971 resultados para Sallust, 86 B.C.-34 B.C.


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The twenty-second Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (TRAC) was held at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main in spring 2012. During the three-day conference fifty papers were delivered, discussing issues from a wide range of geographical regions of the Roman Empire, and applying various theoretical and methodological approaches. An equally wide selection of subjects was presented: sessions looked at Greek art and philhellenism in the Roman world, the validity of the concept of 'Romanisation', change and continuity in Roman religion, urban neighbourhood relations in Pompeii and Ostia, the transformation of objects in and from the Roman world, frontier markets and Roman archaeology in the Provinces. In addition, two general sessions covered single topics such as the 'transvestite of Catterick', metal recycling or Egyptian funeral practice in the Roman period. This volume contains a selection of papers from all these sessions.


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The genetic impact associated to the Neolithic spread in Europe has been widely debated over the last 20 years. Within this context, ancient DNA studies have provided a more reliable picture by directly analyzing the protagonist populations at different regions in Europe. However, the lack of available data from the original Near Eastern farmers has limited the achieved conclusions, preventing the formulation of continental models of Neolithic expansion. Here we address this issue by presenting mitochondrial DNA data of the original Near-Eastern Neolithic communities with the aim of providing the adequate background for the interpretation of Neolithic genetic data from European samples. Sixty-three skeletons from the Pre Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) sites of Tell Halula, Tell Ramad and Dja'de El Mughara dating between 8,700-6,600 cal. B.C. were analyzed, and 15 validated mitochondrial DNA profiles were recovered. In order to estimate the demographic contribution of the first farmers to both Central European and Western Mediterranean Neolithic cultures, haplotype and haplogroup diversities in the PPNB sample were compared using phylogeographic and population genetic analyses to available ancient DNA data from human remains belonging to the Linearbandkeramik-Alföldi Vonaldiszes Kerámia and Cardial/Epicardial cultures. We also searched for possible signatures of the original Neolithic expansion over the modern Near Eastern and South European genetic pools, and tried to infer possible routes of expansion by comparing the obtained results to a database of 60 modern populations from both regions. Comparisons performed among the 3 ancient datasets allowed us to identify K and N-derived mitochondrial DNA haplogroups as potential markers of the Neolithic expansion, whose genetic signature would have reached both the Iberian coasts and the Central European plain. Moreover, the observed genetic affinities between the PPNB samples and the modern populations of Cyprus and Crete seem to suggest that the Neolithic was first introduced into Europe through pioneer seafaring colonization.


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N-3-(1-Methylindol-3-yl)propan-N-(2,2,2-trichloroethoxysulfonyl)guanidine was synthesized from 3-formyl-1-methylindole in six steps and subjected to conditions intended to convert the side-chain into a 2-iminotetrahydropyrimidine- containing product, of relevance to a possible synthesis of the aplicyanins. An alternative reaction course was observed, resulting in the formation of a new tetracyclic system.


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N-3-(1-Methylindol-3-yl)propan-N-(2,2,2-trichloroethoxysulfonyl)guanidine was synthesized from 3-formyl-1-methylindole in six steps and subjected to conditions intended to convert the side-chain into a 2-iminotetrahydropyrimidine- containing product, of relevance to a possible synthesis of the aplicyanins. An alternative reaction course was observed, resulting in the formation of a new tetracyclic system.


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Vitamin C stability and concentration was evaluated in isotonic beverages and B group vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6) in power beverages. The amount of vitamins was found to be above of that declared on the labels, even after the shelf life had been exceeded. A small decrease in the amount of B group vitamins was observed during the shelf life of the products. In the case of vitamin C this decrease was slightly higher. The present research shows the need of increased quality control and inspection.


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Dedicatio: Adolphus Lundgren.


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Von Wrightin taitelijaveljeksistä Wilhelm v. Wright (1810-1887) muutti Ruotsiin 18-vuotiaana avustaakseen vanhempaa veljeään Magnusta SKANDINAVIENS FÅGLAR -teoksen (ks. kohde 258) valmistamisessa. Wilhelm jäi pysyvästi Ruotsiin ja ryhtyi työskentelemään Kuninkaallisen tiedeakatemian piirtäjänä. Vuonna 1836 alkoi ilmestyä laaja kalakuvasto SKANDINAVIENS FISKAR, johon hän oli laatinut kuvat ja eläintieteilijät C. U. Ekström, B. F. Fries ja C. J. Sundevall kirjoittaneet tekstit. Tästä teoksesta tuli v. Wrightin kuvitustöistä merkittävin ja korkeatasoisin. Myöhemmin v. Wright toimi Bohuslänin kalastuksentarkastajan virassa, mutta halvaantui loppuelämäkseen yli kolmenkymmenen vuoden ajaksi.