917 resultados para RUMEN FERMENTATION


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Flour-rich waste (FRW) and by-product streams generated by bakery, confectionery and wheat milling plants could be employed as the sole raw materials for generic fermentation media production, suitable for microbial oil synthesis. Wheat milling by-products were used in solid state fermentations (SSF) of Aspergillus awamori for the production of crude enzymes, mainly glucoamylase and protease. Enzyme-rich SSF solids were subsequently employed for hydrolysis of FRW streams into nutrient-rich fermentation media. Batch hydrolytic experiments using FRW concentrations up to 205 g/L resulted in higher than 90%(w/w) starch to glucose conversion yields and 40% (w/w) total Kjeldahl nitrogen to free amino nitro-gen conversion yields. Starch to glucose conversion yields of 98.2, 86.1 and 73.4% (w/w) were achieved when initial FRW concentrations of 235, 300 and 350 g/L were employed in fed-batch hydrolytic experiments, respectively. Crude hydrolysates were used as fermentation media in shake flask cultures with the oleaginous yeast Lipomyces starkeyi DSM 70296 reaching a total dry weight of 30.5 g/L with a microbial oil content of 40.4% (w/w), higher than that achieved in synthetic media. Fed-batch bioreactor cultures led to a total dry weight of 109.8 g/L with a microbial oil content of 57.8% (w/w) and productivity of 0.4 g/L/h.


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Rapeseed meal (RSM) hydrolysate was evaluated as substitute for commercial nutrient supplements in 1,3-propanediol (PDO) fermentation using the strain Clostridium butyricum VPI 1718. RSM was enzymatically converted into a generic fermentation feedstock, enriched in amino acids, peptides and various micro-nutrients, using crude enzyme consortia produced via solid state fermentation by a fungal strain of Aspergillus oryzae. Initial free amino nitrogen concentration influenced PDO production in batch cultures. RSM hydrolysates were compared with commercial nutrient supplements regarding PDO production in fed-batch cultures carried out in a bench-scale bioreactor. The utilization of RSM hydrolysates in repeated batch cultivation resulted in a PDO concentration of 65.5 g/L with an overall productivity of 1.15 g/L/h that was almost 2 times higher than the productivity achieved when yeast extract was used as nutrient supplement.


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By-products streams from a sunflower-based biodiesel plant were utilised for the production of fermentation media that can be used for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). Sunflower meal was utilised as substrate for the production of crude enzyme consortia through solid state fermentation (SSF) with the fungal strain Aspergillus oryzae. Fermented solids were subsequently mixed with unprocessed sunflower meal aiming at the production of a nutrient-rich fermentation feedstock. The highest free amino nitrogen (FAN) and inorganic phosphorus concentrations achieved were 1.5 g L-1 and 246 mg L-1, respectively, when an initial proteolytic activity of 6.4 U mL-1 was used. The FANconcentrationwas increased to 2.3 g L-1 when the initial proteolytic activity was increased to 16 U mL-1. Sunflower meal hydrolysates were mixed with crude glycerol to provide fermentationmedia that were evaluated for the production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrateco- 3-hydroxyvalerate) (P(3HB-co-3HV)) using Cupriavidus necator DSM545. The P(3HB-co-3HV) (9.9 g l-1) produced contained 3HB and 3HV units with 97 and 3 mol %, respectively. Integrating PHA production in existing 1st generation biodiesel production plants through valorisation of by-product streams could improve their sustainability.


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In vitro fermentation techniques (IVFT) have been widely used to evaluate the nutritivevalue of feeds for ruminants and in the last decade to assess the effect of different nutritionalstrategies on methane (CH4) production. However, many technical factors may influencethe results obtained. The present review has been prepared by the ‘Global Network’ FACCE-JPI international research consortium to provide a critical evaluation of the main factorsthat need to be considered when designing, conducting and interpreting IVFT experimentsthat investigate nutritional strategies to mitigate CH4emission from ruminants. Given theincreasing and wide-scale use of IVFT, there is a need to critically review reports in the lit-erature and establish what criteria are essential to the establishment and implementationof in vitro techniques. Key aspects considered include: i) donor animal species and numberof animal used, ii) diet fed to donor animals, iii) collection and processing of rumen fluidas inoculum, iv) choice of substrate and incubation buffer, v) incubation procedures andCH4measurements, vi) headspace gas composition and vii) comparability of in vitro andin vivo measurements. Based on an evaluation of experimental evidence, a set of techni-cal recommendations are presented to harmonize IVFT for feed evaluation, assessment ofrumen function and CH4production.


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This Study investigated the impact of thermoplastic extrusion on the nutritive quality of bovine rumen protein. Proximal composition, amino acid profile and in vivo true protein digestibility among rats were determined in raw (RBR) and extruded (EBR) rumen. Raw and extruded bovine rumen presented high percentages of protein (more than 95% on dry basis). Neither raw nor extruded proteins had any limiting amino acid, and the RBR and EBR amino acid scores were, respectively, 1.28 (leucine) and 1.25 (methionine plus cystine). Extrusion reduced significantly true protein digestibility from 97.7% to 93.1% (p < 0.001), but protein digestibility-corrected amino acid scores for both proteins (RBR and EBR) were 100%. Animal growth presented comparable profiles using raw and extruded rumen. In conclusion, thermoplastic extrusion did not affect the protein quality of bovine rumen, and this does not hinder the use of this material as a food ingredient. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. Ail rights reserved.


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Bovine rumen protein with two levels of residual lipids (1.9% or 3.8%) was subjected to thermoplastic extrusion under different temperatures and moisture contents. Protein Solubility in different buffers, disulphide cross-linking and molecular weight distribution were determined on the extrudates. After extrusion, samples with 1.9% residual lipids content had a higher concentration of protein insoluble by undetermined forces, irrespective of feed moisture and processing temperature used. Lipid content of 3.8% in the feed material resulted in more protein participating in the extrudate network through non-covalent interactions (hydrophobic and electrostatic) and disulphide bonds. A small dependency of the extrusion process on moisture and temperature and a marked dependency on lipid content, especially phospholipid, was observed, Electrophoresis under non-reducing conditions showed that protein extrusion with low feed moisture promoted high molecular breakdown inside the barrel, probably due to intense shear force, and further protein aggregation at the die end. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The use of bovine rumen protein (raw and extruded) as a replacement for extruded soy protein concentrate in three meat products (pork sausage, chicken hamburger, and kibbe) was investigated. Similarity between rumen and soy protein meat products was assessed using triangle tests and sensory acceptability evaluated by consumer panelists using a nine-point hedonic scale. The addition of raw rumen protein was detected in all meat product types tested, while extruded rumen protein was only detected in kibbe. The addition of raw rumen protein decreased the acceptability of pork sausage aroma and flavor, but improved kibbe appearance, texture and overall acceptability. The addition of extruded rumen protein reduced the acceptability of chicken hamburger texture, but improved pork sausage flavor. Replacement of soy protein by bovine rumen protein is feasible based upon sensory results, but depended upon its form and the type of meat product to which it was added. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Incomplete and/or sluggish maltotriose fermentation causes both quality and economic problems in the ale-brewing industry. Although it has been proposed previously that the sugar uptake must be responsible for these undesirable phenotypes, there have been conflicting reports on whether all the known alpha-glucoside transporters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (MALx1, AGT1, and MPH2 and MPH3 transporters) allow efficient maltotriose utilization by yeast cells. We characterized the kinetics of yeast cell growth, sugar consumption, and ethanol production during maltose or maltotriose utilization by several S. cerevisiae yeast strains (both MAL constitutive and AM inducible) and by their isogenic counterparts with specific deletions of the AGT1 gene. Our results clearly showed that yeast strains carrying functional permeases encoded by the MAL21, MAL31, and/or MAL41 gene in their plasma membranes were unable to utilize maltotriose. While both high-and low-affinity transport activities were responsible for maltose uptake from the medium, in the case of maltotriose, the only low-affinity (K-m, 36 +/- 2 mM) transport activity was mediated by the AGT1 permease. In conclusion, the AGT1 transporter is required for efficient maltotriose fermentation by S. cerevisiae yeasts, highlighting the importance of this permease for breeding and/or selection programs aimed at improving sluggish maltotriose fermentations.


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Defatted rumen protein and soy protein concentrate were extruded in a 15.5:1 L/D single-screw extruder at the optimum conditions for their expansion (150A degrees C and 35% moisture, and 130A degrees C and 35% moisture, respectively). Emulsions were produced with these proteins and studied by rheology and time domain low-resolution (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance (TD-NMR). Extrusion increased storage modulus of rumen protein emulsions. The opposite was observed for soy protein. Mechanical relaxation showed the existence of three relaxing components in the emulsions whose relative contributions were changed by extrusion. Likewise, spin-spin relaxation time constants (T (2)) measured by TD-NMR also showed three major distinct populations of protons in respect to their mobility that were also altered by extrusion. Extrusion increased surface hydrophobicity of both rumen and soy protein. Solubility of rumen protein increased with extrusion whereas soy protein had its solubility decreased after processing. Extrusion promoted molecular reorganization of protein, increasing its superficial hydrophobicity, affecting its interfacial properties and improving its emulsifying behavior. The results show that extrusion can promote the use of rumen, a by-product waste from the meat industry, in human nutrition by replacing soy protein in food emulsions.


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Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) has shown the potential for being a valuable tool in monitoring a commercial fermentation. In this preliminary study, a suite of organic analytes including ethanol, fructose, glucose, methanol, glycerol, malic acid, tartaric acid, succinic acid, acetic acid and lactic acid were simultaneously determined during the fermentation. Data collection and analysis using chemometric algorithms aided the understanding of key processes including the effects of seeding a wine with bacteria for malo-lactic fermentation.


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The regulation of culture conditions, especially the optimization of substrate constituents, is crucial for laccase production by solid fermentation. To develop an inexpensive optimized substrate formulation to produce high-activity laccase, a uniform design formulation experiment was devised. The solid fermentation of Trametes versicolor was performed with natural aeration, natural substrate pH (about 6.5), environmental humidity of 60% and two different temperature stages (at 37 °C for 3 days, and then at 30 °C for the next 17 days). From the experiment, a regression equation for laccase activity, in the form of a second-degree polynomial model, was constructed using multivariate regression analysis and solved with unconstrained optimization programming. The optimized substrate formulation for laccase production was then calculated. Tween 80 was found to have a negative effect on laccase production in solid fermentation; the optimized solid substrate formulation was 10.8% glucose, 27.7% wheat bran, 9.0% (NH4)2SO4, and 52.5% water. In a scaled-up verification of solid fermentation at a 10 kg scale, laccase activity from T. versicolor in the optimized substrate formulation reached 110.9 IU/g of dry mass.


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We have demonstrated that compositional changes occurring during a commercial red wine fermentation can be effectively monitored using FTIR spectroscopy and modelled with the aid of two-dimensional correlation techniques. This study represents a novel application of two-dimensional spectroscopy and showed that the reaction rates for the conversion of fructose and glucose to alcohol were different, with the latter being more rapid. The use of a simple three-component model serves to aid interpretation of the data and the results obtained confirm the value of two-dimensional FTIR correlation spectroscopy as a chemometric tool which has considerable potential for process monitoring.


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The Ordos Plateau in China is covered with up to 300,000 ha of peashrub (Caragana) which is the dominant natural vegetation and ideal for fodder production. To exploit peashrub fodder, it is crucially important to optimize the culture conditions, especially culture substrate to produce pectinase complex. In this study, a new prescription process was developed. The process, based on a uniform experimental design, first optimizes the solid substrate and second, after incubation, applies two different temperature treatments (30 °C for the first 30 h and 23°C for the second 42 h) in the fermentation process. A multivariate regression analysis is applied to a number of independent variables (water, wheat bran, rice dextrose, ammonium sulfate, and Tween 80) to develop a predictive model of pectinase activity. A second-degree polynomial model is developed which accounts for an excellent proportion of the explained variation (R2 = 97:7%). Using unconstrained mathematical programming, an optimized substrate prescription for pectinase production is subsequently developed. The mathematical analysis revealed that the optimal formula for pectinase production from Aspergillus niger by solid fermentation under the conditions of natural aeration, natural substrate pH (about 6.5), and environmental humidity of 60% is rice dextrose 8%, wheat bran 24%, ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) 6%, and water 61%. Tween 80 was found to have a negative effect on the production of pectinase in solid substrate. With this substrate prescription, pectinase produced by solid fermentation of A. niger reached 36.3 IU/(g DM). Goats fed on the pectinase complex obtain an incremental increase of 0:47 kg day-1 during the initial 25 days of feeding, which is a very promising new feeding prospect for the local peashrub. It is concluded that the new formula may be very useful for the sustainable development of arid and semiarid pastures such as those of the Ordos Plateau.