448 resultados para Psidium guajava Lineu
This work deals with present and discuss mainly the chemical composition and pharmacological activities of each species of the National List of Medicinal plants of interest to SUS (RENISUS) contained in scientific articles that are found in the Bauru-SP region. Such information compiled in this study may help in the advancement of scientific research, promoting the speed in bibliographic queries these species. In the present work was carried out consultation papers and described in the form of literature review, published information of the species listed in Renisus specific to the Bauru-SP region are: Aloe spp* (A. vera or A. barbadensis), Schinus terebinthifolius = mastic Schinus, trimera Baccharis, Mikania spp* (M. glomerata and M. laevigata), Vernonia condensata, Tabebuia avellanedeae, Chenopodium ambrosioides, Momordica charantia, Phyllanthus spp* (P. amarus, P. niruri, P. tenellus and P. urinaria), Stryphnodendron adstringens = Stryphnodendron barbatimam, pulegium Mentha, Mentha spp* (M. crispa, M. piperita or M. villosa), Plectranthus barbatus = Coleus barbatus, Persea spp* (gratissima or P. americana P.), Bauhinia spp* (B. affinis, B. forficata or B. variegata), Copaifera spp*, Morus sp*, Eugenia uniflora or brasiliana Myrtus*, Psidium guajava, Syzygium spp* (S. jambolanum or S. cumini), Passiflora spp* (P. alata, P. edulis or P. incarnata), Punica granatum and Casearia sylvestris. Studies have shown that the use of plants as alternatives treatment and sustainable use of Brazilian biodiversity has a breakthrough in research regarding the chemical composition of each species of RENISUS relationship. Many phytochemical studies are reported compiled with possible pharmacological indications of each species. Thus enabling the use and production of herbal medicines in SUS
Trade seedlings without certification contributed to spread pests and diseases which can cause a large damage to grown plants. In Itapetininga (SP), was seized by Agricultural Defense staff, seedlings of barbados cherry, guava and mulberry, sold in trucks, all of that had galls on roots, typical symptom caused by Meloidogyne spp. Specie identification was made by morphology of female perineal pattern and male head, as well as characterization of esterase enzyme phenotype. It was confirmed the presence of M. enterolobii in the samples analyzed. This is the first report of M. enterolobii in mulberry seedlings in the world.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The proper mineral fertilization of guava orchards under intensive management, is a major factor in productivity and monitoring the nutritional status of the plants contributes to the efficiency of this agronomic practice. The aim of this study was to investigate different doses of nitrogen and potassium in the nutritional status of guava 'Paluma'. The experiment was conducted at Vista Alegre do Alto, Sao Paulo, in a 7 year old irrigated orchard, managed with fruiting pruning during four consecutive growing seasons. The soil is a dystrophic Ultisol. The experimental design was randomized blocks, in factorial, with four nitrogen doses (0, 0.5, 1 and 2 kg of N plant(-1)) and four of potassium (0, 0.55, 1.1 and 2.2 kg of K2O plant(-1)), with three replications. Nitrogen fertilization promoted increased levels of leaf N and Mn and the decrease in the levels of P and B; effects observed from the second to the fourth production cycle. Nitrogen fertilization increased the Ca and Mg levels, respectively, in the second and third cycle. Except for the first production cycle, K and Mn foliar concentrations increased with increasing potassium fertilization, whereas the levels of Mg, in the second and the fourth cycle, decreased as a function of fertilization.
The nutrition of the orchards is the major factor of productivity, being necessary to know the proper doses of fertilizers and their influence on fruit quality attributes for industrialization. This study evaluated the effects of different doses of nitrogen and potassium on the productivity of guava trees and also on the values of pH, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA) and pulp/kernel ratio of guavas. The experiment was conducted at Vista Alegre do Alto, SP in an irrigated 'Paluma'guava orchard, 7 years old, managed with pruning during three consecutive cycles of production. The soil of the area was dystrophic Ultisol. The experimental design was the randomized blocks, in factorial, with four nitrogen doses (0, 0.5, 1 and 2 kg of N plant(-1)) and four of potassium (0, 0.55, 1.1 and 2.2 kg of K2O plant(-1)), with three replications. Nitrogen fertilization increased productivity and the pH of the fruit, being explained by the quadratic polynomial regression models; reduced linearly the pulp/kernel ratio and do not influenced the SS and TA values. On the other hand, potassium fertilization and N x K interaction had no significant effects on productivity and the other characteristics evaluated.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of gamma radiation associated with modified atmosphere on postharvest quality of guavas ‘Pedro Sato’. It was used guavas from the region of Vista Alegre do Alto/São Paulo/Brazil. After harvest, the fruits were immediately transported to the Fruit and Vegetables Laboratory from the Agroindustrial Management and Technology Department, Agronomic Sciences College - UNESP - Botucatu / SP, where they were kept at 10 ° C and 90-95% RH in cold storage, for 28 days. It was used the randomized design, with factorial scheme 5 x 5, three repetitions. The first factor consisted of the following effects: control 1 (without package or irradiation), control 2 (polystyrene package/PS + package low density polyethylene/LDPE and without irradiation), treatment 1 (PS + LDPE and 0.2 kGy ), treatment 2 (PS + LDPE and 0.6 kGy) and treatment 3 (PS + LDPE and 1.0 kGy). The second factor consisted of the evaluation periods: 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The analyses were: firmness, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), maturity index, pH, respiration rate. Concluded that high doses of irradiation promoted a negative effect on physical-chemical characteristics of guava ‘Pedro Sato’, verifying that only the lowest dose associated with modified atmosphere provided fruits with higher quality and acceptability, due to higher maturation rate and soluble solids obtained. Regarding the days of analysis, there were no positive effect of the treatments during storage, where only the early days promoted better values for the variables studied.
In the postharvest management, the fruits can be exposed to injuries that depreciated the quality and the shelf life. Thus, it was evaluated the modified atmosphere effects on guavas var. Paluma subjected to different mechanical damages. Once harvested, the fruits were selected, sanitized and submitted to the treatments T1 (control) - without injuries or packaging in bags of low density polyethylene (LDPE); T2 - without injuries + LDPE bags; T3 - damage by fall of 1 m + LDPE bags; T4 - damage by compression of 9 N + LDPE bags; T5 - damage by fall of 1 m + damage by compression of 9 N + LDPE bags and T6 - damage by fall of 1 m + damage by compression of 9 N without LDPE bags. The treatments were kept in cold storage at 10 ± 1 o C and 94 ± 2% de R.H. The analysis of CO2/ethylene production, enzymatic activity, total and soluble pectins, pulp firmness, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), reducing sugars and ascorbic acid were performed every 10 days of refrigeration, and an additional day outside cold storage (22 ± 1o C and 75 ± 3% R.H.) for 30 days. Guavas packed in LDPE bags, not subject to mechanical damage, presented the best quality standards. The fruits suffered only one kind of damage, when packaged, presented satisfactory pattern compared to the fruits without package and not exposed to any mechanical damages. Applying the two kinds of damages, the LDPE packaging was not adequate to decrease the metabolic rate of these fruits, making them unfit for marketing.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of gamma irradiation associated with modified atmosphere in cold storage of guava ‘Pedro Sato’ minimally processed, checking their physical-chemical characteristics. Were used guavas from the region of Vista Alegre do Alto/São Paulo/Brazil. After harvest, fruits were immediately transported to the Fruit and Vegetables Laboratory from the Agroindustrial Management and Technology Department, Agronomic Sciences College - UNESP - Botucatu / SP, where they were kept at 10 ° C and 90-95% RH in cold storage, for 12 days. In the laboratory, fruits were selected by size and lack of defects in order to standardize the lot and then were cut into slices 0.5 cm thick. We used the completely randomized design, with factorial design 5 x 5, with three replications. The first factor consisted of the following effects: control 1 (without package or irradiation), control 2 (polystyrene package/PS + package low density polyethylene/LDPE and without irradiation), treatment 1 (PS + LDPE and 0.2 kGy ), treatment 2 (PS + LDPE and 0.6 kGy) and treatment 3 (PS + LDPE and 1.0 kGy). The second factor consisted of the evaluation periods: 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days. The analyses were: firmness, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), maturity index, pH, breathing behavior. In the end of this work it was concluded that the lower dose of radiation associated with modified atmosphere promoted positive effect on physical-chemical characteristics of guava ‘Pedro Sato’, providing fruits with higher quality and durability, due to higher maintenance of pulp firmness, the highest pH and soluble solids obtained. Regarding the storage days, there were no beneficial effect of the treatments during storage, mainly due to the sensitivity of fruits submitted to gamma irradiation, where only the early days provided better values for the variables.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
É bem conhecido que uma das consequências causada pela radiação ultravioleta gerada pela luz solar é o fotoenvelhecimento e o desenvolvimento de cânceres cutâneos por meio da ação dos radicais livres gerados sobre a pele. A utilização de uma formulação de uso tópico pela população que auxilie na prevenção do envelhecimento precoce e de doenças causadas pelos radicais livres à pele humana seria de grande valia, trazendo benefícios estéticos, que influenciariam diretamente a saúde psicológica do usuário e preveniriam a fotocarcinogênese. Este fato se torna ainda mais importante em um país tropical como o Brasil, onde a incidência de radiação UV é bastante elevada, assim como o desenvolvimento de cânceres de pele na população. Devido às evidências encontradas em estudos prévios que indicam o potencial antioxidante da goiaba, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo desenvolver estudos para avaliação da segurança in vitro e in vivo de fitocosmético antioxidante através da avaliação do potencial mutagênico em cepas de Salmonella typhimurium, além de avaliar seu potencial irritativo e alergênico na pele de voluntários saudáveis. Para isto foi utilizado o método de Ames, amplamente utilizado para esta finalidade, em que o extrato de Psidium guajava L. foi considerado não mutagênico para todas as cepas avaliadas e foi possível constatar que o extrato promoveu efeito antimutagênico moderado apenas na cepa TA 100. No ensaio para avaliação do potencial irritativo e alergênico realizado in vivo, foi comprovada a ausência de potencial irritante e alergênico de fitocosmético. Desta forma, os estudos realizados indicam a segurança em utilizar o extrato de Psidium guajava L. como antioxidante de uso tópico.
É bem conhecido que uma das consequências causada pela radiação ultravioleta gerada pela luz solar é o fotoenvelhecimento e o desenvolvimento de cânceres cutâneos por meio da ação dos radicais livres gerados sobre a pele. A utilização de uma formulação de uso tópico pela população que auxilie na prevenção do envelhecimento precoce e de doenças causadas pelos radicais livres à pele humana seria de grande valia, trazendo benefícios estéticos, que influenciariam diretamente a saúde psicológica do usuário e preveniriam a fotocarcinogênese. Este fato se torna ainda mais importante em um país tropical como o Brasil, onde a incidência de radiação UV é bastante elevada, assim como o desenvolvimento de cânceres de pele na população. Devido às evidências encontradas em estudos prévios que indicam o potencial antioxidante da goiaba, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo desenvolver estudos para avaliação da segurança in vitro e in vivo de fitocosmético antioxidante através da avaliação do potencial mutagênico em cepas de Salmonella typhimurium, além de avaliar seu potencial irritativo e alergênico na pele de voluntários saudáveis. Para isto foi utilizado o método de Ames, amplamente utilizado para esta finalidade, em que o extrato de Psidium guajava L. foi considerado não mutagênico para todas as cepas avaliadas e foi possível constatar que o extrato promoveu efeito antimutagênico moderado apenas na cepa TA 100. No ensaio para avaliação do potencial irritativo e alergênico realizado in vivo, foi comprovada a ausência de potencial irritante e alergênico de fitocosmético. Desta forma, os estudos realizados indicam a segurança em utilizar o extrato de Psidium guajava L. como antioxidante de uso tópico.
This study extends the current knowledge regarding the use of plants for the passive accumulation of anthropogenic PAHs that are present in the atmospheric total suspended particles (TSP) in the tropics and sub-tropics. It is of major relevance because the anthropic emissions of TSP containing PAHs are significant in these regions, but their monitoring is still scarce. We compared the biomonitor efficiency of Lolium multiflorum 'Lema' and tropical tree species (Tibouchina pukka and Psidium guajava 'Paluma') that were growing in an intensely TSP-polluted site in Cubatao (SE Brazil), and established the species with the highest potential for alternative monitoring of PAHs. PAHs present in the TSP indicated that the region is impacted by various emission sources. L. multiflorum showed a greater efficiency for the accumulation of PAH compounds on their leaves than the tropical trees. The linear regression between the logBCF and logKoa revealed that L. multiflorum is an efficient biomonitor of the profile of light and heavy PAHs present in the particulate phase of the atmosphere during dry weather and mild temperatures. The grass should be used only for indicating the PAHs with higher molecular weight in warmer and wetter periods. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.