974 resultados para Pseudomonas putida


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Little is known about the ecology of soil inoculants used for pathogen biocontrol, biofertilization and bioremediation under field conditions. We investigated the persistence and the physiological states of soil-inoculated Pseudomonas protegens (previously Pseudomonas fluorescens) CHA0 (108 CFU g−1 surface soil) in different soil microbial habitats in a planted ley (Medicago sativa L.) and an uncovered field plot. At 72 days, colony counts of the inoculant were low in surface soil (uncovered plot) and earthworm guts (ley plot), whereas soil above the plow pan (uncovered plot), and the rhizosphere and worm burrows present until 1.2 m depth (ley plot) were survival hot spots (105-106 CFU g−1 soil). Interestingly, strain CHA0 was also detected in the subsoil of both plots, at 102-105 CFU g−1 soil between 1.8 and 2 m depth. However, non-cultured CHA0 cells were also evidenced based on immunofluorescence microscopy. Kogure's direct viable counts of nutrient-responsive cells showed that many more CHA0 cells were in a viable but non-culturable (VBNC) or a non-responsive (dormant) state than in a culturable state, and the proportion of cells in those non-cultured states depended on soil microbial habitat. At the most, cells in a VBNC state amounted to 34% (above the plow pan) and those in a dormant state to 89% (in bulk soil between 0.6 and 2 m) of all CHA0 cells. The results indicate that field-released Pseudomonas inoculants may persist at high cell numbers, even in deeper soil layers, and display a combination of different physiological states whose prevalence fluctuates according to soil microbial habitats.


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In Pseudomonasfluorescens strain CHAO, the response regulator gene gacA controls expression of extracellular enzymes and antifungal secondary metabolites, which are important for this strain's biocontrol activity in the plant rhizosphere. Two Tn5 insertion mutants of strain CHA0 that had the same pleiotropic phenotype as gacA mutants were complemented by the gacS sensor kinase gene of P. syringae pv. syringae as well as that of P. fluorescens strain Pf-5, indicating that both transposon insertions had occurred in the gacS gene of strain CHA0. This conclusion was supported by Southern hybridisation using a gacS probe from strain Pf-5. Overexpression of the wild-type gacA gene partially compensated for the gacS mutation, however, the overexpressed gacA gene was not stably maintained, suggesting that this is deleterious to the bacterium. Strain CHA0 grown to stationary phase in nutrient-rich liquid media for several days accumulated spontaneous pleiotropic mutants to levels representing 1.25% of the population; all mutants lacked key antifungal metabolites and extracellular protease. Half of 44 spontaneous mutants tested were complemented by gacS, the other half were restored by gacA. Independent point and deletion mutations arose at different sites in the gacA gene. In competition experiments with mixtures of the wild type and a gacA mutant incubated in nutrient-rich broth, the mutant population temporarily increased as the wild type decreased. In conclusion, loss of gacA function can confer a selective advantage on strain CHA0 under laboratory conditions.


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Introduction of the recombinant cosmid pME3090 into Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHAO, a good biocontrol agent of various diseases caused by soilborne pathogens, increased three- to five-fold the production of the antibiotic metabolites pyoluteorin (Pit) and 2,4-diacetylphlorogIucinol (Phi) in vitro. Strain CHAO/pME3090 also overproduced Pit and Phi in the rhizosphere of wheat infected or not infected with Pythium ultimum. The biocontrol activity of the wild-type and recombinant Straitis was compared using various plant pathogen-host combinations in a gnotobiotic system. Antibiotic overproduction affected neither the protection of wheat against P. ultimum and Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici nor the growth of wheat plants. In contrast, strain CHA0/pME3090 showed an increased capacity to protect cucumber against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum and Phomopsis sclerotioides, compared with the wild-type strain CHAO, The antibiotic overproducing strain protected tobacco roots significantly better against Thielaviopsis basicola than the wild-type strain but drastically reduced the growth of tobacco plants and was also toxic to the growth of sweet com. On King's B agar and on malt agar, the recombinant strain CHA0/pME3090 inhibited all pathogens more than did the parental strain CHAO. Synthetic Pit and Phi were toxic to all fungi tested. Tobacco and sweet com were more sensitive to synthetic Pit and Phi than were cucumber and wheat. There was no correlation between the sensitivity of the pathogens to the synthetic antibiotics and the degree of disease suppression by strain CHAO pME3090. However, there was a correlation between the sensitivity of the plants and the toxicity of the recombinant strain. We conclude that the plant species rather than the pathogen determines whether cosmid pME3090 in P. fluorescens strain CHAO leads to improved disease suppression.


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Quorum sensing, a cell-to-cell communication system based on small signal molecules, is employed by the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa to regulate virulence and biofilm development. Moreover, regulation by small trans-encoded RNAs has become a focal issue in studies of virulence gene expression of bacterial pathogens. In this study, we have identified the small RNA PhrS as an activator of PqsR synthesis, one of the key quorum-sensing regulators in P. aeruginosa. Genetic studies revealed a novel mode of regulation by a sRNA, whereby PhrS uses a base-pairing mechanism to activate a short upstream open reading frame to which the pqsR gene is translationally coupled. Expression of phrS requires the oxygen-responsive regulator ANR. Thus, PhrS is the first bacterial sRNA that provides a regulatory link between oxygen availability and quorum sensing, which may impact on oxygen-limited growth in P. aeruginosa biofilms.


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In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, N-acylhomoserine lactone signals regulate the expression of several hundreds of genes, via the transcriptional regulator LasR and, in part, also via the subordinate regulator RhlR. This regulatory network termed quorum sensing contributes to the virulence of P. aeruginosa as a pathogen. The fact that two supposed PAO1 wild-type strains from strain collections were found to be defective for LasR function because of independent point mutations in the lasR gene led to the hypothesis that loss of quorum sensing might confer a selective advantage on P. aeruginosa under certain environmental conditions. A convenient plate assay for LasR function was devised, based on the observation that lasR mutants did not grow on adenosine as the sole carbon source because a key degradative enzyme, nucleoside hydrolase (Nuh), is positively controlled by LasR. The wild-type PAO1 and lasR mutants showed similar growth rates when incubated in nutrient yeast broth at pH 6.8 and 37 degrees C with good aeration. However, after termination of growth during 30 to 54 h of incubation, when the pH rose to > or = 9, the lasR mutants were significantly more resistant to cell lysis and death than was the wild type. As a consequence, the lasR mutant-to-wild-type ratio increased about 10-fold in mixed cultures incubated for 54 h. In a PAO1 culture, five consecutive cycles of 48 h of incubation sufficed to enrich for about 10% of spontaneous mutants with a Nuh(-) phenotype, and five of these mutants, which were functionally complemented by lasR(+), had mutations in lasR. The observation that, in buffered nutrient yeast broth, the wild type and lasR mutants exhibited similar low tendencies to undergo cell lysis and death suggests that alkaline stress may be a critical factor providing a selective survival advantage to lasR mutants.


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In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the CbrA/CbrB two-component system is instrumental in the maintenance of the carbon-nitrogen balance and for growth on carbon sources that are energetically less favorable than the preferred dicarboxylate substrates. The CbrA/CbrB system drives the expression of the small RNA CrcZ, which antagonizes the repressing effects of the catabolite repression control protein Crc, an RNA-binding protein. Dicarboxylates appear to cause carbon catabolite repression by inhibiting the activity of the CbrA/CbrB system, resulting in reduced crcZ expression. Here we have identified a conserved palindromic nucleotide sequence that is present in upstream activating sequences (UASs) of promoters under positive control by CbrB and σ(54) RNA polymerase, especially in the UAS of the crcZ promoter. Evidence for recognition of this palindromic sequence by CbrB was obtained in vivo from mutational analysis of the crcZ promoter and in vitro from electrophoretic mobility shift assays using crcZ promoter fragments and purified CbrB protein truncated at the N terminus. Integration host factor (IHF) was required for crcZ expression. CbrB also activated the lipA (lipase) promoter, albeit less effectively, apparently by interacting with a similar but less conserved palindromic sequence in the UAS of lipA. As expected, succinate caused CbrB-dependent catabolite repression of the lipA promoter. Based on these results and previously published data, a consensus CbrB recognition sequence is proposed. This sequence has similarity to the consensus NtrC recognition sequence, which is relevant for nitrogen control.


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The rhizobacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 promotes the growth of various crop plants and protects them against root diseases caused by pathogenic fungi. The main mechanism of disease suppression by this strain is the production of the antifungal compounds 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) and pyoluteorin (PLT). Direct plant growth promotion can be achieved through solubilization of inorganic phosphates by the production of organic acids, mainly gluconic acid, which is one of the principal acids produced by Pseudomonas spp. The aim of this study was to elucidate the role of gluconic acid production in CHA0. Therefore, mutants were created with deletions in the genes encoding glucose dehydrogenase (gcd) and gluconate dehydrogenase (gad), required for the conversion of glucose to gluconic acid and gluconic acid to 2-ketogluconate, respectively. These enzymes should be of predominant importance for rhizosphere-colonizing biocontrol bacteria, as major carbon sources provided by plant root exudates are made up of glucose. Our results show that the ability of strain CHA0 to acidify its environment and to solubilize mineral phosphate is strongly dependent on its ability to produce gluconic acid. Moreover, we provide evidence that the formation of gluconic acid by CHA0 completely inhibits the production of PLT and partially inhibits that of DAPG. In the Deltagcd mutant, which does not produce gluconic acid, the enhanced production of antifungal compounds was associated with improved biocontrol activity against take-all disease of wheat, caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici. This study provides new evidence for a close association of gluconic acid metabolism with antifungal compound production and biocontrol activity in P. fluorescens CHA0.


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Information on the effects of released wild-type or genetically engineered bacteria on resident bacterial communities is important to assess the potential risks associated with the introduction of these organisms into agroecosystems. The rifampicin-resistant biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0-Rif and its derivative CHA0-Rif/pME3424, which has improved biocontrol activity and enhanced production of the antibiotics 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (Phl) and pyoluteorin (Plt), were introduced into soil microcosms and the culturable bacterial community developing on cucumber roots was investigated 10 and 52 days later. The introduction of either of the two strains led to a transiently enhanced metabolic activity of the bacterial community on glucose dimers and polymers as measured with BIOLOG GN plates, but natural succession between the two sampling dates changed the metabolic activity of the bacterial community more than did the inoculants. The introduced strains did not significantly affect the abundance of dominant genotypic groups of culturable bacteria discriminated by restriction analysis of amplified 16S rDNA of 2500 individual isolates. About 30-50% of the resident bacteria were very sensitive to Phl and Plt, but neither the wild-type nor CHA0-Rif/pME3424 changed the proportion of sensitive and resistant bacteria in situ. In microcosms with a synthetic bacterial community, both biocontrol strains reduced the population of a strain of Pseudomonas but did not affect the abundance of four other bacterial strains including two highly antibiotic-sensitive isolates. We conclude that detectable perturbations in the metabolic activity of the resident bacterial community caused by the biocontrol strain CHA0-Rif are (i) transient, (ii) similar for the genetically improved derivative CHA0-Rif/pME3424 and (iii) less pronounced than changes in the community structure during plant growth.


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Objectives: To assess the efficacy of Panobacumab, a fully human IgM monoclonal antibody against P. aeruginosa serotype O11, by comparing a phase IIa trial with a standard care cohort trial both in hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP) caused by P. aeruginosa O11. Methods: Demographics, outcome and survival of HAP including Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) in patients either treated with standard antimicrobial therapy in a retrospective cohort trial (CT) or with adjunctive Panobacumab therapy during an open phase IIa trial were compared. Both trials applied the same inclusion exclusion criteria and the same trial period of 30 days. Results: 17 patients with VAP/HAP (14 / 3) caused by P. aeruginosa O11 were enrolled in a phase IIa trial (ITT population) and treated with Panobacumab, 13 of them received the full treatment course of 3 infusions (PP population, 12 VAP, 1 HAP) and 4 patients received only one infusion. In the cohort trial 14 patients (VAP/HAP: 12 / 2) treated with standard antibiotic therapy were included. The mean age and weight were 65.8 y (years) (SD 17.2) and 78.0 kg (SD 22.1) in the PP, 67.8 y (SD 15.4) and 77.1 kg (SD 20.2) in the ITT population and 51.8 y (SD 22.3) and 67.1 kg (SD 13.0) in the CT. At the time of suspicion of pneumonia a mean APACHE II and CPIS of 19.4 (13 - 33) and 8.7 (7 - 11) in the PP, 18.9 (13-33) and 8.5 (7 -11) in the ITT and 14.5 (2 - 24) and 7.5 (3 -12) in the CT population were observed. Tracheostomy was present in 53.8% and 52.9% in the PP and ITT populations and 38.4% in the CT. The pneumonia was polymicrobial in 69.2%, 70.6% and 85.7% in the PP, ITT and CT respectively. Stay at ICU and hospital before diagnosis of pneumonia were similar in the 3 groups. All 13 patients that received 3 doses of Panobacumab achieved resolution of pneumonia with only two relapsing during the study. Hence 85% achieved resolution and 15% recurrence at day 30. In the ITT group 64.7% of the pneumonia resolved 11.8% recurred and 23.5% continued while in the CT 57% resolved, 7% recurred and 34% continued. Resolution of pneumonia occurred markedly earlier in the Panobacumab trial (8.9 days, SD: 3.3) than in the cohort trial (15.3 days, SD: 9.5). The expected mortality derived from APACHE II score was 31% and 32% in the PP and ITT population and 22% in the cohort group. All patients who received 3 doses of Panobacumab survived, 18% died in the ITT group while in the CT 21% mortality matched the predicted mortality. Conclusions: Treatment of VAP/HAP caused by P. aeruginosa O11 with 3 doses of Panobacumab resulted in 100% survival, with highest pneumonia resolution (85%), and in a shorter time when compared with patients under standard therapy. The results indicate that Panobacumab may be effective in such life-threatening indication and warrants larger controlled trials.


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Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 is able to protect plants against a variety of pathogens, notably by producing the two antimicrobial compounds 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) and pyoluteorin (PLT). The regulation of the expression of these compounds is affected by many biotic factors, such as fungal pathogens, rhizosphere bacteria as well as plant species. Therefore, the influence of some plant phenolic compounds on the expression of DAPG and PLT biosynthetic genes has been tested using GFP-based reporter, monitored by standard fluometry and flow cytometry. In situ experiments were also performed with cucumber plants. We found that several plant metabolites such as IAA and umbelliferone are able to modify significantly the expression of DAPG and PLT. The use of flow cytometry with autofluorescents proteins seems to be a promising method to study rhizobacteria-plant interactions.


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The role of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated in sputum cultures from adults with obstructive chronic pulmonary disease (COPD) is not well known. However, this pathogen has many factors of virulence and is responsible for several clinical manifestations in this setting. Isolation of a new strain of Pseudomonas is associated with a significant risk of exacerbation of the COPD and its prevalence depends on the severity of the COPD. The role of Pseudomonas among patients with COPD apart from exacerbations is less clear, but it could be responsible for an ignition for the airways and progression for the disease. Currently, the relevance of a prophylactic antibiotic therapy has not yet been demonstrated in COPD holders of Pseudomonas.


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RESUME Pour favoriser sa croissance en condition limitante de fer, le pathogène opportunistePseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 sécrète un sidérophore nommé pyochéline. Celui-ci estproduit par un mécanisme de "thiotemplate", à partir de l'acide salicylique et de deuxmolécules de cystéine, et existe sous forme d'une paire de diastéréoisomèresinterconvertibles: pyochéline I (4'R, 2?R, 4?R) et pyochéline II (4'R, 2?S, 4?R). Deprécédentes études ont montré que la pyochéline induit l'expression de ses propres gènes debiosynthèse via le régulateur transcriptionnel PchR qui appartient à la famille AraC/XylS. Lapyochéline est donc non seulement un sidérophore mais également une molécule signale.Nous avons découvert que Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 sécrète une pyochélinestéréochimiquement distincte de celle produite par P. aeruginosa. Ce nouveau sidérophorefavorise la croissance de P. fluorescens en condition limitante en fer et induit l'expression deses propres gènes de biosynthèse. Cependant, cette molécule n'est pas reconnue commesidérophore ou molécule signale par P. aeruginosa. Réciproquement, la pyochéline estincapable de stimuler la croissance et la signalisation chez P. fluorescens. La structure dusiderophore de P. fluorescens CHA0 a été déterminée comme étant un antipode optique de lapyochéline et nommé énantio-pyochéline.La stéréospécificité de l'induction des gènes de biosynthèse de la pyochéline/énantiopyochélineest basée sur la stéréospécificité des protéines PchR de P. aeruginosa et P.fluorescens envers leur sidérophores-ligands respectifs. PchR est fonctionnel chez l'espècehétérologue, mais uniquement en présence de son propre ligand. Les récepteurs spécifiquesdes sidérophores pyochéline/enantio-pyochéline ne sont pas indispensables à la signalisationmais sont essentiels à l'incorporation du fer et à la croissance en carence de fer. Laconstruction de protéines hybrides et tronquées a révélé que le domaine N-terminal de PchRest l'élément déterminant pour la spécificité de la protéine vis-à-vis de son ligand. SUMMARY : The siderophore pyochelin is produced by the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 and promotes growth under iron limitation. Pyochelin is made by a thiotemplate mechanism from salicylate and two molecules of cysteine and exists as a pair of interconvertible diastereoisomers: pyochelin I (4'R, 2"R, 4"R) and pyochelin II (4'R, 2"S, 4"R). Pyochelin induces the expression of its biosynthesis and uptake genes via the transcriptional AraC/Xy1S family regulator PchR in a process termed pyochelin signaling. Pseudomonas fluorescens CHAO was found to make a stereochemically distinct pyochelin to P. aeruginosa. This siderophore promoted the growth of P. fluorescens under iron limitation and induced the expression of its biosynthesis genes but was not recognised as a siderophore or signaling molecule by P. aeruginosa. Reciprocally, pyochelin was unable to promote growth or signaling in P. fluorescens. The structure of the P. fluorescens CHAO siderophore was determined and found to be enantio-pyochelin, the optical antipode of pyochelin. Stereospecificity in induction of pyochelin/enantio-pyochelin biosynthesis genes was found to be due to stereospecificity of the homologous PchR proteins of P. aeruginosa and P. fluorescens towards their respective siderophore ligands. PchR was able to function in the heterologous species, but only if supplied with its native ligand. The pyochelin/enantiopyochelin receptors were not essential for signaling although both receptors are essential for iron uptake and growth under iron limitation. Construction of hybrid and truncated PchR proteins revealed that the N-terminal domain of PchR is responsible for siderophore recognition/stereospecificity.


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En este trabajo se describen los resultados experimentales destinados a la optimización de la producción de biotensioactivos por Pseudomonas aeruginosa 44T1 en un medio mineral con glucosa como fuente de carbono. Se han ensayado diversos componentes del medio de cultivo y condiciones de incubación, siendo la relación C/N, la concentración de hierro así como la temperatura de incubación, los parámetros fundamentales que han incrementado los valores de CMC-1 como medida de la acumulación de tensioactivos.