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The CD8+ T cell diaspora has been analyzed after secondary challenge with an influenza A virus that replicates only in the respiratory tract. Numbers of DbNP366- and DbPA224-specific CD8+ T cells were measured by tetramer staining at the end of the recall response, then followed sequentially in the lung, lymph nodes, spleen, blood, and other organs. The extent of clonal expansion did not reflect the sizes of the preexisting memory T cell pools. Although the high-frequency CD8+ tetramer+ populations in the pneumonic lung and mediastinal lymph nodes fell rapidly from peak values, the “whole mouse” virus-specific CD8+ T cell counts decreased only 2-fold over the 4 weeks after infection, then subsided at a fairly steady rate to reach a plateau at about 2 months. The largest numbers were found throughout in the spleen, then the bone marrow. The CD8+DbNP366+ and CD8+DbPA224+ sets remained significantly enlarged for at least 4 months, declining at equivalent rates while retaining the nucleoprotein > acid polymerase immunodominance hierarchy characteristic of the earlier antigen-driven phase. Lowest levels of the CD69 “activation marker” were detected consistently on virus-specific CD8+ T cells in the blood, then the spleen. Those in the bone marrow and liver were intermediate, and CD69hi T cells were very prominent in the regional lymph nodes and the nasal-associated lymphoid tissue. Any population of “resting” CD8+ memory T cells is thus phenotypically heterogeneous, widely dispersed, and subject to broad homeostatic and local environmental effects irrespective of epitope specificity or magnitude.


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Glycoprotein D (gD) of herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) is required for stable attachment and penetration of the virus into susceptible cells after initial binding. We derived anti-idiotypic antibodies to the neutralizing monoclonal antibody HD1 to gD of HSV-1. These antibodies have the properties expected of antibodies against a gD receptor. Specifically, they bind to the surface of HEp-2, Vero, and HeLa cells susceptible to HSV infection and specifically react with a Mr 62,000 protein in these and other (143TK- and BHK) cell lines. They neutralize virion infectivity, drastically decrease plaque formation by impairing cell-to-cell spread of virions, and reduce polykaryocytosis induced by strain HFEM, which carries a syncytial (syn-) mutation. They do not affect HSV growth in a single-step cycle and plaque formation by an unrelated virus, indicating that they specifically affect the interaction of HSV gD) with a cell surface receptor. We conclude that the Mr 62,000 cell surface protein interacts with gD to enable spread of HSV-1 from cell to cell and virus-induced polykaryocytosis.


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Equine rhinovirus 1 (ERhV1) is a respiratory pathogen of horses which has an uncertain taxonomic status. We have determined the nucleotide sequence of the ERhV1 genome except for a small region at the 5' end. The predicted polyprotein was encoded by 6741 nucleotides and possessed a typical picornavirus proteolytic cleavage pattern, including a leader polypeptide. The genomic structure and predicted amino acid sequence of ERhV1 were more similar to those of foot-and-mouth disease viruses (FMDVs), the only members of the aphthovirus genus, than to those of other picornaviruses. Features which were most similar to FMDV included a 16-amino acid 2A protein which was 87.5% identical in sequence of FMDV 2A, a leader (L) protein similar in size to FMDV Lab and the possibility of a truncated L protein similar in size to FMDV Lb, and a 3C protease which recognizes different cleavage sites. However, unlike FMDV, ERhV1 had only one copy of the 3B (VPg) polypeptide. The phylogenetic relationships of the ERhV1 sequence and nucleotide sequences of representative species of the five genera of the family Picornaviridae were examined. Nucleotide sequences coding for the complete polyprotein, the RNA polymerase, and VP1 were analyzed separately. The phylogenetic trees confirmed that ERhV1 was more closely related to FMDV than to other picornaviruses and suggested that ERhV1 may be a member, albeit very distant, of the aphthovirus genus.


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A new betacoronavirus-Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)-has been identified in patients with severe acute respiratory infection. Although related viruses infect bats, molecular clock analyses have been unable to identify direct ancestors of MERS-CoV. Anecdotal exposure histories suggest that patients had been in contact with dromedary camels or goats. We investigated possible animal reservoirs of MERS-CoV by assessing specific serum antibodies in livestock. METHODS: We took sera from animals in the Middle East (Oman) and from elsewhere (Spain, Netherlands, Chile). Cattle (n=80), sheep (n=40), goats (n=40), dromedary camels (n=155), and various other camelid species (n=34) were tested for specific serum IgG by protein microarray using the receptor-binding S1 subunits of spike proteins of MERS-CoV, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, and human coronavirus OC43. Results were confirmed by virus neutralisation tests for MERS-CoV and bovine coronavirus. FINDINGS: 50 of 50 (100%) sera from Omani camels and 15 of 105 (14%) from Spanish camels had protein-specific antibodies against MERS-CoV spike. Sera from European sheep, goats, cattle, and other camelids had no such antibodies. MERS-CoV neutralising antibody titres varied between 1/320 and 1/2560 for the Omani camel sera and between 1/20 and 1/320 for the Spanish camel sera. There was no evidence for cross-neutralisation by bovine coronavirus antibodies. INTERPRETATION: MERS-CoV or a related virus has infected camel populations. Both titres and seroprevalences in sera from different locations in Oman suggest widespread infection. FUNDING: European Union, European Centre For Disease Prevention and Control, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.


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Laryngeal papillomatosis is a benign disease of lhe larynx caused by human papilloma virus. The disease has u variable clinical course and treatment focuses on debridement until clinical remission. The most common technique for removing the papilloma is by carbon dioxide laser ublution. Powered microdebridement. which is more familiar to endoscopic sinus surgeons, has been adapted for use in the larynx. We would like to report on this technique for removal of respiratory papillomas that we believe to be safer for both patients and staff. The cases of seven paediatric patients with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis treated with microdebridement of their papillomas have been retrospectively reviewed.


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The vaccines 1-2 and V4 are avirulent strains of Newcastle disease virus. Organ tropism of strain V4 has been determined and the virus has a predilection for the digestive tract. Tropism of strain 1-2 has not yet been determined. The objective of this study was to determine the distribution of strain 1-2 in various body organs and fluids following vaccination in comparison with V4. Four-week-old chickens were vaccinated by eye drop separately with these two avirulent strains. Virus isolation and the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction technique were employed to detect 1-2 and V4 viruses in various tissues and body fluids for 7 days following vaccination. Tissues from the respiratory tract showed earlier positive signals than tissues from other organs for chickens vaccinated with strain 1-2. Conversely, tissues from mainly digestive tract produced earlier positive signals than from respiratory tract and other organs from chickens vaccinated with strain V4. In early infection, strain 1-2 had preferential predilection for the respiratory tract and strain V4 for the digestive tract. Later after vaccination, other organs showed positive results from chickens vaccinated with both 1-2 and V4 strains. The differences in organ tropism observed in this study suggest that 1-2 may perform better than V4 as a live vaccine strain.


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Résumé: Chaque année, les épidémies saisonnières d’influenza causent de 3 à 5 millions de cas sévères de maladie, entraînant entre 250 000 et 500 000 décès mondialement. Seulement deux classes d’antiviraux sont actuellement commercialisées pour traiter cette infection respiratoire : les inhibiteurs de la neuraminidase, tels que l’oseltamivir (Tamiflu) et les inhibiteurs du canal ionique M2 (adamantanes). Toutefois, leur utilisation est limitée par l’apparition rapide de résistance virale. Il est donc d’un grand intérêt de développer de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques pour le traitement de l’influenza. Le virus influenza dépend de l’activation de sa protéine de surface hémagglutinine (HA) pour être infectieux. L’activation a lieu par clivage protéolytique au sein d’une séquence d’acides aminés conservée. Ce clivage doit être effectué par une enzyme de l’hôte, étant donné que le génome du virus ne code pour aucune protéase. Pour les virus infectant l’humain, plusieurs études ont montré le potentiel de protéases à sérine transmembranaires de type II (TTSP) à promouvoir la réplication virale : TMPRSS2, TMPRSS4, HAT, MSPL, Desc1 et matriptase, identifiée récemment par notre équipe (Beaulieu, Gravel et al., 2013), activent l’HA des virus influenza A (principalement H1N1 et H3N2). Toutefois, il existe peu d’information sur le clivage de l’HA des virus influenza B, et seulement TMPRSS2 et HAT ont été identifiées comme étant capables d’activer ce type de virus. Les travaux de ce projet de maîtrise visaient à identifier d’autres TTSP pouvant activer l’HA de l’influenza B. L’efficacité de clivage par la matriptase, hepsine, HAT et Desc1 a été étudiée et comparée entre ces TTSP. Ces quatre protéases s’avèrent capables de cliver l’HA de l’influenza B in vitro. Cependant, seul le clivage par matriptase, hepsine et HAT promeut la réplication virale. De plus, ces TTSP peuvent aussi supporter la réplication de virus influenza A. Ainsi, l’utilisation d’un inhibiteur de TTSP, développé en collaboration avec notre laboratoire, permet de bloquer significativement la réplication virale dans les cellules épithéliales bronchiques humaines Calu-3. Cet inhibiteur se lie de façon covalente et lentement réversible au site actif de la TTSP par un mécanisme slow tight-binding. Puisque cet inhibiteur cible une composante de la cellule hôte, et non une protéine virale, il n’entraîne pas le développement de résistance après 15 passages des virus en présence de l’inhibiteur dans les cellules Calu-3. L’inhibition des TTSP activatrices d’HA dans le système respiratoire humain représente donc une nouvelle stratégie thérapeutique pouvant mener au développement d’antiviraux efficaces contre l’influenza.


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Hendra virus (HeV) was first described in 1994 in an outbreak of acute and highly lethal disease in horses and humans in Australia. Equine cases continue to be diagnosed periodically, yet the predisposing factors for infection remain unclear. We undertook an analysis of equine submissions tested for HeV by the Queensland government veterinary reference laboratory over a 20-year period to identify and investigate any patterns. We found a marked increase in testing from July 2008, primarily reflecting a broadening of the HeV clinical case definition. Peaks in submissions for testing, and visitations to the Government HeV website, were associated with reported equine incidents. Significantly differing between-year HeV detection rates in north and south Queensland suggest a fundamental difference in risk exposure between the two regions. The statistical association between HeV detection and stockhorse type may suggest that husbandry is a more important risk determinant than breed per se. The detection of HeV in horses with neither neurological nor respiratory signs poses a risk management challenge for attending veterinarians and laboratory staff, reinforcing animal health authority recommendations that appropriate risk management strategies be employed for all sick horses, and by anyone handling sick horses or associated biological samples.


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SUMMARY Hendra virus (HeV) was first described in 1994 in an outbreak of acute and highly lethal disease in horses and humans in Australia. Equine cases continue to be diagnosed periodically, yet the predisposing factors for infection remain unclear. We undertook an analysis of equine submissions tested for HeV by the Queensland government veterinary reference laboratory over a 20-year period to identify and investigate any patterns. We found a marked increase in testing from July 2008, primarily reflecting a broadening of the HeV clinical case definition. Peaks in submissions for testing, and visitations to the Government HeV website, were associated with reported equine incidents. Significantly differing between-year HeV detection rates in north and south Queensland suggest a fundamental difference in risk exposure between the two regions. The statistical association between HeV detection and stockhorse type may suggest that husbandry is a more important risk determinant than breed per se. The detection of HeV in horses with neither neurological nor respiratory signs poses a risk management challenge for attending veterinarians and laboratory staff, reinforcing animal health authority recommendations that appropriate risk management strategies be employed for all sick horses, and by anyone handling sick horses or associated biological samples.


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Purpose: To investigate whether UL43 protein, which is highly conserved in alpha- and gamma herpes viruses, and a non-glycosylated transmembrane protein, is involved in virus entry and virus-induced cell fusion. Methods: Mutagenesis was accomplished by a markerless two-step Red recombination mutagenesis system implemented on the Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC). Growth properties of HSV-1 UL43 mutants were analyzed using plaque morphology and one-step growth kinetics. SDS-PAGE and Western blot was employed to assay the synthesis of the viral glycoproteins. Virus-penetration was assayed to determine if UL43 protein is required for efficient virus entry. Results: Lack of UL43 expression resulted in significantly reduced plaque sizes of syncytial mutant viruses and inhibited cell fusion induced by gBΔ28 or gKsyn20 (p < 0.05). Deletion of UL43 did not affect overall expression levels of viral glycoproteins gB, gC, gD, and gH on HSV-1(F) BAC infected cell surfaces. Moreover, mutant viruses lacking UL43 gene exhibited slower kinetics of entry into Vero cells than the parental HSV-1(F) BAC. Conclusion: Thus, these results suggest an important role for UL43 protein in mediating virus-induced membrane fusion and efficient entry of virion into target cells.


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In this study we examined the impact of weather variability and tides on the transmission of Barmah Forest virus (BFV) disease and developed a weather-based forecasting model for BFV disease in the Gladstone region, Australia. We used seasonal autoregressive integrated moving-average (SARIMA) models to determine the contribution of weather variables to BFV transmission after the time-series data of response and explanatory variables were made stationary through seasonal differencing. We obtained data on the monthly counts of BFV cases, weather variables (e.g., mean minimum and maximum temperature, total rainfall, and mean relative humidity), high and low tides, and the population size in the Gladstone region between January 1992 and December 2001 from the Queensland Department of Health, Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland Department of Transport, and Australian Bureau of Statistics, respectively. The SARIMA model shows that the 5-month moving average of minimum temperature (β = 0.15, p-value < 0.001) was statistically significantly and positively associated with BFV disease, whereas high tide in the current month (β = −1.03, p-value = 0.04) was statistically significantly and inversely associated with it. However, no significant association was found for other variables. These results may be applied to forecast the occurrence of BFV disease and to use public health resources in BFV control and prevention.