994 resultados para Reuso de águas
Hydrological samples were collected on the continental shelf of the Amazon river to determine particulate organic and inorganic matter, dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP), phosphate, total particulate phosphorus (TPP), chlorophyll a, temperature, salinity, pH, water transparency, dissolved oxygen (DO) and saturation rate. The objective was to study the forms of DOP, phosphate and TPP. In the euphotic layer, the fluvial discharge from the Amazon river favored the distribution of phosphate, TPP and DOP. In the aphotic layer, the phosphate concentration increased due to the decomposition of DOP and TPP. This increase is due to the absence of photosynthetic processes.
A discussion about groundwater contamination is presented in this work. Contamination by agricultural activity, more specifically by pesticides is emphasized. Indirect and direct estimates could be used to predict pesticide behavior in soil, and consequently, to evaluate the potential of groundwater contamination. These results could be applied to advise about the possibility of groundwater contamination by pesticides, and to provide subsidies for making decisions more quickly and efficiently.
Water quality was monitored at the upper course of the Rio das Velhas, a major tributary of the São Francisco basin located in the state of Minas Gerais, over an extension of 108 km from its source up to the limits with the Sabara district. Monitoring was done at 37 different sites over a period of 2 years (2003-2004) for 39 parameters. Multivariate statistical techniques were applied to interpret the large water-quality data set and to establish an optimal long-term monitoring network. Cluster analysis separated the sampling sites into groups of similarity, and also indicated the stations investigated for correlation and recommended to be removed from the monitoring network. Principal component analysis identified four components, which are responsible for the data structure explaining 80% of the total variance of the data. The principal parameters are characterized as due to mining activities and domestic sewage. Significant data reduction was achieved.
Analytical procedures used for determining the concentrations and isotope composition of strontium in subsurface waters, by mass spectrometry, are described. Sampling was performed in coastal plateaus, salt marsh and mangrove environments in the coastal region of Pará. Coastal plateau waters have delta87Sr between 1.51 and 6.26 and Sr concentration bellow 58 ppb. Salt marsh waters show delta87Sr between 0.55 and 0.90 and Sr concentration between 93 and 114 ppm, while mangrove waters have delta87Sr around zero and Sr concentration above 15 ppm. Differences in the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in these subsurface waters are detected, as well as seasonal variations in the coastal pleteau waters.
In this work a method was developed for removing metallic ions from wastewaters by co-precipitation of Cu2+, Pb2+, Cd2+, Cr3+ and Hg2+ with chitosan and sodium hydroxide solution. Solutions of these metallic ions in the range from 0.55 to 2160 mg L-1 were added to chitosan dissolved in 0.05 mol L-1 HCl. For the co-precipitation of metal-chitosan-hydroxide a 0.17 mol L-1 NaOH solution was added until pH 8.5-9.5. A parallel study was carried out applying a 0.17 mol L-1 NaOH solution to precipitate those metallic ions. Also, a chitosan solid phase column was used for removing those metallic ions from wastewaters.
The solid by-product of the oil shale processing (PETROBRAS - Brazil) was used as raw material to synthesize zeolites A and faujasite. Alkaline fusion followed by hydrothermal treatment was the synthesis procedure used, and five different starting material compositions were obtained. The more crystalline zeolite-type materials synthesized, the pretreated oil shale ash and commercial zeolites were used as adsorbents in the purification of pollutant solutions with arsenic. The zeolite-type material composed of a mixture of zeolite A (42.6%) and faujasite (52.9%) presented an ion exchange capacity comparable to the pure zeolites A and faujasite, much better than the pretreated ash.
Residues of herbicides from sugarcane were monitored in waters and sediments of Corumbataí River and tributaries. Ametryne, atrazine, simazine, hexazinone, glyphosate, and clomazone were detected in water samples, with negligible levels of ametryne and glyphosate in sediment samples. The area of recharge of the Guarani aquifer presented the highest triazine and clomazone levels. The triazines were detected at higher levels, with atrazine above Brazil's potability and quality standards. Total herbicide levels at some sampling points were 13 times higher than the European Community potability limit. There is no Brazilian standard for ametryne, although the risk is larger due to ametryne's higher toxicity for the aquatic biota.
The supply of drinking water in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo City has been a great and serious challenge in the latest years. This work demonstrates the viability of the evaluation of the degree of contamination of the water reservoirs using analytical procedures, which allow the analysis of several compounds at relatively low cost: stripping square wave voltammetry (SSWV) and capillary zone electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection (CZE-CCD). The results of ionic composition indicated significant contamination of the Guarapiranga water system by human activities on the reservoir banks. In fact, the Guavirutuba and Itupu streams presented high concentrations of phosphate and ammonium ions. This can be directly related to misuse and unruled occupation of the soil and precarious sanitary infrastructure.
The aim of this work was to investigate the copper electrode behavior in the voltammetric determination of glyphosate. The best conditions for this determination are phosphate buffer 0.05 mol L-1 and pH 7.3, and the peak potential is observed at 187 mV. LD and LQ values are 59 µg L-1 e 196 µg L-1, respectively. A water sample was analysed for glyphosate and identical results were obtained by using the analytical curve and the standard addition method. The comparison with a voltammetric method with Hg electrode, after a reaction with nitrite, showed quite concordant results for the analysis of the surface water sample. Therefore, the proposed method can be applied to direct determinations of the herbicide in waters, decreasing the time of analysis; besides, the method is in agreement with the "green chemistry" concept.
The electrochemical applications of a CPE modified with chitosan for the determination of Cu(II) in wastewater samples using anodic stripping voltammetry are described. The best voltammetric response was observed for a paste containing 25% m/m of chitosan. A 0.10 mol L-1 NaNO3 solution (pH 6.5) as supporting electrolyte, a pre-concentration potential of -0.20 V, pre-concentration time of 270 s and a scan rate of 25 mV s-1 were selected. The calibration graph was linear in the Cu(II) concentration range from 2.0 x 10-7 to 7.4 x 10-6 mol L-1, with a detection limit of 8.3 x 10-8 mol L-1.
This paper evaluates the occurrence of nitrate and ammonium in the Barreiras aquifer in the metropolitan area of Belém, Pará State, Brazil. The results show that some wells display ammonium and nitrate concentrations above or close to the limits of water potability regulations. The main cause of the pollution of these waters is related the local disposal of domestic effluents and/or leakage from pipes of old sewage systems.
In this work, the efficiency of some homogeneous advanced oxidation processes (UVC/H2O2, Fe2+/H2O2, UVC/Fe2+/H2O2, UVA/Fe2+/H2O2, solar/Fe2+/H2O2) was investigated toward the degradation of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB). The effect of relevant experimental parameters (ie. pH, Fe2+ and H2O2 concentration) was first investigated by factorial design, using camphor as a model substrate. In the geosmin and 2-MIB degradation studies the Fenton processes assisted by solar and UVA radiation offered the most promising results, mainly on account of high degradation capacity (higher than 80% at a reaction time of 60 min), high operational simplicity and low cost.
Water treatment uses chlorine for disinfection causing formation of trihalomethanes. In this work, an electrolytic water pre-treatment was studied and applied to the water from a fountainhead. The action against microorganisms was evaluated using cast-iron and aluminum electrodes. Assays were made in laboratory using the electrolytic treatment. After 5 min of electrolysis the heterotrophic bacteria count was below 500 cfu/mL and complete elimination of total and fecal coliforms was observed. Using electrolytic treatment as a pretreatment of conventional tap water treatment is proposed.
This work describes the use of clinoptilolite for removal of ammonium ions present in waters produced at the Campos' Basin. Samples were previously treated in order to remove organic compounds and metals. Experiments were run in fixed- and fluidized-bed systems, at room temperature. The fluidized-bed systems did not remove efficiently the ammonium ion. The best operational conditions were obtained with clinoptilolite particle size in the range 0.30-0.50 mm, under ascendant flow (3 mL min-1), in a fixed-bed system. The best zeolite performance was found when it was pretreated with 0.5 mol L-1 NaOH. Na+ was the most important interfering ion due to its high concentration in the water. Clinoptilolite lost partially its capacity to retain ammonium ions after several regeneration cycles with NaOH.
This work describes the optimization of pretreatment steps for the destruction of organic matter in samples of waters and biological fluids, by using an UV irradiation system with a high power UV radiation source (400 W). The efficiency of the system constructed for the photo-decomposition of samples of model waters, natural waters and biological fluids was investigated by performing recovery experiments of the metallic species Zn(II), Cd(II), Pb(II), Cu(II), Al(III) and Fe(III). The use of UV irradiation allowed the liberation of metals bound to the organic matrix and the determination of the total content of elements in the samples.