970 resultados para Practical problems


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En hidrodinámica, el fenómeno de Sloshing se puede definir como el movimiento de la superficie libre de un fluido dentro de un contenedor sometido a fuerzas y perturbaciones externas. El fluido en cuestión experimenta violentos movimientos con importantes deformaciones de su superficie libre. La dinámica del fluido puede llegar a generar cargas hidrodinámicas considerables las cuales pueden afectar la integridad estructural y/o comprometer la estabilidad del vehículo que transporta dicho contenedor. El fenómeno de Sloshing ha sido extensivamente investigado matemática, numérica y experimentalmente, siendo el enfoque experimental el más usado debido a la complejidad del problema, para el cual los modelos matemáticos y de simulación son aun incapaces de predecir con suficiente rapidez y precisión las cargas debidas a dicho fenómeno. El flujo generado por el Sloshing usualmente se caracteriza por la presencia de un fluido multifase (gas-liquido) y turbulencia. Reducir al máximo posible la complejidad del fenómeno de Sloshing sin perder la esencia del problema es el principal reto de esta tesis doctoral, donde un trabajo experimental enfocado en casos canónicos de Sloshing es presentado y documentado con el objetivo de aumentar la comprensión de dicho fenómeno y por tanto intentar proveer información valiosa para validaciones de códigos numéricos. El fenómeno de Sloshing juega un papel importante en la industria del transporte marítimo de gas licuado (LNG). El mercado de LNG en los últimos años ha reportado un crecimiento hasta tres veces mayor al de los mercados de petróleo y gas convencionales. Ingenieros en laboratorios de investigación e ingenieros adscritos a la industria del LNG trabajan continuamente buscando soluciones económicas y seguras para contener, transferir y transportar grandes volúmenes de LNG. Los buques transportadores de LNG (LNGC) han pasado de ser unos pocos buques con capacidad de 75000 m3 hace unos treinta años, a una amplia flota con una capacidad de 140000 m3 actualmente. En creciente número, hoy día se construyen buques con capacidades que oscilan entre 175000 m3 y 250000 m3. Recientemente un nuevo concepto de buque LNG ha salido al mercado y se le conoce como FLNG. Un FLNG es un buque de gran valor añadido que solventa los problemas de extracción, licuefacción y almacenamiento del LNG, ya que cuenta con equipos de extracción y licuefacción a bordo, eliminando por tanto las tareas de transvase de las estaciones de licuefacción en tierra hacia los buques LNGC. EL LNG por tanto puede ser transferido directamente desde el FLNG hacia los buques LNGC en mar abierto. Niveles de llenado intermedios en combinación con oleaje durante las operaciones de trasvase inducen movimientos en los buques que generan por tanto el fenómeno de Sloshing dentro de los tanques de los FLNG y los LNGC. El trabajo de esta tesis doctoral lidia con algunos de los problemas del Sloshing desde un punto de vista experimental y estadístico, para ello una serie de tareas, descritas a continuación, se han llevado a cabo : 1. Un dispositivo experimental de Sloshing ha sido configurado. Dicho dispositivo ha permitido ensayar secciones rectangulares de tanques LNGC a escala con movimientos angulares de un grado de libertad. El dispositivo experimental ha sido instrumentado para realizar mediciones de movimiento, presiones, vibraciones y temperatura, así como la grabación de imágenes y videos. 2. Los impactos de olas generadas dentro de una sección rectangular de un LNGC sujeto a movimientos regulares forzados han sido estudiados mediante la caracterización del fenómeno desde un punto de vista estadístico enfocado en la repetitividad y la ergodicidad del problema. 3. El estudio de los impactos provocados por movimientos regulares ha sido extendido a un escenario más realístico mediante el uso de movimientos irregulares forzados. 4. El acoplamiento del Sloshing generado por el fluido en movimiento dentro del tanque LNGC y la disipación de la energía mecánica de un sistema no forzado de un grado de libertad (movimiento angular) sujeto a una excitación externa ha sido investigado. 5. En la última sección de esta tesis doctoral, la interacción entre el Sloshing generado dentro en una sección rectangular de un tanque LNGC sujeto a una excitación regular y un cuerpo elástico solidario al tanque ha sido estudiado. Dicho estudio corresponde a un problema de interacción fluido-estructura. Abstract In hydrodynamics, we refer to sloshing as the motion of liquids in containers subjected to external forces with large free-surface deformations. The liquid motion dynamics can generate loads which may affect the structural integrity of the container and the stability of the vehicle that carries such container. The prediction of these dynamic loads is a major challenge for engineers around the world working on the design of both the container and the vehicle. The sloshing phenomenon has been extensively investigated mathematically, numerically and experimentally. The latter has been the most fruitful so far, due to the complexity of the problem, for which the numerical and mathematical models are still incapable of accurately predicting the sloshing loads. The sloshing flows are usually characterised by the presence of multiphase interaction and turbulence. Reducing as much as possible the complexity of the sloshing problem without losing its essence is the main challenge of this phd thesis, where experimental work on selected canonical cases are presented and documented in order to better understand the phenomenon and to serve, in some cases, as an useful information for numerical validations. Liquid sloshing plays a key roll in the liquified natural gas (LNG) maritime transportation. The LNG market growth is more than three times the rated growth of the oil and traditional gas markets. Engineers working in research laboratories and companies are continuously looking for efficient and safe ways for containing, transferring and transporting the liquified gas. LNG carrying vessels (LNGC) have evolved from a few 75000 m3 vessels thirty years ago to a huge fleet of ships with a capacity of 140000 m3 nowadays and increasing number of 175000 m3 and 250000 m3 units. The concept of FLNG (Floating Liquified Natural Gas) has appeared recently. A FLNG unit is a high value-added vessel which can solve the problems of production, treatment, liquefaction and storage of the LNG because the vessel is equipped with a extraction and liquefaction facility. The LNG is transferred from the FLNG to the LNGC in open sea. The combination of partial fillings and wave induced motions may generate sloshing flows inside both the LNGC and the FLNG tanks. This work has dealt with sloshing problems from a experimental and statistical point of view. A series of tasks have been carried out: 1. A sloshing rig has been set up. It allows for testing tanks with one degree of freedom angular motion. The rig has been instrumented to measure motions, pressure and conduct video and image recording. 2. Regular motion impacts inside a rectangular section LNGC tank model have been studied, with forced motion tests, in order to characterise the phenomenon from a statistical point of view by assessing the repeatability and practical ergodicity of the problem. 3. The regular motion analysis has been extended to an irregular motion framework in order to reproduce more realistic scenarios. 4. The coupled motion of a single degree of freedom angular motion system excited by an external moment and affected by the fluid moment and the mechanical energy dissipation induced by sloshing inside the tank has been investigated. 5. The last task of the thesis has been to conduct an experimental investigation focused on the strong interaction between a sloshing flow in a rectangular section of a LNGC tank subjected to regular excitation and an elastic body clamped to the tank. It is thus a fluid structure interaction problem.


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We define a capacity reserve model to dimension passenger car service installations according to the demographic distribution of the area to be serviced by using hospital?s emergency room analogies. Usually, service facilities are designed applying empirical methods, but customers arrive under uncertain conditions not included in the original estimations, and there is a gap between customer?s real demand and the service?s capacity. Our research establishes a valid methodology and covers the absence of recent researches and the lack of statistical techniques implementation, integrating demand uncertainty in a unique model built in stages by implementing ARIMA forecasting, queuing theory, and Monte Carlo simulation to optimize the service capacity and occupancy, minimizing the implicit cost of the capacity that must be reserved to service unexpected customers. Our model has proved to be a useful tool for optimal decision making under uncertainty integrating the prediction of the cost implicit in the reserve capacity to serve unexpected demand and defining a set of new process indicators, such us capacity, occupancy, and cost of capacity reserve never studied before. The new indicators are intended to optimize the service operation. This set of new indicators could be implemented in the information systems used in the passenger car services.


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Existe normalmente el propósito de obtener la mejor solución posible cuando se plantea un problema estructural, entendiendo como mejor la solución que cumpliendo los requisitos estructurales, de uso, etc., tiene un coste físico menor. En una primera aproximación se puede representar el coste físico por medio del peso propio de la estructura, lo que permite plantear la búsqueda de la mejor solución como la de menor peso. Desde un punto de vista práctico, la obtención de buenas soluciones—es decir, soluciones cuyo coste sea solo ligeramente mayor que el de la mejor solución— es una tarea tan importante como la obtención de óptimos absolutos, algo en general difícilmente abordable. Para disponer de una medida de la eficiencia que haga posible la comparación entre soluciones se propone la siguiente definición de rendimiento estructural: la razón entre la carga útil que hay que soportar y la carga total que hay que contabilizar (la suma de la carga útil y el peso propio). La forma estructural puede considerarse compuesta por cuatro conceptos, que junto con el material, definen una estructura: tamaño, esquema, proporción, y grueso.Galileo (1638) propuso la existencia de un tamaño insuperable para cada problema estructural— el tamaño para el que el peso propio agota una estructura para un esquema y proporción dados—. Dicho tamaño, o alcance estructural, será distinto para cada material utilizado; la única información necesaria del material para su determinación es la razón entre su resistencia y su peso especifico, una magnitud a la que denominamos alcance del material. En estructuras de tamaño muy pequeño en relación con su alcance estructural la anterior definición de rendimiento es inútil. En este caso —estructuras de “talla nula” en las que el peso propio es despreciable frente a la carga útil— se propone como medida del coste la magnitud adimensional que denominamos número de Michell, que se deriva de la “cantidad” introducida por A. G. M. Michell en su artículo seminal de 1904, desarrollado a partir de un lema de J. C. Maxwell de 1870. A finales del siglo pasado, R. Aroca combino las teorías de Galileo y de Maxwell y Michell, proponiendo una regla de diseño de fácil aplicación (regla GA), que permite la estimación del alcance y del rendimiento de una forma estructural. En el presente trabajo se estudia la eficiencia de estructuras trianguladas en problemas estructurales de flexión, teniendo en cuenta la influencia del tamaño. Por un lado, en el caso de estructuras de tamaño nulo se exploran esquemas cercanos al optimo mediante diversos métodos de minoración, con el objetivo de obtener formas cuyo coste (medido con su numero deMichell) sea muy próximo al del optimo absoluto pero obteniendo una reducción importante de su complejidad. Por otro lado, se presenta un método para determinar el alcance estructural de estructuras trianguladas (teniendo en cuenta el efecto local de las flexiones en los elementos de dichas estructuras), comparando su resultado con el obtenido al aplicar la regla GA, mostrando las condiciones en las que es de aplicación. Por último se identifican las líneas de investigación futura: la medida de la complejidad; la contabilidad del coste de las cimentaciones y la extensión de los métodos de minoración cuando se tiene en cuenta el peso propio. ABSTRACT When a structural problem is posed, the intention is usually to obtain the best solution, understanding this as the solution that fulfilling the different requirements: structural, use, etc., has the lowest physical cost. In a first approximation, the physical cost can be represented by the self-weight of the structure; this allows to consider the search of the best solution as the one with the lowest self-weight. But, from a practical point of view, obtaining good solutions—i.e. solutions with higher although comparable physical cost than the optimum— can be as important as finding the optimal ones, because this is, generally, a not affordable task. In order to have a measure of the efficiency that allows the comparison between different solutions, a definition of structural efficiency is proposed: the ratio between the useful load and the total load —i.e. the useful load plus the self-weight resulting of the structural sizing—. The structural form can be considered to be formed by four concepts, which together with its material, completely define a particular structure. These are: Size, Schema, Slenderness or Proportion, and Thickness. Galileo (1638) postulated the existence of an insurmountable size for structural problems—the size for which a structure with a given schema and a given slenderness, is only able to resist its self-weight—. Such size, or structural scope will be different for every different used material; the only needed information about the material to determine such size is the ratio between its allowable stress and its specific weight: a characteristic length that we name material structural scope. The definition of efficiency given above is not useful for structures that have a small size in comparison with the insurmountable size. In this case—structures with null size, inwhich the self-weight is negligible in comparisonwith the useful load—we use as measure of the cost the dimensionless magnitude that we call Michell’s number, an amount derived from the “quantity” introduced by A. G. M. Michell in his seminal article published in 1904, developed out of a result from J. C.Maxwell of 1870. R. Aroca joined the theories of Galileo and the theories of Maxwell and Michell, obtaining some design rules of direct application (that we denominate “GA rule”), that allow the estimation of the structural scope and the efficiency of a structural schema. In this work the efficiency of truss-like structures resolving bending problems is studied, taking into consideration the influence of the size. On the one hand, in the case of structures with null size, near-optimal layouts are explored using several minimization methods, in order to obtain forms with cost near to the absolute optimum but with a significant reduction of the complexity. On the other hand, a method for the determination of the insurmountable size for truss-like structures is shown, having into account local bending effects. The results are checked with the GA rule, showing the conditions in which it is applicable. Finally, some directions for future research are proposed: the measure of the complexity, the cost of foundations and the extension of optimization methods having into account the self-weight.


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The project and the works described in this article mainly deal with the removal of the current asbestos-cement covering of the roof of the Central Market in Alicante and its replacement with zinc diamond-shaped scales, similar to the originals which were implemented in 1921 when the building was put into service. These upgrades were necessary to avoid the causes (and consequences) of rainwater infiltration, as described in an earlier report in 2006, also drafted by the author of this article. The article illustrates the difficulties involving the practical application of Spanish Code RD 396/2006 (minimum safety and health requirements for work with risk of exposure to asbestos) in a complex case such as this, especially with regard to aspects such as economic (increasing costs), technical (increased difficulty of implementation), and the total duration of the work (total increase in duration due to interference with other trades).


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"One of a series of twenty-five sets of problems and questions arising in daily traffic work, applying the fundamental principles of interstate commerce, railway traffic and traffic management work."


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"Supplementary readings": p. 447-449; "Selected bibliography": p. 451-453.


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2. Land-surveying. Gauging. Projectiles Spherical trigonometry. Astronomical problems. Navigation, and other subjects.


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Pages 23-30: The "hard-of-hearing" speechless children in our schools for the deaf : paper read July 6, 1895, at the fourteenth convention of American Teachers of the deaf, at Flint, Michigan / by R.S. Rhodes.


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A development from the author's Flight school manual of the Naval air station at Pensacoln, Fla., written in 1926, later revised and published in 1928 under title: Practical flight tranining.


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"Wills' Mineral Processing Technology" provides practising engineers and students of mineral processing, metallurgy and mining with a review of all of the common ore-processing techniques utilized in modern processing installations. Now in its Seventh Edition, this renowned book is a standard reference for the mineral processing industry. Chapters deal with each of the major processing techniques, and coverage includes the latest technical developments in the processing of increasingly complex refractory ores, new equipment and process routes. This new edition has been prepared by the prestigious J K Minerals Research Centre of Australia, which contributes its world-class expertise and ensures that this will continue to be the book of choice for professionals and students in this field. This latest edition highlights the developments and the challenges facing the mineral processor, particularly with regard to the environmental problems posed in improving the efficiency of the existing processes and also in dealing with the waste created. The work is fully indexed and referenced. -The classic mineral processing text, revised and updated by a prestigious new team -Provides a clear exposition of the principles and practice of mineral processing, with examples taken from practice -Covers the latest technological developments and highlights the challenges facing the mineral processor -New sections on environmental problems, improving the efficiency of existing processes and dealing with waste.


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The 'moving targets' algorithm for training recurrent networks is reviewed and applied to a task which demonstrates the ability of this algorithm to use distant contextual information. Some practical difficulties are discussed, especially with regard to the minimization process. Results on performance and computational requirements of several different 2nd-order minimization algorithms are presented for moving target problems.


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The Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension is a combinatorial measure of a certain class of machine learning problems, which may be used to obtain upper and lower bounds on the number of training examples needed to learn to prescribed levels of accuracy. Most of the known bounds apply to the Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) framework, which is the framework within which we work in this paper. For a learning problem with some known VC dimension, much is known about the order of growth of the sample-size requirement of the problem, as a function of the PAC parameters. The exact value of sample-size requirement is however less well-known, and depends heavily on the particular learning algorithm being used. This is a major obstacle to the practical application of the VC dimension. Hence it is important to know exactly how the sample-size requirement depends on VC dimension, and with that in mind, we describe a general algorithm for learning problems having VC dimension 1. Its sample-size requirement is minimal (as a function of the PAC parameters), and turns out to be the same for all non-trivial learning problems having VC dimension 1. While the method used cannot be naively generalised to higher VC dimension, it suggests that optimal algorithm-dependent bounds may improve substantially on current upper bounds.


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New postgraduate students embark on their research journey typically with little or no experience in doing research. Supervisors and other more experienced student researchers might help them to find their feet during the first few weeks of their research by sharing their own experience of how they solved similar problems during their research. In this way each novice researcher can learn and benefit from other researchers´ ways of resolving problems. This paper discusses the real concerns that researchers reflected upon during a two-day research workshop, where researchers share problems, exchange ideas for overcoming them and learn from each other´s experiences of conducting research. The output from the workshop is in the form of hints and tips that can guide novice researchers when faced with initial problems. The paper can also be used by a department to induct a novice researcher into their environment.


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This thesis is concerned with various aspects of Air Pollution due to smell, the impact it has on communities exposed to it, the means by which it may be controlled and the manner in which a local authority may investigate the problems it causes. The approach is a practical one drawing on examples occurring within a Local Authority's experience and for that reason the research is anecdotal and is not a comprehensive treatise on the full range of options available. Odour Pollution is not yet a well organised discipline and might be considered esoteric as it is necessary to incorporate elements of science and the humanities. It has been necessary to range widely across a number of aspects of the subject so that discussion is often restricted but many references have been included to enable a reader to pursue a particular point in greater depth. In a `fuzzy' subject there is often a yawning gap separating theory and practice, thus case studies have been used to illustrate the interplay of various disciplines in resolution of a problem. The essence of any science is observation and measurement. Observation has been made of the spread of odour pollution through a community and also of relevant meterological data so that a mathematical model could be constructed and its predictions checked. It has been used to explore the results of some options for odour control. Measurements of odour perception and human behaviour seldom have the precision and accuracy of the physical sciences. However methods of social research enabled individual perception of odour pollution to be quantified and an insight gained into reaction of a community exposed to it. Odours have four attributes that can be measured and together provide a complete description of its perception. No objective techniques of measurement have yet been developed but in this thesis simple, structured procedures of subjective assessment have been improvised and their use enabled the functioning of the components of an odour control system to be assessed. Such data enabled the action of the system to be communicated using terms that are understood by a non specialist audience.