1000 resultados para Purdue University. Agricultural Experiment Station


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Including a summary of the work and needs of the University of Maryland, the Agricultural Experiment Station, the Extension Service, the State Board of Agriculture ..


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Some vols. have supplements and appendices.


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Report year ends June 30.


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Numbered also in the university's Bulletin series


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For fully three decades there has been an almost steady decline in Maryland's oyster production... are alarmed for its future. Reasons for decline, data supplied,importance of brood oysters and clutch replenishment. Problems of warm weather and bacterial activity as well as tongs grinding the bottom. Conflicts in canning of early season oysters and late season crops like tomatoes. (PDF contains 16 pages)


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Rather than using more or less ideal conditions for setting experimental controls, the use of conditions similar to those likely to be encountered by farmers should produce research results which are realistically achievable on the farm. ICLARM has developed an approach to farmer-led experimentation which utilizes a spreadsheet to collate and analyze data collected from participating farmers. The simulation of actual management practices utilized by farmers produced results in replicated on-station trials which were within 11% of net yields on-farm. In addition to giving researchers a tool for comparing farm and station management practices, giving farmers a realistic indication of what yields will be if a technology is adopted should help overcome the problems of disillusionment often encountered when farm results fall below those expected by researchers on the basis of experiment station studies.


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High prevalence of anthelmintic-resistant gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) in goats has increased pressure to find effective, alternative non-synthetic control methods, one of which is adding forage of the high condensed tannin (CT) legume sericea lespedeza (SL; Lespedeza cuneata) to the animal's diet. Previous work has demonstrated good efficacy of dried SL (hay, pellets) against small ruminant GIN, but information is lacking on consumption of fresh SL, particularly during the late summer–autumn period in the southern USA when perennial warm-season grass pastures are often low in quality. A study was designed to determine the effects of autumn (September–November) consumption of fresh SL forage, grass pasture (predominantly bermudagrass, BG; Cynodon dactylon), or a combination of SL + BG forage by young goats [intact male Spanish kids, 9 months old (20.7 ± 1.1 kg), n = 10/treatment group] on their GIN infection status. Three forage paddocks (0.40 ha) were set up at the Fort Valley State University Agricultural Research Station (Fort Valley, GA) for an 8-week trial. The goats in each paddock were supplemented with a commercial feed pellet at 0.45 kg/head/d for the first 4 weeks of the trial, and 0.27 kg/head/d for the final 4 weeks. Forage samples taken at the start of the trial were analyzed for crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (ADF) content, and a separate set of SL samples was analyzed for CT in leaves, stems, and whole plant using the benzyl mercaptan thiolysis method. Animal weights were taken at the start and end of the trial, and fecal and blood samples were collected weekly for determination of fecal egg counts (FEC) and packed cell volume (PCV), respectively. Adult GIN was recovered from the abomasum and small intestines of all goats at the end of the experiment for counting and speciation. The CP levels were highest for SL forage, intermediate for SL + BG, and lowest for BG forage samples, while NDF and ADF values were the opposite, with highest levels in BG and lowest in SL forage samples. Sericea lespedeza leaves had more CT than stems (16.0 g vs. 3.3 g/100 g dry weight), a slightly higher percentage of PDs (98% vs. 94%, respectively) and polymers of larger mean degrees of polymerization (42 vs. 18, respectively). There were no differences in average daily gain or blood PCV between the treatment groups, but SL goats had lower FEC (P < 0.05) than the BG or SL + BG forage goats throughout most of the trial. The SL + BG goats had lower FEC than the BG forage animals by the end of the trial (week 8, P < 0.05). The SL goats had lower numbers (P < 0.05) of male Haemonchus contortus and tended to have fewer female (P < 0.10) and total (P < 0.07) H. contortus compared with the BG goats. The predominant GIN in all the goats was Trichostrongylus colubriformis (73% of total GIN). As a low-input forage with activity against pathogenic GIN (H. contortus), SL has a potential to reduce producers’ dependence upon synthetic anthelmintics and also to fill the autumn ‘window’ in good-quality fresh forages for goat grazing in the southern USA.


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For the past three years the New Jersey Department of Agriculture, in coop¬eration with the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, has conducted field evaluations on the effects of reproductive suppressants on wild populations of red-winged blackbirds. These studies have been performed in conjunction with the North East 49 (a Federally sponsored regional project which presently has nine states in the North East and Ohio cooperating to develop means to combat bird damage to agricultural crops) regional project on control of bird depredations. Field evaluations in 1968 and 1969 centered around the effects of TEM (tri-ethylene melamine) on the reproductive rates of red-winged blackbirds. At the close of the 1969 season further field testing of the chemical was discontinued because of the material's apparent lack of effectiveness as a reproductive inhibitor. In 1970 the field evaluations were conducted to determine the effects of Orni-trol (20, 25-diazocholesterol dihydrochloride, supplied by G. D. Searle and Company, Chicago, Illinois) on the reproductive rates of red-winged blackbirds. A small colony of common grackles was also studied during this same investigation.


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"How large a sample is needed to survey the bird damage to corn in a county in Ohio or New Jersey or South Dakota?" Like those in the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife and the U.S.D.A. who have been faced with a question of this sort we found only meager information on which to base an answer, whether the problem related to a county in Ohio or to one in New Jersey, or elsewhere. Many sampling methods and rates of sampling did yield reliable estimates but the judgment was often intuitive or based on the reasonableness of the resulting data. Later, when planning the next study or survey, little additional information was available on whether 40 samples of 5 ears each or 5 samples of 200 ears should be examined, i.e., examination of a large number of small samples or a small number of large samples. What information is needed to make a reliable decision? Those of us involved with the Agricultural Experiment Station regional project concerned with the problems of bird damage to crops, known as NE-49, thought we might supply an ans¬wer if we had a corn field in which all the damage was measured. If all the damage were known, we could then sample this field in various ways and see how the estimates from these samplings compared to the actual damage and pin-point the best and most accurate sampling procedure. Eventually the investigators in four states became involved in this work1 and instead of one field we were able to broaden the geographical base by examining all the corn ears in 2 half-acre sections of fields in each state, 8 sections in all. When the corn had matured well past the dough stage, damage on each corn ear was assessed, without removing the ear from the stalk, by visually estimating the percent of the kernel surface which had been destroyed and rating it in one of 5 damage categories. Measurements (by row-centimeters) of the rows of kernels pecked by birds also were made on selected ears representing all categories and all parts of each field section. These measurements provided conversion factors that, when fed into a computer, were applied to the more than 72,000 visually assessed ears. The machine now had in its memory and could supply on demand a map showing each ear, its location and the intensity of the damage.


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"January 1979."