881 resultados para Reconhecimento do sujeito


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Culturally, childbearing is understood as a situation that subjects will experience at some point in their lives, especially people who are married or have a similar affectionate relationship. Thus, to realize the inability to meet such a fate seems to be a natural cultural trigger of suffering, frustration and feelings of inadequacy and helplessness. Specifically for men, infertility is closely related to loss of masculinity, virility. He fails in his role as a male. This study sought to understand the impact that infertility have on the existence of a man who receives such a diagnosis, both in self-image as in their marital, sexual and professional roles. This study sets up as a hermeneutic phenomenological research based on the ideas of the philosopher Martin Heidegger. Participants were seven heterosexual, married and infertile men. Two interviews were conducted. The analysis of the material included both the material of the narratives, as the affectation of the researcher when interacting with the participants and their narratives, through phenomenological-hermeneutic interpretation. The results corroborate the literature that states the difficulty of the men, immersed in a context that defines them as virile, powerful and invulnerable to worry about issues related to health and disease. The possibility of any condition that impairs the reproductive capacity exceeds the acceptable limits of daily life for these men, not being recognized as a model of masculinity present in the condition in which they recognize. This leads to questions about their masculinity, role in the marital relationship and their existence. Thus, to recognize themselves as infertile surpass a medical diagnosis and is associated with the construction of meaning for their existence from the approximation with the infertility condition, which helps in redirecting their choices, restoring the project to be self and allowing further recognition as men. In the marital relationship, doing what they can to ensure, theirs happiness. Through these actions, they remain playing the role of family provider, showing that they are able to protect their wives and taking in assisted reproduction or adoption of children viable alternatives to fulfill the desire to leave a legacy and give a child to their wives and to society. Another result observed, refers to the ontological condition of care that characterizes the human being. The ways in which men are treated socially demonstrates a type of care that focuses on the development of characteristics such as strength, virility and determination but does not allow them to cope with the suffering of emotionally difficult situations, such as the diagnosis of infertility. At the end, the study gives rise to reflections on the need to provide a 12 space for men and their expressions of suffering, as well as to recognize their ability to overcome the painful and difficult situations


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This study arises with two questionings: what is the usefulness of a diagnosis in school? And what moves that demand for diagnosis? Such questions were drawn up in answer to a diagnostic demand produced in the context of our internship in Scholar/Educational Psychology. On the perspective of working these issues, we conducted a literature research on diagnosis, with regard to its history, as a review of the psychoanalytic literature about the subject. This venture led us to a new interrogation: what are the elaborations that teachers produce from the child diagnosis, which place her as having special educational needs? The need of deciding the method that would lead us to answer such question, taking as reference the psychoanalytic theory, led us to an incursion to the subject research in psychoanalysis. This tracking points us that, according to Freud, on what comes to psychoanalysis, theory and research go together and that psychoanalysis is not a totalitarian world vision. On Lacan, the research is from the analysand, research that always implies the analyst and its praxis. Such path forced us to position a change to question the positions we occupy, in this experience, guided by an analytical listening. To discuss our position, we started from two cases and submitted them to construction and analysis. As a result, we found out that there is no way to know in advance what will be done from a diagnosis, which will be its uses. Point we used to considerate devastating to a child. So, to us, all children that received a diagnosis would be destined to a tragedy and what the research has shown us is that not always, not all of them. Thus, more than knowing what moves the demand, the important is the subject uses and our position towards it so they can generate a work


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Subject s identity is constituted in the relation with the other, which is characterized by dialeticity, and is configured as an identification and/or recognize movement, and strangeness and/or distance. In social interactions, people with whom subject relates himself assign meanings to him and, from these, the subject will ressignify, producing sense about himself. In other words, is through these interactions that subjects organizes themselves, recognize what is yours, and acquire the sense about themselves. It can be highlighted, too, the social-historic context s importance in the self-constitution process, whereas, from this, the subject produces particular forms of perception about reality charged with cultural meaning. Thus, the self-conception, the manners of thinking, of being, of relates, of take position against experiences, coming from values internalization, roles and related, are permeated by the manner witch the others relates themselves with the subject. However, when the relation with the other happens to be in a violent way, like in children sexual abuse, there are implications in the subjects constitution, whereas violates his physical and psychological integrities, as well as the rights of dignity, respect and even healthy physical, psychological and sexual developments. Therefore, this work aims to investigate how the identity process is constituted in children victims of sexual abuse. As specific aims the research proposes: 1) to characterize the relations between child and abuser, before and after the abuse act; 2) to identify images that the subjects, abuse victims, have about themselves and; 3) to identify the features of subject s relation with their own body. Toward this aims, procedures involving drawings, painting, collage, photography, activities with cardboard, colored pens, glue and tissue snips. The research took place at the Social Assistance Specialized Reference Center, where there is the treatment of children who suffered of rights violation, which includes sexual abuse. The research subjects were 3 girl children, between 6 and 10 years old, victims of sexual abuse. The corpus analyses was done through Thematic Content Analysis, structured in three meaning nucleus: 1) self-reference without the explicit attendance of other s discourse; 2) self-reference with the explicit attendance of other s discourse; 3) The other abuser. The analysis indicates that children, research subjects, have deteriorated images about themselves, about their bodies, which is consistent with the studies in the children and adolescents sexual violence field. In the other hand, were identified, too, self-references with positive values in the cases with mention about their way-of-being, which can be read as important to subject s development. About the other s discourse towards the subjects, were identified positive observations and found that these can contribute to subject s self-image reorganization. The contribution of negative comments, on the other hand, was showed in a more clear and incisive form in subject s constitution. There is, yet, an overvaluation of the other s discourse, so the meanings attributed toward them by the other are internalized, overshadowing the self-appreciation. To conclude, it can be highlighted that the need of psychological accompaniment of the children victims of sexual abuse, based on the possibility of this trauma experience elaboration, trying to overcome, as well as can be expected that this research s results contributes to the practices of professionals who work with subjects who have their rights violated


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Primary Health Care, especially in the family health strategy, it is expected that the joint assistance and actions of health promotion. The Ministry of health (BRAZIL, 2007) defines health education as an eyeshadow strategy of prevention and health promotion, based on reflective practices, which allow the user to their condition of historical, social and political subject, under the vision of an expanded clinic on the part of health professionals. In this sense, there are guidelines for it professionals to develop educational activities and that they can interfere in the health/disease process of the population, with a view to the development of autonomy of the subject. This research had as objective to understand in the light of the integrality of the care, as is the production of health education practices, within the framework of the family health strategy from ethnographic study in a family health unit (USF). The location of the research was the unit of USF Felipe Camarão II in West Health District, in the city of Natal, RN, Brazil, selected from preliminary mapping of educational practices deployed in units of health of the family of this municipality, based on criteria such as time-to-deployment of USF and sustainability of existing actions. Immersion in the field consisted of participant observation with journaling, held during the period of August 2012 to January 2013, in which she accompanied team work processes in clinical-welfare actions on the USF, in households and in educational activities of group character. The results presented in ethnographic description were analyzed based on the axes proposed by Ayres (2009) for identification of integrality in health practices:the axis of the needs; the axis of the purposes; the joint axis; and the axis of the interactionsThe evidence described from observation point the presence of each axle up health education practices developed by the teams, even incipient form, namely: articulation and appreciation of knowledge and practices of popular culture with local initiatives (Pastoril do Peixe Boi Encantado, Auto de Natal e Grupo Terapia e Arte); Clinical integration with health promotion actions and coordination of multidisciplinary knowledge, with professional-user link (course for pregnant women). However, a few challenges were identified to be faced in order to move forward in these practices in integral care: the need to break with the fragmentation of actions; strengthening teamwork; need for greater sustainability policy of collective actions; intersectoral work aimed at a better role of the State in the face of the health-disease process, adding to the action of individuals.The analysis produced from observation of the processes experienced indicates the need for a better recognition of local managers that actions similar to those that occur in the USF Felipe Camarão II enable advances in completeness as allows inclusion of actors involved in the processes of health work, and stimulate participation and shared responsibility in the fight for health-disease situations


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O diabetes é uma doença crônico-degenerativa de grande prevalência na população mundial configurando-se enquanto sério problema de saúde pública. Por ser crônico exige dos sujeitos autocuidado e autogoverno longitudinal. A autonomia, por sua vez, é um direito fundamental e também um dos princípios da bioética mais discutidos na atualidade. Seu conceito é complexo e leva em conta a vida experimentada ao longo dos anos. Quando a discussão sobre autonomia se trata de diabetes, a dependência do outro e os conflitos no controle da doença, diante de novas regras e estilos de vida, nem sempre condizentes com os valores dos pacientes, torna-a fragilizada. Embora a autonomia seja claramente parte integrante do tratamento e alicerce para uma vida digna e de qualidade, observamos que os sujeitos se tornam ainda mais dependentes dos serviços de saúde, quando se deparam com o diagnóstico e não têm confiança para tomar suas próprias decisões diante da patologia limitadora. Por isso, há a necessidade dos serviços de atenção primária à saúde traçarem estratégias para promover a saúde desses sujeitos. Os Grupos de Promoção da Saúde são estratégias recentemente utilizadas para influenciar no nível de autonomia dos sujeitos, pois possibilitam, respeitando os limites éticos, a garantia de participação decisória no grupo, através de estratégias e treinamentos de habilidades com competências claramente definidas, que favorecem o empowerment e o protagonismo dos sujeitos. Desse modo, este trabalho objetiva identificar estratégias no âmbito da promoção da saúde na ESF, que contribuam para melhor autonomia e qualidade de vida dos sujeitos com diabetes mellitus, a partir de sua percepção. E, mais especificamente, analisar o perfil clínico e socioeconômico dos portadores de diabetes da ESF; identificar as experiências, necessidades e expectativas dos sujeitos com diabetes sobre autonomia, autocuidado e qualidade de vida; e realizar um levantamento em conjunto com os sujeitos com diabetes, sobre aspectos que sirvam de evidências para construção de propostas para implantação de um Grupo Estratégico de Promoção da Saúde GEPS, com foco na autonomia. Para isto, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória descritiva de abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, com 65 sujeitos com diabetes acompanhados por uma Unidade de Saúde da Família do Município de Santa Cruz/RN. A pesquisa foi realizada em três etapas interdependentes: 1) coleta de dados clínicos e socioeconômicos, para o qual foi utilizado entrevista estruturada e análise retrospectiva dos registros feitos em seu prontuário; 2) a análise das experiências, necessidades e expectativas dos sujeitos sobre autonomia, autocuidado e qualidade de vida, que se utilizou de entrevista semiestruturada com 6 sujeitos, sendo 3 com mais e 3 com menos complicações autorreferidas e verificadas no prontuário; e 3) a construção coletiva de propostas para melhor autonomia e qualidade de vida dos próprios participantes do estudo, por meio de roda de conversa. Para a análise dos dados utilizamos software de estatísticas simples para os dados das questões fechadas de cunho quantitativo e os dados qualitativos foram analisados através da análise de conteúdo. Observamos que o perfil clínico e socioeconômicos dos sujeitos com diabetes aproximam-se das estatísticas nacionais, embora existam variáveis, como cor da pele, com variação significativa. A autopercepção dos sujeitos diante de algumas complicações divergem de registros encontrados em seu prontuário o que aponta uma possível desvalorização de queixas como hipoglicemia e disfunção sexual, como também baixa adesão ao tratamento por, muitas vezes, não terem suas opiniões valorizadas. As categorias encontradas: vida, qualidade de vida, diagnostico e enfrentamento do problema, autonomia, limites e dependência assim como as práticas coletivas de promoção da saúde, apontam para a necessidade de estratégias por meio de grupos que considerem as crenças e valores dos sujeitos, favoreçam sua emancipação e torne-os protagonistas de sua própria história e de seu processo saúde doença. A autonomia é fundamental para o exercício da cidadania efetiva. É por meio dela que os sujeitos transformam sua realidade e a si mesmo. A contribuição desta pesquisa consiste em identificar estratégicas que se propõe a potencializar a autonomia dos sujeitos, através dos GEPS, norteando a atuação dos profissionais na atenção primária à saúde, que deve sustentarse em ações de prevenção e promoção da saúde e também no incentivo à participação popular e protagonismo dos sujeitos


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This work presents itself as a result of the research: Women as the subject of crime: a study on the complex reality of the criminal inmates Dr. John Keys - Natal / RN, done with women incarcerated in the Women's Pavilion Complex Criminal Dr. John Keys. Aimed to investigate the key determinants that lead women to enter the institution to be subject of crime. To better understand the object of our study, we start to understand and analyze the social reality, economic and cultural these women, as well as seizure of their family relationships and emotional, within a gender perspective and consider the analysis of major crimes committed and their determinations. In our study, it appears from successive approximations and procedures theoretical and methodological quality and quantity, we were privileged to documentary research, observation and semi-structured, beyond the theoretical foundation on the subject - that the question of increase in recent years, women in the criminal occurs as a result of socioeconomic reality experienced by those. At the same time, the study has also believe that poverty and crime are not phenomena of cause and effect, however, it is undeniable that the large number of prisoners (as) are poor and live situation of denial of rights. The main focus of the research points to the socio-emotional relationships, both marital and family as the main determinant for inclusion of women in crime, breaking with the myth that the woman is "fragile sex." And, more, points out that the woman in the process of emancipation and achievement of public spaces to commit a crime seek equal to the male. Moreover, the research also denounced in a prison system collapsed, and totally abandoned by the public. That denies all rights provided to prisoners (as), both inside and outside the "walls". It is a system that criminalizes and no one wants to fulfill its role, which is the functional rehabilitation and resocialization of (the) inmates (those). It is hoped that this work could contribute to the unveiling of the reality of women in the criminal - no pretension of exhausting it - and can also contribute to further studies on the subject


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The use of intelligent agents in multi-classifier systems appeared in order to making the centralized decision process of a multi-classifier system into a distributed, flexible and incremental one. Based on this, the NeurAge (Neural Agents) system (Abreu et al 2004) was proposed. This system has a superior performance to some combination-centered methods (Abreu, Canuto, and Santana 2005). The negotiation is important to the multiagent system performance, but most of negotiations are defined informaly. A way to formalize the negotiation process is using an ontology. In the context of classification tasks, the ontology provides an approach to formalize the concepts and rules that manage the relations between these concepts. This work aims at using ontologies to make a formal description of the negotiation methods of a multi-agent system for classification tasks, more specifically the NeurAge system. Through ontologies, we intend to make the NeurAge system more formal and open, allowing that new agents can be part of such system during the negotiation. In this sense, the NeurAge System will be studied on the basis of its functioning and reaching, mainly, the negotiation methods used by the same ones. After that, some negotiation ontologies found in literature will be studied, and then those that were chosen for this work will be adapted to the negotiation methods used in the NeurAge.


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This work discusses the application of techniques of ensembles in multimodal recognition systems development in revocable biometrics. Biometric systems are the future identification techniques and user access control and a proof of this is the constant increases of such systems in current society. However, there is still much advancement to be developed, mainly with regard to the accuracy, security and processing time of such systems. In the search for developing more efficient techniques, the multimodal systems and the use of revocable biometrics are promising, and can model many of the problems involved in traditional biometric recognition. A multimodal system is characterized by combining different techniques of biometric security and overcome many limitations, how: failures in the extraction or processing the dataset. Among the various possibilities to develop a multimodal system, the use of ensembles is a subject quite promising, motivated by performance and flexibility that they are demonstrating over the years, in its many applications. Givin emphasis in relation to safety, one of the biggest problems found is that the biometrics is permanently related with the user and the fact of cannot be changed if compromised. However, this problem has been solved by techniques known as revocable biometrics, which consists of applying a transformation on the biometric data in order to protect the unique characteristics, making its cancellation and replacement. In order to contribute to this important subject, this work compares the performance of individual classifiers methods, as well as the set of classifiers, in the context of the original data and the biometric space transformed by different functions. Another factor to be highlighted is the use of Genetic Algorithms (GA) in different parts of the systems, seeking to further maximize their eficiency. One of the motivations of this development is to evaluate the gain that maximized ensembles systems by different GA can bring to the data in the transformed space. Another relevant factor is to generate revocable systems even more eficient by combining two or more functions of transformations, demonstrating that is possible to extract information of a similar standard through applying different transformation functions. With all this, it is clear the importance of revocable biometrics, ensembles and GA in the development of more eficient biometric systems, something that is increasingly important in the present day


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O artigo trata do processo de retomada e reconhecimento da Terra Indígena Las Casas, PA, de ocupação tradicional dos índios caiapó. O intuito é mostrar que os Caiapó interpretam esse evento, que é também jurídico e administrativo, a partir de suas próprias ló- gicas culturais, a ele incorporando novas agências e visões de mundo


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A hipertensão arterial é um expressivo problema de saúde pública enquanto fator de risco para as doenças cardiovasculares e principal grupo de causas de mortalidade no Brasil. A baixa adesão e o abandono do tratamento estão entre os principais obstáculos às estratégias individuais de controle. Estudam-se os motivos do abandono do seguimento médico em uma coorte de pacientes em tratamento de hipertensão arterial, em serviço de atenção primária à saúde, acompanhados por um período de quatro anos. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com cinquenta pessoas com hipertensão que abandonaram o seguimento médico. As respostas foram analisadas mediante a técnica de análise temática de conteúdo. Os motivos relatados para o abandono do seguimento mostraram predomínio de razões ligadas ao próprio serviço de saúde - sua organização, estrutura e a relação médico-paciente - e, ainda, tratamento em outro serviço de saúde. Razões de natureza psicossocial, como a ausência de sintomas, a melhora e/ou a normalização da pressão arterial e o consumo de álcool também contribuíram para o abandono do cuidado. Estudar os motivos do abandono na perspectiva do próprio sujeito permitiu verificar a riqueza e diversidade de problemas envolvidos no cuidado requerido.


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Habermas pensa a questão da individuação e da socialização a partir dos estudos de George Hebert Mead, que, na sua concepção, foi o primeiro a refletir substancialmente sobre um modelo de eu produzido socialmente. Mead oferece todo subsídio teórico para o desenvolvimento de uma teoria da evolução humana que envolve o processo de individuação e de socialização. Pelo paradigma de intercompreensão, ou seja, da relação intersubjetiva de indivíduos que se socializam por meio da comunicação e se reconhecem mutuamente, Mead permite a mudança de paradigma da consciência de si, da autorreferência de um sujeito que age isoladamente para o indivíduo que processa trocas sociais mediante a linguagem. Portanto, um dos principais componentes da teoria de Mead, em que Habermas busca contribuição para sua Teoria da Ação Comunicativa, é o processo de constituição do eu, sua identidade. Mead acredita ser a individuação representada como um processo que é linguisticamente mediador da socialização e da construção de uma história de vida, na qual os sujeitos são conscientes de si. É esse meio linguístico estabelecido entre os sujeitos e o meio do entendimento intrassubjetivo e histórico vital que possibilita a formação de uma identidade de sujeitos socializados. É o reconhecimento intersubjetivo e autoentendimento mediado intersubjetivamente que propicia a formação da identidade. Esse quadro conceitual será fundamental a Habermas, na sua acepção de eu pós-convencional.


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The merit of the Karhunen-Loève transform is well known. Since its basis is the eigenvector set of the covariance matrix, a statistical, not functional, representation of the variance in pattern ensembles is generated. By using the Karhunen-Loève transform coefficients as a natural feature representation of a character image, the eigenvector set can be regarded as an feature extractor for a classifier.


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This paper presents the results of a geophysical study carried out in northeastern São Paulo State and southwestern Minas Gerais State over an area 80 km wide and 97.5 km long in SE Brazil. The Bouguer anomaly map, and geological and structural data allowed to identify three different gravity domains - crustal blocks limited by major discontinuities -related to the structural pattern of the area. These discontinuities were interpreted as geosuture zones underlying the Paraná Basin sediments which have extensions in the Pre-cambrian Basement. The crustal discontinuities named Alterosa and Ribeirão Preto may be seen as A - type collision sutures in a triple junction arramgement. Two prominent linear anomalies are recognized in the Bouguer anomaly map, as well as the limit between the Brasilia and São Paulo crustal blocks or paleoplates. The Alterosa suture zone trends NW-SE while the Ribeirão Preto suture has a NE-SW direction. The Bouguer anomaly map provides subsidies and information on new concepts and theories leading to the refinement of tectonic models.


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During the critical period of the maternal recognition, which occurs between days 15 and 19 of pregnancy, the conceptus must competently synthesize molecules capable of blocking the synthesis of prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) and luteolysis. In cattle, the major macromolecule involved in suck blockage is the protein interferontau (IFN-τ). During the critical period, failures in the recognition of pregnancy determine embryonic mortality on up to 40% of inseminated cows. Data about IFN-τ in Bos taurus indicus are still scarce. Objective of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the presence of IFN-τ during the critical period for maternal recognition of pregnancy in uterine flushings obtained in vivo by Foley catheter (Days 14, 16 and 18 post estrus) or post-mortem (Day 18 post estrus). Multiparous, cyclic or pregnant zebu cows (Bos taurus indicus) on days 14, 16 and 18 post estrus were used for in vivo or post mortem uterine flushing collection. In both cases, a Ringer solution was used to wash the uterus of cows. Uterine flushings were concentrated by ultrafiltration and lyophilized. Proteins were separated by one-dimensional electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) in a 15% polyacrilamide gel. Interferontau quantification in uterine flushings was performed by western blotting and densitometry. Non-specific protein bands were observed in both in vivo and post mortem uterine flushings. Interferon-tau was detected only in uterine flushings obtained from pregnant cows post-mortem (P<0.05). Optical density of protein bands was not affected by the day of the critical period, state (cyclic or pregnant) or interaction day x state. There was no effect of the conceptus weight or progesterone concentration on the day of uterine flushing collection in the optical density of the IFN-τ protein band. It was concluded that the detection and quantification of IFN-τ in the uterine environment of zebu cows, in these experimental?conditions, is only possible in uterine flushings obtained post-mortem.


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Research problematizes readings on the so-called subject or agent of action as associated to group constitution and analyzes the implications of such interpretations in psychological practice and in the constitution of subjectivity. The article is based on interdisciplinary readings and on different areas of knowledge so that identity references overlying the modern subject of action may be problematized. Critical emphasis is foregrounded on the classical logic, identity and subjected subjectivity as a-temporal and universal factors of action in the real world. The problematization of subjectivity's construction and its relationships with modes of knowledge will contribute towards the establishment of critical theoretic and strategic interventions.