998 resultados para Questão Acreana


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Dengue is currently considered one of the most relevant public health problems worldwide. Studies indicate the surroundings of the houses as the preferred sites for the proliferation of Aedes aegypti. The residential areas are privileged environments for human development and contribute to the formation of the individual s identity and for the establishment of affective, social and cultural bonds. The purpose of this study was to investigate possible links between psychological indicators of pro-environmentalism and conservation status of residential backyards. Data collection was performed in 147 homes and methodological strategy involved the use of interview, the Scale of Ecocentric and Anthropocentric Environmentalism, Scale of Consideration of Future Consequences and a tool for environmental evaluation. It was found that the participants expressed as environmental practices the garbage recycling, besides they had the knowledge of how the transmission of dengue occurs. These residents showed ecofriendly motivated commitment: pro-environmentalist ecocentric and anthropocentric. In evaluating the backyard it was verified that the conservation conditions, in almost half of the homes, appeared as carelessness on the part of residents and those conditions are conducive to the proliferation of Aedes aegypti. The pro-environmentalists and guidance for the future identified by the scales were not associated with the conservation status of the backyards. However, it was found that the trends of reduction and stability of infestation levels are associated with self-reported environmental care. These results can contribute to the discussion and design of new mosquito control actions and practices of education and health information among the population


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Lacanian psychoanalysis has won a considerable space in brazilian university: a search for Lacan in the field of subject of the CAPES Thesis Bank shows 1.032 results! However the difference in the style of knowledge production and language usage is considerable between academic psychology and lacanian theory. The difficulty in reading and understanding Lacan is something pointed out by supporters and critics alike. In addition to that, his disciples choose many times to imitate his baroque, complex style, full of neologisms, causing perplexity in many unprepared audiences. What is the origin of such an enigmatic and polemic style of expression? How it became so widespread under the sign of repetition? And which are the consequences of this style to the communication, transmission and teaching of lacanian psychoanalysis? Through these questions it is our goal to contribute to the dialogue between lacanian psychoanalysis and the academy, to provide a better understanding of the causes of this style, analyzing the consequences it has to the transmission of psychoanalysis. We chose to perform a theoretical study, using authors that have treated Lacan s style and the history of psychoanalysis from a critical point of view, like Beividas (2000), Roustang (1987, 1988) and Gellner (1988), and also those that have defended and justified its legitimacy, like Glynos e Stavrakakis (2001), Fink (1997) and Souza (1985), using as well some works by Freud and Lacan. The study of these texts has led us to three main themes: 1) the difficulty of the lacanian text; 2) Lacan, heir of Freud; 3) consequences of the lacanian style. In the first one, we enumerate many different explanations and interpretations given by commentators about the difficulty and particularity of the lacanian discourse; in the second, we show how Lacan came to occupy the place of great idealization that was before destined to Freud, what made his style something to be taken as a model, to be imitated by disciples; in the third, we explore the way in which the concepts are treated in lacanian psychoanalysis, arguing that their multiple meanings point out that the final goal is not to build a clear and coherent theory, but to try to aim directly at the subject, to catch him


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Suicide rates have been rising all over the world. In Rio Grande do Norte state, a study carried out by Dutra (1999) investigated suicide rates among youngsters and found that in 1997 alone 244 cases of suicide attempt were registered. The author took an interest in studying this phenomenon among adolescents after reviewing Dutra s study and the technical literature on suicide. In addition to that, another topic caught her attention and raised new research questions: suicide attempts motivated by love, i.e., the end of a relationship, the fantasy of being abandoned by a partner. These have made the author to question how love manifested itself among adolescents and how it could become a reason for adolescents to give up their lives. Based on the data she analyzed and the research questions she developed, her research objective was to understand how adolescents who have attempted suicide because of love-related reasons have gone through this experience. The theoretical reference for the research was the Client-centered Therapy and more specifically, the construct self , according to Carl Rogers. The methodological strategy was inspired by the existential-phenomenological strategy. It used the narrative as a research instrument, inspired by the work of Walter Benjamim (1994) which was developed into a research strategy by Schmidt (1990). Four youngsters (three male and one female) have participated in this study. They have attempted suicide for love-related reasons during dolescence, when they were 12 to 18 years old. The interviews were recorded on cassette tapes, transcribed and literalized into narratives. The understanding of the narratives was based on the meanings that emerged from the youngsters speeches, as well as from the moments that touched the author. These moments highlighted the meaning of the experience of giving up life and the experience of love-based relationship as experienced by the youngsters. The study detected, among the adolescents who were interviewed, the existence of impulsiveness related to the suicide attempt. Also, the majority of the interviewees came from unstructured family backgrounds and had lost of one of their parents or had to face their parents divorce. The suicide was attempted by these youngsters through the ingestion of medicines. The research also revealed that the youngsters had regretted attempting suicide and felt guilty about it. With regards to their self-evaluation, the author observed that the youngsters had low self-esteem, negative perceptions about themselves and distorted views of themselves. These findings helped the author to reflect on the close relationship between the construct self and the suicide attempt. She also observed that a few factors, i.e., family context, education, social and cultural values, have influenced the way the youngsters perceived themselves . The results of this research confirm the idea that we have to understand the suicide attempt as a multi-determined phenomenon. This study contributed to the analysis and reflection on the factors that contribute to suicide attempts thus providing a foundation for the development of public health programs and policies to deal with this topic


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Os problemas que afetam a sociedade não estão mais centrados no âmbito da reflexão sobre a cultura, a política e em uma inflexão a si mesmos. A vida, um dos principais elementos da reflexão filosófica, tornou-se destituída de valor e passou a ser medida pelo desejo do mercado. Por isso, segundo Foucault, é difícil criar condições de resistência, uma vez que não se sabe de onde vem o poder, onde estamos e qual o nosso desejo: tudo o que pertencia ao sujeito está capturado pelo biopoder. Assim, vivemos (sobrevivemos, nos termos de Agamben) num momento de empobrecimento da experiência, da vida, dos valores e de nós mesmos. O problema que se coloca é, então, como resistir a esse empobrecimento? Pensamos que uma possível chave para pensar esse problema esteja na procura por compreender como nos tornamos empobrecidos dessa capacidade de fazer experiência. Nossa intenção é compreender como o ensino da filosofia se posiciona face à pobreza de experiência, apontada por Benjamin.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo discutir os nexos entre crise do capital, questão urbana e ambiental, problematizando a inserção subordinada do Brasil no processo de mundialização com predomínio das finanças, as contradições que marcam estes processos e, em particular, suas repercussões nas cidades na contemporaneidade. Acirra-se a luta de classes, expressa nas diversas formas formas de apropriação e uso do solo urbano. Neste cenário de disputas, as formas de luta e oposição à acumulação desenfreada do capital podem ser consideradas ainda pontuais e de pequena escala, mas revelam formas de resistências que podem vir a gerar movimentos emancipatórios


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O artigo aborda a questão urbana como objeto de pesquisa do Serviço Social. Resulta de pesquisa teórica e de análise das produções sobre esta temática, tendo por base artigos dos anais dos Encontros Nacionais de Pesquisadores em Serviço Social (ENPESS), no período 2000-2010. A ampliação e diversidade de espaços sócio-ocupacionais não correspondem necessariamente ao desenvolvimento de pesquisas, com aprofundamento teórico-metodológico exigido pela complexidade da questão urbana na contemporaneidade. Há crescente interesse pela temática de pesquisadores, profissionais e estudantes e esforços de sistematização e pesquisa evidenciados no número de trabalhos e na busca de qualidade dos mesmos. Mas há também necessidade de aprofundamento teórico-metodológico para uma produção do conhecimento em consonância com o Projeto Ético-Politico, o que supõe construção de vias de superação da sociabilidade capitalista


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It analyzes the production of the space of the North Zone of Natal/RN, of the beginning of its formation - decade of 1970 - a present time, under the optics of the urban planning and of the administration of the territory. Inside of that path, it examines the interests that orientated the "creation" of the referred space, as support to the process of urban planning and of administration of the territory; as well as the recent processes that evidence a new partner-space dynamics, which is configured, now as an incipient insert of the North Zone to the context natalense urban-space, now as a "reedition" of its report process of partner-space segregation. It stands out that, while in the beginning of the formation of the North Zone, the State was made the main actor, making possible the expansion of the capital in the north sense of the city of Natal, through the implantation of the Industrial District of Natal (DIN) and of the expansion of the habitational politics of the House of Financial System (SFH); at the present time, the new space processes are configured through the economical inclination, through expansion of the tertiary section in the city of Natal. It is based in bibliography regarding the theme in focus, in primary and secondary sources, as well as in processes and forms that were unchained in the North Zone along the research. It analyzes the North Zone then in its group, the one that makes possible apprehend the inherent conflicts to the process of production-appropriation of the urban space, for the several social actors - the State, the capital and the society - that dispute the control of the production of the space according themselves their interests


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A filosofia, particularmente em fase crítica como a atual, se apresenta como questão. Mas, a questão atual da filosofia é simultaneamente a questão da tradição que produziu a filosofia. Questionada a partir do seu interior, a filosofia persevera, renovando-se; questionada a partir de fora, de uma posição cética, não só sua existência, mas toda a problemática dela decorrente, são recusadas. No entanto, na instância da ciência, pretensamente erigida em bastião do ceticismo, descobre-se a urgência daquilo mesmo que em seu nome é negado. A história da filosofia é o espaço onde ecoa e prolifera a questão da filosofia. em seu contexto, por meio desta, a filosofia é sempre atual, transforma-se, pluraliza-se.


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Vanguarda Socialista, jornal editado por Mário Pedrosa no Rio de Janeiro, de 1945 a 1948, elabora uma proposta política socialista e democrática como alternativa à concepção bolchevique, que acredita superada pela história. Nessa medida, a questão russa encontra-se no centro das preocupações do grupo. Este artigo procura não só analisar a explicação do jornal para as origens da burocracia na URSS, mostrando as contradições que a perpassam, como também estabelecer a filiação do grupo às idéias de Rosa Luxemburgo, na tentativa de esclarecer as referidas contradições.


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Inquérito epidemiológico realizado pela Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo e Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Bauru visou à realização de exames de plumbemia em 853 crianças de 0 a 12 anos, em Bauru, São Paulo, Brasil (2002), a partir de indícios de chumbo oriundo de resíduos industriais nas proximidades de uma fábrica de baterias. Os níveis sangüíneos de chumbo no grupo controle foram inferiores aos apresentados pelo grupo exposto (p < 0,05). Mediante a existência de 314 crianças com taxas de plumbemia superiores àquelas aceitáveis pelo Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (10µgPb/dl sangue), foi desencadeado um conjunto de ações com participação dos serviços públicos, universidades e voluntariado, para promover o diagnóstico e a assistência à saúde da população atingida. Ações emergenciais, visando a reduzir riscos de recontaminação, incluíram a raspagem de camada superficial das vias públicas, resultando em 1.392m³ de terra contendo material tóxico, que permanece depositada nas dependências da fábrica. Foi promovida a aspiração de poeira do interior das residências e a lavagem e vedamento das caixas d'água. O Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa da Intoxicação por Chumbo em Crianças de Bauru, por meio deste trabalho, faz o compartilhamento de uma experiência intersetorial, multidisciplinar e interinstitucional.


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O presente artigo trata da concepção de processo grupal e poder social enfocada por Martín-Baró.¹ O autor retoma a concepção de grupo presente no trabalho de Sílvia Lane, quando considera os aspectos pessoais, as características grupais, a vivência subjetiva e realidade objetiva e o caráter histórico do grupo. Na perspectiva da psicologia social, segundo o autor, é muito mais relevante a análise do papel do poder na vida cotidiana, no dia-a-dia das pessoas, do que se centrar nos acontecimentos excepcionais e não rotineiros. Considerando que grande parte da prática profissional do psicólogo, principalmente numa perspectiva psicossocial, envolve o trabalho com grupos, a abordagem da questão do poder passa a ter papel fundamental. Neste sentido, o contato com a produção de Martín-Baró é essencial e pode contribuir incisivamente no nosso trabalho cotidiano.


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O fenômeno da errância, impulsionado por motivos sócio-econômicos ou mesmo por razões pessoais, traz consigo profundas transformações no plano psicossocial. A presente pesquisa se propôs a investigar as razões que levam os trecheiros à ruptura com a vida sedentária e o papel que o alcoolismo exerce nesse processo de deserção. Foram entrevistados doze sujeitos que fazem uso de bebidas alcoólicas, albergados numa Instituição Assistencial da cidade de Assis, SP, sendo as entrevistas submetidas, posteriormente, a uma análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostraram que a morte dos pais, os conflitos familiares e o desemprego têm sido um dos principais motivos para a ruptura com o sedentarismo. O uso do álcool, no trecho, é atribuído pelos próprios sujeitos à necessidade de esquecer problema, maior encorajamento e apaziguar conflitos remanescentes, em geral, conflitos afetivos que possuem como epicentro a infidelidade conjugal.


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Ce texte est une lecture de la conférence de Vygotsky sur la question de l'influence de la culture et de l'environnement sur la pédologie et cherche les implications pédagogiques des ces idées sur l'éducation des enfants et, en particulier, les petits enfants. Initialement, met en évidence la méthode de l'auteur que enseigne à ses auditeurs et lecteurs à penser dialectiquement, un défi que doit être confrontés par les lecteurs - habitués à penser avec la logique formelle - pour essayer de comprendre les études de Vygotsky. Deux éléments apportés par Vygotsky à la conférence sont prise pour réfléchir sur son importance pour le développement de l'enfant: la question de la langue orale et de son importance pour l'influence de la culture et de l'environnement sur le développement humain dans l'enfance et la spécificité du développement culturel dans l'enfance que dit que ce que nous pouvons parvenir à la fin ou à la suite du processus de développement est présente dans la culture depuis le début et touche et guide ce développement de l'enfant. Dans les deux cas, la discussion au sein de cette conférence de Vygotsky déclenche une révolution dans la pensée et l'action des enseignants.


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Dans cet article, nous envisageons traiter une série de questions concernant le contexte urbain de la ville de São Paulo. Notre objectif est d'identifier: a) comment s'organisent les principaux groupes privés en vue de situer le secteur tertiaire moderne; b) comment leur organisations font pression sur le pouvoir public afin d'obtenir des bénéfices d'infrastructure d'équipements urbains; c) quelles sont les réponses concrètes du pouvoir public; d) quels sont les principaux groupes sociaux, issus des classes populaires qui sont pourtant atteints par ce jeu d'intérêts.


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Cet article cherche à dresser, sous la perspective historique, le bilan de la situation des pays périphériques dans les dernières trentes années. Pour cela, il aborde particulièrement les enjeux du développement dans la phase de la globalisation du capital. Ce travail s'appuie surtout sur les études de la vaste bibliographie publiée récemment. Dans quelle mesure la relance du développement concernant plusieurs secteurs stagnés de la périphérie deviendrait-elle une réelle possibilité? Autour de cette question, que nous trouvons centrale dans l'actuelle conjoncture, nous entamons quelques réflexions. Nous envisageons montrer que la stagnation économique à laquelle des nombreux pays non développés font face ne découle pas en partie d'une crise sociale et économique ouverte dans les années soixante-dix et qui s'élargit jusqu'à nos jours malgré les tentatives de restructuration de la société capitaliste. Les stratégies et les mesures politiques à caractère néo-liberal aussi auraient énormément contribué à cette situation étant donné qu'elles ont renforcé les amarres financières qui ont étranglé pour une part les économies périphériques. Outre ces difficultés, ces pays affronteraient les limites écologiques du capitalisme. La relance du développement dans un nouveau stade exigeant la croissance économique, la justice sociale et la préservation de la nature amènerait à une rupture face au capitalisme.