902 resultados para Role Models


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ÁBSTRACT : Mammary gland is composed of two main epithelial cell types, myoepithelial and luminal. The mechanisms involved in determination and maintenance of them remain poorly understood. Notch signaling is known to regulate cell fate determination in other tissues like skin and nervous system. It was also shown that it can act as tumor suppressor or oncogene depending on the tissue type. The mouse models overexpressing active Notch receptors indicated that Notch signaling is oncogenic in the mammary gland. This observation was followed by some descriptive and functional studies in human breast cancer and it was reported that Notch signaling activity or expression of its components are increased in some of the breast tumor samples compared to normal tissue. However, the physiological role of the Notch signaling and its downstream mechanisms in mammary gland is poorly defined. p63, a member of p53 family, has been implicated in the cell fate determination of keratinocytes. Knockout mouse models revealed that p63 is required for the formation of the mammary anlagen in embryo and its ΔN isoform is expressed exclusively in the myoepithelial layer of the adult breast. In order to understand its function in normal breast epithelial cells, I activated Notch signaling by expression of Notch1 intracellular domain (NICD) in normal primary human breast epithelial cells (HBECs). In this context, NICD reduced growth of HBECs and led to downmodulation of extracellular matrix-receptor interaction network (ECM) components as well as ΔNp63. Expression of ΔNp63 together with NICD partially rescued Notch induced growth reduction, which was correlated with an increase in ECM components. Moreover, silencing ΔNp63 in myoepithelial HBECs reduced growth similar to Notch activation and it led to downregulation of myoepithelial and upregulation of luminal markers. Complementing this observation, forced expression of ONp63 in luminal HBECs induced myoepithelial phenotype and decreased luminal markers. In vivo, by the analysis of a Notch reporter mouse strain, I showed that Notch is activated during puberty specifically at the sites of ductal morphogenesis, terminal end buds. FAGS analysis revealed that it can be detected in two different populations based on CD24 expression (low (lo) or high (high)): at lower levels in CD24lo, which includes stem/progenitor and myoepithelial cells and higher levels in CD24hi, which contains luminal cells. In parallel with in vitro results, the CD24lo mouse mammary epithelial cells displaying Notch activity have lower levels of p63 expression. Furthermore, deletion of RBPjk, the main mediator of Notch signaling, or the overexpression of ΔNp63 inhibited luminal cell lineage in vivo. Another important point revealed by Notch reporter mouse strain is the simultaneous activation of Notch with estrogen signaling during pubertal development. The expression of FOXA1, the mediator of estrogen receptor (ER) transcriptional activity, is correlated with Notch activation in vivo that it is lower in CD24lo than in CD24hi cells. Moreover, FOXA1 is regulated by NICD in vitro supporting the presence of a link between Notch and ER signaling. Taken together, I report that Notch signaling is involved in luminal cell fate determination and its effects are partially mediated through inhibition of ONp63. Besides, ΔNp63 is required for the maintenance and sufficient for the induction of myoepithelial phenotype in HBECs in vitro and is not compatible with luminal lineage in vivo. Based on these results, I propose a model for epithelial cell hierarchy in mammary gland, whereby there are two different types of luminal progenitors, early and late, displaying different levels of Notch activity. Notch signaling contributes to the determination of luminal cell lineage in these two progenitor steps: In "Early Luminal Progenitor" stage, it inhibits myoepithelial fate by decreasing p63 expression, and in "Late Luminal Progenitor" stage, Notch signaling is involved in induction of luminal lineage by acting on ER-FOXA1 axis. It has to be investigated further whether Notch signaling might behave as an oncogene or tumor suppressor depending on which cell type in the epithelial hierarchy it is modulated and which one is more likely to occur in different human breast cancer types. RÉSUMÉ : La glande mammaire est composée de deux types principaux de cellules: les cellules luminales, qui bordent le lumen et les cellules myoépithéliales, qui se trouvent entre la lame basale et les cellules luminales. Les mécanismes intervenant dans leur différenciation et leur maintenance demeurent encore mal compris. La protéine transmembranaire Notch est connue pour déterminer le destin des cellules dans plusieurs types de tissus comme la peau ou le système nerveux. Selon le type de tissu dans lequel se trouve Notch, il agira soit comme un suppresseur de tumeur soit comme un oncogène. A l'aide de modèles de souris surexprimant les récepteurs actifs de Notch, il a été démontré que la voie de signalisation de Notch est oncogénique au niveau de la glande mammaire. Des études descriptives et fonctionnelles dans le cadre du cancer du sein ont permis de mettre en évidence une augmentation de l'activité de Notch ou de l'expression de ces composants dans certains tissus cancéreux. Toutefois, le rôle physiologique de Notch et des mécanismes qu'il active restent méconnus. P63, une protéine membre de la famille p53, est impliquée dans la différenciation des kératinocytes. Le modèle issu de l'étude des souris p63 knockout a révélé que cette protéine est requise pour la formation des primordia mammaires chez l'embryon et que son isoforme ΔNp63 est exclusivement exprimée dans la couche myoépithéliale de la glande mammaire adulte. Dans le but de comprendre les fonctions physiologiques de Notch, je l'ai activé en exprimant le domaine intracellulaire de Notch 1 (NICD) dans des cellules épithéliales primaires de glande mammaire humaine (HBECs). Le NICD a alors réduit la croissance des HBECs et conduit à la régulation négative non seulement de p63 mais également des composants du réseau d'interaction des récepteurs de la matrice extracellulaire (ECM). En exprimant conjointement ΔNp63 et NICD, il est apparu que la réduction de croissance induite par Notch était partiellement compensée, et qu'il y avait également une augmentation des composants ECM. De plus, lorsque ΔNp63 a été inactivé dans les cellules HBECs myoépithéliales, une réduction de croissance cellulaire identique à celle provoquée par l'activation de Notch a pu être mise en évidence, de même qu'une régulation négative des marqueurs myoépithéliaux ainsi qu'une augmentation des marqueurs luminaux. Afin de compléter ces informations, l'expression de ΔNp63 a été forcée dans les HBECs luminales, ce qui a induit un phénotype myoépithélial et une diminution des marqueurs lumineux. In vivo, par l'analyse de souris ayant un gène rapporteur de l'activité de Notch, j'ai démontré que Notch est activé pendant la puberté au niveau des sites de la morphogenèse canalaire, à savoir les bourgeons terminaux. Les analyses par FACS (Fluorescence-activated cell sorting) basées sur l'expression de l'antigène CD24 ont révélé qu'il peut tre détecté dans deux populations différentes : une population qui l'exprime faiblement, qui regroupe les cellules souches/progéniteurs et les cellules myoépithéliales, et une population qui l'exprime fortement qui est composé des cellules luminales. Parallèlement aux résultats in vitro, j'ai mis en évidence un faible niveau d'expression de p63 dans les cellules épithéliales de la glande mammaire de souris, exprimant faiblement l'antigène CD24 et présentant une activité de Notch. De plus, la délétion de RBPjr~, médiateur principal de la signalisation de Notch, ainsi que la surexpression de ΔNp63 in vivo ont inhibé la lignée des cellules luminales. Un autre point important révélé par les souris rapporteur de l'activité de Notch a été l'activation simultanée de Notch et de la signalisation de l'oestrogène pendant le développement pubertaire. L'expression de FOXA1, médiateur de l'activité transcriptionnelle des récepteurs aux oestrogènes (ER), est en corrélation avec l'activation de Notch in vivo, plus basse dans les cellules avec une faible expression de l'antigène CD24 que dans celles avec une forte expression. De plus, FOXA1 est régulé par NICD in vitro confirmant la présence d'un lien entre Notch et la signalisation des ER. En résumé, la signalisation de Notch est impliquée dans la détermination du destin cellulaire des cellules luminales et ses effets sont partiellement modifiés par l'inhibition de ΔNp63. ΔNp63 est requis pour la maintenance et est suffisant pour l'induction du phénotype myoépithéliale dans les HBECs in vitro et ne peut donc pas se trouver dans les cellules luminales in vivo. Basé sur ces résultats, je propose un modèle de hiérarchisation des cellules épithéliales de la glande mammaire, dans lequel sont présents deux types de progéniteurs des cellules luminales exprimant des niveaux différents d'activité de Notch, les progéniteurs lumineux précoces et tardifs. La signalisation de Notch contribue à la différenciation de la lignée cellulaire luminale au niveau de ces deux progéniteurs : dans la forme précoce, il inhibe la différenciation des cellules myoépithéliales en réduisant l'expression de p63 et dans la forme tardive, Notch est impliqué dans l'induction de la lignée luminale en agissant sur l'axe ER-FOXA1. Il serait nécessaire d'investiguer plus loin si le fait que Notch agisse comme oncogène ou suppresseur de tumeur dépend du stade de différenciation de la cellule dans laquelle il est modulé et laquelle de ces deux fonctions il est le plus probable de rencontrer dans les différents types de cancer du sein.


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Pancreatic ß cells are highly specialized endocrine cells located within the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Their main role is to produce and secrete insulin, the hormone essential for the regulation of glucose homeostasis and body's metabolism. Diabetes mellitus develops when the amount of insulin released by ß cells is not sufficient to cover the metabolic demand. In type 1 diabetes (5-10% of diagnoses) insulin deficiency is caused by the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic ß cells. Type 2 diabetes (90% of diagnoses) results from a genetic predisposition and from the presence of adverse environmental conditions. The combination of these factors reduces insulin sensitivity of peripheral target tissues, causes impairment in ß-cell function and can lead to partial loss of ß cells. The development of novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of diabetes necessitates the comprehension of the cellular processes involved in dysfunction and loss of ß cells. My thesis was focused on the involvement in the physiopathological processes leading to the development of diabetes of a class of small regulatory RNA molecules, called microRNAs (miRNAs) that post- transcriptionally regulate gene expression. Global miRNA profiling in pancreatic islets of two animal models of diabetes, the db/db mice and mice that were fed a high fat diet (HFD), characterized by obesity and insulin resistance, led us to identify two groups of miRNAs displaying expression changes under pre-diabetic and diabetic conditions. Among the miRNAs already upregulated in pre-diabetic db/db mice and HFD mice, miR- 132 was found to have beneficial effects on pancreatic ß cell function and survival. Indeed, mimicking the upregulation of miR-132 in primary pancreatic islet cells and ß-cell lines improved glucose- induced insulin secretion and favored survival of the cells upon exposure to pro-apoptotic stimuli such as palmitate and cytokines. MiR-132 was found to exert its action by enhancing the expression of MafA, a transcription factor essential for ß-cell function, survival and identity. On the other hand, up-regulation of miR-199a-5p and miR-199a-3p was detectable only in the islets of diabetic db/db mice and resulted in impaired insulin secretion and sensitization of the cells to apoptosis. MiR-199a- 5p was found to decrease insulin secretion by inducing the expression of granuphilin, a potent inhibitor of ß cell exocytosis. In contrast, miR-199a-3p was demonstrated to directly target and reduce the expression of two key ß-cell genes, mTOR and cMET, resulting in impaired ß-cell adaptation to metabolic demands and loss by apoptosis. Our findings suggest that miRNAs are important players in the onset of type 2 diabetes. MiRNA expression is adjusted in pancreatic ß cells exposed to a diabetogenic environment. These changes initially concern miRNAs responsible for adaptive processes aimed at compensating the onset of insulin resistance, but later such changes can be overlapped by modifications in the level of several additional miRNAs that favor ß-cell failure and the onset of type 2 diabetes.


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Protein S (ProS) is an important negative regulator of blood coagulation. Its physiological importance is evident in purpura fulminans and other life-threatening thrombotic disorders typical of ProS deficient patients. Our previous characterization of ProS deficiency in mouse models has shown similarities with the human phenotypes: heterozygous ProS-deficient mice (Pros+/-) had increased thrombotic risk whereas homozygous deficiency in ProS (Pros-/-) was incompatible with life (Blood 2009; 114:2307-2314). In tissues, ProS exerts cellular functions by binding to and activating tyrosine kinase receptors of the Tyro3 family (TAM) on the cell surface.To extend the analysis of coagulation defects beyond the Pros-/- phenotype and add new insights into the sites of synthesis ProS and its action, we generated mice with inactivated ProS in hepatocytes (Proslox/loxAlbCre+) as well as in endothelial and hematopoietic cells (Proslox/loxTie2Cre+). Both models resulted in significant reduction of circulating ProS levels and in a remarkable increased thrombotic risk in vivo. In a model of tissue factor (TF)-induced venous thromboembolism (VTE), only 17% of Proslox/loxAlbCre+ mice (n=12) and only 13% of Proslox/loxTie2Cre+ mice (n=14) survived, compared with 86% of Proslox/lox mice (n=14; P<0.001).To mimic a severe acquired ProS deficiency, ProS gene was inactivated at the adult stage using the polyI:C-inducible Mx1-Cre system (Proslox/loxMx1Cre+). Ten days after polyI:C treatment, Proslox/loxMx1Cre+ mice developed disseminated intravascular coagulation with extensive lung and liver thrombosis.It is worth noting that no skin lesions compatible with purpura fulminans were observed in any of the above-described models of partial ProS deficiency. In order to shed light on the pathogenesis of purpura fulminans, we exposed the different ProS-deficient mice to warfarin (0.2 mg/day). We observed that Pros+/-, Proslox/loxAlbCre+ and Proslox/loxTie2Cre+ mice developed retiform purpura (characterized by erythematous and necrotic lesions of the genital region and extremities) and died after 3 to 5 days after the first warfarin administration.In human, ProS is also synthesized by megakaryocytes and hence stored at high concentrations in circulating platelets (pProS). The role of pProS has been investigated by generating megakaryocyte ProS-deficient model using the PF4 promoter as Cre driver (Proslox/loxPf4Cre+). In the TF-induced VTE model, Proslox/loxPf4Cre+ (n=15) mice showed a significant increased risk of thrombosis compared to Proslox/lox controls (n=14; survival rate 47% and 86%, respectively; P<0.05). Furthermore, preliminary results suggest survival to be associated with higher circulating ProS levels. In order to evaluate the potential role of pProS in thrombus formation, we investigated the thrombotic response to intravenous injection of collagen-epinephrine in vivo and platelet function in vitro. Both in vivo and in vitro experiments showed similar results between Proslox/loxPf4Cre+ and Proslox/lox, indicating that platelet reactivity was not influenced by the absence of pProS. These data suggest that pProS is delivered at the site of thrombosis to inhibit thrombin generation.We further investigated the ability of ProS to function as a ligand of TAM receptors, by using homozygous and heterozygous deficient mice for both the TAM ligands ProS and Gas6. Gas6-/-Pros-/- mice died in utero and showed comparable dramatic bleeding and thrombotic phenotype as described for Pros-/- embryos.In conclusion, like complete ProS deficiency, double deficiency in ProS and Gas6 was lethal, whereas partial ProS deficiency was not. Mice partially deficient in ProS displayed a prothrombotic phenotype, including those with only deficiency in pProS. Purpura fulminans did not occur spontaneously in mice with partial Pros deficiency but developed upon warfarin administration.Thus, the use of different mice models of ProS deficiency can be instrumental in the study of its highly variable thrombotic phenotype and in the investigation of additional roles of ProS in inflammation and autoimmunity through TAM signaling.


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Evaluating other individuals with respect to personality characteristics plays a crucial role in human relations and it is the focus of attention for research in diverse fields such as psychology and interactive computer systems. In psychology, face perception has been recognized as a key component of this evaluation system. Multiple studies suggest that observers use face information to infer personality characteristics. Interactive computer systems are trying to take advantage of these findings and apply them to increase the natural aspect of interaction and to improve the performance of interactive computer systems. Here, we experimentally test whether the automatic prediction of facial trait judgments (e.g. dominance) can be made by using the full appearance information of the face and whether a reduced representation of its structure is sufficient. We evaluate two separate approaches: a holistic representation model using the facial appearance information and a structural model constructed from the relations among facial salient points. State of the art machine learning methods are applied to a) derive a facial trait judgment model from training data and b) predict a facial trait value for any face. Furthermore, we address the issue of whether there are specific structural relations among facial points that predict perception of facial traits. Experimental results over a set of labeled data (9 different trait evaluations) and classification rules (4 rules) suggest that a) prediction of perception of facial traits is learnable by both holistic and structural approaches; b) the most reliable prediction of facial trait judgments is obtained by certain type of holistic descriptions of the face appearance; and c) for some traits such as attractiveness and extroversion, there are relationships between specific structural features and social perceptions.


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It is well established that interactions between CD4(+) T cells and major histocompatibility complex class II (MHCII) positive antigen-presenting cells (APCs) of hematopoietic origin play key roles in both the maintenance of tolerance and the initiation and development of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. In sharp contrast, despite nearly three decades of intensive research, the functional relevance of MHCII expression by non-hematopoietic tissue-resident cells has remained obscure. The widespread assumption that MHCII expression by non-hematopoietic APCs has an impact on autoimmune and inflammatory diseases has in most instances neither been confirmed nor excluded by indisputable in vivo data. Here we review and put into perspective conflicting in vitro and in vivo results on the putative impact of MHCII expression by non-hematopoietic APCs-in both target organs and secondary lymphoid tissues-on the initiation and development of representative autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. Emphasis will be placed on the lacunar status of our knowledge in this field. We also discuss new mouse models-developed on the basis of our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that regulate MHCII expression-that constitute valuable tools for filling the severe gaps in our knowledge on the functions of non-hematopoietic APCs in inflammatory conditions.


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PURPOSE: Mutations within the KRAS proto-oncogene have predictive value but are of uncertain prognostic value in the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer. We took advantage of PETACC-3, an adjuvant trial with 3,278 patients with stage II to III colon cancer, to evaluate the prognostic value of KRAS and BRAF tumor mutation status in this setting. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue blocks (n = 1,564) were prospectively collected and DNA was extracted from tissue sections from 1,404 cases. Planned analysis of KRAS exon 2 and BRAF exon 15 mutations was performed by allele-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction. Survival analyses were based on univariate and multivariate proportional hazard regression models. RESULTS: KRAS and BRAF tumor mutation rates were 37.0% and 7.9%, respectively, and were not significantly different according to tumor stage. In a multivariate analysis containing stage, tumor site, nodal status, sex, age, grade, and microsatellite instability (MSI) status, KRAS mutation was associated with grade (P = .0016), while BRAF mutation was significantly associated with female sex (P = .017), and highly significantly associated with right-sided tumors, older age, high grade, and MSI-high tumors (all P < 10(-4)). In univariate and multivariate analysis, KRAS mutations did not have a major prognostic value regarding relapse-free survival (RFS) or overall survival (OS). BRAF mutation was not prognostic for RFS, but was for OS, particularly in patients with MSI-low (MSI-L) and stable (MSI-S) tumors (hazard ratio, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.4 to 3.4; P = .0003). CONCLUSION: In stage II-III colon cancer, the KRAS mutation status does not have major prognostic value. BRAF is prognostic for OS in MS-L/S tumors.


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BACKGROUND: The Mediterranean diet has a beneficial role on various neoplasms, but data are scanty on oral cavity and pharyngeal (OCP) cancer. METHODS: We analysed data from a case-control study carried out between 1997 and 2009 in Italy and Switzerland, including 768 incident, histologically confirmed OCP cancer cases and 2078 hospital controls. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was measured using the Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS) based on the major characteristics of the Mediterranean diet, and two other scores, the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern Adherence Index (MDP) and the Mediterranean Adequacy Index (MAI). RESULTS: We estimated the odds ratios (ORs), and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI), for increasing levels of the scores (i.e., increasing adherence) using multiple logistic regression models. We found a reduced risk of OCP cancer for increasing levels of the MDS, the ORs for subjects with six or more MDS components compared with two or less being 0.20 (95% CI 0.14-0.28, P-value for trend <0.0001). The ORs for the highest vs the lowest quintile were 0.20 (95% CI 0.14-0.28) for the MDP score (score 66.2 or more vs less than 57.9), and 0.48 (95% CI 0.33-0.69) for the MAI score (score value 2.1 or more vs value less 0.92), with significant trends of decreasing risk for both scores. The favourable effect of the Mediterranean diet was apparently stronger in younger subjects, in those with a higher level of education, and in ex-smokers, although it was observed in other strata as well. CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides strong evidence of a beneficial role of the Mediterranean diet on OCP cancer.


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Perceiving injustice is a key antecedent of a large range of undesirable employee attitudes and behaviors at work. For example, research has shown that employees who perceive their workplace as unfair are less satisfied, less committed and engage in more counterproductive behaviors. In this study, we suggest that justice motives like the belief in a just world (BJW) contribute to explaining relations between justice perceptions and undesirable behaviors. Specifically, we propose that individual differences in BJW (i.e, the belief that the world is just, where everyone is rewarded for his or her behavior) are related to work-related behaviors and attitudes by coloring perceptions of workplace fairness. We investigated our hypotheses in a survey study with 176 employees of various organizations (36% women; mean tenure 12.3 yeares). Results showed that after controlling for other influencing factors (e.g., neuroticism) BJW was negatively related to self-reported work deviant behaviors and to cynical, disillusioned attitudes toward the current job. Moreover, BJW was positively related to overall job satisfaction. Consistent with our expectations, relations of BJW with deviant behaviors and with attitudes were mediated by perceptions of interactional and procedural justice. These results suggest extending models of justice and deviance by including motives such as BJW.


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Collectively, research aimed to understand the regeneration of certain tissues has unveiled the existence of common key regulators. Knockout studies of the murine Nuclear Factor I-C (NFI-C) transcription factor revealed a misregulation of growth factor signaling, in particular that of transforming growth factor ß-1 (TGF-ßl), which led to alterations of skin wound healing and the growth of its appendages, suggesting it may be a general regulator of regenerative processes. We sought to investigate this further by determining whether NFI-C played a role in liver regeneration. Liver regeneration following two-thirds removal of the liver by partial hepatectomy (PH) is a well-established regenerative model whereby changes elicited in hepatocytes following injury lead to a rapid, phased proliferation. However, mechanisms controlling the action of liver proliferative factors such as transforming growth factor-ßl (TGF-ß1) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) remain largely unknown. We show that the absence of NFI-C impaired hepatocyte proliferation due to an overexpression of PAI-1 and the subsequent suppression of urokinase plasminogen (uPA) activity and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) signaling, a potent hepatocyte mitogen. This indicated that NFI-C first acts to promote hepatocyte proliferation at the onset of liver regeneration in wildtype mice. The subsequent transient down regulation of NFI-C, as can be explained by a self- regulatory feedback loop with TGF-ßl, may limit the number of hepatocytes entering the first wave of cell division and/or prevent late initiations of mitosis. Overall, we conclude that NFI-C acts as a regulator of the phased hepatocyte proliferation during liver regeneration. Taken together with NFI-C's actions in other in vivo models of (re)generation, it is plausible that NFI-C may be a general regulator of regenerative processes. - L'ensemble des recherches visant à comprendre la régénération de certains tissus a permis de mettre en évidence l'existence de régulateurs-clés communs. L'étude des souris, dépourvues du gène codant pour le facteur de transcription NFI-C (Nuclear Factor I-C), a montré des dérèglements dans la signalisation de certains facteurs croissance, en particulier du TGF-ßl (transforming growth factor-ßl), ce qui conduit à des altérations de la cicatrisation de la peau et de la croissance des poils et des dents chez ces souris, suggérant que NFI-C pourrait être un régulateur général du processus de régénération. Nous avons cherché à approfondir cette question en déterminant si NFI-C joue un rôle dans la régénération du foie. La régénération du foie, induite par une hépatectomie partielle correspondant à l'ablation des deux-tiers du foie, constitue un modèle de régénération bien établi dans lequel la lésion induite conduit à la prolifération rapide des hépatocytes de façon synchronisée. Cependant, les mécanismes contrôlant l'action de facteurs de prolifération du foie, comme le facteur de croissance TGF-ßl et l'inhibiteur de l'activateur du plasminogène PAI-1 (plasminogen activator inhibitor-1), restent encore très méconnus. Nous avons pu montrer que l'absence de NFI-C affecte la prolifération des hépatocytes, occasionnée par la surexpression de PAI-1 et par la subséquente suppression de l'activité de la protéine uPA (urokinase plasminogen) et de la signalisation du facteur de croissance des hépatocytes HGF (hepatocyte growth factor), un mitogène puissant des hépatocytes. Cela indique que NFI-C agit en premier lieu pour promouvoir la prolifération des hépatocytes au début de la régénération du foie chez les souris de type sauvage. La subséquente baisse transitoire de NFI-C, pouvant s'expliquer par une boucle rétroactive d'autorégulation avec le facteur TGF-ßl, pourrait limiter le nombre d'hépatocytes qui entrent dans la première vague de division cellulaire et/ou inhiber l'initiation de la mitose tardive. L'ensemble de ces résultats nous a permis de conclure que NFI-C agit comme un régulateur de la prolifération des hépatocytes synchrones au cours de la régénération du foie.


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Like numerous other eukaryotic organelles, the vacuole of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae undergoes coordinated cycles of membrane fission and fusion in the course of the cell cycle and in adaptation to environmental conditions. Organelle fission and fusion processes must be balanced to ensure organelle integrity. Coordination of vacuole fission and fusion depends on the interactions of vacuolar SNARE proteins and the dynamin-like GTPase Vps1p. Here, we identify a novel factor that impinges on the fusion-fission equilibrium: the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase (V-ATPase) performs two distinct roles in vacuole fission and fusion. Fusion requires the physical presence of the membrane sector of the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase sector, but not its pump activity. Vacuole fission, in contrast, depends on proton translocation by the V-ATPase. Eliminating proton pumping by the V-ATPase either pharmacologically or by conditional or constitutive V-ATPase mutations blocked salt-induced vacuole fragmentation in vivo. In living cells, fission defects are epistatic to fusion defects. Therefore, mutants lacking the V-ATPase display large single vacuoles instead of multiple smaller vacuoles, the phenotype that is generally seen in mutants having defects only in vacuolar fusion. Its dual involvement in vacuole fission and fusion suggests the V-ATPase as a potential regulator of vacuolar morphology and membrane dynamics.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: HIV targets primary CD4(+) T cells. The virus depends on the physiological state of its target cells for efficient replication, and, in turn, viral infection perturbs the cellular state significantly. Identifying the virus-host interactions that drive these dynamic changes is important for a better understanding of viral pathogenesis and persistence. The present review focuses on experimental and computational approaches to study the dynamics of viral replication and latency. RECENT FINDINGS: It was recently shown that only a fraction of the inducible latently infected reservoirs are successfully induced upon stimulation in ex-vivo models while additional rounds of stimulation make allowance for reactivation of more latently infected cells. This highlights the potential role of treatment duration and timing as important factors for successful reactivation of latently infected cells. The dynamics of HIV productive infection and latency have been investigated using transcriptome and proteome data. The cellular activation state has shown to be a major determinant of viral reactivation success. Mathematical models of latency have been used to explore the dynamics of the latent viral reservoir decay. SUMMARY: Timing is an important component of biological interactions. Temporal analyses covering aspects of viral life cycle are essential for gathering a comprehensive picture of HIV interaction with the host cell and untangling the complexity of latency. Understanding the dynamic changes tipping the balance between success and failure of HIV particle production might be key to eradicate the viral reservoir.


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Depth-averaged velocities and unit discharges within a 30 km reach of one of the world's largest rivers, the Rio Parana, Argentina, were simulated using three hydrodynamic models with different process representations: a reduced complexity (RC) model that neglects most of the physics governing fluid flow, a two-dimensional model based on the shallow water equations, and a three-dimensional model based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations. Row characteristics simulated using all three models were compared with data obtained by acoustic Doppler current profiler surveys at four cross sections within the study reach. This analysis demonstrates that, surprisingly, the performance of the RC model is generally equal to, and in some instances better than, that of the physics based models in terms of the statistical agreement between simulated and measured flow properties. In addition, in contrast to previous applications of RC models, the present study demonstrates that the RC model can successfully predict measured flow velocities. The strong performance of the RC model reflects, in part, the simplicity of the depth-averaged mean flow patterns within the study reach and the dominant role of channel-scale topographic features in controlling the flow dynamics. Moreover, the very low water surface slopes that typify large sand-bed rivers enable flow depths to be estimated reliably in the RC model using a simple fixed-lid planar water surface approximation. This approach overcomes a major problem encountered in the application of RC models in environments characterised by shallow flows and steep bed gradients. The RC model is four orders of magnitude faster than the physics based models when performing steady-state hydrodynamic calculations. However, the iterative nature of the RC model calculations implies a reduction in computational efficiency relative to some other RC models. A further implication of this is that, if used to simulate channel morphodynamics, the present RC model may offer only a marginal advantage in terms of computational efficiency over approaches based on the shallow water equations. These observations illustrate the trade off between model realism and efficiency that is a key consideration in RC modelling. Moreover, this outcome highlights a need to rethink the use of RC morphodynamic models in fluvial geomorphology and to move away from existing grid-based approaches, such as the popular cellular automata (CA) models, that remain essentially reductionist in nature. In the case of the world's largest sand-bed rivers, this might be achieved by implementing the RC model outlined here as one element within a hierarchical modelling framework that would enable computationally efficient simulation of the morphodynamics of large rivers over millennial time scales. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Natural killer (NK) cells have originally been identified based on their capacity to kill transformed cells in a seemingly non-specific fashion. Over the last 15 years, knowledge on receptor ligand systems used by NK cells to specifically detect transformed cells has been accumulating rapidly. One of these receptor ligand systems, the NKG2D pathway, has received particular attention, and now serves as a paradigm for how the immune system is able to gather information about the health status of autologous host cells. In addition to its significance on NK cells, NKG2D, as well as other NK cell receptors, play significant roles on T cells. This review aims at summarizing recent insights into the regulation of NKG2D function, the control over NKG2D ligand expression and the role of NKG2D in tumor immunity. Finally, we will discuss first attempts to exploit NKG2D function to improve immunity to tumors.


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The coupling between synaptic activity and glucose utilization (neurometabolic coupling) is a central physiologic principle of brain function that has provided the basis for 2-deoxyglucose-based functional imaging with positron emission tomography. Approximately 10 y ago we provided experimental evidence that indicated a central role of glutamate signaling on astrocytes in neurometabolic coupling. The basic mechanism in neurometabolic coupling is the glutamate-stimulated aerobic glycolysis in astrocytes, such that the sodium-coupled reuptake of glutamate by astrocytes and the ensuing activation of the Na(+)-K(+) ATPase triggers glucose uptake and its glycolytic processing, which results in the release of lactate from astrocytes. Lactate can then contribute to the activity-dependent fueling of the neuronal energy demands associated with synaptic transmission. Analyses of this coupling have been extended in vivo and have defined the methods of coupling for inhibitory neurotransmission as well as its spatial extent in relation to the propagation of metabolic signals within the astrocytic syncytium. On the basis of a large body of experimental evidence, we proposed an operational model, "the astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle." A series of results obtained by independent laboratories have provided further support for this model. This body of evidence provides a molecular and cellular basis for interpreting data that are obtained with functional brain imaging studies.


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Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is one of the candidate molecules among neurotrophic factors proposed for a potential treatment of retinitis pigmentosa (RP). It must be administered repeatedly or through sustained releasing systems to exert prolonged neuroprotective effects. In the dystrophic Royal College of Surgeon's (RCS) rat model of RP, we found that endogenous GDNF levels dropped during retinal degeneration time course, opening a therapeutic window for GDNF supplementation. We showed that after a single electrotransfer of 30 μg of GDNF-encoding plasmid in the rat ciliary muscle, GDNF was produced for at least 7 months. Morphometric, electroretinographic and optokinetic analyses highlighted that this continuous release of GDNF delayed photoreceptors (PRs) as well as retinal functions loss until at least 70 days of age in RCS rats. Unexpectedly, increasing the GDNF secretion level accelerated PR degeneration and the loss of electrophysiological responses. This is the first report: (i) demonstrating the efficacy of GDNF delivery through non-viral gene therapy in RP; (ii) establishing the efficacy of intravitreal administration of GDNF in RP associated with a mutation in the retinal pigment epithelium; and (iii) warning against potential toxic effects of GDNF within the eye/retina.