996 resultados para Respiratory Disorders


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Aims To identify influences on the development of alcohol use disorders in a Thai population, particularly parental drinking and childhood environment. Design Case-control study. Setting A university hospital, a regional hospital and a community hospital in southern Thailand. Participants Ninety-one alcohol-dependents and 177 hazardous/harmful drinkers were recruited as cases and 144 non-or infrequent drinkers as controls. Measurements Data on parental drinking, family demographic characteristics, family activities, parental disciplinary practice, early religious life and conduct disorder were obtained using a structured interview questionnaire. The main outcome measure was the subject's classification as alcohol-dependent, hazardous/harmful drinker or non-/infrequent drinker. Findings A significant relationship was found between having a drinking father and the occurrence of hazardous/harmful drinking or alcohol dependence in the subjects. Childhood factors (conduct disorder and having been a temple boy, relative probability ratios, RPRs and 95% CI: 6.39, 2.81-14.55 and 2.21, 1.19-4.08, respectively) also significantly predicted alcohol dependence, while perceived poverty and ethnic alienation was reported less frequently by hazardous/harmful drinkers and alcohol-dependents (RPRS and 95% CIs = 0.34, 0.19-0.62 and 0.59, 0.38-0.93, respectively) than the controls. The relative probability ratio for the effect of the father's infrequent drinking on the son's alcohol dependence was 2.92 (95% CI = 1.42-6.02) and for the father's heavy or dependent drinking 2.84 (95% CI=1.31-6.15). Conclusions Being exposed to a light-drinking, father increases the risk of a son's alcohol use disorders exhibited either as hazardous-harmful or dependent drinking. However, exposure to a heavy- or dependent-drinking father is associated more uniquely with an increased risk of his son being alcohol-dependent. The extent to which this is seen in other cultures is worthy of exploration.


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1. The present brief review covers some novel aspects of integration between respiration and movement of the body. 2. There are potent viscerosomatic reflexes in animals involving small-diameter pulmonary afferents that, when excited, would limit exercise. However, recent studies using lobeline injections to excite pulmonary afferents in awake humans suggest that there is no evoked reflex motoneuronal inhibition. Instead, the noxious respiratory sensations generated by the vagal afferents may be crucial in the decision to stop exercise. 3. While respiratory movements may affect limb movements, the control of the trunk and limbs can involve interaction (and even interference) with key respiratory muscles, such as the diaphragm. Recent studies have revealed that not only does the diaphragm receive feed-forward drive prior to some limb movements, but that it also contracts both phasically and tonically during repetitive limb movements. 4. Thus, challenges to posture can indirectly challenge ventilation, while coordinated diaphragm contraction may contribute to control of the trunk.


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Clinical and non-clinical predictors of vocational recovery were examined among 782 Australians diagnosed with DSM III R psychotic disorders, using data from the study on low-prevalence disorders, part of the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Australia 1997-1998. Of the six significant clinical predictors, self-reported course of illness emerged as a potentially practical predictor of vocational recovery. Five non-clinical variables, age, education and skills, marital status, premorbid work adjustment, and use of a vocational service in the previous year, also contributed to the prediction of vocational recovery. The implications of these findings for both rehabilitation professionals and researchers are discussed.


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The authors investigated the effect of manual hyperinflation (MHI) with set parameters applied to patients on mechanical ventilation on hemodynamics, respiratory mechanics, and gas exchange. Sixteen critically ill patients post-septic shock, with acute lung injury, were studied. Heart rate, arterial pressure, and mean pulmonary artery pressure were recorded every minute. pulmonary artery occlusion pressure, cardiac output, arterial blood gases, and dynamic compliance (C-dyn) were recorded pre- and post-MHI. From this, systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI), cardiac index, oxygen delivery, and partial pressure of oxygen:fraction of inspired oxygen (PaO2:FiO(2)) ratio were calculated. There were significant increases in SVRI (P < 0.05) post-MHI and diastolic arterial pressure (P < 0.01)during MHI. C-dyn increased post-MHI (P < 0.01) and was sustained at 20 minutes post-MHI (P < 0.01). Subjects with an intrapulmonary cause of lung disease had a significant decrease (P = 0.02) in PaO2:FiO(2), and those with extrapulmonary causes of lung disease had a significant increase (P < 0.001) in PaO2:FiO(2) post-MHI. In critically ill patients, MHI resulted in an improvement in lung mechanics and an improvement in gas exchange in patients with lung disease due to extrapulmonary events and did not result in impairment of the cardiovascular system.


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Drug prevention has traditionally focused on influencing individual attitudes and behaviours. In particular, efforts have been directed towards adolescents in the school setting. However, evaluations of school-based drug education have identified limited success. There is increasing recognition that drug abuse is one of a number of risk behaviours, including truancy, delinquency and mental health problems, which share common antecedents that begin in the early years of childhood. Furthermore, these behaviours are shaped by macroenvironmental influences including the economic, social, cultural, and physical environment. Drug prevention needs to adopt a broader perspective: with greater collaboration in related programmes such as crime prevention and suicide prevention; with greater attention to the macroenvironmental influences on problem behaviours; and with greater attention to healthy development in the first years of childhood. (C) 2002 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.


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This paper presents an analysis of personal respirable coal dust measurements recorded by the Joint Coal Board in the underground longwall mines of New South Wales from 1985 to 1999. A description of the longwall mining process is given. In the study, 11 829 measurements from 33 mines were analysed and the results given for each occupation, for seven occupational groups, for individual de-identified mines and for each year of study. The mean respirable coal dust concentration for all jobs was 1.51 mg/m(3) (SD 1.08 mg/m(3)). Only 6.9% of the measurements exceeded the Australian exposure standard of 3 mg/m(3). Published exposure-response relationships were used to predict the prevalence of progressive massive fibrosis and the mean loss of FEV1, after a working lifetime (40 years) of exposure to the mean observed concentration of 1.5 mg/m(3). Prevalences of 1.3 and 2.9% were predicted, based on data from the UK and the USA, respectively. The mean loss of FEV1 was estimated to be 73.7 ml.


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Respiratory therapy has historically been considered the primary role of the physiotherapist in neonatal intensive care in Australia. In 2001 a survey was undertaken of all level three neonatal intensive care units in Australia to determine the role of the physiotherapist and of respiratory therapy in clinical practice. It appears that respiratory therapy is provided infrequently, with the number of infants treated per month ranging from 0 to 10 in 15 of the 20 units who provide respiratory therapy, regardless of therapist availability. The median number of respiratory treatments per month during the week was three, and on weekends it was one. Respiratory therapy was carried out by physiotherapists and nurses in 54.6% of units, by physiotherapists only in 36.4% of units, and by nurses only in the remaining 9% of units surveyed. There was also a diminution of the role of respiratory therapy in the extubation of premature infants. A review of the literature shows that overall the use of respiratory therapy reflects current evidence. The question remains whether it is possible to maintain the competency of staff and justify the cost of training in the current healthcare economic climate. It seems probable that the future role of physiotherapists in neonatal intensive care unit may be in the facilitation of optimal neurological development of surviving very low birth weight infants.


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Cervical auscultation presents as a noninvasive screening assessment of swallowing. Until now the focus of acoustic research in swallowing has been the characterization of swallowing sounds,. However, it may be that the technique is also suitable for the detection of respiratory sounds post swallow. A healthy relationship between swallowing and respiration is widely accepted as pivotal to safe swallowing. Previous investigators have shown that the expiratory phase of respiration commonly occurs prior to and after swallowing. That the larynx is valved shut during swallowing is also accepted. Previous research indicates that the larynx releases valved air immediately post swallow in healthy individuals. The current investigation sought to explore acoustic evidence of a release of subglottic air post swallow in nondysphagic individuals using a noninvasive medium. Fifty-nine healthy individuals spanning the ages of 18 to 60+ years swallowed 5 and 10 milliliters (ml) of thin and thick liquid boluses. Objective acoustic analysis was used to verify presence of the sound and to characterize its morphological features. The sound, dubbed the glottal release sound, was found to consistently occur in close proximity following the swallowing sound. The results indicated that the sound has distinct morphological features and that these change depending on the volume and viscosity of the bolus swallowed. Further research will be required to translate this information to a clinical tool.


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Chest clapping, vibration, and shaking were studied in 10 physiotherapists who applied these techniques on an anesthetized animal model. Hemodynamic variables (such as heart rate, blood pressure, pulmonary artery pressure, and right atrial pressure) were measured during the application of these techniques to verify claims of adverse events. In addition, expired tidal volume and peak expiratory flow rate were measured to ascertain effects of these techniques. Physiotherapists in this study applied chest clapping at a rate of 6.2 +/- 0.9 Hz, vibration at 10.5 +/- 2.3 Hz, and shaking at 6.2 +/- 2.3 Hz. With the use of these rates, esophageal pressure swings of 8.8 +/- 5.0, 0.7 +/- 0.3, and 1.4 +/- 0.7 mmHg resulted from clapping, vibration, and shaking respectively. Variability in rates and forces generated by these techniques was 80% of variance in shaking force (P = 0.003). Application of these techniques by physiotherapists was found to have no significant effects on hemodynamic and most ventilatory variables in this study. From this study, we conclude that chest clapping, vibration, and shaking 1) can be consistently performed by physiotherapists; 2) are significantly related to physiotherapists' characteristics, particularly clinical experience; and 3) caused no significant hemodynamic effects.


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China holds the key to solving many questions crucial to global control of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The disease appears to have originated in Guangdong Province, and the causative agent, SARS coronavirus, is likely to have originated from an animal host, perhaps sold in public markets. Epidemiologic findings, integral to defining an animal-human linkage, may be confirmed by laboratory studies; once animal host(s) are confirmed, interventions may be needed to prevent further animal-to-human transmission. Community seroprevalence studies may help determine the basis for the decline in disease incidence in Guangdong Province after February 2002. China will also be able to contribute key data about how the causative agent is transmitted and how it is evolving, as well as identifying pivotal factors influencing disease outcome.