999 resultados para Récepteurs B2
Les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (RCPG) démontrent de plus en plus de capacités à activer des mécanismes jusqu’alors associés à des facteurs de transcription ou des molécules d’adhésion. En effet, de nouvelles preuves rapportent qu’ils pourraient également participer au guidage axonal qui est le mécanisme permettant aux axones de cellules nerveuses de rejoindre leur cible anatomique. Le guidage axonal se fait par l’interaction entre les molécules de guidage et une structure particulière présente à l’extrémité de l’axone, le cône de croissance. Par exemple, les RCPGs participent au guidage des cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine (CGR), dont les axones s’étendent de la rétine jusqu’au noyaux cérébraux associés à la vision. Cet effet est observé avec des RCPGs tels que les récepteurs aux cannabinoïdes (CB1 et CB2) et celui du lysophosphatidylinositol, le GPR55. Les RCPGs GPR91 et GPRG99, respectivement récepteurs au succinate et à l’α-cétoglutarate, se trouvent à la surface de ces CGRs, ce qui en font des candidats potentiels pouvant participer au guidage axonal. Dans ce mémoire, l’effet des ligands de ces récepteurs sur la croissance et la navigation des axones des CGRs fut analysé. L’impact produit par ces récepteurs ainsi que leurs ligands sur la morphologie des cônes de croissance fut déterminé en mesurant leur taille et le nombre de filopodes présents sur ces cônes. Pour évaluer le rôle du succinate et de l’a-cétoglutarate sur la croissance globale des axones de CGRs, la longueur totale des projections axonales d’explants rétiniens a été mesurée. L’effet de ces ligands des récepteurs GPR91 et GPR99 sur le guidage axonal a également été évalué en temps réel à l’aide d’un gradient créé par un micro injecteur placé à 45° et à 100µm du cône de croissance. La distribution in vivo des récepteurs GPR91 et GPR99 sur la rétine a été étudié à l’aide d’expériences d’immunohistochimie. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que l’ajout de 100µM de succinate produit une augmentation de la taille des cônes de croissance et du nombre de filopodes présents à leur surface. Il augmente également la croissance des axones. Ce type de réponse fut également observé lorsque les cellules furent soumises à 200µM d’α-cétoglutarate. Fait à noter, les deux récepteurs n’ont pas d’impact sur le guidage axonal. Ces résultats indiquent donc que les agonistes des récepteurs GPR91 et GPR99 augmentent la croissance des cellules ganglionnaires lorsqu’ils sont présents lors du développement. Par contre, ils n’ont pas d’influence sur la direction prise par les cônes de croissance. Ces nouvelles données sont un pas de plus dans la compréhension des mécanismes qui gèrent et participent au développement et la croissance des CGRs, ce qui pourrait donner de nouvelles cibles thérapeutique pouvant mener à la régénération de nerfs optiques endommagés.
Les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (RCPG) démontrent de plus en plus de capacités à activer des mécanismes jusqu’alors associés à des facteurs de transcription ou des molécules d’adhésion. En effet, de nouvelles preuves rapportent qu’ils pourraient également participer au guidage axonal qui est le mécanisme permettant aux axones de cellules nerveuses de rejoindre leur cible anatomique. Le guidage axonal se fait par l’interaction entre les molécules de guidage et une structure particulière présente à l’extrémité de l’axone, le cône de croissance. Par exemple, les RCPGs participent au guidage des cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine (CGR), dont les axones s’étendent de la rétine jusqu’au noyaux cérébraux associés à la vision. Cet effet est observé avec des RCPGs tels que les récepteurs aux cannabinoïdes (CB1 et CB2) et celui du lysophosphatidylinositol, le GPR55. Les RCPGs GPR91 et GPRG99, respectivement récepteurs au succinate et à l’α-cétoglutarate, se trouvent à la surface de ces CGRs, ce qui en font des candidats potentiels pouvant participer au guidage axonal. Dans ce mémoire, l’effet des ligands de ces récepteurs sur la croissance et la navigation des axones des CGRs fut analysé. L’impact produit par ces récepteurs ainsi que leurs ligands sur la morphologie des cônes de croissance fut déterminé en mesurant leur taille et le nombre de filopodes présents sur ces cônes. Pour évaluer le rôle du succinate et de l’a-cétoglutarate sur la croissance globale des axones de CGRs, la longueur totale des projections axonales d’explants rétiniens a été mesurée. L’effet de ces ligands des récepteurs GPR91 et GPR99 sur le guidage axonal a également été évalué en temps réel à l’aide d’un gradient créé par un micro injecteur placé à 45° et à 100µm du cône de croissance. La distribution in vivo des récepteurs GPR91 et GPR99 sur la rétine a été étudié à l’aide d’expériences d’immunohistochimie. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que l’ajout de 100µM de succinate produit une augmentation de la taille des cônes de croissance et du nombre de filopodes présents à leur surface. Il augmente également la croissance des axones. Ce type de réponse fut également observé lorsque les cellules furent soumises à 200µM d’α-cétoglutarate. Fait à noter, les deux récepteurs n’ont pas d’impact sur le guidage axonal. Ces résultats indiquent donc que les agonistes des récepteurs GPR91 et GPR99 augmentent la croissance des cellules ganglionnaires lorsqu’ils sont présents lors du développement. Par contre, ils n’ont pas d’influence sur la direction prise par les cônes de croissance. Ces nouvelles données sont un pas de plus dans la compréhension des mécanismes qui gèrent et participent au développement et la croissance des CGRs, ce qui pourrait donner de nouvelles cibles thérapeutique pouvant mener à la régénération de nerfs optiques endommagés.
P2X7 receptors play an important role in inflammatory hyperalgesia, but the mechanisms involved in their hyperalgesic role are not completely understood. In this study, we hypothesized that P2X7 receptor activation induces mechanical hyperalgesia via the inflammatory mediators bradykinin, sympathomimetic amines, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), and pro-inflammatory cytokines and via neutrophil migration in rats. We found that 2'(3')-O-(4-benzoylbenzoyl)adenosine 5'-triphosphate triethylammonium salt (BzATP), the most potent P2X7 receptor agonist available, induced a dose-dependent mechanical hyperalgesia that was blocked by the P2X7 receptor-selective antagonist A-438079 but unaffected by the P2X1,3,2/3 receptor antagonist TNP-ATP. These findings confirm that, although BzATP also acts at both P2X1 and P2X3 receptors, BzATP-induced hyperalgesia was mediated only by P2X7 receptor activation. Co-administration of selective antagonists of bradykinin B1 (Des-Arg(8)-Leu(9)-BK (DALBK)) or B2 receptors (bradyzide), β1 (atenolol) or β2 adrenoceptors (ICI 118,551), or local pre-treatment with the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin or the nonspecific selectin inhibitor fucoidan each significantly reduced BzATP-induced mechanical hyperalgesia in the rat hind paw. BzATP also induced the release of the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6 and cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-1 (CINC-1), an effect that was significantly reduced by A-438079. Co-administration of DALBK or bradyzide with BzATP significantly reduced BzATP-induced IL-1β and CINC-1 release. These results indicate that peripheral P2X7 receptor activation induces mechanical hyperalgesia via inflammatory mediators, especially bradykinin, which may contribute to pro-inflammatory cytokine release. These pro-inflammatory cytokines in turn may mediate the contributions of PGE2, sympathomimetic amines and neutrophil migration to the mechanical hyperalgesia induced by local P2X7 receptor activation.
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is a precursor for coenzymes involved in energy production, biosynthesis, detoxification, and electron scavenging. Previously, we demonstrated that irradiated riboflavin (IR) has potential antitumoral effects against human leukemia cells (HL60), human prostate cancer cells (PC3), and mouse melanoma cells (B16F10) through a common mechanism that leads to apoptosis. Hence, we here investigated the effect of IR on 786-O cells, a known model cell line for clear cell renal cell carcinoma (CCRCC), which is characterized by high-risk metastasis and chemotherapy resistance. IR also induced cell death in 786-O cells by apoptosis, which was not prevented by antioxidant agents. IR treatment was characterized by downregulation of Fas ligand (TNF superfamily, member 6)/Fas (TNF receptor superfamily member 6) (FasL/Fas) and tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 1a (TNFR1)/TNFRSF1A-associated via death domain (TRADD)/TNF receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF) signaling pathways (the extrinsic apoptosis pathway), while the intrinsic apoptotic pathway was upregulated, as observed by an elevated Bcl-2 associated x protein/B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2 (Bax/Bcl-2) ratio, reduced cellular inhibitor of apoptosis 1 (c-IAP1) expression, and increased expression of apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF). The observed cell death was caspase-dependent as proven by caspase 3 activation and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP) cleavage. IR-induced cell death was also associated with downregulation of v-src sarcoma (Schmidt-Ruppin A-2) viral oncogene homologue (avian)/protein serine/threonine kinase B/extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 1/2 (Src/AKT/ERK1/2) pathway and activation of p38 MAP kinase (p38) and Jun-amino-terminal kinase (JNK). Interestingly, IR treatment leads to inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) activity and reduced expression of renal cancer aggressiveness markers caveolin-1, low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase (LMWPTP), and kinase insert domain receptor (a type III receptor tyrosine kinase) (VEGFR-2). Together, these results show the potential of IR for treating cancer.
Riboflavin, a component of the B2 vitaminic complex, plays important roles in biochemistry, especially in redox reactions, due to the ability to participate in both one- and two-electron transfers as well as acting as a photosensitizer. Accordingly, low intakes of this vitamin have been associated with different diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Riboflavin is thought to contribute to oxidative stress through its capacity to produce superoxide but, interestingly, it can also promote the reduction of hydroperoxides. This peculiar and multifunctional behavior allows riboflavin to take part in various biochemical pathways as a nucleophile and an electrophile, turning it into a versatile and important biological compound.
Vitamin C stability and concentration was evaluated in isotonic beverages and B group vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6) in power beverages. The amount of vitamins was found to be above of that declared on the labels, even after the shelf life had been exceeded. A small decrease in the amount of B group vitamins was observed during the shelf life of the products. In the case of vitamin C this decrease was slightly higher. The present research shows the need of increased quality control and inspection.
The objective of this research was to determine the levels of enrichment of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B3 in different types and brands of enriched cookies. The chromatographic separation was performed in a C18 column with gradient elution and UV detection at 254 and 287 nm. The results show that only 5 of the 24 brands evaluated are in accordance with the Brazilian legislation with respect to the vitamin content declared on the labels. However, consumption of approximately 100-150 g of most of the brands supplies the recommended dietary intake for children and adults of the vitamins evaluated.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
The purpose of this study was to assess the concentration of vitamins and minerals in meat protein hydrolysates. Calcium, phosphorus and iron were analyzed by inductively coupled-plasma atomic emission spectrophotometry; vitamin C was analyzed by the reduction of cupric ions and vitamins B1 and B2 by fluorescence. Regarding minerals, the beef hydrolysate (BH) had more iron than the turkey hydrolysate (TH) and the chicken hydrolysate (CH); TH had a little more phosphorus. BH had the largest amount of vitamin C, and similar amounts of vitamins B1 and B2. The amount of these nutrients found in the hydrolysates suggests that it is possible to use them to enrich special dietary formulations.
Objetivou-se quantificar as frações de carboidratos pelas equações do Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) de três cultivares de girassol (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivados na presença ou não de irrigação. A utilização de uma preparação fibrosa, denominada parede celular (PC), nas equações da CNCPS, em substituição à fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) não promoveu diferenças nas frações de carboidratos B1 e C, mas influenciou as frações A e B2. Como os valores da fração B1, obtidos pelo modelo CNCPS foram menores que os teores de amido e pectina determinados em laboratório, supõe-se que a pectina e outros oligossacarídeos da parede celular, solubilizados pela solução de detergente neutro (fibra solúvel), nunca fizeram parte da fração B1, e sim da fração A. Apesar de os carboidratos da fibra solúvel apresentarem elevadas taxas de degradação, não parece adequada a caracterização da fibra solúvel na fração A. Parece mais adequado que a fibra solúvel (que inclui a pectina) seja alocada a uma fração exclusivamente sua, que pode ser a fração B2, e que seja criada uma nova fração, a B3, para os carboidratos digeríveis da parede celular. Assim, a fração B1 seria composta apenas de amido. A equação da fração C, que estima os carboidratos indigeríveis da parede celular, pode ser simplificada, relacionando a fração indigerível ao teor de lignina na matéria seca, e não à FDN isenta de cinzas e proteína, como atualmente utilizado. Esta proposta tem implicações práticas, uma vez que a fração indigerível da parede celular tem sido expressa em relação à FDN, e não na MS, com base no fato de que os efeitos inibitórios da lignina ocorrem sobre os componentes fibrosos da parede celular vegetal, e não sobre o conteúdo celular.
First-principles scalar relativistic calculations in supercells of 16 atoms are used to represent disordered B2 ordering of Fe(3)Ga in order to observe the effect of Ga-Ga pairs on the electronic structure of this alloy. From a comparison with pure bcc Fe it is observed that the energy position and occupation of e(g) and t(2g) states are largely affected by the Ga-Ga pairs and strengthened intraplane interactions takes place. The results show that a larger hybridization of the conduction band is in the source of the magnetostriction enhancement experimentally observed in Galfenol. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3525609]
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the levels of electromyographic (EMG) activation and maximal molar bite force before and after a 3-month acupuncture therapy in individuals with temporomandibular disorder (Helkimo Index) from a pool of subjects attending the Special Care Course of the Ribeirao Preto Dental School, Sao Paulo University, Brazil. Design: All 17 patients, aged between 37 and 50 years (44.2 +/- 4.84 years), with an average weight of 71 +/- 9.45 kg and height of 1.64 +/- 0.07 m, were clinically examined with regard to pain and dysfunctions of the masticatory system. The temporomandibular acupuncture points of needling were IG4, E6, E7, B2, VB14, VB20, ID18, ID19, F3, E36, VB34, E44, R3, and HN3. EMG measures were acquired before and after the treatment using a MyoSystem-BR1 electromyographer. The data collected at rest, protrusion, left and right laterality, and clenching were normalized by maximum voluntary contraction. Maximal bite force in right and left molar regions were registered using a dynamometer with a capacity of up to 1000 N, adapted for oral conditions. The highest value out of three recordings was considered to be the individual's maximal bite force. The results were statistically analyzed using the paired t test (SPSS version 15.0) during the comparison before and after treatment. Results: We found decreased EMG activity at rest, protrusion, left and right laterality, and clenching; as well as increased values of maximal bite force after acupuncture treatment. Conclusions: Acupuncture promoted alterations in the EMG activity of masticatory muscles, increased maximal molar bite force, and led to remission of the subjects' painful symptomatology.
Previously we have demonstrated that bradykinin B1 receptor deficient mice (B1KO) were protected against renal ischemia and reperfusion injury (IRI). Here, we aimed to analyze the effect of B1 antagonism on renal IRI and to study whether B1R knockout or antagonism could modulate the renal expression of pro and anti-inflammatory molecules. To this end, mice were subjected to 45 minutes ischemia and reperfused at 4, 24, 48 and 120 hours. Wild-type mice were treated intra-peritoneally with antagonists of either B1 (R-954, 200 mg/kg) or B2 receptor (HOE140, 200 mg/kg) 30 minutes prior to ischemia. Blood samples were collected to ascertain serum creatinine level, and kidneys were harvested for gene transcript analyses by real-time PCR. Herein, B1R antagonism ( R-954) was able to decrease serum creatinine levels, whereas B2R antagonism had no effect. The protection seen under B1R deletion or antagonism was associated with an increased expression of GATA-3, IL-4 and IL-10 and a decreased T-bet and IL-1b transcription. Moreover, treatment with R-954 resulted in lower MCP-1, and higher HO-1 expression. Our results demonstrated that bradykinin B1R antagonism is beneficial in renal IRI.