765 resultados para Re-engagement with global economy
The purpose of this study was to explore the strategies that elementary school teachers use to be engaged in their work. Participation was solicited from a random sample of schools stratified by location (i.e., urban, inner city, and rural) of a large school board. The study used an anonymous quantitative/qualitative questionnaire. The survey tool was based upon Kahn's (1990) psychological engagement framework, which presents the foundation of availability of self, meaningfulness of work, and safety while at work. Forty-one surveys were analyzed descriptively including a subgroup of self-rated highly engaged teachers. Teachers tended to favour physical and emotional strategies compared to cognitive type strategies, with the exception of the highly engaged subgroup. The theme of preferred strategies reflected a setting outside the school/workplace, that is, a preference for horne based strategies. The study's main contribution highlights the teachers' sense of importance for physical and emotional health in a profession that is heavily focused in the cognitive domain. This may influence administrative and teacher discourse regarding workplace engagement with strategies to help reduce stress and to maintain and increase teacher engagement.
This mixed methods research explores the role of reading engagement in 30 grade 1 students’ motivation to read mobile electronic storybooks (eBooks) and cognitive strategies used during eBook reading. Data collection comprised motivation and parent questionnaires, behavioural observation checklists, cognitive strategies rubric, and teacher interviews. Students’ emotional engagement with and enjoyment of mobile eBooks corresponded to 4 motivational aspects of intrinsic motivation: curiosity, control, choice, and challenge. Post-intervention results indicated that most student participants enjoyed answering eBook comprehension questions and preferred eBooks to print books; by the end of the study, all had access to a mobile device at home. A majority of participants were actively engaged during mobile eBook reading sessions and persisted in answering embedded eBook comprehension questions, which together reflected students’ behavioural engagement and time-on-task during mobile reading. Students’ off-task behaviours related to iPads’ accessibility features and inherent reader-friendliness. All participants successfully answered evaluative questions requiring them to activate prior knowledge, and experienced higher levels of difficulty with making personal connections. The study highlights the importance of making school-based literacy practices relevant to students’ outside worlds, and discusses implications for teacher educators, administrators, curriculum developers, and eBook and other digital developers concerning the need for greater collaboration in order to more closely align technology resources with national curriculum expectations.
This study sought to explore ways to work with a group of young people through an arts-based approach to the teaching of literacy. Through the research, the author integrated her own reflexivity applying arts methods over the past decade. The author’s past experiences were strongly informed by theories such as caring theory and maternal pedagogy, which also informed the research design. The study incorporated qualitative data collection instruments comprising interviews, journals, sketches, artifacts, and teacher field notes. Data were collected by 3 student participants for the duration of the research. Study results provide educators with data on the impact of creating informal and alternative ways to teach literacy and maintain student engagement with resistant learners.
Le présent mémoire se veut être une étude critique portant sur un thème qui n’a pas été traité à ce jour : l’œuvre sculptural d’Irma Stern (1894-1966), artiste d’ascendance juive-allemande née en Afrique du Sud. Il s’agit de dégager des perspectives nouvelles sur l’art, la carrière et l’importance historique d’une personnalité qui est d’ordinaire acclamée pour sa contribution à l’essor de la peinture sud-africaine moderne. Notre visée est double. Nous proposons d’abord le premier catalogue exhaustif des sculptures d’Irma Stern : sont présentées environ trente à cinquante œuvres qui furent réalisées entre 1922 et 1955 dans divers média et dont le trait commun est de représenter des femmes africaines. Nous proposons en second lieu une analyse interprétative du corpus, dans son intégralité. Il s’agit de corréler l’œuvre sculptural d’Irma Stern aux méandres de sa vie et de son travail de peintre déterminée à représenter des sujets africains. Notre but est de parvenir à une compréhension fine des désirs, des préoccupations et des angoisses qui animèrent l’artiste dans sa confrontation, longue de trente années, avec des thèmes africains ainsi que des dynamiques de pouvoir qui se dégagent de son œuvre. En portant tour à tour notre attention aux sculptures en argile (1922), en ciment (1936-45) et enfin, en pierre à savon et en verdite (1936-45), et en empruntant aux cadres conceptuels fournis par les théories postcoloniale, phénoménologique et sculpturale, nous mettons en évidence les évolutions qu’a connues le rapport de l’artiste à son sujet et ce qu’elles nous disent sur la relation, mouvante, qu’elle entretenait avec ses modèles. Les analyses que nous proposons sont susceptibles d’ouvrir de nouvelles pistes et de modifier le regard porté à Irma Stern et à sa place dans l’histoire de l’art sud-africain.
This paper explores the role of capital flows and exchange rate dynamics in shaping the global economy's adjustment in a liquidity trap. Using a multi-country model with nominal rigidities, we shed light on the global adjustment since the Great Recession, a period where many advanced economies were pushed to the zero bound on interest rates. We establish three main results: (i) When the North hits the zero bound, downstream capital flows alleviate the recession by reallocating demand to the South and switching expenditure toward North goods. (ii) A free capital flow regime falls short of supporting efficient demand and expenditure reallocations and induces too little downstream (upstream) flows during (after) the liquidity trap. (iii) When it comes to capital flow management, individual countries' incentives to manage their terms of trade conflict with aggregate demand stabilization and global efficiency. This underscores the importance of international policy coordination in liquidity trap episodes.
Occupational stress is becoming a major issue in both corporate and social agenda .In industrialized countries, there have been quite dramatic changes in the conditions at work, during the last decade ,caused by economic, social and technical development. As a consequence, the people today at work are exposed to high quantitative and qualitative demands as well as hard competition caused by global economy. A recent report says that ailments due to work related stress is likely to cost India’s exchequer around 72000 crores between 2009 and 2015. Though India is a fast developing country, it is yet to create facilities to mitigate the adverse effects of work stress, more over only little efforts have been made to assess the work related stress.In the absence of well defined standards to assess the work related stress in India, an attempt is made in this direction to develop the factors for the evaluation of work stress. Accordingly, with the help of existing literature and in consultation with the safety experts, seven factors for the evaluation of work stress is developed. An instrument ( Questionnaire) was developed using these seven factors for the evaluation of work stress .The validity , and unidimensionality of the questionnaire was ensured by confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability of the questionnaire was ensured before administration. While analyzing the relation ship between the variables, it is noted that no relationship exists between them, and hence the above factors are treated as independent factors/ variables for the purpose of research .Initially five profit making manufacturing industries, under public sector in the state of Kerala, were selected for the study. The influence of factors responsible for work stress is analyzed in these industries. These industries were classified in to two types, namely chemical and heavy engineering ,based on the product manufactured and work environment and the analysis is further carried out for these two categories.The variation of work stress with different age , designation and experience of the employees are analyzed by means of one-way ANOVA. Further three different type of modelling of work stress, namely factor modelling, structural equation modelling and multinomial logistic regression modelling was done to analyze the association of factors responsible for work stress. All these models are found equally good in predicting the work stress.The present study indicates that work stress exists among the employees in public sector industries in Kerala. Employees belonging to age group 40-45yrs and experience groups 15-20yrs had relatively higher work demand ,low job control, and low support at work. Low job control was noted among lower designation levels, particularly at the worker level in these industries. Hence the instrument developed using the seven factors namely demand, control, manager support, peer support, relationship, role and change can be effectively used for the evaluation of work stress in industries.
The rising pressure of Population, together with the constantly changing technologies, and development perspectives, contribute to the ever increasing volumes of wastes in different forms. The solid and liquid wastes generated in the urban areas were considered a burden to the society, and hazardous to the environment. The fact is that the growth of consumerist culture and aimless throwing of refuse by the people created the outbreak of environmental pollution. Unhygienic environment and solid waste accumulation coincided with mosquito breeding which causes, the spread of most epidemics. The rationale behind most of the diseases is the unhygienic pattern followed by the people both in rural and urban areas. As an environmental package, the disposal of solid waste from different sources, such as house holds markets, commercial areas, slaughter houses, hospitals and industries, therefore assumed crucial importance. So as a part of the theory and practice, a study on the area, solid waste management of Arppukara Grama Panchayat of Kottayam district is taken into consideration. The study conducted here proposes, to examine the quality and quantity of the solid waste generated in the panchayat and also it's impact on the existing social, economical, environmental and ecological systems
Housing is one of the primary human needs. It is second only to the need for food and clothing. From a macro perspective, housing is an industry that can prove itself to be a growth engine for a nation, particularly a developing nation like India. Housing has been one of the top priorities for the various governments in India since the seventies. The need for housing has been increasing at a phenomenal pace in India and so also the need for housing finance. Since the growth in supply of housing could not keep pace with the growth in its demand, housing shortage has been on the rise over the years. Housing finance industry which was relatively dormant till the early nineties underwent sweeping changes ever since the initiation of financial sector deregulation measures. Financial deregulation measures brought about several changes in this industry, the first and foremost being the fast growth rate in the industry coupled with cutthroat competition among the industry players. This trend has been quite prominent since the entry of commercial banks into this arena. Accordingly, there has been a surge in the growth of retail (personal) loans segment, particularly in respect of housing loans. This is evident from the fact that housing loans disbursed by banks as a percentage of their total loans has increased from just 2.79% as of end-March 1997 to as high as 12.52% as of end-March 2007. Thus, there has been an unprecedented growth rate in the disbursement of housing loans by banks, and as of 31 March 2007 the outstanding balance of housing loans by all banks in India stands at Rs.230689 Crore, as against just Rs.7946 Crore as of 31 March 1997, the growth rate being 35.82 %CAGR (for the eleven years’ period, FY 1997-‘2007). However, in spite of the impressive growth in housing finance over the years, there are growing apprehensions regarding its inclusiveness, i.e. accessibility to the common man, the underprivileged sections of the society to housing finance etc. Of late, it is widely recognized that formal housing finance system, particularly the commercial banks (CBs) – most dominant among the players – is fast becoming exclusive in operations, with nearly 90% of the total housing credit going to the rich and upper middle income group, primarily the salaried class. The case of housing finance companies (HFCs) is quite similar in this regard. The poor and other marginalized sections are often deprived of adequate credit facilities for housing purpose. Studies have revealed that urban housing poverty is much more acute than the rural probably because of the very fast process of urbanization coupled with constant rural to urban migration
In der gesamten Hochschullandschaft begleiten eLearning-Szenarien organisatorische Erneuerungsprozesse und stellen damit ein vielversprechendes Instrument zur Unterstützung und Verbesserung der klassischen Präsenzlehre dar. Davon ausgehend wurde von 2010 bis 2011 das Kasseler Sportspiel-Modell um die integrative Vermittlung der Einkontakt-Rückschlagspiele erweitert (Heyer, Albert, Scheid & Blömeke-Rumpf, 2011) und in einen modularisierten eLearning-Content, bestehend aus insgesamt 4 Modulen (17 Lernkurse, 171 Kursseiten, 73 Grafiken, 73 Videos, 38 Lernkontrollfragen), eingebunden. Dieser Content wurde im Rahmen einer Evaluationsstudie in Blended Learning Seminaren, welche die didaktischen Vorteile von Online- und Präsenzphasen zu einer Seminarform vereinen (Treumann, Ganguin & Arens, 2012), vergleichend zur klassischen Präsenzlehre im Sportstudium betrachtet. Die Studie gliedert sich in insgesamt drei Phasen: 1.) Pilotstudie am IfSS in Kassel (WS 2011/12; N=17, Lehramt), 2.) Hauptuntersuchung I am IfSS in Kassel (SS 2012; N=67, Lehramt) und 3.) Hauptuntersuchung II am IfS in Frankfurt a. M. (WS 2012/13; N=112, BA). Mittels varianzanalytischer Untersuchungsverfahren erfasst die Studie auf drei unterschiedlichen Qualitätsebenen folgende Aspekte der Lehr-Lernforschung: 1.) Ebene der Inputqualität: Bewertung der Seminarform (BS), 2.) Ebene der Prozessqualität: Motivation (SELLMO-ST), Lernstrategien (LIST) und computerbezogene Einstellung (FIDEC), 3.) Ebene der Outcomequalität: Lernleistung (Abschlusstest und Transferaufgabe). In der vergleichenden Betrachtung der beiden Hauptuntersuchungen erfolgt eine Gegenüberstellung von je einem Präsenzseminar zu zwei unterschiedlichen Varianten von Blended Learning Seminaren (BL-1, BL-2). Während der Online-Phasen bearbeiten die Sportstudierenden in BL-1 die Module in Lerngruppen. Die Teilnehmer in BL-2 führen in diesen Phasen zusätzlich persönliche Lerntagebücher. Dies soll zu einer vergleichsweise intensiveren Auseinandersetzung mit den Inhalten der Lernkurse sowie dem eigenen Lernprozess auf kognitiver und metakognitiver Ebene anregen (Hübner, Nückles & Renkl, 2007) und folglich zu besseren Ergebnissen auf den drei Qualitätsebenen führen. Die Ergebnisse der beiden Hauptuntersuchungen zeigen in der direkten, standortbezogenen Gegenüberstellung aller drei Seminarformen überwiegend keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede. Der erwartete positive Effekt durch die Einführung des Lerntagebuchs bleibt ebenfalls aus. Im standortübergreifenden Vergleich der Blended-Learning-Seminare ist bemerkenswert, dass die Probanden aus Frankfurt gegenüber ihrer Seminarform eine tendenziell kritischere Haltung einnehmen, was möglicherweise mit den vorherrschenden, unterschiedlichen Studiengängen – Lehramt und BA – korrespondiert. Zusammenfassend lässt sich somit für den untersuchten Bereich der Rückschlagspielvermittlung festhalten, dass Blended-Learning-Seminare eine qualitativ gleichwertige Alternative zur klassischen Präsenzlehre im Sportstudium darstellen.
Investing in global environmental and adaptation benefits in the context of agriculture and food security initiatives can play an important role in promoting sustainable intensification. This is a priority for the Global Environment Facility (GEF), created in 1992 with a mandate to serve as financial mechanism of several multilateral environmental agreements. To demonstrate the nature and extent of GEF financing, we conducted an assessment of the entire portfolio over a period of two decades (1991–2011) to identify projects with direct links to agriculture and food security. A cohort of 192 projects and programs were identified and used as a basis for analyzing trends in GEF financing. The projects and programs together accounted for a total GEF financing of US$1,086.8 million, and attracted an additional US$6,343.5 million from other sources. The value-added of GEF financing for ecosystem services and resilience in production systems was demonstrated through a diversity of interventions in the projects and programs that utilized US$810.6 million of the total financing. The interventions fall into the following four main categories in accordance with priorities of the GEF: sustainable land management (US$179.3 million), management of agrobiodiversity (US$113.4 million), sustainable fisheries and water resource management (US$379.8 million), and climate change adaptation (US$138.1 million). By aligning GEF priorities with global aspirations for sustainable intensification of production systems, the study shows that it is possible to help developing countries tackle food insecurity while generating global environmental benefits for a healthy and resilient planet.
Uno de los grandes problemas que se presentan en la relación laboral, son los diferentes riesgos a los que se encuentran expuestos los trabajadores en su puesto de trabajo y a su vez la necesidad que tienen las empresas en obtener utilidades y ser más competitivas en una economía globalizada, lo cual hace muy complejo determinar la perdurabilidad de las mismas y la posibilidad de contar con trabajadores en condiciones saludables. Con el presente trabajo se busca identificar la percepción que los empleadores Colombianos tienen sobre la salud ocupacional en Colombia, para lo cual se realizó una encuesta tipo likert, a más de sesenta representantes de diferentes empresas de todos los sectores de la economía, con los resultados obtenidos y previo análisis de la información, se pretende proponer algunas sugerencias que contribuyan al mejoramiento permanentemente de las condiciones de salud en el trabajo.
Las empresas son creadas por personas para las personas, y son estas quienes se encargan de crear, hacer surgir, modificar y gestionar cada uno de los conceptos de empresa, para así lograr modificar caminos y lograr ser perdurables. Son fundamentales las personas que componen la organización, aclarando que existen muchos factores internos - externos que influyen de diversas maneras en la organización. Flexibilidad y capacidad de respuesta son elementos claves, estos se reflejan con más importancia cuando de diseñar estrategia se trata. Es claro que en todos los sectores de la economía mundial las empresas unen esfuerzos para crear nuevos modelos de respuesta para así hacerle frente a cualquier circunstancia que se pueda presentar. Tener una sencilla pero muy completa idea, SER LA CADENA MAS GRANDE DE PANADERÍAS, que con el tiempo alcanzo una perfección optima, logrando ser perdurable, en un sector que claramente está saturado por la falta de innovación y ventajas competitivas. Ventajas que PAN PA YA, supo aprovechar, saliéndose del esquema tradicional y buscando nuevas estrategias de venta, nuevos productos teniendo como escudo protector la calidad de sus productos, y la innovación como su principal arma. El éxito de PAN PA YA, en gran medida se dio gracias a la creación de la necesidad de un producto de calidad; innovación, capacitación de personal, desarrollo de nuevos y exquisitos productos, ingredientes sencillos para una receta que cualquiera puede tener y que les permitió lograr en muy poco tiempo consolidar una exitosa empresa.
El objetivo de este trabajo de grado es describir una disputa política por el significado del concepto de explotación en el marco de la redacción del “Protocolo para prevenir, reprimir y sancionar la trata de personas, especialmente mujeres y niños”, en el cual se define aquello que se entiende por trata de personas. La construcción de este concepto excluye e invisibiliza otros tipos de explotación comunes en el sistema de producción capitalista contemporánea que pertenecen al universo de violencia objetiva sistémica a través del énfasis en la explotación sexual que hace parte de la violencia subjetiva.
El manejo de la cadena de abastecimiento se ha convertido en uno de los factores más importantes para el éxito en el mundo de los negocios actuales. El análisis de los indicadores de la cadena de abastecimiento como el LPI, han demostrado que un mejor desempeño en la logística está fuertemente asociado con expansión del comercio, diversificaciones en las exportaciones, habilidades para atraer inversión extranjera y crecimiento económico. El uso de la logística y la producción, es un concepto que ha evolucionado en diversos países, en diferentes etapas dependiendo de la adopción del concepto. Los países del primer mundo tuvieron la oportunidad de implementar la cadena de suministro a muchos de sus negocios gracias a los recursos económicos que disponen para desarrollo, investigación y procesos de innovación. Colombia ha demostrado lo importante que es la cadena de suministro, por muchos años no fue su foco de crecimiento, pero con la globalización y los cambios que ha tenido la economía y las empresas, ha demostrado que puede implementarla y puede volver poco a poco sus empresas eficientes.
El presente trabajo nace del interés por la creciente influencia de China en el mundo, principalmente, gracias a su acelerado crecimiento económico de los últimos años y a un estricto sistema de regulación por parte del Estado. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, se decidió hacer un análisis de las diferentes esferas o el contexto en el que se ha desarrollado un país que pasaba desapercibido hasta hace poco y que en la actualidad es considerado como la próxima potencia mundial. Aquí se presentan características del territorio, la población, el idioma, la política, la economía y otros aspectos importantes para este estudio. Adicionalmente, se presentan cifras que permiten observar con mayor claridad su evolución a lo largo del tiempo, su contribución a la economía mundial, las acciones del gobierno, y su situación actual a nivel tecnológico, científico, militar, ambiental, entre otros. Es así como, después de recopilar información de fuentes diversas, se procede a analizar las principales fortalezas y amenazas del ascenso chino, para, de esta manera, presentar un panorama sobre el futuro del mundo y de este país, si la situación continúa como hasta ahora. Por último, se llega a una serie de conclusiones con relación a lo anteriormente analizado y se plantean algunas recomendaciones para sobrellevar de una mejor manera los aspectos negativos que se identificaron durante la investigación.