1000 resultados para Saint-Saud, Aymard de (1853-1932) -- Portraits
Cette étude des relations ville-campagne prolonge la réflexion amorcée à la suite d'un cours d'histoire régionale que donna Peter Southam. Ayant choisi d'analyser le développement économique de Coaticook dans une perspective strictement urbaine, je fis la découverte d'une carte qui se présenta comme une véritable révélation puisqu'elle traduisait toute la problématique sous-jacente à un espace polarisé. En effet, on pouvait découvrir, face à l'unité distincte de Coaticook, deux structures identiques, les municipalités de cantons de Barnston et de Barford, représentant, grâce à la présence des réseaux hydrographiques, routiers et ferroviaires, un terrain d'application idéale pour l'analyse des relations ville-campagne. De là est né notre intérêt d'analyser, dans un contexte ville-campagne, les fonctions de relations des deux entités spatiales en présence, l'une urbaine, l'autre rurale, évoluant en interaction toutes deux dans le cadre des Cantons de l'Est, région qui est elle-même étroitement intégrée à l'économie continentale nord-américaine. Au-delà de cette insertion à un espace économique plus vaste, notre étude se doit d'abord de rendre compte de la spécificité des deux entités spatiales. Le choix spatial de notre thèse est arbitraire et ne repose pas, par exemple, sur la zone d'influence de Coaticook bien que, et c'est là une des hypothèses que nous démontrerons plus tard, il est certain que le rayonnement de Coaticook dans un espace polarisé ne s'est pas limité aux cantons de Barnston et de Barford. Par ailleurs, si nous privilégions comme cadre spatial d'analyse l'échelle du territoire urbain et celle du canton selon leurs limites administratives respectives, nous envisagerons également l'échelle de la communauté villageoise comme l'un des axes principaux du rapport ville-campagne. Les divisions administratives ne s'étendant qu'à deux localités rurales (Dixville et Saint-Herménégilde), nous ne tenterons pas de délimiter l'aire villageoise des autres localités. Puisque nous nous intéressons davantage au phénomène villageois selon un critère fonctionnel, nous considérons alors le village "comme un lieu et une forme d'habitat dotés d'attributs et de fonctions distinctives". En fait, le choix spatial sera d'ordre documentaire puisqu'il est imposé par l'utilisation des recensements fédéraux (manuscrits et imprimés) et par l'utilisation des Mercantile Agency, sources principales sur lesquelles il sera plus facile de présenter une démonstration cohérente dans le temps comme dans l'espace. […]
The "Pointe Saint Mathieu" is one of the most westerly continental landmarks of France. The promontory is located at the entrance of the "Goulet de la Rade de Brest", that is the entrance channel of the harbour of Brest in Brittany (France). It marks also the Southern end of the "Chenal du Four" that is the main navigation channel between the islands of Ouessant, Molène and Béniquet, and Brittany. The "Chenal du Four" is reputed for its dangers. The tidal range is greater than 7 m in spring tides, and the mid-tide current may exceed 5 knots. The Saint Mathieu promontory is equipped with a lighthouse and a semaphore. The former is located in the ruins of an old monastery, founded during the 6th century AD by Saint Tanguy. The present ruins are the remnants of buildings from the 11th to 15th centuries. The first lighthouse was installed in 1689, although the monks of the monastery used to maintain a signal light since the 1250s. Completed in 1835, the present "Phare de la Pointe Saint-Mathieu" is 37 m high and it reaches 58.8 m above sea level During World War 2, the Pointe Saint Mathieu was defended by a series of concrete fortifications built by the Germans. Some were based upon some earlier French bunker systems, like the coastal battery at the Rospects which included 4 main gun bunkers (4*150 mm, or 2*150 mm & 2*105 mm), an observation bunker on the Western side close to sea, and several smaller structures. There was also the large Kéringar Blockhaus system, near Lochrist, located about 1 km inland and designed for 4 guns of 280 mm. Its command bunker remains a landmark along the main road. All this area was very-heavily bombed between 1943 and 1944, and particularly during the battle of Brest in August-September 1944 ("L'Enfer de Brest").
Opechona austrobacillaris n, sp. is described from Pomatomus saltatrix from marine sites off Western Australia and New South Wales, Australia. It differs from O. bacillaris in its elongate outline, small ventral sucker, longer pseudoesophagus (relative to the oesophagus), relatively shorter ventral sucker to ovary distance and the relatively longer post-testicular region. Lepotrema monile n. sp. is described from Pomacentrus wardi from Heron Island, Queensland. It differs from its congeners in the sphincter around the distal metraterm and the more-or-less oval ovary. Bianium spongiosum n. sp, is described from Ostracion cubicus from Lizard Island, Queensland. It differs from its congeners in lacking lateral flaps in the forebody, but in having large, internal spongiform patches in the lateral forebody. The following species are redescribed from Australian sites: Lepocreadium oyabitcha from Abudefduf whitleyi, Lizard Island; Clavogalea trachinoti from Trachinotus botla, Heron Island and T. coppingeri, New South Wales, Stradbroke Island, Queensland and Heron Island; Myzoxenus insolens from Notolabrus parilus, Western Australia; Bulbocirrus aulostomi from Aulostomus chinensis, Heron Island; Lepocreadioides orientalis [new synonyms: Bicaudum interruptum Bilqees, 1973; Lepocreadioides interruptum (Bilqees, 1973) Madhavi, Narasimhulu & Shameem, 1986; Lepocreadioides discum Wang, 1986; Lepocreadioides sp. of Karyakarte & Yadav (1976)] from Cynoglossus bilineata, Moreton Bay, Queensland; Hypocreadium patellare from Sufflamen chrysopterus, Heron Island; Echeneidocoelium indicum from Echeneis naucrates, Heron Island; Multitestis pyriformis from Epinephelus cyanopodus, Heron Island; Pseudopisthogonoporus vitellosus from Naso brevirostris, Heron Island; and Bianium hispidum from Torquigener whitleyi and T. pleurogramma, southern Queensland. Only M. solens and M. pyriformis have been reported from Australian waters before; both are new host records.
The spermatophore morphology of the hermit crab Isocheles sawayai from Southwestern Atlantic (Brazil) is described. The spermatophores show similarities with those described for other members of the family Diogenidae, especially with the recently described Loxopagurus loxochelis. The spermatophore is composed of three major regions: a sperm filled head or ampulla, a columnar stalk and a foot or pedestal. The spermatophores show specific morphology in having a circular ampulla, and a constriction or neck between the ampulla (100 mu m) and the thin (27 mu m), long stalk (500 mu m). The stalk penetrates less than half way into the spermatophore head. Most spermatophores show one or the small posterior projections on the underside of the ampulla as being bigger than the other, making it asymmetrical. The size of the spermatophore is related to hermit crab size with direct relationships found between spermatophore ampulla width, total length, and peduncle length with shield length of the hermit crab. The morphological characteristics of the spermatophore of L sawayai. are species-specific distinguishing it from other members of the family, and are useful to infer further phylogenetic relationships. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Após a Rebelião Praieira, os liberais de Pernambuco tiveram de enfrentar o desafio de reorganizarem o seu partido. A tarefa de estabelecer as estratégias de ação da oposição os levou a um intenso e caloroso debate na imprensa, onde duas bandeiras de luta dominaram as discussões políticas: a luta pela convocação de uma constituinte e a abstenção eleitoral. A mudança de rumo da oposição nessa direção só aconteceria com a reforma eleitoral de 1855, realizada pelo gabinete da conciliação (1853-1856). A análise da resistência e da adesão dos praieiros à política desse gabinete consta como principal objetivo do presente trabalho.
A partir de 27 cães com sarna sarcóptica, envolvendo 143 pessoas expostas à infestação, observaram-se 58 (40,56%) com lesões cutâneas sugestivas de escabiose. Tais lesões mostraram-se mais incidentes nas mulheres do que nos homens e indivíduos de todas as faixas etárias foram acometidos, indistintamente. Foi demonstrada a presença do agente em 3 dos 12 casos humanos observados que mantiveram contato com animais escabiosos.
Portuguese version:
This research is part of a larger project focused on producing a History of the Popularization of Science and Technology in Portugal. The goal is to find out how scientific knowledge reached the common people in the nineteenth century, using newspapers as the main source of information. Keeping in mind the population’s limited access to written material, nevertheless each newspaper could be read daily by an estimate 30.000 people in Lisbon, which places this source as probably the most widespread vehicle to divulge the latest scientific news at the time to an unspecialised audience. With a cholera morbus epidemic which affected the second largest Portuguese town and all the northern regions, as well as the Algarve, news and reports on its evolution were considered essential. A large database was built in order to analyse the news concerning this disease in 1855 and 1856, especially the ones about prevention and treatment. These are important historical sources that give us real information on the scientific knowledge of the time and the way it was used by society.
The dengue virus (DENV), which is frequently involved in large epidemics, and the yellow fever virus (YFV), which is responsible for sporadic sylvatic outbreaks, are considered the most important flaviviruses circulating in Brazil. Because of that, laboratorial diagnosis of acute undifferentiated febrile illness during epidemic periods is frequently directed towards these viruses, which may eventually hinder the detection of other circulating flaviviruses, including the Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV), which is widely dispersed across the Americas. The aim of this study was to conduct a molecular investigation of 11 flaviviruses using 604 serum samples obtained from patients during a large dengue fever outbreak in the state of Mato Grosso (MT) between 2011 and 2012. Simultaneously, 3,433 female Culex spp. collected with Nasci aspirators in the city of Cuiabá, MT, in 2013, and allocated to 409 pools containing 1-10 mosquitoes, were also tested by multiplex semi-nested reverse transcription PCR for the same flaviviruses. SLEV was detected in three patients co-infected with DENV-4 from the cities of Cuiabá and Várzea Grande. One of them was a triple co-infection with DENV-1. None of them mentioned recent travel or access to sylvatic/rural regions, indicating that transmission might have occurred within the metropolitan area. Regarding mosquito samples, one pool containing one Culex quinquefasciatus female was positive for SLEV, with a minimum infection rate (MIR) of 0.29 per 1000 specimens of this species. Phylogenetic analysis indicates both human and mosquito SLEV cluster, with isolates from genotype V-A obtained from animals in the Amazon region, in the state of Pará. This is the first report of SLEV molecular identification in MT.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial do cajuzinho do cerrado (Anacardium humile) sobre larvas de Aedes aegypti. Os extratos hexânico, etanólico, aquoso e o óleo das folhas foram obtidos do material vegetal coletado em fragmento de cerrado. Estes foram testados nas concentrações 1%; 0,5%, 0,25%, 0,125%, 0,05% e 0,0125% diluídas em dimetil sulfóxido 1%. A contagem das larvas mortas foi realizada após 24 horas. Utilizou-se o método Probit de análise para obtenção das CL50 e respectivos intervalos de confiança. Conclui-se que apenas o óleo extraído de folhas de Anacardium humile causa 100% de mortalidade em larvas de 4º estádio de Aedes aegypti nas concentrações até 0,125%, o que parece indicar que os ingredientes ativos estão na fase mais apolar. O que indica a potencialidade de uso da planta como larvicida de Aedes aegypti, entretanto, novos testes deverão ser conduzidos utilizando outros órgãos vegetais, assim como outros métodos e solventes utilizados na extração.
Introduction Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV) primarily occurs in the Americas and produces disease predominantly in humans. This study investigated the serological presence of SLEV in nonhuman primates and horses from southern Brazil. Methods From June 2004 to December 2005, sera from 133 monkeys (Alouatta caraya, n=43; Sapajus nigritus, n=64; Sapajus cay, n=26) trap-captured at the Paraná River basin region and 23 blood samples from farm horses were obtained and used for the serological detection of a panel of 19 arboviruses. All samples were analyzed in a hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay; positive monkey samples were confirmed in a mouse neutralization test (MNT). Additionally, all blood samples were inoculated into C6/36 cell culture for viral isolation. Results Positive seroreactivity was only observed for SLEV. A prevalence of SLEV antibodies in sera was detected in Alouatta caraya (11.6%; 5/43), Sapajus nigritus (12.5%; 8/64), and S. cay (30.8%; 8/26) monkeys with the HI assay. Of the monkeys, 2.3% (1/42) of A. caraya, 6.3% 94/64) of S. nigritus, and 15.4% (4/26) of S. cay were positive for SLEV in the MNT. Additionally, SLEV antibodies were detected by HI in 39.1% (9/23) of the horses evaluated in this study. Arboviruses were not isolated from any blood sample. Conclusions These results confirmed the presence of SLEV in nonhuman primates and horses from southern Brazil. These findings most likely represent the first detection of this virus in nonhuman primates beyond the Amazon region. The detection of SLEV in animals within a geographical region distant from the Amazon basin suggests that there may be widespread and undiagnosed dissemination of this disease in Brazil.