983 resultados para Saut en hauteur -- France -- Paris (France)


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We can widen the notion of « end of life » by including lives that are out of the race/circuit, excluded from “active life” and economic usefulness, and which entered this other major area of life we usually consider as the garbage of existence. We could compare this space to the glass coffin where the dwarves secluded Snow White, neither alive nor dead, but in end of life. This “end of life” starts very early in institutions or for those who live in the streets. Our society reinstated, without noticing, a caste of “untouchables” with whom we don’t know anymore how to relate. Accompaniment of the end of life actually appears closely bound to accompaniment of these lives finished, considered as “obsoletes”, expendable, disturbing… It gradually appeared to me that my workshops with homeless people or people deeply damaged by addictions were closer to palliative care than to “psychotherapy”.


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Entre la fin du régime français et l’adoption de l’Acte constitutionnel par le Parlement de Londres en 1791, le rapport que la noblesse canadienne entretient avec le système judiciaire civil de la colonie change de façon majeure. Les Canadiens doivent s’adapter au nouveau système mis en place par l’administration britannique de la colonie. En Nouvelle-France, les nobles présentaient leurs différends juridiques civils devant le Tribunal royal, régi par la Coutume de Paris ; à partir de la Cession (1763), ce sont officiellement les lois britanniques qui s’appliquent jusqu’au retour des lois civiles françaises en 1774. Après quelques adaptations, la Cour des Plaidoyers communs devient la cour de prédilection des Canadiens, et par conséquent, de l’ancienne élite militaire. Le système judiciaire constitue un élément important de l’étude de l’évolution de la colonie, car l’attitude de la caste élitaire face aux tribunaux est un indicateur de sa capacité d’adaptation et de son degré d’implication dans la vie sociale.


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Entre la fin du régime français et l’adoption de l’Acte constitutionnel par le Parlement de Londres en 1791, le rapport que la noblesse canadienne entretient avec le système judiciaire civil de la colonie change de façon majeure. Les Canadiens doivent s’adapter au nouveau système mis en place par l’administration britannique de la colonie. En Nouvelle-France, les nobles présentaient leurs différends juridiques civils devant le Tribunal royal, régi par la Coutume de Paris ; à partir de la Cession (1763), ce sont officiellement les lois britanniques qui s’appliquent jusqu’au retour des lois civiles françaises en 1774. Après quelques adaptations, la Cour des Plaidoyers communs devient la cour de prédilection des Canadiens, et par conséquent, de l’ancienne élite militaire. Le système judiciaire constitue un élément important de l’étude de l’évolution de la colonie, car l’attitude de la caste élitaire face aux tribunaux est un indicateur de sa capacité d’adaptation et de son degré d’implication dans la vie sociale.


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In this paper, we provide the results of a field study of a Ubicomp system called CAM (Cooperative Artefact Memory) in a Product Design studio. CAM is a mobile-tagging based messaging system that allows designers to store relevant information onto their design artefacts in the form of messages, annotations and external web links. From our field study results, we observe that the use of CAM adds another shared ‘space’ onto these design artefacts – that are in their natural settings boundary objects themselves. In the paper, we provide several examples from the field illustrating how CAM helps in the design process.


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Discursive Matrixes of Motherhood examines women's discourse on their experiences of new motherhood in Finland and France. It sets out from two culturally prevalent turns of speech observed in different social forums: in conversations amongst mothers with tertiary education and in the print media. The pool of data includes: 30 interviews, 8 autobiographically inspired novels and 80 items from women's magazines. With instruments loaned from the toolbox of rhetorical analysis, the recurrence of certain expressions or clichés is analyzed with regard to the national, cultural, biographical, political and daily contexts and settings in which the speaking subjects are immersed. "Staying at home is such a short and special time", the first expression under scrutiny, caught the sociological eye because of its salience in Finland and because it appeared as contradictory with a core characteristic of the Finnish context:long family leave. The cliché was found to function as a discursive micromechanism which swept mothers' 'complaints' under the proverbial carpet. Proper emotions and decency in mother-talk thereby appear as collective achievements. An opposite phenomenon - that of the scaling up of rewards procured by children - was also discerned in the data. Indeed, the French expression "Profiter de mon enfant" ["making the most of my child"/"enjoying my child"] is interpreted as a crystallization of a hedonist ethos of motherhood in everyday language. Secondly, the recurrence of this utterance is analyzed in the light of a requisite located in child-rearing expert literature: that of pleasure that women should take in mothering. Hence, one of the rules found to structure the discursive matrixes of motherhood is the laudability and audibility of enjoyment and conversely the discretion and discouragement of 'complaints'. The cultivation of decent matches between certain categories of emotions and certain categories of individuals also appears as a characteristic of discursive matrixes. One of the methodological findings relates to the fact that such matches may be constituted as sociological objects through the identification of recurrent discursive crystallizations in a given culture. Ideal matches may crystallize in turns of speech and mismatches can be managed through clichés. Becoming a mother entails an immersion in such a particular economy of speech. Key words: mothers, motherhood, transition to parenthood, family, emotions, morality, bonds, rhetorical analysis, discourse analysis, media analysis, France, Finland, comparative sociology


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Many AMS systems can measure 14C, 13C and 12C simultaneously thus providing δ13C values which can be used for fractionation normalization without the need for offline 13C /12C measurements on isotope ratio mass spectrometers (IRMS). However AMS δ13C values on our 0.5MV NEC Compact Accelerator often differ from IRMS values on the same material by 4-5‰ or more. It has been postulated that the AMS δ13C values account for the potential graphitization and machine induced fractionation, in addition to natural fractionation, but how much does this affect the 14C ages or F14C? We present an analysis of F14C as a linear least squares fit with AMS δ13C results for several of our secondary standards. While there are samples for which there is an obvious correlation between AMS δ13C and F14C, as quantified with the calculated probability of no correlation, we find that the trend lies within one standard deviation of the variance on our F14C measurements. Our laboratory produces both zinc and hydrogen reduced graphite, and we present our results for each type. Additionally, we show the variance on our AMS δ13C measurements of our secondary standards.