832 resultados para Sector Informal Urbano
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Muitas espécies que representam a sociobiodiversidade amazônica, além de seu papel ecológico, exercem também impacto na economia através de seus variados usos – alimentar, terapêutico, artesanal, ornamental – e refletem o potencial produtivo das ilhas do município de Belém e de outras partes do estado do Pará. A valorização desses produtos propulsiona as atividades nas feiras, portos e mercados pesquisados – o Complexo do Ver-o-Peso, Porto do Açaí, Porto da Palha, Complexo de Abastecimento do Jurunas e Feira da Orla de Icoarací – e garante a reprodução de grupos sociais rurais e trabalhadores informais urbanos, os quais se agregam em mais de mil indivíduos diretamente envolvidos em sua comercialização, organizados de maneira individual ou familiar, e na grande maioria recebendo uma renda mensal de um a três salários mínimos. É imprescindível considerar os portos da orla fluvial de Belém como locais de interação entre o rural e o urbano, de modo a permitir uma análise crítica das formas de apropriação da cidade, da produção e reprodução social do trabalho, dos atores envolvidos e dos benefícios da sociobiodiversidade.
This article questions some elements that can help to make early work understood nowadays. From a local reality, the city of Franca in São Paulo, it records the production restructuring, the expansion of the informal, autonomous and domestic work, and the early inclusion of boys and girls in the work market, as well as the maintenance of the distance between the paradigm of whole protection to children and adolescents and the daily reality in which they are inserted.
Organizational environments are related to hierarchic levels existing in a determined organization, and they influence in the formal and informal flows origin and in their monitoring and/or extinction. Informational environments are a result of organizational environments, of which focus is information and knowledge. Information flows are a fundamental element to informational environments, in a way that there´s no informational environments if there´s no information flows. Informational flows are natural reflections from their environments, in terms of content and in the way they occur. This qualitative and quantitative research was developed in three stages, in a way to allow the comprehension of the phenomena related to information and knowledge environments and information flows that occur in the meat sector from the Province of Salamanca, Spain. We used Laurence Bardin´s ‘Analysis of Content’, more specifically the ‘Categorical Analysis’ technique to data analysis. As data collection procedure we accomplished a field research, applying a questionnaire as an intentional sample of the meat industries segment from the Province of Salamanca, Spain. From data tabulation and analysis, we infer that information environments and flows are relevant to these companies business development, as well as we emphasized the need of information and knowledge management deployment, in a way to insure organizational processes quality, industrial chain production and companies competition to conquer potential markets.
The present study is about data characterization and evaluation related to private urban users (legal entity) of the Watersheds of the rivers Piracicaba, Capivari, and Jundiai (PCJ), with the PCJ Collection System, sustained by the Department of Water and Power (DAEE), in order to: provide quantitative numbers about this sector, identifying the cities and economic activities corresponding to the largest water consumers, and determine the sector's share in the total charged contribution. The charge for water use is the most recent and the last instrument which has been implemented for the management of water resources, provided by the institution of the State and National Policy of Water Resources in 1991 and 1997, respectively, regarded as an important step towards the preservation and restoration of water resources. According to the data collected in the PCJ Collection System, the urban sector is the private sector that has the highest number of users in these watersheds (52,95% of users), but with less representation in the financial recovery (only 7%), due to its low water demand in their uses compared to the uses of other sectors. The collected data will also serve as both a parameter for comparing the amount of water used by different economic activities and municipalities in the PCJ watersheds and other locations, and as a tool for water resources management
This paper discusses urban space focusing on the housing sector, the capitalist reproduction and some changes occurring in that space as a result of the dynamics of the real estate sector and interests of financial agents, developers and urban land owners/speculators. The changes imposed to cities value abstract spaces over concrete ones, showing the unbalance between the interests of agents, who have in view the market, and those of dwellers, who live daily in such areas. Based on these reflections, a case study was carried out in the Jardim Letícia neighborhood in Leme city (state of São Paulo) in order to understand the space production and reproduction in that area, analyze some of the main problems faced by local people, and identify some agents involved in the process.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Education is generally perceived as a public good which should be provided by the state. In Egypt, free and equal access to education has been guaranteed to all citizens since President Nasser’s socialist reforms in the 1950s. However, due to high population growth rates and a lack of financial resources, the public education system has been struggling to accommodate rapidly increasing numbers of students. While enrolment rates have risen steadily, the quality of state-provided services has deteriorated. Teachers and students have to cope with high class densities, insufficient facilities, a rigid syllabus and a centralized examination system. Today, teaching is among the lowest-paying occupations in the public sector. One strategy to cope with this situation is the widespread practice of private tutoring, which usually takes place at students’ homes or in commercial tutoring centers. Based on research carried out in Cairo in 2004/05 and 2006, I use an actor-centered approach to analyze the motivations of Egyptian teachers and students for participating in private tutoring and the impact that this practice has on the relationship between teachers and students. Students of all socio-economic backgrounds resort to tutoring in order to succeed in a highly competitive and exam-oriented education system. However, the form and quality of tutoring that can be accessed depends on the financial means of the family. For teachers, tutoring provides a good opportunity not only to supplement their income, but also, in the case of renowned “star teachers”, to improve their professional status and autonomy. On the informal “market of education” that has developed in Egypt during the last decades, the educational responsibilities of the state are increasingly being taken over by private actors, i.e. the process of teaching and learning is dissociated from the direct control of the state and from school as an institution. At the same time, education is turned into a marketable commodity. Despite the government’s efforts to provide free education to all citizens, the quality of social services that can be accessed in Egypt, thus, depends mainly on the financial means of the individual or the family.
This study will explore familial and friend support networks and living arrangements among elderly individuals in Latin America and the impact that this type of support has on the health of the elderly individuals in the countries of interest. Using data from the Survey on Health and Well-Being of Elders (SABE) from 1999-2000, I will explore which type of support has a larger impact on overall health. I will also measure differences in unmet needs for certain health services. This topic is particularly interesting because it will help to uncover what policies are best for aiding in the healthcare of the elderly in aging population. Lastly, the investigation of this topic will allow me to draw conclusions about the most effective means of social and public policy for the elderly community and provide me with information about the role of both informal provisions of support from family and friends, and formal provisions of support from the government. My primary focus will be on Argentina, using Buenos Aires as the sample city, and Cuba, using Havana as the sample city. These two countries have increasingly aging populations, poorer resources and vast inequalities, but, extremely different political, economic and cultural situations. Comparing the two countries will further allow me to determine correlations between health and the existence of support networks, as well as provide me with information to make more general claims that may be of use in the United States. Argentina is particularly interesting to me because of my abroad experience and homestay experience with an older Argentine woman who lived alone but depended upon her family for many healthcare needs, doctors’ visits and general well-being. In Argentina, I experienced a different form of living than I am used to in the United States, where many older individuals or couples live in nursing homes or assisted living facilities rather than alone or with family. The changing economic climate of the two countries coupled with labor patterns of women returning to work at rapid rates indicates that policies cannot just rely on either the formal or informal sector but require a combination of the two sectors working together.This paper will first give background on the difference in the economies and the health care systems in Argentina and Cuba and will show why it interesting to study and compare these two countries. I will then discuss the health status of the elderly in each population as well as discuss the informal care networks and the role of family in each country. This section will then be followed by a description of the data and methods used. I will end by drawing conclusions about the study and the outcomes, and then I will attempt to make suggestions about effective health care policies for the elderly.
This paper examines whether the presence of informal credit markets reduces the cost of credit rationing in terms of growth. In a dynamic general equilibrium framework, we assume that firms are heterogenous with different degrees of risk and households invest in human capital development. With the help of Indian household level data we show that the informal market reduces the cost of rationing by increasing the growth rate by 0.7 percent. This higher growth rate, in the presence of an informal sector, is due to the ability of the informal market to separate the high risk from the low risk firms thanks to better information. But even after such improvement we do not get the optimum outcome. The findings, based on our second question, suggest that the revelation of firms' type, based on incentive compatible pricing, can lead to almost 2 percent higher growth rate as compared to the credit rationing regime with informal sector.
El estudio muestra el importante rol que juega el arbolado de calle en la mejora del ambiente urbano y la necesidad de considerar la compatibilidad entre aquel y la sociedad para lograr una convivencia en armonía que beneficie a ambos. Esto tiene gran significación en la ciudad de Mendoza, porque el árbol viario contribuye al bienestar humano en un medio natural poco favorable, además constituye un legado histórico, digno de preservar. El estudio analiza la relación sociedad-árbol de calle desde distintas dimensiones para evaluar el grado de compatibilidad en su convivencia. Estos aspectos y sus respectivas variables se analizan de manera interrelacionada en cada sector espacial, por lo que se usa la metodología sistémica. Como resultado principal, se obtuvo una tipología de cuadras según ese grado de compatibilidad, lo que permitió evidenciar situaciones favorables y otras con problemas, ante los cuales fue posible proponer alternativas de solución.
Gentrificación liderada por el Estado y empresarialismo urbano en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
A partir de la experiencia de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, el artículo reflexiona sobre la gentrificación como una estrategia de desarrollo urbano impulsada por diversos gobiernos locales de la región, en un contexto de difusión del empresarialismo urbano. En este marco, el Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires impulsó, desde 1990, un intenso proceso de transformación urbana en el área central y en los barrios del sudeste, generando un tipo particular de interrelación con el sector privado que promueve la gentrificación en barrios del sudeste de la ciudad. Como consecuencia, han emergido recurrentemente conflictos urbanos que se oponen al modelo de desarrollo urbano impulsado desde el GCABA y reivindican el derecho a la ciudad para las mayorías. No obstante, todos estos conflictos mantienen un elevado nivel de fragmentación y no han logrado hasta el momento articularse en un único movimiento social urbano, lo que va en detrimento de las capacidades para modificar la orientación de las políticas urbanas locales.
A partir del análisis de un caso particular, como lo es el trabajo de las mucamas de hotel en la ciudad de Mar del Plata (entre las décadas de 1960 y 1980), el presente artículo se propone como una contribución al campo de estudios sobre el trabajo urbano femenino. En Mar del Plata, el impulso del turismo de masas a mediados del siglo XX fue acompañado por un importante desarrollo hotelero. Éste supuso una atractiva y amplia oferta de trabajo para hombres y mujeres que encontraron allí una forma de acceso al mercado laboral, principalmente durante la temporada estival. En este espacio, las mujeres se han concentrado en puestos de trabajo determinados. En el artículo observamos cómo las continuidades entre algunas de las labores desarrolladas en el hotel y el trabajo doméstico no remunerado contribuyeron a su feminización e indagamos en las implicancias que conllevó que un empleo presente importantes continuidades con dicho trabajo. El análisis de testimonios orales nos permitió un acercamiento a las experiencias de las trabajadoras y, junto a las sentencias de los Tribunales de Trabajo, contribuyeron a visibilizar los procesos (sociales, culturales y económicos) que intervienen en la generización del trabajo y en la segregación ocupacional que caracteriza al mercado de trabajo urbano.
El estudio muestra el importante rol que juega el arbolado de calle en la mejora del ambiente urbano y la necesidad de considerar la compatibilidad entre aquel y la sociedad para lograr una convivencia en armonía que beneficie a ambos. Esto tiene gran significación en la ciudad de Mendoza, porque el árbol viario contribuye al bienestar humano en un medio natural poco favorable, además constituye un legado histórico, digno de preservar. El estudio analiza la relación sociedad-árbol de calle desde distintas dimensiones para evaluar el grado de compatibilidad en su convivencia. Estos aspectos y sus respectivas variables se analizan de manera interrelacionada en cada sector espacial, por lo que se usa la metodología sistémica. Como resultado principal, se obtuvo una tipología de cuadras según ese grado de compatibilidad, lo que permitió evidenciar situaciones favorables y otras con problemas, ante los cuales fue posible proponer alternativas de solución.