976 resultados para Reactive power


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This article presents a new approach to minimize the losses in electrical power systems. This approach considers the application of the primal-dual logarithmic barrier method to voltage magnitude and tap-changing transformer variables, and the other inequality constraints are treated by augmented Lagrangian method. The Lagrangian function aggregates all the constraints. The first-order necessary conditions are reached by Newton's method, and by updating the dual variables and penalty factors. Test results are presented to show the good performance of this approach.


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This paper presents a new approach to solve the Optimal Power Flow problem. This approach considers the application of logarithmic barrier method to voltage magnitude and tap-changing transformer variables and the other constraints are treated by augmented Lagrangian method. Numerical test results are presented, showing the effective performance of this algorithm. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper proposes a methodology to incorporate voltage/reactive representation to Short Term Generation Scheduling (STGS) models, which is based on active/reactive decoupling characteristics of power systems. In such approach STGS is decoupled in both Active (AGS) and Reactive (RGS) Generation Scheduling models. AGS model establishes an initial active generation scheduling through a traditional dispatch model. The scheduling proposed by AGS model is evaluated from the voltage/reactive points of view, through the proposed RGS model. RGS is formulated as a sequence of T nonlinear OPF problems, solved separately but taking into account load tracking between consecutive time intervals. This approach considerably reduces computational effort to perform the reactive analysis of the RGS problem as a whole. When necessary, RGS model is capable to propose active generation redispatches, such that critical reactive problems (in which all reactive variables have been insufficient to control the reactive problems) can be overcome. The formulation and solution methodology proposed are evaluated in the IEEE30 system in two case studies. These studies show that the methodology is robust enough to incorporate reactive aspects to STGS problem.


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This paper presents possible selective current compensation strategies based on the Conservative Power Theory (CPT). This recently proposed theory, introduces the concept of complex power conservation under non-sinusoidal conditions. Moreover, the related current decompositions results in several current terms, which are associated with a specific physical phenomena (power absorption P, energy storage Q, voltage and current distortion D). Such current components are used in this work for the definition of different current compensators, which can be selective in terms of minimizing particular disturbing effects. The choice of one or other current component for compensation directly affects the sizing and cost of active and/or passive devices and it will be demonstrated that it can be done to attend predefined limits for harmonic distortion, unbalances and/or power factor. Single and three-phase compensation strategies will be discussed by means of the CPT Framework. Simulation and experimental results will be demonstrated in order to validate their performance. © 2009 IEEE.


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Considering the Conservative Power Theory (CPT), this paper proposes some novel compensation strategies for shunt passive or active devices. The CPT current decompositions result in several current terms, which are associated with specific physical phenomena (average power consumption P, energy storage Q, load and source distortion D, unbalances N). These current components were used in this work for the definition of different current compensators, which can be selective in terms of minimizing particular disturbing effects. Compensation strategies for single and three-phase four-wire circuits have also been considered. Simulation results have been demonstrated in order to validate the possibilities and performance of the proposed strategies. © 2010 IEEE.


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Considering the operation of shunt active compensators, such as active power filters, this paper proposes possible compensation strategies by means of the recent formulation of the Conservative Power Theory (CPT). The CPT current's decomposition results in several current components, which are associated with specific load characteristics (power transfer, energy storage, unbalances and/or non linearities). These current components are used for the definition of different compensation strategies, which can be selective in terms of minimizing particular disturbing effects. In order to validate the applicability of these new compensation strategies, simulation and experimental results for three-phase four-wire systems are presented. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper presents a practical experimentation for comparing reactive/non-active energy measures, considering three-phase four-wire non-sinusoidal and unbalanced circuits, involving five different commercial electronic meters. The experimentation set provides separately voltage and current generation, each one with any waveform involving up to fifty-first harmonic components, identically compared with acquisitions obtained from utility. The experimental accuracy is guaranteed by a class A power analyzer, according to IEC61000-4-30 standard. Some current and voltage combination profiles are presented and confronted with two different references of reactive/non-active calculation methodologies; instantaneous power theory and IEEE 1459-2010. The first methodology considers the instantaneous power theory, present into the advanced mathematical internal algorithm from WT3000 power analyzer, and the second methodology, accomplish with IEEE 1459-2010 standard, uses waveform voltage and current acquisition from WT3000 as input data for a virtual meter developed on Mathlab/Simulink software. © 2012 IEEE.


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Based on the framework of the Conservative Power Theory (CPT), this paper proposes some compensation strategies for shunt current compensators. CPT current decompositions result in several current-related terms associated with specific load characteristics, such as power consumption, energy storage, unbalances and load nonlinearities. These current components are decoupled (orthogonal) from each other and are used here to define different compensation strategies, which can be selective in minimizing particular effects of disturbing loads. Compensation strategies for single- and three-phase four-wire circuits are also considered. Simulated and experimental results are described to validate the possibilities and performance of the proposed strategies. © 2013 Brazilian Society for Automatics - SBA.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Results reported in this Thesis contribute to the comprehension of the complicated world of “redox biology”. ROS regulate signalling pathways both in physiological responses and in pathogenesis and progression of diseases. In cancer cells, the increase in ROS generation from metabolic abnormalities and oncogenic signalling may trigger a redox adaptation response, leading to an up-regulation of antioxidant capacity in order to maintain the ROS level below the toxic threshold. Thus, cancer cells would be more dependent on the antioxidant system and more vulnerable to further oxidative stress induced by exogenous ROS-generating agents or compounds that inhibit the antioxidant system. Results here reported indicate that the development of new drugs targeting specific Nox isoforms, responsible for intracellular ROS generation, or AQP isoforms, involved in the transport of extracellular H2O2 toward intracellular targets, might be an interesting novel anti-leukaemia strategy. Furthermore, also the use of CSD peptide, which simulate the VEGFR-2 segregation into caveolae in the inactive form, might be a strategy to stop the cellular response to VEGF signalling. As above stated, in the understanding of the redox biology, it is also important to identify and distinguish the molecular effectors that maintain normal biological and physiological responses, such as agents that stimulate our adaptation systems and elevate our endogenous antioxidant defences or other protective systems. Data here reported indicate that the nutraceutical compound sulforaphane and the Klotho protein are able to stimulate the HO-1 and Prx-1 expression, as well as the GSH levels, confirming their antioxidant and protective role. Finally, results here reported demonstrated that Stevia extracts are involved in insulin regulated glucose metabolism, suggesting that the use of these compounds goes beyond their sweetening power and may also offer therapeutic benefits hence improving the quality of life.


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Massive integration of renewable energy sources in electrical power systems of remote islands is a subject of current interest. The increasing cost of fossil fuels, transport costs to isolated sites and environmental concerns constitute a serious drawback to the use of conventional fossil fuel plants. In a weak electrical grid, as it is typical on an island, if a large amount of conventional generation is substituted by renewable energy sources, power system safety and stability can be compromised, in the case of large grid disturbances. In this work, a model for transient stability analysis of an isolated electrical grid exclusively fed from a combination of renewable energy sources has been studied. This new generation model will be installed in El Hierro Island, in Spain. Additionally, an operation strategy to coordinate the generation units (wind, hydro) is also established. Attention is given to the assessment of inertial energy and reactive current to guarantee power system stability against large disturbances. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is shown by means of simulation results.


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Data centers are easily found in every sector of the worldwide economy. They are composed of thousands of servers, serving millions of users globally and 24-7. In the last years, e-Science applications such e-Health or Smart Cities have experienced a significant development. The need to deal efficiently with the computational needs of next-generation applications together with the increasing demand for higher resources in traditional applications has facilitated the rapid proliferation and growing of Data Centers. A drawback to this capacity growth has been the rapid increase of the energy consumption of these facilities. In 2010, data center electricity represented 1.3% of all the electricity use in the world. In year 2012 alone, global data center power demand grep 63% to 38GW. A further rise of 17% to 43GW was estimated in 2013. Moreover, Data Centers are responsible for more than 2% of total carbon dioxide emissions.


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Los Centros de Datos se encuentran actualmente en cualquier sector de la economía mundial. Están compuestos por miles de servidores, dando servicio a los usuarios de forma global, las 24 horas del día y los 365 días del año. Durante los últimos años, las aplicaciones del ámbito de la e-Ciencia, como la e-Salud o las Ciudades Inteligentes han experimentado un desarrollo muy significativo. La necesidad de manejar de forma eficiente las necesidades de cómputo de aplicaciones de nueva generación, junto con la creciente demanda de recursos en aplicaciones tradicionales, han facilitado el rápido crecimiento y la proliferación de los Centros de Datos. El principal inconveniente de este aumento de capacidad ha sido el rápido y dramático incremento del consumo energético de estas infraestructuras. En 2010, la factura eléctrica de los Centros de Datos representaba el 1.3% del consumo eléctrico mundial. Sólo en el año 2012, el consumo de potencia de los Centros de Datos creció un 63%, alcanzando los 38GW. En 2013 se estimó un crecimiento de otro 17%, hasta llegar a los 43GW. Además, los Centros de Datos son responsables de más del 2% del total de emisiones de dióxido de carbono a la atmósfera. Esta tesis doctoral se enfrenta al problema energético proponiendo técnicas proactivas y reactivas conscientes de la temperatura y de la energía, que contribuyen a tener Centros de Datos más eficientes. Este trabajo desarrolla modelos de energía y utiliza el conocimiento sobre la demanda energética de la carga de trabajo a ejecutar y de los recursos de computación y refrigeración del Centro de Datos para optimizar el consumo. Además, los Centros de Datos son considerados como un elemento crucial dentro del marco de la aplicación ejecutada, optimizando no sólo el consumo del Centro de Datos sino el consumo energético global de la aplicación. Los principales componentes del consumo en los Centros de Datos son la potencia de computación utilizada por los equipos de IT, y la refrigeración necesaria para mantener los servidores dentro de un rango de temperatura de trabajo que asegure su correcto funcionamiento. Debido a la relación cúbica entre la velocidad de los ventiladores y el consumo de los mismos, las soluciones basadas en el sobre-aprovisionamiento de aire frío al servidor generalmente tienen como resultado ineficiencias energéticas. Por otro lado, temperaturas más elevadas en el procesador llevan a un consumo de fugas mayor, debido a la relación exponencial del consumo de fugas con la temperatura. Además, las características de la carga de trabajo y las políticas de asignación de recursos tienen un impacto importante en los balances entre corriente de fugas y consumo de refrigeración. La primera gran contribución de este trabajo es el desarrollo de modelos de potencia y temperatura que permiten describes estos balances entre corriente de fugas y refrigeración; así como la propuesta de estrategias para minimizar el consumo del servidor por medio de la asignación conjunta de refrigeración y carga desde una perspectiva multivariable. Cuando escalamos a nivel del Centro de Datos, observamos un comportamiento similar en términos del balance entre corrientes de fugas y refrigeración. Conforme aumenta la temperatura de la sala, mejora la eficiencia de la refrigeración. Sin embargo, este incremente de la temperatura de sala provoca un aumento en la temperatura de la CPU y, por tanto, también del consumo de fugas. Además, la dinámica de la sala tiene un comportamiento muy desigual, no equilibrado, debido a la asignación de carga y a la heterogeneidad en el equipamiento de IT. La segunda contribución de esta tesis es la propuesta de técnicas de asigación conscientes de la temperatura y heterogeneidad que permiten optimizar conjuntamente la asignación de tareas y refrigeración a los servidores. Estas estrategias necesitan estar respaldadas por modelos flexibles, que puedan trabajar en tiempo real, para describir el sistema desde un nivel de abstracción alto. Dentro del ámbito de las aplicaciones de nueva generación, las decisiones tomadas en el nivel de aplicación pueden tener un impacto dramático en el consumo energético de niveles de abstracción menores, como por ejemplo, en el Centro de Datos. Es importante considerar las relaciones entre todos los agentes computacionales implicados en el problema, de forma que puedan cooperar para conseguir el objetivo común de reducir el coste energético global del sistema. La tercera contribución de esta tesis es el desarrollo de optimizaciones energéticas para la aplicación global por medio de la evaluación de los costes de ejecutar parte del procesado necesario en otros niveles de abstracción, que van desde los nodos hasta el Centro de Datos, por medio de técnicas de balanceo de carga. Como resumen, el trabajo presentado en esta tesis lleva a cabo contribuciones en el modelado y optimización consciente del consumo por fugas y la refrigeración de servidores; el modelado de los Centros de Datos y el desarrollo de políticas de asignación conscientes de la heterogeneidad; y desarrolla mecanismos para la optimización energética de aplicaciones de nueva generación desde varios niveles de abstracción. ABSTRACT Data centers are easily found in every sector of the worldwide economy. They consist of tens of thousands of servers, serving millions of users globally and 24-7. In the last years, e-Science applications such e-Health or Smart Cities have experienced a significant development. The need to deal efficiently with the computational needs of next-generation applications together with the increasing demand for higher resources in traditional applications has facilitated the rapid proliferation and growing of data centers. A drawback to this capacity growth has been the rapid increase of the energy consumption of these facilities. In 2010, data center electricity represented 1.3% of all the electricity use in the world. In year 2012 alone, global data center power demand grew 63% to 38GW. A further rise of 17% to 43GW was estimated in 2013. Moreover, data centers are responsible for more than 2% of total carbon dioxide emissions. This PhD Thesis addresses the energy challenge by proposing proactive and reactive thermal and energy-aware optimization techniques that contribute to place data centers on a more scalable curve. This work develops energy models and uses the knowledge about the energy demand of the workload to be executed and the computational and cooling resources available at data center to optimize energy consumption. Moreover, data centers are considered as a crucial element within their application framework, optimizing not only the energy consumption of the facility, but the global energy consumption of the application. The main contributors to the energy consumption in a data center are the computing power drawn by IT equipment and the cooling power needed to keep the servers within a certain temperature range that ensures safe operation. Because of the cubic relation of fan power with fan speed, solutions based on over-provisioning cold air into the server usually lead to inefficiencies. On the other hand, higher chip temperatures lead to higher leakage power because of the exponential dependence of leakage on temperature. Moreover, workload characteristics as well as allocation policies also have an important impact on the leakage-cooling tradeoffs. The first key contribution of this work is the development of power and temperature models that accurately describe the leakage-cooling tradeoffs at the server level, and the proposal of strategies to minimize server energy via joint cooling and workload management from a multivariate perspective. When scaling to the data center level, a similar behavior in terms of leakage-temperature tradeoffs can be observed. As room temperature raises, the efficiency of data room cooling units improves. However, as we increase room temperature, CPU temperature raises and so does leakage power. Moreover, the thermal dynamics of a data room exhibit unbalanced patterns due to both the workload allocation and the heterogeneity of computing equipment. The second main contribution is the proposal of thermal- and heterogeneity-aware workload management techniques that jointly optimize the allocation of computation and cooling to servers. These strategies need to be backed up by flexible room level models, able to work on runtime, that describe the system from a high level perspective. Within the framework of next-generation applications, decisions taken at this scope can have a dramatical impact on the energy consumption of lower abstraction levels, i.e. the data center facility. It is important to consider the relationships between all the computational agents involved in the problem, so that they can cooperate to achieve the common goal of reducing energy in the overall system. The third main contribution is the energy optimization of the overall application by evaluating the energy costs of performing part of the processing in any of the different abstraction layers, from the node to the data center, via workload management and off-loading techniques. In summary, the work presented in this PhD Thesis, makes contributions on leakage and cooling aware server modeling and optimization, data center thermal modeling and heterogeneityaware data center resource allocation, and develops mechanisms for the energy optimization for next-generation applications from a multi-layer perspective.


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Discoloration and mineralization of Reactive Red HE-3B were studied by using a laponite clay-based Fe nanocomposite (Fe-Lap-RD) as a heterogeneous catalyst in the presence of H2O2 and UV light. Our experimental results clearly indicate that Fe-Lap-RD mainly consists of Fe2O3 (meghemite) and Fe2Si4O10(OH)2 (iron silicate hydroxide) which have tetragonal and monoclinic structures, respectively, and has a high specific surface area (472m(2) / g) as well as a high total pore volume (0.547 cm(3)/g). It was observed that discoloration of HE-3B undergoes a much faster kinetics than mineralization of HE-3B. It was also found that initial HE-3B concentration, H2O2 concentration, UV light wavelength and power, and Fe-Lap-RD catalyst loading are the four main factors that can significantly influence the mineralization of HE-3B. At optimal conditions, complete discoloration of 100 mg/L HE-3B can be achieved in 30 min and the total organic carbon removal ratio can attain 76% in 120 min, illustrating that Fe-Lap-RD has a high photo-catalytic activity in the photo-assisted discoloration and mineralization of HE-3B in the presence of UV light (254nm) and H2O2. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.