many of these studies have not controlled for possible maternal effects. To test for a relationship between sexual selection and adult fitness, we carried out an artificial selection experiment in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. We created two treatments that varied in the level of opportunity for sexual selection. Increased opportunity for female choice and male competition was genetically correlated with an increase in adult survivorship, as well as an increase in male and female body size. Contrary to previous, single-generation studies, we did not find an increase in larval competitive ability. This study demonstrates that mate choice and/or male–male competition are correlated with an increase in at least one adult fitness component of offspring.
Candida albicans is a diploid fungus that has become a medically important opportunistic pathogen in immunocompromised individuals. We have sequenced the C. albicans genome to 10.4-fold coverage and performed a comparative genomic analysis between C. albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae with the objective of assessing whether Candida possesses a genetic repertoire that could support a complete sexual cycle. Analyzing over 500 genes important for sexual differentiation in S. cerevisiae, we find many homologues of genes that are implicated in the initiation of meiosis, chromosome recombination, and the formation of synaptonemal complexes. However, others are striking in their absence. C. albicans seems to have homologues of all of the elements of a functional pheromone response pathway involved in mating in S. cerevisiae but lacks many homologues of S. cerevisiae genes for meiosis. Other meiotic gene homologues in organisms ranging from filamentous fungi to Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans were also found in the C. albicans genome, suggesting potential alternative mechanisms of genetic exchange.
The bed bug, Cimex lectularius, has a unique mode of copulation termed “traumatic” insemination [Carayon, J. (1966) in Monograph of the Cimicidae, ed. Usinger, R. (Entomol. Soc. Am., Philadelphia), pp. 81–167] during which the male pierces the female's abdominal wall with his external genitalia and inseminates into her body cavity [Carayon, J. (1966) in Monograph of the Cimicidae, ed. Usinger, R. (Entomol. Soc. Am., Philadelphia), pp. 81–167]. Under controlled natural conditions, traumatic insemination was frequent and temporally restricted. We show for the first time, to our knowledge, that traumatic insemination results in (i) last-male sperm precedence, (ii) suboptimal remating frequencies for the maintenance of female fertility, and (iii) reduced longevity and reproductive success in females. Experimental females did not receive indirect benefits from multiple mating. We conclude that traumatic insemination is probably a coercive male copulatory strategy that results in a sexual conflict of interests.
Drosophila melanogaster from Zimbabwe and nearby regions shows strong but asymmetric sexual isolation from its cosmopolitan counterparts. By creating stable chromosome-substitution lines, earlier studies were able to show that the two major autosomes have very large effects on both male mating success and female mating preference. In this study, we genetically dissect this sexual isolation by recombination analysis between a whole-chromosome substitution line (which carries a Zimbabwe-derived third chromosome) and a strain with seven visible markers on that chromosome. Four loci are responsible for male mating success and three others are found to control female mating preference. Because male and female traits are not closely linked, their strong association among isofemale lines is most likely a reflection of sexual selection in nature. The results suggest that a large number of behavioral loci may evolve concurrently in the incipient stage of speciation before other aspects of reproductive isolation (such as hybrid sterility) have become evident. The results shed light on the population genetic processes underlying the formation of nascent species, as well as modes of speciation.
The genetic basis of sexual isolation that contributes to speciation is one of the unsolved questions in evolutionary biology. Drosophila ananassae and Drosophila pallidosa are closely related, and postmating isolation has not developed between them. However, females of both species discriminate their mating partners, and this discrimination contributes to strong sexual isolation between them. By using surgical treatments, we demonstrate that male courtship songs play a dominant role in female mate discrimination. The absence of the song of D. pallidosa dramatically increased interspecies mating with D. ananassae females but reduced intraspecies mating with D. pallidosa females. Furthermore, genetic analysis and chromosomal introgression by repeated backcrosses to D. pallidosa males identified possible loci that control female discrimination in each species. These loci were mapped on distinct positions near the Delta locus on the middle of the left arm of the second chromosome. Because the mate discrimination we studied is well developed and is the only known mechanism that prevents gene flow between them, these loci may have played crucial roles in the evolution of reproductive isolation, and therefore, in the speciation process between these two species.
We have isolated a new Drosophila mutant, satori (sat), the males of which do not court or copulate with female flies. The sat mutation comaps with fruitless (fru) at 91B and does not rescue the bisexual phenotype of fru, indicating that sat is allelic to fru (fru(sat)). The fru(sat) adult males lack a male-specific muscle, the muscle of Lawrence, as do adult males with other fru alleles. Molecular cloning and analyses of the genomic and complementary DNAs indicated that transcription of the fru locus yields several different transcripts. The sequence of fru cDNA clones revealed a long open reading frame that potentially encodes a putative transcription regulator with a BTB domain and two zinc finger motifs. In the 5' noncoding region, three putative transformer binding sites were identified in the female transcript but not in male transcripts. The fru gene is expressed in a population of brain cells, including those in the antennal lobe, that have been suggested to be involved in determination of male sexual orientation. We suggest that fru functions downstream of tra in the sex-determination cascade in some neural cells and that inappropriate sexual development of these cells in the fru mutants results in altered sexual orientation of the fly.
Drosophila melanogaster is sexually dimorphic for cuticular hydrocarbons, with males and females having strikingly different profiles of the long-chain compounds that act as contact pheromones. Gas-chromatographic analysis of sexual mosaics reveals that the sex specificity of hydrocarbons is located in the abdomen. This explains previous observations that D. melanogaster males display the strongest courtship toward mosaics with female abdomens. We also show that males of the sibling species Drosophila simulans preferentially court D. melanogaster mosaics with male abdomens. Because the primary male hydrocarbon in D. melanogaster is also the primary female hydrocarbon in D. simulans, this supports the idea that interspecific differences in cuticular hydrocarbons contribute to sexual isolation.
It is generally believed that Drosophila melanogaster has no closely related species with which it can produce the viable and fertile hybrids that are essential for the genetic analysis of speciation. Following the recent report of molecular differentiation between a Zimbabwe, Africa, population and two United States populations, we provide evidence that strong sexual isolation exists between the D. melanogaster population in Zimbabwe and populations of other continents. In the presence of males of their own kind, females from most isofemale lines of Zimbabwe would not mate with males from elsewhere; the reciprocal mating is also significantly reduced, but to a lesser degree. The genes for sexual behaviors are apparently polymorphic in Zimbabwe and postmating reproductive isolation between this and other populations has not yet evolved. Whole chromosome substitutions indicate significant genetic contributions to male mating success by both major autosomes, whereas the X chromosome effect is too weak to measure. In addition, the relative mating success between hybrid and pure line males supports the interpretation of strong female choice. These observations suggest that we are seeing the early stages of speciation in this group and that it is driven by sexual selection. The genetic and molecular tractability of D. melanogaster offers great promise for the detailed analysis of this apparent case of incipient speciation.
La presente tesi analizza il reato di traffico di esseri umani in Europa, con particolare attenzione al fenomeno dello sfruttamento sessuale. La ricerca è stata condotta in parte nell’ambito del progetto “FIDUCIA. New European crimes and trust-based policy” (www.fiduciaproject.eu). La tesi è composta da 5 capitoli. Il primo capitolo introduce il reato di tratta di esseri umani, a livello globale e, successivamente, nello specifico, in Europa. Vengono presentati i fattori determinanti e le origini del fenomeno. Inoltre, ne vengono fornite le definizioni e le principali caratteristiche, in linea con i più importanti documenti internazionali sul tema. Il capitolo si chiude con una panoramica statistica, che affronta anche le criticità della raccolta di dati relativi ai reati. Il secondo capitolo analizza l’approccio correntemente adottato a livello domestico ed europeo contro la tratta. Le misure vengono presentate prima dal punto di vista teorico; successivamente ne vengono forniti esempi concreti, ad esempio convenzioni internazionali, direttive, ma anche progetti di ricerca, collaborazioni internazionali tra autorità ed ONG. Il terzo capitolo si concentra sulla tratta a fini di sfruttamento sessuale. Vengono analizzati il potenziale legame con la prostituzione, e l’approccio europeo. Segue un approfondimento dei modelli legali implementati a livello europeo ed uno studio comparato di cinque paesi membri, rappresentativi dei vari modelli di regolamentazione della prostituzione (Italia, Belgio, Polonia, Germania e Svezia). Il quarto capitolo raccoglie le interviste condotte con diversi esperti che si occupano di contrasto alla tratta: ONG italiane e straniere, referenti nazionali anti-tratta di Italia, Belgio e Germania, FRONTEX, membri del Parlamento Europeo. Nelle conclusioni, vengono proposte prima una valutazione complessiva del quadro attuale, e poi alcune raccomandazioni ai governi nazionali e agli organismi sopranazionali. In particolare, visto l’obiettivo di un contrasto omogeneo e coordinato della tratta (per sfruttamento sessuale specificamente) a livello europeo, si ritiene che un modello regolamentare uniforme della prostituzione negli stati membri possa contribuire a migliorare uniformità ad efficacia dell’approccio europeo alla tratta.
The language barrier prevents Latino students from experiencing academic success, and prevents Latino parents from participating in their children's education. Through a review of journal articles, research projects, doctoral dissertations, legislation, and books, this project studies the benefits and dangers of various methods of translating and interpreting in the education system, including issues created by language barriers in schools, common methods of translating and interpreting, and legislation addressing language barriers and education. The project reveals that schools use various methods to translate and interpret, including relying on children, school staff and machine translation, although such methods are often problematic and inaccurate. The project also reveals that professional translation and interpretation are superior to the various non-professional methods.