952 resultados para Sex chromosome system


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Studies on the cytogenetics of Homoptera are scarce. Some references in the literature have reported a chromosome number for the genus ranging from n=5 to 19 and 2n=10 to 2n=39 chromosomes. The genus Mahanarva includes two species of agricultural importance as pests of sugar cane culture in Brazil. We report here the first data concerning the chromosome number and morphology of the species Mahanarva fimbriolata and M. posticata. The chromosome number observed for the two species was 2n=19 for males and 2n=20 for females. The sex determining mechanism of these species was of the XX/X0 type (for males and females, respectively), with chromosome X being the smallest in the complement.


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The urethra is the main place of entry for sexually transmitted pathogens. However, there is little literature on the morphology of the urogenital system, principally the urethra and ducts of the sex accessory glands. The Mongolian gerbil is an insectivorous, herbivorous and monogamous rodent with nocturnal habits; it has been used successfully as a laboratory animal since the 1960s. Therefore, the objective of the present paper was to describe the structure and ultrastructure of the urethra and its relations to the ducts of the accessory sex glands of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus), contributing to the understanding of the reproductive biology of the rodent and aiming to provide data for future experimental studies. Conventional techniques of light and scanning electron microscopy were utilized. The urethra and ducts of the accessory sex glands are similar to those of the albino rat and the mouse. However, there is variation in drainage type among accessory sex glands for the inner urethra. The ducts of the seminal vesicle, the ductus deferens, drain their contents independently into the ampullary duct that opens in the urethra. The ducts of the prostate, coagulating and bulbourethral glands drain their contents independently into the urethra.


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The reproductive biology of the seabream Diplodus argenteus, a dominant coastal fishery species, was investigated over two consecutive seasons (2001-2002) at Cabo Frio, Brazil, a low-latitude upwelling system. The sex ratio was dominated by females (1.4:1.0) and the length-at-50% sexual maturity (females) was 203mm total length. Females were multiple spawners and the reproductive pattern appeared to be digynous protandrous hermaphroditism. Monthly variations in gonadosomatic index and proportion of ripe females indicated that reproductive activity occurred from late winter to summer (August-February), following coastal upwelling. Copyright © NISC Pty Ltd.


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Autism spectrum disorders are severe psychiatric diseases commonly identified in the population. They are diagnosed during childhood and the etiology has been much debated due to their variations and complexity. Onset is early and characterized as communication and social interaction disorders and as repetitive and stereotyped behavior. Austistic disorders may occur together with various genetic and chromosomal diseases. Several chromosomal regions and genes are implicated in the predisposition for these diseases, in particular those with products expressed in the central nervous system. There are reports of autistic and mentally handicapped patients with submicroscopic subtelomeric alterations at the distal end of the long arm of chromosome 2. Additionally, there is evidence that alterations at 2q37 cause brain malformations that result in the autistic phenotype. These alterations are very small and not identified by routine cytogenetics to which patients are normally submitted, which may result in an underestimation of the diagnosis. This study aimed at evaluating the 2q37 region in patients with autistic disorders. Twenty patients were studied utilizing the fluorescence in situ hybridization technique with a specific probe for 2q37. All of them were also studied by the GTC banding technique to identify possible chromosomal diseases. No alterations were observed in the 2q37 region of the individuals studied, and no patient presented chromosomal diseases. This result may be due to the small sample size analyzed. The introduction of routine analysis of the 2q37 region for patients with autistic disorders depends on further studies. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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The object of this investigation was to identify and analize aspects of the health status related to absenteism in physical education teachers in the municipal education system of the city of Campinas, Brazil, as related to the medical leave program. The non-concurrent prospective study was accomplished by means of a comparison with teachers who work only in the classroom, refering to a three year period. In the variables of greatest interest, the Pearson non-parametric chi-square (X2) statistical test was adopted. Calculations of relative risk and level of confidence were made using the Epi-info computer program. Significant differences were observed in the following diagnostic groups favoring the not exposed group: i) Supplementary Classification of factors that exercise influence over the health status and access to health services and ii) Digestive system illness; while the physical education teachers showed a significant difference in: i) diseases of the musculoskeletal and connective tissue system and ii) Injuries and poisoing. Possible explications for some of the adverse effects as well as the protective ones that were observed include physical activity as a way of life along with being a physical education teacher and on the other side, peculiar behavior of epidemiological descriptive characteristics, like sex and age, within the socio-economic context of the country. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora.


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Petroleum and derivatives have been considered one of the main environmental contaminants. Among petroleum derivatives, the volatile organic compounds benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) represent a major concern due to their toxicity and easy accumulation in groundwater. Biodegradation methods seem to be suitable tools for the clean-up of BTEX contaminants from groundwater. Genotoxic and mutagenic potential of BTEX prior and after biodegradation process was evaluated through analyses of chromosomal aberrations and MN test in meristematic and F 1 root cells using the Allium cepa test system. Seeds of A. cepa were germinated into five concentrations of BTEX, non-biodegraded and biodegraded, in ultra-pure water (negative control), in MMS 4×10 -4M (positive control) and in culture medium used in the biodegradation (blank biodegradation control). Results showed a significant frequency of both chromosomal and nuclear aberrations. The micronucleus (MN) frequency in meristematic cells was significant for most of tested samples. However, MN was not present in significant levels in the F 1 cells, suggesting that there was no permanent damage for the meristematic cell. The BTEX effects were significantly reduced in the biodegraded samples when compared to the respective non-biodegraded concentrations. Therefore, in this study, the biodegradation process showed to be a reliable and effective alternative to treat BTEX-contaminated waters. Based on our results and available data, the BTEX toxicity could also be related to a synergistic effect of its compounds. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Includes bibliography


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The present study was designed to compare Day 14 bovine embryos that were produced entirely in vitro using the post-hatching development (PHD) system with in vivo-derived embryos without or with transient PHD culture from Day 7 to Day 14. Embryos on Day 14 were used for sex determination and gene expression analysis of PLAC8, KRT8, CD9, SLC2A1, SLC2A3, PGK1, HSF1, MNSOD, HSP70 and IFNT using real-time quantitative (q) polymerase chain reaction (PCR). First, Day 7 in vivo-and in vitro-produced embryos were subjected to the PHD system. A higher rate of survival was observed for in vitro embryos on Day 14. Comparing Day 14 embryos produced completely in vivo or completely in vitro revealed that the mean size of the former group was greater than that of the latter (10.29±1.83 vs 2.68±0.33mm, respectively). Expression of the HSP70 and SLC2A1 genes was down-and upregulated, respectively, in the in vitro embryos. The present study shows that in vitro embryos cultured in the PHD system are smaller than in vivo embryos and that of the 10 genes analysed, only two were differentially expressed between the two groups. These findings indicate that, owing to the poor survival rate, the PHD system is not reliable for evaluation of in vitro embryo quality. © 2013 CSIRO.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Há três teorias distintas que buscam explicar a origem da postura invertida (INV) em canhotos. O Modelo genético de McKeever postula que o traço esteja ligado ao sexo, sendo transmitido via cromossomo X, através das mães, o que explica a prevalência maior da postura INV entre o sexo masculino. De acordo com o modelo patológico a postura invertida decorre de fatores neuropatológicos, enquanto a teoria de adaptação técnica considera a postura INV como um ajuste manual para enfrentar as exigências abdutivas implícitas no sistema ortográfico romano. Muitos partidários da última teoria julgam a postura INV como prejudicial, resultando em problemas físicos e em escrita ilegível, recomendando que a mesma seja substituída pela postura não invertida (NI). Um estudo prévio foi realizado entre 96 adolescentes de classe socioeconômica (CSE) baixa, sendo 48 canhotos e 48 destros, subdivididos por sexo e postura para escrever. A presente investigação representa uma extensão deste estudo, através da avaliação de 106 alunos da CSE média, sendo 68 destros e 66 canhotos. Os objetivos principais foram averiguar se a postura invertida estava associada a problemas físicos, complicações no parto, padrões diferentes de direção grafológica, desempenho caligráfico inferior e verificar se as mesmas características variavam em função do nível da CSE. Os resultados não indicaram nenhuma relação entre postura invertida e problemas físicos e pré-natais no estímulo grafológico. Os canhotos com postura INV mais do que os canhotos NI e destros tenderam a desenhar as linhas horizontais na direção direita para esquerda; nas outras tarefas de desenhos grafológicos não diferiram dos outros grupos. Nas tarefas cursivas e letras de forma o desempenho das alunas foi consistentemente superior ao dos alunos de modo geral. Os canhotos emitiram mais erros quando escreveram em letras de forma, mas não na escrita cursiva. O tempo de resposta foi à única variável dependente relacionada a CSE: alunos da CSE média escreveram as frases em letras cursivas e letras de forma mais rapidamente do que os alunos da CSE baixa. De modo geral, esses resultados não apóiam a afirmação de que a postura invertida acarreta problemas físicos, desempenho caligráfico inferior e não justifica a prática pedagógica em desencorajar o uso da postura INV.


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As neoplasias astrocitárias correspondem a cerca de (60%) dos tumores do sistema nervoso central, sendo que atingem principalmente adultos numa fase altamente produtiva da vida e com evoluções pouco satisfatórias apesar dos tratamentos disponíveis. Um melhor entendimento de sua biologia molecular se faz necessário na tentativa de compreender sua evolução e melhor planejar e tratamento, assim como na busca de novas terapias. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar modificações no gene TP53 com relação ao número de cópias e polimorfismos nos éxons de 4 a 11, considerados hotspots para mutações. Um total de 14 amostras de diferentes graus de malignidade foram analisadas por experimentos de FISH interfásico com sondas loco-específicas do gene TP53 e centroméricas para o cromossomo 17, e também pela técnica de SSCP para o screening de polimorfismos dos éxons 4-10. Foram comparados os resultados obtidos entre tumores de graus I e II (benignos) com aqueles de graus III e IV (malignos). Os resultados referentes às sondas loco-específicas (gene TP53 e centrômero do cromossomo 17) mostraram que a ocorrência de deleções ou amplificações, apesar de importantes estatisticamente em relação aos núcleos com número de marcações normais, não apresentou correlação com idade, sexo ou grau de malignação. Entretanto, as alterações foram encontradas com maior freqüência nos paciente portadores de astrocitomas de grau intermediário (III). A técnica de SSCP revelou polimorfismos nos éxons 5, 7 e 10, e apesar de não estarem associados à malignidade tumoral, os casos polimórficos corresponderam aos pacientes com menor sobrevida após tratamentos, sugerindo, uma associação entre mutações nesses éxons e uma maior agressividade tumoral.


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Espécies de Eigenmannia estão amplamente distribuídas na região Neotropical, com oito espécies válidas atualmente reconhecidas. Populações de Eigenmannia de três localidades do leste da Amazônia foram investigadas usando técnicas citogenéticas e morfológicas, revelando dois táxons designados aqui comoEigenmannia sp. "A" e Eigenmannia sp. "B". As espécies diferem em três caracteres morfométricos, dois merísticos e um osteológico. Eigenmannia sp. "A" apresenta 2n = 34 (22 m/sm+12st/a) e Eigenmannia sp. "B" apresenta 2n = 38 (14 m/sm+24st/a) e cromossomos sexuais de diferenciação simples, do tipo XX/XY. Em ambas espécies a Heterocromatina Constitutiva (HC) rica em bases A-T está distribuída na região centromérica de todos os cromossomos. Eigenmannia sp. "B" também apresenta blocos de HC na região intersticial dos pares cromossômicos 8, 9 e X que coraram positivamente para CMA3, indicando regiões ricas em G-C. A NOR está localizada no braço curto do par 17 em Eigenmannia sp. "A" e no braço curto do par 14 em Eigenmannia sp. "B". FISH com sondas de rDNA hibridizaram em regiões de tamanhos diferentes entre os homólogos, sugerindo heteromorfismo. A diferenciação do cromossomo X em Eigenmannia sp. "B" pode ser o resultado de amplificação de sequências repetitivas de DNA.


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Estudos citogenéticos foram desenvolvidos em Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes 1836), os quais descrevem um interessante sistema de pequenos cromossomos supranumerários. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a frequência e morfologia dos cromossomos B em indivíduos a partir da linhagem parental e os padrões de herança destes elementos em indivíduos obtidos a partir de cruzamentos controlados na espécie P. lineatus. A taxa de transmissão dos cromossomos B revelaram um kB=0,388 para o tipo acrocêntrico, kB=0,507 para o tipo metacêntrico e kB=0,526 submetacêntrico. Os resultados obtidos levantam hipóteses de que os cromossomos B do tipo acrocêntrico se encontram em fase de extinção, enquanto que os supranumerários do tipo metacêntrico e submetacêntrico encontram-se em fase de neutralização, seguindo uma taxa de transmissão Mendeliana.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)