527 resultados para Psicoanàlisis
This article is based on the author's clinical practice in the area of public health, and discusses depression as it is known today. Essentially, the author questions the practice of labeling depression as a psychopathological condition. The author also questions today’s trend of seeing a subject’s suffering as a "malaise," or a “disorder.” The possibility is brought up of understanding it as a "demand for analysis." Finally, the article is meant as a contribution to the ethics of psychoanalysis focused on the subject and the possibilities of psychoanalysis in subjectivating this "malaise."
This essay to discusses the relationship between psychoanalysis and aesthetic thinking, through the prism of Lacan’s theory on visuality, as perceived by the critic and art historian Hal Foster. In my opinion, this intersection would allow us to enlighten new ways of reading the work of art towards a paradigm of a non-applied psychoanalysis. Therefore, this paper intends to tackle aspects which concern the Lacanian concept of real in order to question some problems that concern the contemporary work of art.
In this work we propose a reflection on education and, more specifically, on theprocess of teacher’s education. To approach this discussion we assume the necessityof addressing this issue in its complexity. We used the multi-referential approachthat has the perspective to study educational phenomena considering the heterogeneitytypical of educational relationships. We are holding this discussion by identifyingseveral aspects of the formation of teachers from the fields of education andpsychoanalysis. This route allowed us to deepen and clarify some concepts: education,the teaching relationship, the experienced and lived, suggesting perspectives for theprocess of teacher´s education.
As a usual practice in society, psychotherapy is considered a normal procedure, but how does it take place in an investigation method of subjectivity in the university? The theory of speech of Lacan helps us to locate a place to psychoanalysis in the university as a language practice in the role of teaching, research and extension (community work). In this sense, the university submits the ideas of conscience to science and material rationality, excluding the individual and the unconscious. The theory of speech helps us to see the difference between the speech the students use and the speech the annalist uses in his practice. The psychoanalysis has its own knowledge based on the unconscious, due to the clinic work precedes as well as the work in university extension (community work). The work of the annalist has his particular world to treat his mane object — the unconscious.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The theory of generalized seduction is a proposal for a new foundation to psychoanalysis that promotes a crucial metapsychological repositioning to rescue the other's role in subjectivity constituyion. The aim of this paper is to present and to discuss the concept of sublimation in this reference, working difficulties and limitations of a strict notion in which the concept appears as a mere modification of the object and the target of sexual drive. It is intended to discuss the limitations of this conception in its task of articulation between the individual subjectivity and the cultural organization, indicating the proposal of Jean Laplanche for originary sublimation and neoformation of drive, as attempts to overcome some of these theoretical and conceptual impasses. We conclude that Laplanche´s proposal is insufficient to account for the limitations in the theories of drives and culture in psychoanalysis, therefore, that it is a problem still current and relevant in this field of studies.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This experiment report refers to the project named “Sarauzinho”, which is linked to the extension “Workshops of Psychoanalysis and Artistics Gatherings” project. “Sarauzinho” was a partnership between UNESP and CREAS, created with the aim to assist children victims of sexual violence though a playful and artistic method and to implement a psychoanalytic listening of demands that appeared during the working group implementation. At the same time, the parents/responsible person who took the children to the meetings also received psychotherapeutic service at the waiting room, in an operative group format with psychoanalytic listening. The project has happened in 11 sessions (once a week, two hours each), with 4 kids and 4 caregivers participating. The service for the kids was organized in workshop models (open and free) and in little gatherings, with preprogrammed contents (playful and artistic). The initiative was inspired by the “Green houses”, a creation of the French psychoanalyst Françoise Dolto, and by the Museum “Imagens do Inconsciente do Centro Psiquiátrico Pedro II”, in Nise da Silveira, Rio de Janeiro city. This university extension activity has enabled the students to access some of the children’s traumas, as well as to obtain a better understanding of an infantile group psychotherapeutic service, with psychoanalytic listening. Besides, it has provided a playful and artistic environment to listen to the children and enable them to create new meanings of their traumas. For the adult participants, the meetings were moments to talk about their anxieties and to receive new guidance and instructions about their children’s education, especially about sexuality. The results, either related to the children’s meeting, as to the adult’s meeting, were favorable to the continuity of the project.
Studies have shown that encopresis, related to bowel control disorder, can bring significant impact for the individual life, such as low self-esteem and deficits in social interaction. Despite the significant impairment recognized that this disorder can have on child development, the scientific literature has given little attention to the theme, with a low number of publications on the subject. Thus, this paper investigated Brazilian publications in psychology related to encopresis between 1994 and 2013 in data base Lilacs and Scielo. 231 articles were found and were selected those that reported only intervention in encopresis. There were five articles and four published by the same journal and described behavioral interventions, and one author wrote three. The other one was psychoanalytic. The surveys were conducted with children and adolescents and behavioral interventions have been successful with remission of encopresis symptoms. The data affirm the deficiency in publications in the area and possibly limited number of psychologists investigating the issue, which is of significant importance.
O campo da Psicologia Social é apresentado como território fértil, na contemporaneidade, para constituir-se como um laboratório para a produção em Ciências Humanas, uma vez que, no século XX, cada vez mais o social foi em direção ao psicológico. Neste campo, nosso embate dá-se no modo como entendemos o hífen pressuposto na integração psicossocial. A autora propõe que, entre o psicológico e o social, o hífen domina, pois ele é a própria essência relacional que é inerente a cada um dos elementos. Sugere que o modelo para entender o homem e suas circunstâncias proposto por Freud imbrica de forma indissociável o psicológico e o social, a ontogênese e a filogênese, com uma potência que teve impacto sobre todo o campo das Ciências Humanas. A Psicanálise é um instrumento hermenêutico para colaborar na elucidação dos fenômenos sociais. A autora utiliza imagens construídas por Freud e Walter Benjamin e poemas de Carlos Drummond de Andrade para fortalecer o entendimento do hífen psicossocial tanto em sua ação multidimensional quanto em sua organização.
Este artículo reflexiona, desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar -sociología, antropología y psicoanálisis- sobre la práctica swinger en tanto estilo de vida en la ciudad de Cali, Colombia. Esta connotación de lo swinger, como una práctica que permite el establecimiento del lazo social con sentido, lleva a cuestionar una percepción moralizante y prejuiciosa de la misma, compartida no sólo por personas que la consideran como una transgresión del deber ser de la sexualidad, sino también por profesionales del campo "psi", que la califican como perversa. El texto discute ambas posturas, que parecen desconocer las inflexiones resultantes de las actuales transformaciones de la intimidad.
El presente trabajo está basado en el recorte de algunos resultados y conclusiones de la investigación que desarrollé en el marco de la beca doctoral UBACyT (2003-2007) acerca de los "Aspectos histórico-libidinales en niños y niñas con problemas en sus aprendizajes que manifiestan dificultades atencionales". Se partió de la idea de que no existen niños que no atiendan en lo absoluto, que de lo que se tratará es de ubicar en qué tienen puesta su atención los niños desatentos. Las conclusiones principales fueron: La necesidad de plantear las dificultades atencionales como resultante de múltiples determinaciones y no tan sólo a causa de un supuesto déficit neurológico. La responsabilidad profesional de diferenciar diagnósticos descriptivos, de diagnósticos estructurales de sujetos en constitución. Se cuestionó la dicotomía cuerpo - mente, se propuso pensar la intersección entre “vulnerabilidad genética" y “potencialidad traumática". Se encontró una estrecha ligazón de las dificultades atencionales con las historias libidinales. Se hallaron situaciones silenciadas en todas las historias analizadas, modalidades a predominio de la desinvestidura y la preponderancia de situaciones traumáticas vivenciadas por las diferentes generaciones que el psiquismo prefiere mantener desligadas, incluso a costa del empobrecimiento subjetivo y las dificultades para simbolizar. A partir de este recorrido se proponen algunas herramientas para abordar la problemática tanto desde el espacio clínico, como escolar.
Este trabajo se propone describir y analizar el malestar en las prácticas profesionales y preprofesionales de los trabajadores sociales. Estas reflexiones las hacemos en el marco Carrera de Trabajo Social de la UNCuyo pero consideramos que pueden generalizarse a similares espacios académicos y profesionales. Ofrecemos una tipificación de las figuras posibles del malestar así como de las salidas frecuentes al mismo. Proponemos un análisis del mito originario del trabajador social y los significante que comandan su práctica tomando insumos del psicoanálisis lacaniano como la teoría de los cuatro discursos, de Lacan, o la lógica del todo y la lógica del no-todo. Tratamos de objetivar los nombres de ese malestar entre alumnos, docentes y graduados, deconstruir lo mitos originarios y proponer dispositivos para pensar -renombrar- ese malestar.
La cuestión de la identidad se expIora recurriendo a los aportes del psicoanálisis. Desde la perspectiva de Freud se muestra la relación de la identidad con las identifiaciones. Se reflexiona sobre la formulación de la pregunta por la identidad. Para ello se toma a dos autores que tematizan el asunto a partir de sus vivencias personales. Entendemos que tras la supuesta fortaleza de la identidad, no es posible ocultar la endeblez de este constructo. La pregunta por la identidad surge como producción subjetiva a partir de los quiebres biográficos, justamente donde se falla en el encuentro con lo idéntico.