1000 resultados para Pre-escolares - Expressão Corporal
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective was to verify the changes of relative theoretical knowledge to the tobacco, evaluatedat two moments (pre and post-tests) considering two educative interventions: expositive lesson and educative games. 68 pupils had been citizens, of both the sexes, three 5th grades of a public school,evaluated previously (A1) on tobacco; group 1 was submitted to a procedure of expositive education,the 2 educative games in the 2 e, the 3 to no intervention. After one week they had been reevaluated(A2). For the moments the test of Wilcoxon was applied and between the groups Kruskal Wallis. As results noticed that, at the moments, it had significant differences between 2 groups 1 and e,between the groups, in the after-test, the submitted one to the educative games presented performance with statistical significant result better. This research concluded that the educational game increased in the students’ knowledge about smoking.
Thematic focus: The motor abnormalities may be part of so-called comorbidities that can coexist with autistic disorder. Objective: To characterize the motor profile of students with autistic disorder. Method: the study included six children with years and 9 months. After signing the consent form by parents or guardians, the students were submitted to the Motor Development Scale for assessment of fine motor, gross motor performance, balance, body scheme, spatial organization, temporal organization and laterality. Results: The results revealed a significant difference between the motor age and chronological age. According to the classification of the Scale of Motor Development, students in this study showed motor development lower than expected for age. Conclusion: The students with autistic disorder in this study presented a profile of Developmental Coordination Disorder in comorbidity, showing that participants of this research presented difficulties in activities that required skills such as handwriting. Thus, motor and psychomotor needs of these students were focused on educational and clinical environment to reduce the impact of behavioral and social manifestations.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
PURPOSE: The development and application of collective pedagogical activities to assess phonological skills in pre-readers and beginning readers and could serve as potential screening tools to help in the early identification of students at risk for dyslexia. METHODS: The FAE tasks (alternative tools for educators) were built on classical phonological tasks known as sound categorization and in the Protocol for Cognitive-Linguistic Skills. FAE tasks basically consisted of matching pictures as well as pictures to spoken words according to their phonological similarity in the onset (alliteration) or rhyme and were given to 45 students on the first grade, of both genres and 7.3 years old on average. RESULTS: The protocol proved to be effective, confirming that phonological awareness, verbal working memory and rapid naming abilities constitute the main risk factors for dyslexia, and to which the FAE tasks were more strongly correlated jointly with the phonemic discrimination. FAE tasks were also strongly correlated with literacy skills. CONCLUSIONS: Students at risk for dyslexia can be efficiently identified through scientifically developed pedagogical tools, adapted and tested for the Brazilian's educational reality. This is a promising research field with the potential to help in avoiding the currently excessive number of students mistakenly labeled as having learning disabilities and improperly referred to specialized public services, as well as to indicate the more appropriate theoretical-empirical framework to guide our educational policies.
The behavior and experience of pain are characterized by alertness and anxiety, which disappear soon after the healing process begins. Based on this area, the present study aimed to quantify the expression of c-fos in segments of the brain of rats after surgical stimulation in one rear hind paw (analgesia), using anesthesia with sodium thiopental and practices of acupuncture pre and post operative. The animals were stimulated with intraperitoneal injections of solution (NaCl) 0.2% (2ml), and divided into three groups, control, preoperative and postoperative. Each treatment was divided in manual acupuncture (AM) and electroacupuncture (EA). The animals were randomly distributed in each group. The c-fos expression was quantitated using immunohistochemistry for all situations. The results showed a great efficiency of all treatment compared to the control group (p <0.001), thus reenforcing data in the literature on the potential of acupuncture analgesia. There were no statistical differences among the different treatments, although there was a trend of EA being more efficient than AM
This paper analyzes the dance, considered the oldest of the Arts, inserted in Art and Education. When you talk about dance as art, sought to articulate dance, body movement and music, because all these aspects are crucial when it comes to education in dance. Thus, this paper, by analyzing the meaning of dance over time, also made a parallel with the evolution of the concept of body that, throughout history, became the focus of sin, to currently be seen in optical freedom and autonomy, looking up from childhood, the formation of body awareness and embodiment, as a basis for identity and the formation of a positive self-image. In describing the evolution of dance, between different societies, it was shown that the tool is the dancer's own body and that for its use, it is necessary to look at its interior, human vitality, musicality and sensitivity. Proved that dance since the beginning, has been seen as a medium body, as well as desires and deepest sorrows of humanity, linked to religion, ritual or ceremonial, reaching today the freest expression of body, in modern dance. Given these considerations, based on theoretical frameworks, emphasized the importance of dance in middle school, focusing on their educational role and liberating, showing that it must be used as a tool for teaching and learning, and the development of children , given its interdisciplinary character, this Crosscutting Themes in elementary school and early childhood education curriculum benchmark. The paper concludes that, despite legislation and official documents require training for dance in the school curriculum, very little is done in this direction, which shows that there is still a choice of schools, the immobility of the pupils
Small non coding RNAs emerged as important characters in several biology aspects. Among then, the most studied are microRNAs (miRNAs) and short interfering RNAs (siRNAs), that regulate their target gene post-transcriptionally in plants, animals and RNAi pathway intermediates, respectively. Both of classes have similar biogenesis being processed by Dicer enzymes and subsequent association with Argonaute enzymes. In plants, miRNAs and siRNAs have important functions in development, genome integrity and biotic and abiotic stress responses. The advances in high-throughtput sequencing and in silico analisys provide the uncover of new small non coding RNAs classes, many of them with unknown functions and biogenesis. tRNA derived small RNAs (tRFs) are a small non coding RNA class, that have as precursor a tRNA molecule. These were uncovers in the last decade in many organisms and, recently, in plants. Recent works detected tRFs from different sizes, with different source portions of the mature tRNA molecule (5’ end; 3’ end, anti-codon loop) and some from the tRNA precursor (pre-tRNA), suggesting that may be a novel class of small RNA and not random degradation products. Works in humans showed that some tRFs are processed by the Dicer enzymes, have association with the Argonaute enzymes and cell differentiation, tumor appearance and gene silencing related functions. Works in Arabidopsis and pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) showed, respectively, that the tRFs have nutritional stress response possible functions and long distance signaling function between source and drain tissues, and may affect the translation. The tRFs biogenesis in plants are, until now an unknown, absence information about it in the literature and its possible biological functions are few studied yet, making then interesting target for studies among the small non coding RNAs in plants
Introduction: The intestinal parasites continue to represent a significant public health problem, due to the large number of infected people and the various organic changes that can cause. The intestinal parasites become more prevalent in villages with high population density absence or inadequacy of sanitation and adequate, and personal hygiene practices and inadequate housing. Objective: To determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and Giardia duodenalis in children of school age (7-14 years) living in the city of Salvador, Bahia, which were part of the Environmental Sanitation Program (Bahia Azul) covering eight different sewage basins in the years 1997/1998 and 2003/2004. Methods: Data were collected pre-coded questionnaire administered to the parents of students, collecting information socioeconomic, environmental and housing conditions. Stool samples were analyzed for each school in the Laboratory of Parasitology of the ISC, UFBA. The database was built and analyzed by Epi Info program (version 3.5.1/2008) were built where overall prevalence rate and Basin depletion of parasites. We compared the overall prevalence rates (at least one parasite) before and after the intervention health, as well as species of parasite. Results: The overall prevalence before the intervention was 56,2% (N = 729) and 42,5% after the intervention (N = 890), down -24,5%. The prevalence observed for each species A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura and G. duodenalis before intervention was respectively 31,4%, 35,8% and 9,9% respectively after the intervention and 24,4%, 28,8% and 6,0%. In relation to variations in prevalence were found to decrease A. lumbricoides, T. Trichiura and G. duodenalis respectively -22,4%, -19,7% and -39,7%. When the results were compared by Basin exhaustion, it was observed that the greatest variation with reduction occurred among students Basin M. Camurujipe to at least one parasite (-51,4%), ...
Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy specific syndrome characterized by a systemic inflammatory response, with higher intensity than that observed in normal pregnancy. Cells of the immune system, such as monocytes and granulocytes are endogenously activated and secrete high levels of free radicals and inflammatory cytokines. The objective of this study was to assess the activation state of monocytes from pregnant women with preeclampsia by endogenous expression of TLR2 e TLR4 receptors and to correlate the expression of TLR2 and TLR4 on monocytes surface of pregnant women with PE with the production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF- and interleukin-10 (IL-10) by these cells stimulated or not with peptidoglycan (PG) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), as agonists agents of TLR2 and TLR4, respectively. We evaluated 15 pregnant women with PE, 15 normotensive pregnant women (NT) and 15 non-pregnant (NP). Peripheral blood monocytes were incubates in the presence or absence of LPS or PG. The supernatant obtained after 18h of culture was aspirated and used for TNF- and IL-10 determination by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). The endogenous expression of TLR2 and TLR4 receptors was evaluated by flow cytometry. Our results showed significant highly concentrations of TNF- and TLR4 expression in monocytes of preeclamptic women when compared with NT and NP. Normal pregnant women presented higher levels of IL-10 in comparison with PE and NP groups. TLR2 expression was similar in the three groups studied. Therefore, our study highlights the important role of TLR4 in PE and the consequent high production of TNF- by monocytes of these patients, as well as the potential mechanism involving low levels of IL-10 in the pathophysiology of the disease. These observations demonstrate the strong link between the pathology of PE and the immune system of these patients
A insuficiência cardíaca (IC) está associada à miopatia dos músculos esqueléticos com aumento da expressão das isoformas rápidas da cadeia pesada de miosina e alterações na matriz extracelular. Os fatores de regulação miogência(MRF),como a MyoD e MRF4, pertecem a uma família de fatores transcricionais que controlam vários genes músculo-específicos.Esses fatores forma heterodímeros com proteínas HLH e ligam-se a seqüências de DNA conhecidas como Ebox, presentes na região promotora de vários genes músculo–específicos, incluindo todos aqueles que codificam as subunidades dos receptores nicotínicos de acetilcolina (nAChR) da junção neuromuscular (JNM). Baseado no fato de que na IC há uma diminuição na expressão da MyoD e MRF4 no músculo sóleo de ratos com IC induzida por monocrotalina, o objetivo do presente trabalho é verificar possíveis alterações na expressão dos receptores de acetilcolina, bem como realizar uma análise morfológica e morfométrica das JNMs. Neste estudo foram utilizados ratos Wistar, machos, divididos em grupos controle e experimental e a Insuficiência cardíaca (IC) foi induzida pela injeção de monocrotalina intra-peritoneal.Quando os sintomas de IC foram visualizados (após 22 dias) os animais foram sacrificados pentobarbital sódico i.p. (50 mg/Kg). A seguir foram mensurados o peso corporal (PC) dos ratos, bem como outros parâmetros. O músculo sóleo de ambos os antímeros foram dissecados e preparados para: avaliação da expressão gênica das subunidades ε, γ e α dos receptores de acetilcolina por PCR em Tempo Real; para análise morfológica e morfométrica da Junção Neuromuscular através da técnica de Esterase inespecífica; para análise ultra-estrutural da JN. Os resultados indicam que não houveram alterações morfológicas e morfométricas na JN, mas houve um aumento... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)