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The geochemical behaviour of uranium and thorium in metalliferous sediments and hydrothermal deposits has been widely studied and the main results have been summarised by Boström and Rydell. These isotopes may be used to clarify how the metal-rich solutions are introduced into sediment cover and seawater. Using radiochemistry followed by alpha spectrometry, we have measured uranium concentrations as high as several hundred p.p.m., which must clearly be associated with ocean ridge thermal activity, in sediments interbedded between the basaltic basement and the green hydrothermal mud at DSDP Site 424. These high uranium concentrations indicate the path followed by the hydrothermal fluid which, debouching at the sediment-water interface, formed the green mud.


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Uranium concentrations and isotope ratios were measured in thirteen surface-water samples collected across the entire Atlantic Ocean. The mean isotope ratio was 1.15+/-0.01, and the mean concentration 3.1+/-0.2 µg/l.


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Major and trace elements, mineral chemistry, and Sr-Nd isotope ratios are reported for representative igneous rocks of Ocean Drilling Program Sites 767 and 770. The basaltic basement underlying middle Eocene radiolarianbearing red clays was reached at 786.7 mbsf and about 421 mbsf at Sites 767 and 770, respectively. At Site 770 the basement was drilled for about 106 m. Eight basaltic units were identified on the basis of mineralogical, petrographical, and geochemical data. They mainly consist of pillow lavas and pillow breccias (Units A, B, D, and H), intercalated with massive amygdaloidal lavas (Units Cl and C2) or relatively thin massive flows (Unit E). Two dolerite sills were also recognized (Units F and G). All the rocks studied show the effect of low-temperature seafloor alteration, causing almost total replacement of olivine and glass. Calcite, clays, and Fe-hydroxides are the most abundant secondary phases. Chemical mobilization due to the alteration processes has been evaluated by comparing elements that are widely considered mobile during halmyrolysis (such as low-field strength elements) with those insensitive to seafloor alteration (such as Nb). In general, MgO is removed and P2O5 occasionally enriched during the alteration of pillow lavas. Ti, Cs, Li, Rb, and K, which are the most sensitive indicators of rock/seawater interaction, are generally enriched. The most crystalline samples appear the least affected by chemical changes. Plagioclase and olivine are continuously present as phenocrysts, and clinopyroxene is confined in the groundmass. Textural and mineralogical features as well as crystallization sequences of Site 770 rocks are, in all, analogous to typical mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORBs). Relatively high content of compatible trace elements, such as Ni and Cr, indicate that these rocks represent nearly primitive or weakly fractionated MORBs. All the studied rocks are geochemically within the spectrum of normal MORB compositional variation. Their Sr/Nd isotopic ratios plot on the mantle array (87Sr/87Sr 0.70324-0.70348 with 143Nd/144Nd 0.51298-0.51291) outside the field of Atlantic and Pacific MORBs. However, Sr and Nd isotopes are typical of both Indian Ocean MORBs and of some back-arc basalts, such as those of Lau Basin. The mantle source of Celebes basement basalts does not show a detectable influence of a subduction-related component. The geochemical and isotopic data so far obtained on the Celebes basement rocks do not allow a clear discrimination between mid-ocean ridge and back-arc settings.


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Uranium (U) concentrations and activity ratios (d234U) of authigenic carbonates are sensitive recorders of different fluid compositions at submarine seeps of hydrocarbon-rich fluids ("cold seeps") at Hydrate Ridge, off the coast of Oregon, USA. The low U concentrations (mean: 1.3 ± 0.4 µg/g) and high 234U values (165-317 per mil) of gas hydrate carbonates reflect the influence of sedimentary pore water indicating that these carbonates were formed under reducing conditions below or at the seafloor. Their 230Th/234U ages span a time interval from 0.8 to 6.4 ka and cluster around 1.2 and 4.7 ka. In contrast, chemoherm carbonates precipitate from marine bottom water marked by relatively high U concentrations (mean: 5.2 ± 0.8 µg/g) and a mean d234U ratio of 166 ± 3 per mil. Their U isotopes reflect the d234U ratios of the bottom water being enriched in 234U relative to normal seawater. Simple mass balance calculations based on U concentrations and their corresponding d234U ratios reveal a contribution of about 11% of sedimentary pore water to the bottom water. From the U pore water flux and the reconstructed U pore water concentration a mean flow rate of about 147 ± 68 cm/a can be estimated. 230Th/234U ages of chemoherm carbonates range from 7.3 to 267.6 ka. 230Th/234U ages of two chemoherms (Alvin and SE-Knoll chemoherm) correspond to time intervals of low sealevel stands in marine isotope stages (MIS) 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. This observation indicates that fluid flow at cold seep sites sensitively reflects pressure changes of the hydraulic head in the sediments. The d18OPDB ratios of the chemoherm carbonates support the hypothesis of precipitation during glacial times. Deviations of the chemoherm d18O values from the marine d18O record can be interpreted as to reflect temporally and spatially varying bottom water and/or vent fluid temperatures during carbonate precipitation between 2.6 and 8.6°C.


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About 13 m of Cretaceous, tholeiitic basalt, ranging from normal (N-MORB) to transitional (T-MORB) mid-ocean-ridge basalts, was recovered at Ocean Drilling Program Site 843 west of the island of Hawaii. These moderately fractionated, aphyric lavas are probably representative of the oceanic basement on which the Hawaiian Islands were built. Whole-rock samples from parts of the cores exhibiting only slight, low-temperature, seawater alteration were analyzed for major element, trace element, and isotopic composition. The basalts are characterized by enrichment in the high field strength elements relative to N-MORB, by a distinct positive Eu anomaly, and by Ba/Nb and La/Nb ratios that are much lower than those of other crustal or mantle-derived rocks, but their isotope ratios are similar to those of present-day N-MORB from the East Pacific Rise. Hole 843A lavas are isotopically indistinguishable from Hole 843B lavas and are probably derived from the same source at a lower degree of partial melting, as indicated by lower Y/Nb and Zr/Nb ratios and by higher concentrations of light and middle rare earth elements and other incompatible elements relative to Hole 843B lavas. Petrographic and trace-element evidence indicates that the Eu anomaly was the result of neither plagioclase assimilation nor seawater alteration. The Eu anomaly and the enrichments in Ta, Nb, and possibly U and K relative to N-MORB apparently are characteristic of the mantle source. Age-corrected Nd and Sr isotopic ratios indicate that the source for the lavas recovered at ODP Site 843 was similar to the source for Southeast Pacific MORB. An enriched component within the Cretaceous mantle source of these basalts is suggested by their initial 208Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb and epsilon-Nd-206Pb/204Pb ratios. The Sr-Pb isotopic trend of Hawaiian post-shield and post-erosional lavas cannot be explained by assimilation of oceanic crust with the isotopic composition of the Site 843 basalts.


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The paper presents materials on composition and texture of weakly serpentinized ultrabasic rocks from the western and eastern walls of the Markov Deep (5°30.6'-5°32.4'N) in the rift valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Predominant harzburgites with protogranular and porphyroclastic textures contain two major generations of minerals: the first generation composes the bulk of rocks and consists of Ol_89.8-90.4 + En_90.2-90.8 + Di_91.8 + Chr (Cr#32.3-36.6, Mg#67.2-70.0), while the second generation composes very thin branching veinlets and consists of PlAn_32-47 + Ol_74.3-77.1 + Opx_55.7-71.9 + Cpx_67.5 + Amph_53.7-74.2 + Ilm. Syndeformational olivine neoblasts in recrystallization zones are highly magnesian. Concentrations and covariations of major elements in harzburgites indicate that these rocks are depleted in mantle residues (high Mg# of minerals and whole-rock samples and low in CaO, Al2O3, and TiO2) that are significantly enriched in trace HFSE and REE (Zr, Hf, Y, LREE, and all REE). Mineralogy and geochemistry of harzburgites were formed by interaction of mantle residues with hydrous, strongly fractionated melts that impregnated them. Mineral composition of veinlets in harzburgites and mineralogical-geochemical characteristics of related plagiogranites and gabbronorites suggest that these plagiogranites were produced by melt residuals after crystallization of gabbronorites. Modern characteristics of harzburgites were shaped by the following processes: (i) partial melting of mantle material simultaneously with its subsolidus deformations, (ii) brittle-plastic deformations associated with cataclastic flow and recrystallization, and (iii) melt percolation along zones of maximal stress relief and interaction of this melt with magnesian mantle residue.


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Reentry of Hole 462A during Leg 89 resulted in the penetration of a further 140 m of basalt sheet-flows similar to those found during Leg 61 at the same site. Twelve volcanic units (45 to 56) were recognized, comprising a series of rapidly extruded, interlayered aphyric and poorly clinopyroxene-plagioclase-olivine phyric, nonvesicular basalts. All exhibit variable, mild hydration and oxidation, relative to fresh oceanic basalts, produced under reducing, low-CO2-activity conditions within the zeolite facies. Secondary assemblages are dominated by smectites, zeolites, and pyrite, produced by low-temperature reaction with poorly oxygenated seawater. No systematic mineralogical or chemical changes are observed with depth, although thin quenched units and more massive hypocrystalline units exhibit slightly different alteration parageneses. Chemically, the basalts are olivine- and quartz-normative tholeiites, characterized by low incompatible-element abundances, similar to mildly enriched MORB (approaching T-type), with moderate, chrondite-normalized, large-ionlithophile- element depletion patterns and generally lower or near-chrondritic ratios for many low-distribution-coefficient (KD) element pairs. In general, relative to cyclic MORB chemical variation, they are uniform throughout, although 3 chemical megagroups and 22 subgroups are recognized. It is considered that the megagroups represent separate low-pressure-fractionated systems (olivine + Plagioclase ± clinopyroxene), whereas minor variations within them (subgroups) indicate magma mixing and generation of near-steady-state conditions. Overall, relatively minor fractionation coupled with magma mixing produced a series of compositionally uniform lavas. Parental melts were produced by similar degrees of partial melting, although the source may have varied slightly in LIL-element content.


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New geochemical data from the Cocos Plate constrain the composition of the input into the Central American subduction zone and demonstrate the extent of influence of the Galápagos Hotspot on the Cocos Plate. Samples include sediments and basalts from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1256 outboard of Nicaragua, gabbroic sills from ODP Sites 1039 and 1040, tholeiitic glasses from the Fisher Ridge off northwest Costa Rica, and basalts from the Galápagos Hotspot Track outboard of Central Costa Rica. Site 1256 basalts range from normal to enriched MORB in incompatible elements and have Pb and Nd isotopic compositions within the East Pacific Rise MORB field. The sediments have similar 206Pb/204Pb and only slightly more radiogenic 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb isotope ratios than the basalts. Altered samples from the subducting Galápagos Hotspot Track have similar Nd and Pb isotopic compositions to fresh Galápagos samples but have significantly higher Sr isotopic composition, indicating that the subduction input will have a distinct geochemical signature from Galápagos-type mantle material that may be present in the wedge beneath Costa Rica. Gabbroic sills from Sites 1039 and 1040 in East Pacific Rise (EPR) crust show evidence for influence of the Galápagos Hotspot ?100 km beyond the morphological hotspot track.


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In 2004, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 302 (Arctic Coring Expedition, ACEX) to the Lomonosov Ridge drilled the first Central Arctic Ocean sediment record reaching the uppermost Cretaceous (~430 m composite depth). While the Neogene part of the record is characterized by grayish-yellowish siliciclastic material, the Paleogene part is dominated by biosiliceous black shale-type sediments. The lithological transition between Paleogene and Neogene deposits was initially interpreted as a single sedimentological unconformity (hiatus) of ~26 Ma duration, separating Eocene from Miocene strata. More recently, however, continuous sedimentation on Lomonosov Ridge throughout the Cenozoic was proclaimed, questioning the existence of a hiatus. In this context, we studied the elemental and mineralogical sediment composition around the Paleogene-Neogene transition at high resolution to reconstruct variations in the depositional regime (e.g. wave/current activity, detrital provenance, and bottom water redox conditions). Already below the hiatus, mineralogical and geochemical proxies imply drastic changes in sediment provenance and/or weathering intensity in the hinterland, and point to the existence of another, earlier gap in the sediment record. The sediments directly overlying the hiatus (the Zebra interval) are characterized by pronounced and abrupt compositional changes that suggest repeated erosion and re-deposition of material. Regarding redox conditions, euxinic bottom waters prevailed at the Eocene Lomonosov Ridge, and became even more severe directly before the hiatus. With detrital sedimentation rates decreasing, authigenic trace metals were highly enriched in the sediment. This continuous authigenic trace metal enrichment under persistent euxinia implies that the Arctic trace metal pool was renewed continuously by water mass exchange with the world ocean, so the Eocene Arctic Ocean was not fully restricted. Above the hiatus, extreme positive Ce anomalies are clear signs of a periodically well-oxygenated water column, but redox conditions were highly variable during deposition of the Zebra interval. Significant Mn enrichments only occur above the Zebra interval, documenting the Miocene establishment of stable oxic conditions in the Arctic Ocean. In summary, extreme and abrupt changes in geochemistry and mineralogy across the studied sediment section do not suggest continuous sedimentation at the Lomonosov Ridge around the Eocene-Miocene transition, but imply repeated periods of very low sedimentation rates and/or erosion.


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The Ninetyeast Ridge lavas have Sr and Nd isotopic ratios intermediate between those of Indian Ocean MORBs and those of the very enriched Kerguelen hot spot. In an Nd-Sr isotope diagram, they also plot close to the fields of St. Paul Island lavas and of the early magmatism on Kerguelen Archipelago. The Ninetyeast Ridge lavas were generated by mixing among at least three components: a depleted, MORB-type component, such as the one erupted today on the Southeast Indian Ridge; a very enriched, high- Sr/ Sr, low-epsilon-Nd, OIB-type component (the Kerguelen hot spot); and an OIB-type component comparable to that sampled from the St. Paul (and Amsterdam) lavas. The Ninetyeast Ridge lavas show a typical Dupal anomaly signature and Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic systematics indicate that the Kerguelen hot spot was involved in the ridge's formation as the Indian plate moved northward. The different sites cored during ODP Leg 121 show a trend in their isotopic compositions, from less radiogenic Pb/ Pb ratios and intermediate 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/**Nd ratios in the oldest lavas (Site 758) toward more radiogenic 206Pb/204Pb, higher epsilon-Nd, and lower 87Sr/86Sr values in the youngest lavas (Site 756). The lavas from Site 757 have 206Pb/204Pb ratios intermediate between those of the lavas from Sites 756 and 758 and higher 87Sr/86Sr and lower epsilon-Nd values. The relative proportions of the hot spot(s) and MORB component have evolved with time, reflecting differences of tectonic setting: the relative proportion of the Kerguelen hot spot component appears lower in the younger Site 756 lavas than in the older lavas from Sites 757 and 758. Site 756 coincides with the beginning of rifting at the Southeast Indian Ridge, about 43 Ma ago. The formation of the early Kerguelen Archipelago lavas may have drained most of the plume-derived material toward the Antarctic plate. Alternatively, the proximity of the spreading-ridge axis may account for the isotopic similarity of the Site 756 lavas to young lavas erupted on the Southeast Indian Ridge, from 33? to 37?S. The older lavas of Ninetyeast Ridge may have formed when the hot spot and ridge axis did not exactly coincide. The involvement of the third component, a St. Paul hot spot, in the genesis of the Ninetyeast Ridge lavas, especially for the Site 756 lavas, is clearly indicated by Sr, Pb, and Nd isotope systematics and also by trace element ratios. These data, together with those from the Kerguelen Plateau, indicate that the Kerguelen hot spot has been active more or less continuously in the South Indian Ocean for at least 115 Ma. This could indicate that the plume, and by inference the Dupal anomaly, is deep seated in origin.


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The Jinshajiang suture zone, located in the eastern part of the Tethyan tectonic domain, is noticeable for a large-scale distribution of Late Jurassic to Triassic granitoids. These granitoids were genetically related to the evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. The Beiwu, Linong and Lunong granitoids occur in the middle zone of the Jinshajiang Suture Zone, and possess similar geochemical features, indicating they share a common magma source. SIMS zircon U-Pb dating reveals the Beiwu, Linong and Lunong granitic intrusions were emplaced at 233.9±1.4 Ma (2 sigma), 233.1 ±1.4 Ma (2 sigma) and 231.0±1.6 Ma (2 sigma), respectively. All of these granitoids are enriched in abundances of Si (SiO2 =65.2-73.5 wt.%), and large-ion-lithophile-elements (LILEs), but depleted in high-field-strength-elements contents (HFSEs, e.g., Nb, Ta, Ti). In addition, they have low P2O5 contents (0.06-0.11 wt.%), A/CNK values ([molecular Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O+K2O)], mostly<1.1) and 10000Ga/Al ratios (1.7-2.2), consistent with the characteristics of I-type granites. In terms of isotopic compositions, these granitoids have high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7078-0.7148), Pb isotopic compositions [(206Pb/204Pb)t=18.213-18.598, (207Pb/204Pb)t=15.637-15.730 and (208Pb/204Pb)t=38.323-38.791], zircon d18O values (7. per mil-9.3 per mil) and negative eNd(t) values (-5.1 to -6.7), suggesting they were predominantly derived from the continental crust. Their Nb/Ta ratios (average value=8.6) are consistent with those of the lower continental crust (LCC). However, variable ?Hf(t) values (-8.6 to +2.8) and the occurrences of mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) suggest that mantle-derived melts and lower crustal magmas were involved in the generation of these granitoids. Moreover, the high Pb isotopic ratios and elevated zircon d18O values of these rocks indicate a significant contribution of the upper crustal composition. We propose a model in which the Beiwu, Linong and Lunong granitoids were generated under a late collisional or post-collisional setting. It is possible that this collision was completed before Late Triassic. Decompression induced mantle-derived magmas underplated and provided the heat for the anatexis of the crust. Hybrid melts including mantle-derived and the lower crustal magmas were then generated. The hybrid melts thereafter ascended to a shallow depth and resulted in some degree of sedimentary rocks assimilation. Such three-component mixing magmas source and subsequent fractional crystallization could be responsible for the formation of the Beiwu, Linong and Lunong granitoids.


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The aim of this paper is to analyze and compare mineralogy and geochemistry of copper-zinc sulfide ores from the Logachev-2 and Rainbow hydrothermal fields of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) confined to serpentinite protrusions. It was found that Zn(Fe) and Cu, Fe(Zn) sulfides had been deposited in black smokers pipes almost simultaneously from intermittently flowing, nonequilibrium H2S-low solutions of different temperatures. Pb isotope composition confirmed that the deep oceanic crust had been a source of lead. The ores from the Rainbow field are 20-fold higher in Co than ores restricted to basalts and show a high ratio of Co/Ni=46. The ores from the Rainbow field are enriched in 34S isotope (aver. d34S=10 per mil) because of constant flow of cold sea water into the subsurface zone of the hydrothermal system. Ores from the Logachev-2 field are 8 times higher in gold compared to other MAR regions. Sulfide ores from the Rainbow and Logachev-2 fields have no analogues among MAR ore occurrences in terms of enrichment in valuable components (Zn, Cd, Co, and Au).


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Samples of sediments and rocks collected at DSDP Sites 530 and 532 were analyzed for 44 major, minor, and trace elements for the following purposes: (1) to document the downhole variability in geochemistry within and between lithologic units; (2) to document trace-element enrichment, if any, in Cretaceous organic-carbon-rich black shales at Site 530; (3) to document trace-element enrichment, if any, in Neogene organic-carbon-rich sediments at Site 532; (4) to document trace-element enrichment, if any, in red claystone above basalt basement at Site 530 that might be attributed to hydrothermal activity or weathering of basalt. Results of the geochemical analyses showed that there are no significant enrichments of elements in the organic-carbon-rich sediments at Site 532, but a number of elements, notably Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn, are enriched in the Cretaceous black shales. These elements have different concentration gradients within the black-shale section, however, which suggests that there was differential mobility of trace elements during diagenesis of interbedded more-oxidized and less-oxidized sediments. There is little or no enrichment of elements from hydrothermal activity in the red claystone immediately overlying basalt basement at Site 530, but slight enrichments of several elements in the lowest meter of sediment may be related to subsea weathering of basalt