279 resultados para SIF


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This study focuses on the temperature field observed in boreholes drilled as part of interdisciplinary scientific campaign targeting the El'gygytgyn Crater Lake in NE Russia. Temperature data are available from two sites: the lake borehole 5011-1 located near the center of the lake reaching 400 m depth, and the land borehole 5011-3 at the rim of the lake, with a depth of 140 m. Constraints on permafrost depth and past climate changes are derived from numerical simulation of the thermal regime associated with the lake-related talik structure. The thermal properties of the subsurface needed for these simulations are based on laboratory measurements of representative cores from the quaternary sediments and the underlying impact-affected rock, complemented by further information from geophysical logs and data from published literature. The temperature observations in the lake borehole 5011-1 are dominated by thermal perturbations related to the drilling process, and thus only give reliable values for the lowermost value in the borehole. Undisturbed temperature data recorded over more than two years are available in the 140 m deep land-based borehole 5011-3. The analysis of these observations allows determination of not only the recent mean annual ground surface temperature, but also the ground surface temperature history, though with large uncertainties. Although the depth of this borehole is by far too insufficient for a complete reconstruction of past temperatures back to the Last Glacial Maximum, it still affects the thermal regime, and thus permafrost depth. This effect is constrained by numerical modeling: assuming that the lake borehole observations are hardly influenced by the past changes in surface air temperature, an estimate of steady-state conditions is possible, leading to a meaningful value of 14 ± 5 K for the post-glacial warming. The strong curvature of the temperature data in shallower depths around 60 m can be explained by a comparatively large amplitude of the Little Ice Age (up to 4 K), with low temperatures prevailing far into the 20th century. Other mechanisms, like varying porosity, may also have an influence on the temperature profile, however, our modeling studies imply a major contribution from recent climate changes.


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In this work peptide antigens [ESAT-6,p45 in water (1ml, 1mg/ml)] have been adsorbed onto 10mg inorganic substrates (hydroxyapatite (MHA P201;P120, CHA), polystyrene, calcium carbonate and glass microspheres) and in vitro release characteristics were determined. The aim of formulation was to enhance the interaction of peptides with antigen presenting cells and to achieve rapid peptide release from the carrier compartment system in a mildly acidic environment. Hydroxyapatite microparticle P201 has a greater surface area and thus has the largest peptide adsorption compared to the P120. CHA gave a further higher adsorption due to larger surface area than that available on microparticles. These particles were incorporated into the BOVIGAMTM assay to determine if they improve the sensitivity. After overnight incubation the blood plasma was removed and the amount of IFN-g in each plasma sample was estimated. CHA and MHA P201 gave a significantly higher immune response at low peptide concentration compared to the free peptide, thus indicating that these systems can be used to evaluate Tuberculosis (TB) amongst cattle using the BOVIGAMTM assay. Badgers are a source of TB and pass infection to cattle. At the moment vaccination against TB in badgers is via the parenteral route and requires a trained veterinary surgeon as well as catching the badgers. This process is expensive and time consuming; consequently an oral delivery system for delivery of BCG vaccines is easier and cheaper. The initial stage involved addition of various surfactants and suspending agents to disperse BCG and the second stage involved testing for BCG viability. Various copolymers of Eudragit were used as enteric coating systems to protect BCG against the acidic environment of the stomach (SGF, 0.1M HCl pH 1.2 at 37oC) while dissolving completely in the alkaline environment of the small intestine (SIF, IM PBS solution pH 7.4 at 37oC). Eudragit L100 dispersed in 2ml PBS solution and 0.9ml Tween 80 (0.1%w/v) gave the best results remaining intact in SGF loosing only approximately 10-15% of the initial weight and dissolving completely within 3 hours. BCG was incorporated within the matrix formulation adjusted to pH 7 at the initial formulation stage containing PBS solution and Tween 80. It gave viability of x106 cfu/ml at initial formulation stage, freezing and freeze-drying stages. After this stage the matrix was compressed at 4 tons for 3 mins and placed in SGF for 2 hours and then in SIF until dissolved. The BCG viability dropped to x106 cfu/ml. There is potential to develop it further for oral delivery of BCG vaccine.


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This paper describes the horizontal deflection behaviour of a single particle in paramagnetic fluids under a high-gradient superconducting magnetic field. A glass box was designed to carry out experiments and test assumptions. It was found that the particles were deflected away from the magnet bore centre and particles with different density and/or susceptibility settled at a certain position on the container floor due to the combined forces of gravity and magneto-Archimedes as well as lateral buoyant (displacement) force. Matlab was chosen to simulate the movement of the particle in the magnetic fluid, the simulation results were in good accordance with experimental data. The results presented here, though, are still very much in their infancy, which could potentially form the basis of a new approach to separating materials based on a combination of density and susceptibility. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2014 EDP Sciences, SIF, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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ACM Computing Classification System (1998): J.2, G.1.9


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The continuous sediment record from Lake El'gygytgyn in the northeastern Eurasian Arctic spans the last 3.6 Ma and for much of this time permafrost dynamics and lake level changes have likely played a crucial role for sediment delivery to the lake. Changes in the ground-ice hydrochemical composition (d18O, dD, pH, electrical conductivity, Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, HCO3-, Cl-, SO4-) of a 141 m long permafrost record from the western crater plain are examined to reconstruct repeated periods of freeze and thaw at the lake edge. Stable water isotope and major ion records of ground ice in the permafrost reflect both a synsedimentary palaeo-precipitation signal preserved in the near-surface permafrost (0.0-9.1 m core depth) and a post-depositional record of thawing and refreezing in deeper layers of the core (9.1-141.0 m core depth). These lake marginal permafrost dynamics were controlled by lake level changes that episodically flooded the surfaces and induced thaw in the underlying frozen ground. During times of lake level fall these layers froze over again. At least three cycles of freeze and thaw are identified and the hydrochemical data point to a vertical and horizontal talik refreezing through time. Past permafrost thaw and freeze may have destabilised the basin slopes of Lake El'gygytgyn and this has probably promoted the release of mass movements from the lake edge to the deeper basin as known from frequently occurring turbidite layers in the lake sediment column.


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A new variant of the Element-Free Galerkin (EFG) method, that combines the diffraction method, to characterize the crack tip solution, and the Heaviside enrichment function for representing discontinuity due to a crack, has been used to model crack propagation through non-homogenous materials. In the case of interface crack propagation, the kink angle is predicted by applying the maximum tangential principal stress (MTPS) criterion in conjunction with consideration of the energy release rate (ERR). The MTPS criterion is applied to the crack tip stress field described by both the stress intensity factor (SIF) and the T-stress, which are extracted using the interaction integral method. The proposed EFG method has been developed and applied for 2D case studies involving a crack in an orthotropic material, crack along an interface and a crack terminating at a bi-material interface, under mechanical or thermal loading; this is done to demonstrate the advantages and efficiency of the proposed methodology. The computed SIFs, T-stress and the predicted interface crack kink angles are compared with existing results in the literature and are found to be in good agreement. An example of crack growth through a particle-reinforced composite materials, which may involve crack meandering around the particle, is reported.


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The ontology engineering research community has focused for many years on supporting the creation, development and evolution of ontologies. Ontology forecasting, which aims at predicting semantic changes in an ontology, represents instead a new challenge. In this paper, we want to give a contribution to this novel endeavour by focusing on the task of forecasting semantic concepts in the research domain. Indeed, ontologies representing scientific disciplines contain only research topics that are already popular enough to be selected by human experts or automatic algorithms. They are thus unfit to support tasks which require the ability of describing and exploring the forefront of research, such as trend detection and horizon scanning. We address this issue by introducing the Semantic Innovation Forecast (SIF) model, which predicts new concepts of an ontology at time t + 1, using only data available at time t. Our approach relies on lexical innovation and adoption information extracted from historical data. We evaluated the SIF model on a very large dataset consisting of over one million scientific papers belonging to the Computer Science domain: the outcomes show that the proposed approach offers a competitive boost in mean average precision-at-ten compared to the baselines when forecasting over 5 years.