528 resultados para Rearview mirrors.


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We investigate a hitherto largely unexplored regime of cavity quantum electrodynamics in which a highly-reflective element positioned between the end-mirrors of a typical Fabry--P\'erot resonator strongly modifies the cavity response function, such that two longitudinal modes with different spatial parity are brought close to frequency degeneracy. We examine applications of this generic `optical coalescence' phenomenon for the generation of enhanced photon--phonon nonlinearities in optomechanics and atom--photon nonlinearities in cavity quantum electrodynamics with strongly-coupled emitters.


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Architecture plays an important role in Andrei Tarkovsky’s films in defining the atmosphere of a space and memory of a place. This paper is a study of how the settings in Tarkovsky’s Solaris (1972) are used to provoke and convey feelings to the audience through architectonic space depicting the city, library, home and aspects of the home such as paintings and mirrors. The rooms depicted in Solaris (Fig. 1) are filled with symbolism and detail. They are imbued with a poetic quality rarely seen in cinema. The everyday places of city, library and home in Solaris are given an emotional depth not usually found in these spaces in reality. Solaris is an anomaly among Tarkovsky’s films in that the majority of the narrative takes place in an enclosed built set. Rarely do Tarkovsky spaces exert so much control over the actors’ movements within a meticulously designed and detailed set. This paper analyses how the director uses constructed sets in Solaris to confront our perception of memories, dreams and reality.
The intent of this study is to gain better understanding of the link between architecture and other art forms such as painting and cinema through spatial analysis. This study also relates to our imagination and how we perceive architectonic space portrayed through cinematic images. The architectural theory of Juhani Pallasmaa forms the basis of this paper.


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Background: The use of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in Pharmacy has been explored; however this is the first attempt in Queen’s University School of Pharmacy, Belfast to assess students via this method in a module where chemistry is the main discipline.

Aims: To devise an OSCE to assess undergraduate ability to check extemporaneously dispensed products for clinical and formulation errors. This activity also aims to consider whether it is a viable method of assessment in such a science-based class, from a staff and student perspective.

Method: Students rotated around a number of stations, performing a check of the product, corresponding prescription and formulation record sheet detailing the theory behind the formulation. They were assessed on their ability to spot intentional mistakes at each one.

Results: Of the 79 students questioned, 95% indicated that OSCE made them aware of the importance of the clinical check carried out by the pharmacist. Nearly all of the undergraduates (72 out of 79) felt that OSCE made them aware of the type of mistakes that students make in class. Most (5 out of 7) of the academic team members strongly agreed that it made students aware of ‘point of dispensing’ checks carried out by pharmacists, in addition to helping them to prepare for their exam.

Conclusion: OSCE assesses both scientific and formulation skills, and has increased the diversity of assessment of this module, bringing with it many additional benefits for the undergraduates since it measures their ability to exercise professional judgement in a time- constrained environment and, in this way, mirrors the conditions many pharmacists work within.


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We study the effects of post-selection measurements on both the non-classicality of the state of a mechanical oscillator and the entanglement between two mechanical systems that are part of a distributed optomechanical network. We address the cases of both Gaussian and non-Gaussian measurements, identifying in which cases simple photon counting and Geiger-like measurements are effective in distilling a strongly non-classical mechanical state and enhancing the purely mechanical entanglement between two elements of the network.


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We consider the distribution of entanglement from a multimode optical driving source to a network of remote and independent optomechanical systems. By focusing on the tripartite case, we analyse the effects that the features of the optical input states have on the degree and sharing structure of the distributed, fully mechanical, entanglement. This study, which is conducted looking at the mechanical steady state, highlights the structure of the entanglement distributed among the nodes and determines the relative efficiency between bipartite and tripartite entanglement transfer. We discuss a few open points, some of which are directed towards the bypassing of such limitations.


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We present a scheme to strongly enhance the readout sensitivity of the squared displacement of a mobile scatterer placed in a Fabry-Pérot cavity. We investigate the largely unexplored regime of cavity electrodynamics in which a highly reflective element positioned between the end mirrors of a symmetric Fabry-Pérot resonator strongly modifies the cavity response function, such that two longitudinal modes with different spatial parity are brought close to frequency degeneracy and interfere in the cavity output field. In the case of a movable middle reflector we show that the interference in this generic "optical coalescence" phenomenon gives rise to an enhanced frequency shift of the peaks of the cavity transmission that can be exploited in optomechanics. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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The proportion of adults over the age of 60 years is expanding rapidly across European Union countries, including the Republic of Ireland. As the older population has grown faster than the total population, the proportion of older persons relative to the rest of the population has increased considerably (Figure 1). This trend mirrors the arrival of the “baby boomer� generation into early old age and will have wide ranging effects on social, political and economic spheres as well as presenting significant challenges for healthcare delivery and public healthcare policy.


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Experimental results on relativistic surface HHG at a repetition rate of 10 Hz are presented. Average powers in the 10?W range are generated in the spectral range of 51 to 26 nm (24-48 eV). The surface harmonic radiation is produced by focusing the second-harmonic of a high-power laser onto a rotating glass surface to moderately relativistic intensities of 3×10 19Wcm ?2. The harmonic emission exhibits a divergence of 26 mrad. Together with absolute photon numbers recorded by a calibrated spectrometer, this allows for the determination of the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) yield. The pulse energies of individual harmonics are reaching up to the μJ level, equivalent to an efficiency of 10 ?5. The capability of producing stable and intense high-harmonic radiation from relativistic surface plasmas may facilitate experiments on nonlinear ionization or the seeding of free-electron lasers. © IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.


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High-harmonic generation (HHG) by nonlinear interaction of intense laser pulses with gases or plasma surfaces is the most prominent way of creating highly coherent extreme ultraviolet (EUV/XUV) pulses. In the last years, several scientific applications have been found which require the measurement of the polarization of the harmonic radiation. We present a broadband XUV polarimeter based on multiple Fresnel reflections providing an extinction rate of 5-25 for 17-45 nm which is particularly suited for surface harmonics. The device has first been tested at a gas harmonic source providing linearly polarized XUV radiation. In a further experiment using HHG from plasma surfaces, the XUV polarimeter allowed a polarization measurement of high harmonic radiation from plasma surfaces for the first time which reveals a linear polarization state as predicted for our generation parameters. The generation and control of intense polarized XUV pulses-together with the availability of broadband polarizers in the XUV-open the way for a series of new experiments. For instance, dichroism in the XUV, elliptically polarized harmonics from aligned molecules, or the selection rules of relativistic surface harmonics can be studied with the broadband XUV polarimeter.


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To study perception and action, Gibson advocated that “the laboratory must be like life” (Gibson, 1979, p. 3). In other words, the interactive relationship between an organism and his/her envi- ronment must be maintained so that the behavior observed in an experimental context mirrors, as closely as possible, the behavior observed in a realistic sport setting. The concept of repre- sentative design introduced by Brunswik in 1956 emphasized the need to have experimental tasks that allow the player to pick up perceptual information that specifies a property of the environment-actor system (Araújo et al., 2005; see also Chapter 24). In this chapter we will provide a brief overview of the methodologies used to study perception and action in sport and present, in some detail, the opportunities new methodologies such as immersive, interactive vir- tual reality can offer researchers in sport expertise.


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This article critically reflects on current mainstream debate on abortion in international human rights discourse and the conception of life underpinning it. The public health focus on access to safe abortion which has dominated this discourse can be detected as committed to a fundamentally liberal idea of bounded and individual subjecthood which mirrors the commitments of the liberal right to life more generally. However, feminist challenges to this frame seeking to advance wider access to reproductive freedoms appear equally underpinned by a liberal conception of life. It is asserted that feminists may offer a more radical challenge to the current impasse in international debate on abortion by engaging with the concept of livability which foregrounds life as an interdependent and conditioned process. The trope of the ‘right to livability’ developed in this article presents a means to reposition the relation between rights and life and facilitate such radical engagement which better attends to the socio-political conditions shaping our interdependent living and being.


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We present a study on the gender balance, in speakers and attendees, at the recent major astronomical conference, the American Astronomical Society meeting 223, in Washington, DC. We conducted an informal survey, yielding over 300 responses by volunteers at the meeting. Each response included gender data about a single talk given at the meeting, recording the gender of the speaker and all question-askers. In total, 225 individual AAS talks were sampled. We analyze basic statistical properties of this sample. We find that the gender ratio of the speakers closely matched the gender ratio of the conference attendees. The audience asked an average of 2.8 questions per talk. Talks given by women had a slightly higher number of questions asked (3.2$\pm$0.2) than talks given by men (2.6$\pm$0.1). The most significant result from this study is that while the gender ratio of speakers very closely mirrors that of conference attendees, women are under-represented in the question-asker category. We interpret this to be an age-effect, as senior scientists may be more likely to ask questions, and are more commonly men. A strong dependence on the gender of session chairs is found, whereby women ask disproportionately fewer questions in sessions chaired by men. While our results point to laudable progress in gender-balanced speaker selection, we believe future surveys of this kind would help ensure that collaboration at such meetings is as inclusive as possible.


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O presente trabalho tem como objectivo estudar o processo dialógico que se manifesta entre a tradição e a contemporaneidade, nas culturas Oriental e Ocidental, em particular na nova música erudita chinesa do século XX. Evocando uma análise diversificada, e um estudo sobre a “individualidade do diálogo”, aprofundamos o nosso conhecimento sobre o compositor Zhu Jian-Er e a sua obra, enquanto manifesto individual das características e da determinação de um novo fazer artístico. Nesse estudo, trata-se, por um lado, de estudar de que forma a obra de Zhu espelha, e expressa, o espaço dialógico, examinando como a observação e a percepção individual se redimensionam nas diferentes vivências sócio-históricas e políticas do autor, e estas, na história da cultura chinesa do século XX. Procuramos ainda perceber como o auto-conhecimento e a personalidade de Zhu se declaram na sua última fase criativa, e a maneira como as diversas construções técnicoestéticas se edificam e interactuam num ponto de encontro único, e, por sua vez, se influenciam reciprocamente no processo dialógico. A estruturação do presente trabalho contém três partes, abrangendo a narração do contexto sócio-histórico da produção musical de Zhu Jian-Er, a pesquisa sobre a vida e obra do autor e, a análise detalhada da sua Décima Sinfonia. Desvendaremos ainda de que forma integra e interage com os diferentes elementos técnico, estilísticos e estéticos que obtém do contacto com diversas manifestações artísticas, não só da música erudita ocidental, como da música erudita oriental, em particular da tradição musical chinesa, determinando a forma como engloba os elementos que obtém na produção de arte. A maneira como constrói o diálogo entre as duas culturas, e que revela, posteriormente, na produção da sua Décima Sinfonia, constituirá, assim, o âmago deste trabalho.


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A tese analisa o empreendedorismo do imigrante português na cidade do Recife, Estado de Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil, durante a primeira metade do século XX. O foco da tese pode ser assim formulado: teria o imigrante português sido empreendedor nesse cenário de mudança econômica e cultural dos primeiros cinquenta anos do século XX, seja como grupo étnico, seja como pessoa de comportamento empreendedor? O corpus teórico principal é, portanto, derivado do campo do empreendedorismo. É uma pesquisa interdisciplinar, que se ampara nas áreas de história, estudos migratórios, econômicos e organizacionais. De acordo com a literatura consultada, esse tipo de abordagem não é incomum no vasto campo do empreendedorismo (Fillion, 1999 e Martinelli, 2007). À luz dessa visão interdisciplinar, a investigação debruça-se sobre o período referido, resgata a trajetória desse imigrante no país e no Recife e discute sua inserção na economia e sociedade locais. Identifica características do dinamismo econômico comercial existente no período e reconstrói a atmosfera de modernidade que a cidade atravessava no mesmo interregno histórico. Para seu desenvolvimento, a pesquisa se apóia em conteúdos de estudos migratórios, históricos e econômicos porque nesse interregno de tempo, a cidade do Recife estava atravessando a chamada era da modernidade nas esferas econômica, cultural e comportamental. No que diz respeito às questões migratórias, a pertinência é óbvia porque o tema do trabalho tem como alvo o imigrante luso. Já quanto à esfera econômica e ao contexto histórico da modernidade, seus conteúdos são trabalhados como o cenário ou o teatro de operações no qual o ator social, imigrante luso, movimentou-se. O trabalho adota, portanto, o olhar de ourives a procurar e a espiar nos textos, livros, discursos visitados e entrevistas realizadas, eventos ou sinais que conduzam à compreensão e interpretação do comportamento do ator econômico, o imigrante português, na história empresarial da cidade do Recife, na condição de empreendedor. Trata-se, por assim dizer, de uma pesquisa de postura quase arqueológica voltada a procurar achados, materiais e imateriais, que denunciem e permitam a discussão e análise do foco acima citado. Diferentemente de pesquisas recentes a serem referidas no capítulo III que exploram o comportamento empreendedor e o empreendedorismo étnico no cenário dos dias de hoje, o estudo olha pelo retrovisor para quase um século atrás e tenta reconstituir e identificar, na história do imigrante português na cidade, conteúdos empreendedorísticos. Está estruturada em 09 (nove) capítulos. No primeiro, são indicados os objetivos perseguidos, a relevância do estudo sob o ponto de vista teórico e os percalços que a pesquisa atravessou para atingir seu termo final. Faz-se, ainda, uma apresentação detalhada dos demais capítulos do trabalho. No corpo do texto, estão ainda, estampadas imagens que testemunham a presença lusa na cidade e documentam a atmosfera da vida do Recife, no período pesquisado. Os resultados encontrados sinalizam para evidências consistentes de empreendedorismo de natureza étnico lusitana nas cadeias produtivas – conceito a ser definido no 9º capítulo– das indústrias da panificação; de terreno, ferragens e construção; e alimentos em geral. Indica, ainda, comportamento empreendedor do imigrante português em diversas atividades econômicas, desde exportação e importação, cafés, restaurantes até o setor de entretenimento em geral. Acredita-se, destarte, que os resultados alcançados podem aditar contribuições relevantes nos campos referidos acima, bem como indicar novos temas de investigação que desdobrem sugestões formuladas nas considerações finais da investigação.


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INTRODUCTION The popular Hong Kong comedy, The Greatest Lover, re-incarnates one of the most popular western musicals, My Fair Lady. OBJECTIVES 1. To find out in what major ways My Fair Lady was rewritten as the Hong Kong Cantonese movie, Gungzi Docing (The Greatest Lover). 2. To find out the socio-political, socio-linguistic, and gender ideology behind the rewriting. METHODOLOGY 1. To note the similarity of the themes for both works – a creator falling in love with his/her creation, and class prejudice and cross-class romance. 2. To note how the times of The Greatest Lover differ from that of My Fair Lady. 3. To note how the main characters in The Greatest Lover differ from My Fair Lady in terms of profession, gender, etc. 4. To note how the plot of The Greatest Lover differs from that of My Fair Lady. 5. To note how focus on language in The Greatest Lover compares with that in My Fair Lady. 6. To discuss the ideological implications of the differences noted above, e.g. women in Hong Kong today have much higher status than women in Victorian England; the conflict between local Hong Kong people and both legal and illegal immigrants from Mainland China is even more serious than that between the British upper middle class and the lower class during the Victorian period. 7. Andre Lefevere (1992) argues that translation and adaptation are rewriting informed and influenced by the rewriter’s ideology, among other things. 8. Both Aline Remael (1995) and Patrick Cattrysse (1992) think that film adaptation is a kind of translation. 9. Sirkkus Aaltonen (2000) argues that drama translation mirrors the ideologies of the target society. CONCLUSION 1. The Greatest Lover projects local cultural significance onto My Fair Lady by helping us to appreciate an important Western work of art through the Hong Kong Cantonese perspective. 2. Broader issues in translation and intercultural studies are also considered.