949 resultados para Pulp, Helmut Krausser, Cannibali, Berlino
The aim of this study was to evaluate the odontogenic potential of undifferentiated pulp cells (OD-21 cell line) through chemical stimuli in vitro. Cells were divided into uninduced cells (OD-21), induced cells (OD-21 cultured in supplemented medium/OD-21+OM) and odontoblast-like cells (MDPC-23 cell line). After 3, 7, 10 and 14 days of culture, it was evaluated: proliferation and cell viability, alkaline phosphatase activity, total protein content, mineralization, immunolocalization of dentin matrix acidic phosphoprotein 1 (DMP1), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and osteopontin (OPN) and quantification of genes ALP, OSTERIX (Osx), DMP1 and runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) through real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests (p<0.05). There was a decrease in cell proliferation in OD-21 + OM, whereas cell viability was similar in all groups, except at 7 days. The amount of total protein was higher in group OD-21 + OM in all periods; the same occurred with ALP activity after 10 days when compared with OD-21, with no significant differences from the MDPC-23 group. Mineralization was higher in OD-21+OM when compared with the negative control. Immunolocalization demonstrated that DMP1 and ALP were highly expressed in MDPC-23 cells and OD-21 + OM cells, whereas OPN was high in all groups. Real-time PCR revealed that DMP1 and ALP expression was higher in MDPC-23 cell cultures, whereas RUNX2 was lower for these cells and higher for OD-21 negative control. Osx expression was lower for OD-21 + OM. These results suggest that OD-21 undifferentiated pulp cells have odontogenic potential and could be used in dental tissue engineering.
Aiming to compare the effect of different light sources for dental bleaching on vascular permeability of dental pulps, forty-eight incisors were used. The bleaching agent (35 % hydrogen peroxide) was activated by halogen light; LED (Light Emitting Diode) or LED, followed by laser phototherapy (LPT) (λ = 780 nm; 3 J/cm²). After the bleaching procedures, the animals received an intra-arterial dye injection and one hour later were sacrificed. The teeth were diaphanized and photographed. The amount of blue stain content of each dental pulp was quantified using a computer imaging program. The data was statistically compared (p < 0.05). The results showed a significant higher (p < 0.01) dye content in the groups bleached with halogen light, compared with the control, LED and LED plus LPT groups. Thus, tooth bleaching activated by LED or LED plus LPT induces lesser resulted in increased vascular permeability than halogen light.
Brazil is considered one of the largest producers and consumers of tropical fruits. Green coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) stands out not only for its production and consumption, but also for the high amount of waste produced by coconut water industry and in natura consumption. Therefore, there is a need for utilization of this by-product. This study aims to study the adsorption isotherms of green coconut pulp and determine its isosteric heat of sorption. The adsorption isotherms at temperatures of 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 °C were analyzed, and they exhibit type III behavior, typical of sugar rich foods. The experimental results of equilibrium moisture content were correlated by models present in the literature. The Guggenheim, Anderson and De Boer (GAB) model proved particularly good overall agreement with the experimental data. The heat of sorption determined from the adsorption isotherms increased with the decrease in moisture content. The heat of sorption is considered as indicative of intermolecular attractive forces between the sorption sites and water vapor, which is an important factor to predict the shelf life of dried products.
La tesi consiste nella progettazione di un blocco urbano nella Friedrichstadt nella città di Berlino. Il progetto cerca una soluzione al i problemi strutturali della città causati dagli interventi realizzati durante la DDR. Si cerca di instaurare un dialogo tra il complesso socialista e la struttura della città storica.
Il progetto si sviluppa a partire dalla lettura di Berlino come città costituita da parti, una serie di forme urbane, brani di città, ognuno con una propria identità, tuttora chiaramente leggibili. All’interno di questo sistema frammentario è stata effettuata un’analisi più approfondita degli spazi verdi, reinterpretando il Piano per Berlino del paesaggista Peter Joseph Lenné. Egli pone al centro della pianificazione urbana la struttura del verde pubblico, cogliendo il dato di Berlino come città fatta di frammenti. Il nostro progetto individua sul segno del boulevard a nord, disegnato da Lenné, una serie di spazi verdi di diversa natura e di poli aggregativi di rilevanza socio culturale. Il parco diventa un’estensione del polo culturale in cui poter realizzare attività all’aperto: un catalizzatore di vita urbana, luogo di aggregazione per la popolazione. Lo sviluppo di una parte della tesi a Berlino ci ha permesso di conoscere la città e di comprendere a pieno l’importanza che i luoghi di socializzazione, gli spazi condivisi hanno per i berlinesi. Il progetto di un polo culturale, comprendente biblioteca, atelier, laboratori e residenze per artisti, nel quartiere Friedrichshain, si inserisce all’interno del più ampio sistema di parchi e poli aggregativi.
Il progetto rappresenta una proposta, di natura architettonico-urbana, per la città di Berlino, nel settore orientale. Questa proposta è il risultato di un percorso di studi che si è dapprima confrontato sul tema della città alla grande scala, per poi focalizzarsi sul distretto della Karl-Marx-Allee lo storico brano di città socialista in Berlino Est. L’obiettivo della ricerca si cristallizza in un programma architettonico di nuova costruzione per un isolato urbano del distretto sopracitato, disorganizzato ed informale, apparentemente emarginato dalla città per opera di una serie di ‘barriere urbane’. Queste barriere, il grande attraversamento sulla Holzmarkstraße, il viadotto della S-Bahn, il fiume Sprea, nel tempo intrecciati e sovrascritti, rappresentano i limiti e confini dell’isolato urbano. L’architettura proposta vuole confrontarsi, in questo contesto incerto, con la ricostruzione dell’isolato, in fede ai principi delle ‘ricostruzione critica’. Il disegno d’architettura rivede, per analogia, i contenuti della città storica, esprimendosi attraverso un linguaggio contemporaneo ma in continuità con la storia ed il contesto. Il tema della serialità, del ritmo, scandirà un percorso architettonico geometrico e modulare molto forte e rigoroso che risponderà al carattere ripetitivo e pre-costituito dei plattenbausiedlungen, gli insediamenti prefabbricati, patrimonio materiale dell’ex distretto socialista di Berlino. La forza ritmica del progetto verrà ribadita dal recupero architettonico del viadotto in muratura del trasporto metropolitano leggero della S-Bahn, una teoria di archivolti a botte in affaccio alla Sprea. Il nuovo scenario architettonico si può considerare come un unico grande elemento tematico, organizzato da una maglia rigorosa, argomentato da eccezioni e salienti che rispondono ad un’ampia domanda funzionale, tipologica ed architettonica.
Intento della tesi è fornire una soluzione progettuale capace di comprendere e valorizzare i vuoti urbani che caratterizzano la città di Berlino comprendendone la genesi e l'evoluzione. La fase di analisi ha portato all'individuazione di un isolato, l’Holzuferblock, caratterizzato da tutte le peculiarità dei vuoti urbani berlinesi. Questo isolato, nonostante si presenti particolarmente frammentato e privo di identità, ha in sé tutte le caratteristiche per incentivare fenomeni di riappropriazione dei luoghi: la presenza di un edificio industriale abbandonato, la vicinanza del fiume e la presenza di resti del sistema di difesa del Muro. Cogliendo nei numerosi frammenti presenti nell’area un valore anziché una criticità, il progetto ha portato alla definizione di un “recinto” residenziale in grado di valorizzare i vuoti urbani e i frammenti presenti, tra cui la Eisfabrik, l’ex fabbrica del ghiaccio ormai abbandonata. Individuando nella fabbrica un potenziale catalizzatore urbano in grado di innescare la rivitalizzazione dell’area, è stato progettato un sistema di supporto in grado di lavorare in sinergia con essa, costituendo un sistema unitario. Il limite che definisce il vuoto è costituito da un sistema di blocchi residenziali che, reinterpretando il blocco urbano berlinese, concretizzano l’eterogeneità e la diversità tipiche dell’area.
Introduction: Prolyl hydroxylase (PHD) inhibitors can induce a proangiogenic response that stimulates regeneration in soft and hard tissues. However, the effect of PHD inhibitors on the dental pulp is unclear. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of PHD inhibitors on the proangiogenic capacity of human dental pulp–derived cells. Methods: To test the response of dental pulp–derived cells to PHD inhibitors, the cells were exposed to dimethyloxalylglycine, desferrioxamine, L-mimosine, and cobalt chloride. To assess the response of dental pulp cells to a capping material supplemented with PHD inhibitors, the cells were treated with supernatants from calcium hydroxide. Viability, proliferation, and protein synthesis were assessed by formazan formation, 3[H]thymidine, and 3[H]leucine incorporation assays. The effect on the proangiogenic capacity was measured by immunoassays for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Results: We found that all 4 PHD inhibitors can reduce viability, proliferation, and protein synthesis at high concentrations. At nontoxic concentrations and in the presence of supernatants from calcium hydroxide, PHD inhibitors stimulated the production of VEGF in dental pulp–derived cells. When calcium hydroxide was supplemented with the PHD inhibitors, the supernatants from these preparations did not significantly elevate VEGF levels. Conclusions: These results show that PHD inhibitors can stimulate VEGF production of dental pulp–derived cells, suggesting a corresponding increase in their proangiogenic capacity. Further studies will be required to understand the impact that this might have on pulp regeneration.
Objective: Root canal obliterations may pose esthetic and clinical problems or may even be a risk factor for tooth survival. Microcalcifications in the pulp can be so extensive that the entire root canal system becomes obliterated. Since bone sialoprotein (BSP) and osteopontin (OPN) are involved in both physiological and pathological mineralization processes, our hypothesis was that these two bone-related noncollagenous proteins are present in microcalcifications of the pulp. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to characterize the nature of microcalcifications in the pulp of aged human teeth. Methods: From a large collection of human teeth, 10 were found to exhibit pulpal microcalcifications. The teeth were extracted for periodontal reasons from 39-60 year old patients. After fixation in aldehydes and decalcification, teeth were processed for embedding in LR White resin for analysis in the light and transmission electron microscope. For the detection of BSP and OPN, post-embedding high resolution immunocytochemistry was applied. Results: The microcalcifications were round or elongated, occasionally coalescing, and intensely stained with toluidine blue. Collagen fibrils were found in most but not all microcalcifications. All microcalcifications were immunoreactive for both antibodies and showed an identical labeling pattern. Gold particle labeling was extensively found throughout the interfibrillar ground substance of the microcalcifications, whereas the dentin matrix lacked immunolabeling. Conclusion: BSP and OPN appear to be major matrix constituents of pulp microcalcifications and may thus, like in other mineralized tissues, be involved in their mineralization process.
This case report describes the diagnosis and treatment of a Ewing's sarcoma in the right maxillary sinus and alveolar bone of a 19-year-old female patient. The first clinical symptoms were a loss of sensitivity of the premolars and first molar in the right maxilla and acute pain located in the area of these teeth. Initially, the referring dentist had treated these findings as an acute apical periodontitis with root canal medication. Because swellings on the palatal and buccal aspects of the teeth occurred and could not be treated with incision and drainage, the dentist referred the patient. Cone-beam computed tomography revealed a proliferation of soft tissue in the right maxillary sinus, with a radiopaque material at the tip of the mesiobuccal root of the first molar and resorptive signs of the mesiobuccal and distobuccal roots of the first molar. The palatal cortical bone of the right alveolar process seemed to be intact. After explorative surgery with biopsies from the buccal, palatal, and sinus proliferation areas, the pathologist diagnosed the lesion as a Ewing's sarcoma. Treatment of the patient consisted of initial chemotherapy, hemimaxillectomy, and postsurgical chemoradiotherapy.