362 resultados para SUPLEMENTOS DIETÉTICOS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The alimentation of fitness people is fundamental by health. This study it has for objective to evaluate of quali-quantitative form the proteic-caloric ingestion, the nitrogen balance and its relation caloric ingestion/estimated metabolic rate, in colleges student practicing of body-building. Eleven body-builders student (18 until 30 years old), both sex, had been analyzed. The attainment of data used an alimentary register, and the gotten information were analyzed together with the nitrogen balance from 24 hours of piss collection. We observed that the nitrogen balance of individuals that make use of some protein supplement is significantly bigger than individuals that do not consume no type of it. This because, the percentile caloric obtained from protein ingestion is significantly raised, and this associate to the caloric ingestion in this group also is raised, determines the obtained results.


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Ao refletir sobre a esfera do jornalismo sob influência da lógica mercadológica, esta pesquisa contextualiza teoricamente o cenário atual das características e tendências do jornalismo, especificamente o jornalismo cultural praticado pelo caderno Prosa & Verso, o suplemento literário do jornal carioca O Globo. O presente estudo tem por objetivo estudar a cobertura jornalística do citado suplemento, identifi- cando os valores-notícia presentes nas reportagens de capa, especificamente nos períodos referentes ao ano de 2008 em que ocorrem a Feira Literária Internacional de Paraty e a Bienal Internacional do Livro de São Paulo. Tratando, portanto, da cobertura de eventos do mercado editorial, propõe-se uma análise e reflexão acerca das tensões existentes entre campo jornalístico e campo literário, focando a influência da citada lógica mercadológica na produção jornalística. Com a elaboração da análise dos suplementos veiculados durante a ocorrência de ambos os eventos e a partir das relações entre produção da notícia, imposições de mercado e espetacularização na indústria cultural, verifica-se, entre outras questões, que a notícia não escapa da necessidade de possuir valor de troca, mesmo quando se trata do jornalismo cultural, uma vez que a cultura também tem sua própria economia.


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Objective and closed questions were applied to 15 - 21 years old individuals under regular resistance exercise practice and self-reported nutritional supplements users, approaching training practices, type of substance feed and socioeconomic characteristics. The data were treated by frequency around the mean value. Major difference was observed to the goal of improvement in physical fitness (Guaruja 21% and Bauru 9.6%), close to the muscle hypertrophic enhancements (Guaruja 22% and Bauru 19.2%), and health proposes (17.3%), which was only reported in the country city. The monthly employment with supplements was observed to be close to one hundred Real, in both regions (Guaruja 79% and Bauru 80%). Even, based on different purposes, the supplements feed practice was closed to the goals, showing a reliable referential of use, but done without appropriated professional care.


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The aim of this article is to analyze the journalistic elements existents in Sérgio Augusto’s literary criticism, in the column Prosa de Sábado, from the Supplement Sabático of the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo. From the methodological point of view, it is guided by the studies of Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory. In addition, it discusses the relations between literary criticism and journalistic criticism based on Silviano Santiago and Flora Süssekind’s reflections, looking for establishing connections with the journalistic elements that inform Sergio Augusto’s literary criticism.


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In bodybuilding, sport that emerged in Brazil in the 70s, competitors are judged by physical appearance, size and muscle definition. The present study aimed to assess dietary intake, supplement use, and it also investigated body image perceptions of bodybuilders. Practitioners of three different gyms in the state of São Paulo participated in the study. They filled the anamnesis form containing data on food consumption and intake of supplements and also answered a questionnaire on the perception of body image (Satisfaction Scale with Body Appearance). The study showed a considerable food inadequacy with an average of carbohydrate intake of 41.84% ± 10.88%, of lipid, an average of 18.96% ± 6.40% and of protein 39.20% ± 10.41%. In pre-competition, the average of daily carbohydrate intake is reduced to 22.69% ± 12.34%, the lipid increases to 25.68% ± 14.0% and the protein increases to 51.63% ± 10.28%. It was observed that all individuals take some sort of supplement. Considering the perception of body image 60% of the appraised are fully satisfied with the muscular appearance and 40% has greater risk of developing vigorexia. As the bodybuilder has rigid dietary control, it is important nutritional monitoring. So it is necessary a better identification and guidance of risk groups for the development of body image disturbances through specialized professionals such as dieticians, psychologists and coaches for success training, aiming at physical and mental well being of the athletes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ergogenic substances are all nutritional or pharmacological additional devices which physiologically influence on the individual's performance. Currently, the practice of physical exercises that modern gyms have is growing and embracing a new recreational space for the population. In particular, for the male audience, weight training; and for the female audience, aerobic gymnastics. This study has the objective of explaining the importance of ergogenic resources in the physiological and psychological planes, emphasizing the point that supplementation is really valid and beneficial. To achieve the objective of the study, a literature review will be carried out, searching for scientific articles published in books, magazines and online newspapers that address some issues that cut across the thematic proposed in this work. From the point of view of Sport Psychology, the issues discussed on body image and emotional changes have concerns professionals of this area, but the literature suggests it is unnecessary the use of ergogenic substances to the concreteness of that purpose. Supplements of any kind will not be enough to transform the psychological and physiological aspects, the way the media assume conclusively. Thus, with our documentary research, we started a provocation that feeds new studies in the area. We conclude that supplementation is a resource that should be used in the final occasion, that is, if the bodybuilders (non-athletes) have time to be nourished from the normal diet, the use of supplements like whey and creatine, are not needed. Used appropriately supplements do not result in physiological damage, however, can contribute beneficially to the individual's nutrition, thus the abusing dosages, in addition to financial loss, can cause damage to the body


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Nos últimos anos a população está cada vez mais aderente a prática de exercícios físicos, isso causado principalmente por conta da mídia e pela busca de uma vida mais ativa e saudável. Dentre essas práticas, a musculação acaba por despertar maior interesse para os que buscam melhores resultados estéticos, reabilitação, preparação esportiva, alto rendimento e qualidade de vida. Na busca por aumento da performance na academia, os praticantes de musculação têm encarado a utilização de suplementos alimentares como algo imprescindível em sua alimentação e em seus treinamentos. Dentre os principais suplementos consumidos pelos praticantes de musculação, a creatina apresenta grande destaque e preferência, na busca de um maior rendimento em seus treinos, principalmente utilizada buscando o ganho expressivo de força e de massa magra. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo trazer uma revisão de literatura sobre a creatina, desde sua ingestão, absorção, e suplementação até os reais benefícios para quem a utiliza. Para a realização da pesquisa proposta a metodologia usada foi uma revisão bibliográfica de literatura, utilizando-se bases de pesquisa on-line: PubMed e Scielo, trabalhos de conclusão de curso, livros, acervo bibliográfico encontrado na UNESP e entidades conveniadas, selecionando pormenorizadamente as principais fontes publicadas em língua portuguesa e inglesa nos últimos 15 anos. A partir dessa análise, é possível sugerir que a suplementação de creatina, utilizada da maneira correta, pode levar a ganhos significativos de força e de hipertrofia muscular em um trabalho de alta intensidade e curta duração


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The first records of the use of substances that enhance athletic performance began in antiquity. The objective of this study is to analyze the use of doping methods and supplements by amateur athletes and MMA professionals and what motivates usage. The work consisted of desk research in which use of work carried out at fifteen amateur and professional athletes, which underwent a data collection; these athletes are all over eighteen years old, male and practicing MMA for at least two years. The questionnaire that they were submitted corresponded to ten multiple-choice questions, which are: Age, what type of fight practiced as a basis for MMA, how long practices martial arts, sees the sport of competitive or recreational way, has already made use dietary supplements, have made use of banned substances (steroids) in the sport, it has already made use of steroids which the substance used and to what end was done using, know the side effects of anabolic steroids, know one or more people who have already made use of steroids in order to increase their performance in the fight, he believes it is possible an athlete achieve success in modern MMA without the use of anabolic steroids. The results showed that, of the fifteen athletes interviewed, only two said they never made use of dietary supplements, and four said they have already made use of anabolic steroids. All fifteen athletes claim to know the side effects of steroid use, and 14 of them say they know one or more sport-mates who have already made use of steroids. Given the results, it can be concluded that the use of steroids is common in MMA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)