787 resultados para Postural
Introdução: A fáscia é tecido conjuntivo inervado por terminações nervosas livres e por mecanoretores, tendo um papel importante na dor e na proprioceção. Acredita-se que a Terapia Bowen estimule os mecanorecetores e as terminações nervosas livres presentes na fáscia. Objetivos: Determinar o efeito imediato da Terapia Bowen no limiar de dor à pressão mecânica e no controlo postural em indivíduos saudáveis. Métodos: Este foi um estudo cruzado de amostras emparelhadas, duplamente cego, constituído por duas sessões para cada indivíduo: numa foi aplicado Terapia Bowen e noutra placebo. Em ambas as sessões, cada indivíduo foi avaliado quanto ao controlo postural, com plataforma de forças, e ao limiar de dor à pressão mecânica, com algómetro de pressão eletrónico, antes e depois da aplicação da intervenção/placebo. Resultados: A amostra foi constituída por 34 participantes, 17 receberam Bowen na primeira sessão e os restantes receberam placebo, distribuídos aleatoriamente. Os resultados mostraram uma diferença significativa para a deslocação ântero-posterior e velocidade de excursão do centro de pressão e limiar de dor à pressão mecânica em C1 bilateralmente (p <0,05). Discussão/Conclusão: A diferença significativa entre Terapia Bowen e placebo para apenas 4 de 14 variáveis sugere que a primeira tenha um efeito imediato reduzido no controlo postural e limiar de dor em indivíduos saudáveis. Estes resultados estão em consonância com estudos anteriores sobre o efeito imediato da terapia manual em indivíduos saudáveis.
L'enfant ayant une déficience motrice cérébrale (DMC) légère présente des déficits posturaux qui limitent son intégration sociale. L'hippothérapie est une forme d'intervention utilisant le mouvement du cheval pour stimuler des réajustements posturaux. L’objectif de cette recherche était de quantifier l’effet de 10 semaines d’hippothérapie sur le contrôle postural et la motricité d'enfants ayant une DMC légère. Un devis pré-expérimental à mesures répétées où chaque enfant (n=13) est son propre contrôle a été utilisé. Les critères d’inclusion étaient: être âgés entre 4 et 16 ans et avoir une DMC légère. L’intervention d’une durée de 10 semaines consistait en une séance par semaine d’hippothérapie de 30 minutes, où l'enfant était placé dans différentes positions sur le cheval. La motricité globale, particulièrement la capacité à se tenir debout, marcher, courir et sauter a été mesurée par les dimensions D et E du Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-88) et la coordination, la vitesse, la force et l’équilibre par le Bruininks-Oseretski Test of Motor Proficiency-Short Form (BOT2-SF). La motricité fine a été évaluée par différentes tâches de précision, d’intégration et de dextérité manuelle (BOT2-SF). Les variables biomécaniques évaluant la stabilité posturale en position assise et debout ont été quantifiées par le déplacement du centre de pression (CdeP). Le déplacement des membres supérieurs a été enregistré lors de tâches unilatérales à l'aide d’un système d’analyse tridimensionnelle du mouvement (VICON). Treize sujets (âgés de 7,3 ± 2,7 ans) ont été évalués avant (mesure de base), après l’intervention et à 10 semaines post-intervention (mesure de suivi). La stabilité posturale de l’enfant sur le cheval a été évaluée à l’aide de modules inertiels multiaxiaux fixés sur le cheval et sur l’enfant (tête, tronc) à deux temps pendant l’intervention. À la suite de l’intervention, la motricité globale s’est améliorée significativement (GMFM-88 dimensions; p=0,005 et BOT2-SF total; p=0,006), et spécifiquement au niveau de la force des abdominaux et des membres supérieurs (p=0,012), de l’équilibre (p=0,025) et des activités de précision de la main (p=0,013). Les analyses du contrôle postural sur le cheval montrent une augmentation de la fréquence cumulée dans la direction médiolatérale (M/L) (p=0,033), et une diminution de l’amplitude de la fréquence cumulée en vertical (p=0,007). Ces résultats peuvent s’interpréter comme étant une augmentation de la rapidité d'adaptation dans la direction M/L doublée d'un amortissement du tronc diminué dans l’axe vertical. Le contrôle postural debout statique s'est amélioré (p=0,013) dans l'axe M/L attribuable aux enfants diplégiques de l'étude. Ces résultats se sont maintenus après la fin de l’intervention. Aucune amélioration du déplacement des membres supérieurs n'a été notée. Nos résultats permettent de suggérer l’utilisation de l'hippothérapie, par les professionnels de la réadaptation, comme complément à l'intervention traditionnelle.
Human standing posture is inherently unstable. The postural control system (PCS), which maintains standing posture, is composed of the sensory, musculoskeletal, and central nervous systems. Together these systems integrate sensory afferents and generate appropriate motor efferents to adjust posture. The PCS maintains the body center of mass (COM) with respect to the base of support while constantly resisting destabilizing forces from internal and external perturbations. To assess the human PCS, postural sway during quiet standing or in response to external perturbation have frequently been examined descriptively. Minimal work has been done to understand and quantify the robustness of the PCS to perturbations. Further, there have been some previous attempts to assess the dynamical systems aspects of the PCS or time evolutionary properties of postural sway. However those techniques can only provide summary information about the PCS characteristics; they cannot provide specific information about or recreate the actual sway behavior. This dissertation consists of two parts: part I, the development of two novel methods to assess the human PCS and, part II, the application of these methods. In study 1, a systematic method for analyzing the human PCS during perturbed stance was developed. A mild impulsive perturbation that subjects can easily experience in their daily lives was used. A measure of robustness of the PCS, 1/MaxSens that was based on the inverse of the sensitivity of the system, was introduced. 1/MaxSens successfully quantified the reduced robustness to external perturbations due to age-related degradation of the PCS. In study 2, a stochastic model was used to better understand the human PCS in terms of dynamical systems aspect. This methodology also has the advantage over previous methods in that the sway behavior is captured in a model that can be used to recreate the random oscillatory properties of the PCS. The invariant density which describes the long-term stationary behavior of the center of pressure (COP) was computed from a Markov chain model that was applied to postural sway data during quiet stance. In order to validate the Invariant Density Analysis (IDA), we applied the technique to COP data from different age groups. We found that older adults swayed farther from the centroid and in more stochastic and random manner than young adults. In part II, the tools developed in part I were applied to both occupational and clinical situations. In study 3, 1/MaxSens and IDA were applied to a population of firefighters to investigate the effects of air bottle configuration (weight and size) and vision on the postural stability of firefighters. We found that both air bottle weight and loss of vision, but not size of air bottle, significantly decreased balance performance and increased fall risk. In study 4, IDA was applied to data collected on 444 community-dwelling elderly adults from the MOBILIZE Boston Study. Four out of five IDA parameters were able to successfully differentiate recurrent fallers from non-fallers, while only five out of 30 more common descriptive and stochastic COP measures could distinguish the two groups. Fall history and the IDA parameter of entropy were found to be significant risk factors for falls. This research proposed a new measure for the PCS robustness (1/MaxSens) and a new technique for quantifying the dynamical systems aspect of the PCS (IDA). These new PCS analysis techniques provide easy and effective ways to assess the PCS in occupational and clinical environments.
O ballet baseia-se na precisão e harmonia dos movimentos. Requerendo um alto nível de desenvolvimento de algumas qualidades físicas, o equilíbrio é um fator decisivo para a execução graciosa de movimentos. No entanto, para que se consiga realizar com perfeição todos os movimentos exigidos, muitas são as dificuldades e limitações encontradas pelo bailarino, potenciando assim o surgimento de um grande número de lesões neste grupo (Salles, 2008). Para este trabalho foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica, onde se determinou a entorse da articulação tibiotársica como sendo a lesão mais comum no ballet bem como a importância de um programa de treino propriocetivo com a finalidade de a prevenir. A proprioceção é uma entidade complexa, que engloba diversas variações de modalidade, sendo elas: a sensação de posição, velocidade de resposta e a capacidade de deteção do movimento (Leporace, Metsavaht, & Sposito, 2009). O treino propriocetivo visa restabelecer estabilidade articular (Dias, Pezarat-Correia, Esteves, & Fernandes, 2010).Objetivos. Estudou o efeito de um programa de treino propriocetivo na estabilidade da tibiotársica e no controlo postural nos alunos de danças do Conservatório de Música de Coimbra. Método. Estudo de natureza experimental. Os participantes não tiveram acesso aos resultados das avaliações, até ao final do estudo. A amostra foi de conveniência, de entre os alunos do 1.º curso de dança do Conservatório de Música de Coimbra, tendo-se previsto a inclusão da totalidade do grupo, constituído por 22 alunos (11 no grupo experimental; 11 no grupo de controlo). Resultados. A utilização de testes paramétricos e não paramétricos mostrou que houve diferença estatística significativa entre os dois grupos para as posições bipodal, unipodal meia ponta direita, unipodal meia ponta esquerda e intragrupo para a posição unipodal direita (p<0,05), antes e depois do programa de treino propriocetivo. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os dois grupos para o risco de entorse (p>0,05), mas houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre o grupo controlo e grupo experimental para a perceção da instabilidade (p<0,05). Conclusão. O programa de treino propriocetivo na preparação do bailarino possibilita um aumento qualitativo do controlo da postura e da perceção da instabilidade da tibiotársica, no entanto não apresenta nenhuma alteração no risco de entorses.
INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVOS: A dor lombar (DL) é considerada um dos maiores problemas socioeconómicos dos países industrializados e está associada à manutenção da posição de ereta em atividades ocupacionais e laborais. O objetivo do presente estudo é descrever e analisar o efeito de um programa de exercícios para prevenção da DL ao nível do endurance e co-ativação bilateral do músculo médio glúteo (MG), sway postural e a intensidade da DL em indivíduos que desenvolvem dor (DD) numa tarefa prolongala em pé. É expetável que os indivíduos DD, após o programa de exercícios, reduzam a intensidade subjetiva da dor, o nível de co-ativação bilateral e o sway postural e que aumentem o endurance do músculo MG. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Os participantes (19 homens, 31 mulheres), sem história prévia de DL, foram sujeitos ao teste de indução de DL transitória. Antes do teste foi avaliado o endurance da musculatura lombo-pélvica pelo side-bridge teste (SBT); e durante o teste foram recolhidos dados da atividade do músculo MG através de eletromiografia (EMG) de superfície, avaliado o sway postural com recurso a um acelerómetro 3D e intensidade subjetiva da dor, pela EVA. Um aumento>10mm na EVA durante o teste categorizou os indivíduos como DD. Os participantes foram aleatoriamente distribuídos por sexo e por desenvolver ou não dor (DD/NDD) em grupo experimental (Exp) e controlo (Cont). O grupo Exp realizou um programa e exercícios no domicílio e o grupo Cont manteve as suas atividades. Após 4 semanas procedeu-se à reavaliação. RESULTADOS: Os individuos que constituem a amostra deste estudo foram agrupados de acordo com diversos critérios e avaliados vários aspectos relacionados com a DL. Os resultados revelaram que 48% dos participantes foram classificados como DD. Em muitos aspectos analisados, o comportamento dos indivíduos foi semelhante não existindo diferenças significativas (p≥0,05). No entanto, os resultados mostram que existem diferenças quanto à intensidade subjetiva da dor onde se obteve uma variação significativa entre os dois dias de teste (p<0,05) em indivíduos DDExp. Também se observou um efeito clinicamente relevante na interação da intervenção e sexo enquanto medidas repetidas ao nível do endurance. CONCLUSÕES: O programa de exercícios provou ser benéfico na redução da intensidade da dor durante uma tarefa prolongada em pé. O endurance muscular revelou uma variação positiva ao exercício. Nos participantes em estudo não houve alteração relevante nas medidas de co-ativação muscular e sway postural.
A Investigação científica que se apresenta enquadra-se no âmbito do Projeto Educativo, integrado no Mestrado em Ensino da Música, especialidade em Música de Conjunto, realizado no Conservatório Superior de Música de Gaia (CSMG). Esta Investigação-ação, de análise qualitativa, centrou-se na implementação de um Programa de Intervenção: A Reeducação Postural Global (RPG) e As Autoposturas Respiratórias, na Produção Sonora Musical no Canto (Philippe Souchard, 1987; 1997; 2011). Assente no modelo de Relação Pedagógica (RP) de Renald Legendre (2005), teve como Sujeitos (S) de aprendizagem dois grupos das Classes de Conjunto de Coro, da Fundação Conservatório de Música de Gaia: o Grupo de Ação (GA) e o Grupo de Controlo (GC). Aplicadas sessões de fisioterapia ao GA, ambos os grupos interpretaram a Obra Coral Pange Lingua, de Zoltán Kodály. Pelos registos apresentados na análise de dados, ditos em diários de bordo dos Sujeitos (S) e do Agente (A) professor da Classe de Conjunto, e em imagens fílmicas e fotográficas realizadas, verificamos a eficácia deste Programa. À luz dos exercícios da Reeducação Postural Global (RPG) e das Autoposturas Respiratórias, de Philippe Souchard, aplicados ao estudo da obra mencionada, pudemos verificar que os Sujeitos (S) do Grupo de Ação apresentaram progressos vocais de significativa importância.
Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia
Tesis inédita presentada en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Programa de Doctorado en Fisioterapia Avanzada
A Diabetes Mellitus é uma patologia fortemente associada ao processo de envelhecimento, afectando cada vez mais pessoas em todo o mundo. Uma das maiores complicações observadas nesta população prende-se com a diminuição do controlo postural e da capacidade funcional relacionada com a locomoção. O exercício físico tem sido apontado como uma das formas de prevenção e tratamento deste problema, no entanto existe ainda uma lacuna no conhecimento sobre o modo mais indicado de exercício. O presente pretende avaliar os efeitos de um programa de exercício físico aeróbio sobre o controlo postural e a capacidade funcional de pacientes portadores de Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 30 sujeitos de ambos os sexos, distribuídos por um grupo experimental (n=16) a quem foi aplicado o programa de exercício físico, e por um grupo de controlo (n=14), o qual não usufruiu de qualquer programa de exercício físico. O programa teve a duração de 12 semanas de treino, e uma frequência de 3 vezes por semana. Os participantes mantiveram-se em movimento constante durante as sessões tendo os exercícios realizados possuído uma forte componente dinâmica. Foi avaliado o controlo postural através de uma plataforma de forças e a capacidade funcional através de um conjunto de cinco testes funcionais. Os resultados obtidos revelam não terem existido diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p>0,05) na interacção entre grupos e momentos de avaliação nas variáveis analisadas, com excepção para a performance no Timed Get Up & Go Test, a qual melhorou significativamente (p<0,05) no grupo experimental. Estes dados sugerem que a especificidade tanto estática como dinâmica dos exercícios e a intensidade a que são realizados são factores fundamentais a ter em consideração no planeamento de programas de exercício físico, com vista à melhoria quer do controlo postural quer da capacidade funcional em portadores de Diabetes Mellius Tipo 2. ABSTRACT: Diabetes Mellitus is a disease associated with aging, affecting a growing number of people all over the world. One of the major concerns in this population relates to the decline of postural control and functional capacity. Exercise has been suggested as one way of preventing and treating this problem, however little is known about the most appropriate mode of exercise. This study evaluates the effect of an aerobic exercise program on postural control and functional capacity of patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The sample consisted of 30 subjects, over an experimental group (n = 16) applied to an exercise program, and a control group (n = 14), that received no treatment. The program lasted 12 weeks, three times a week. Participants remained in constant motion during the sessions and the exercises performed had a strong dynamic component. Postural control was assessed using a force platform and functional capacity through a set of five functional tests. The results show that there were no statistically significant differences (p>O, O5) in group/moment interaction in the variables analyzed, except for the Timed Get Up & Go Test, which improved significantly (p <0,05) in the experimental group. These data suggest that both static and dynamic specificity and intensity of exercises are key factors in exercises programs planning, targeted to improve both postural control and functional capacity in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellius.
Relationships between self-reported retrospective falls and cognitive measures (executive function, reaction time, processing speed, working memory, visual attention) were examined in a population based sample of older adults (n = 658). Two of the choice reaction time tests involved inhibiting responses to either targets of a specific color or location with hand and foot responses. Potentially confounding demographic variables, medical conditions and postural sway were controlled for in logistic regression models, excluding participants with possible cognitive impairment. A factor analysis of cognitive measures extracted factors measuring reaction time, accuracy and inhibition, and visual search. Single fallers did not differ from non-fallers in terms of health, sway or cognitive function, except that they performed worse on accuracy and inhibition. In contrast, recurrent fallers performed worse than non-fallers on all measures. Results suggest that occasional falls in late life may be associated with subtle age-related changes in the pre-frontal cortex leading to failures of executive control, whereas recurrent falling may result from more advanced brain ageing that is associated with generalized cognitive decline.
In children, joint hypermobility (typified by structural instability of joints) manifests clinically as neuro-muscular and musculo-skeletal conditions and conditions associated with development and organization of control of posture and gait (Finkelstein, 1916; Jahss, 1919; Sobel, 1926; Larsson, Mudholkar, Baum and Srivastava, 1995; Murray and Woo, 2001; Hakim and Grahame, 2003; Adib, Davies, Grahame, Woo and Murray, 2005:). The process of control of the relative proportions of joint mobility and stability, whilst maintaining equilibrium in standing posture and gait, is dependent upon the complex interrelationship between skeletal, muscular and neurological function (Massion, 1998; Gurfinkel, Ivanenko, Levik and Babakova, 1995; Shumway-Cook and Woollacott, 1995). The efficiency of this relies upon the integrity of neuro-muscular and musculo-skeletal components (ligaments, muscles, nerves), and the Central Nervous System’s capacity to interpret, process and integrate sensory information from visual, vestibular and proprioceptive sources (Crotts, Thompson, Nahom, Ryan and Newton, 1996; Riemann, Guskiewicz and Shields, 1999; Schmitz and Arnold, 1998) and development and incorporation of this into a representational scheme (postural reference frame) of body orientation with respect to internal and external environments (Gurfinkel et al., 1995; Roll and Roll, 1988). Sensory information from the base of support (feet) makes significant contribution to the development of reference frameworks (Kavounoudias, Roll and Roll, 1998). Problems with the structure and/ or function of any one, or combination of these components or systems, may result in partial loss of equilibrium and, therefore ineffectiveness or significant reduction in the capacity to interact with the environment, which may result in disability and/ or injury (Crotts et al., 1996; Rozzi, Lephart, Sterner and Kuligowski, 1999b). Whilst literature focusing upon clinical associations between joint hypermobility and conditions requiring therapeutic intervention has been abundant (Crego and Ford, 1952; Powell and Cantab, 1983; Dockery, in Jay, 1999; Grahame, 1971; Childs, 1986; Barton, Bird, Lindsay, Newton and Wright, 1995a; Rozzi, et al., 1999b; Kerr, Macmillan, Uttley and Luqmani, 2000; Grahame, 2001), there has been a deficit in controlled studies in which the neuro-muscular and musculo-skeletal characteristics of children with joint hypermobility have been quantified and considered within the context of organization of postural control in standing balance and gait. This was the aim of this project, undertaken as three studies. The major study (Study One) compared the fundamental neuro-muscular and musculo-skeletal characteristics of 15 children with joint hypermobility, and 15 age (8 and 9 years), gender, height and weight matched non-hypermobile controls. Significant differences were identified between previously undiagnosed hypermobile (n=15) and non-hypermobile children (n=15) in passive joint ranges of motion of the lower limbs and lumbar spine, muscle tone of the lower leg and foot, barefoot CoP displacement and in parameters of barefoot gait. Clinically relevant differences were also noted in barefoot single leg balance time. There were no differences between groups in isometric muscle strength in ankle dorsiflexion, knee flexion or extension. The second comparative study investigated foot morphology in non-weight bearing and weight bearing load conditions of the same children with and without joint hypermobility using three dimensional images (plaster casts) of their feet. The preliminary phase of this study evaluated the casting technique against direct measures of foot length, forefoot width, RCSP and forefoot to rearfoot angle. Results indicated accurate representation of elementary foot morphology within the plaster images. The comparative study examined the between and within group differences in measures of foot length and width, and in measures above the support surface (heel inclination angle, forefoot to rearfoot angle, normalized arch height, height of the widest point of the heel) in the two load conditions. Results of measures from plaster images identified that hypermobile children have different barefoot weight bearing foot morphology above the support surface than non-hypermobile children, despite no differences in measures of foot length or width. Based upon the differences in components of control of posture and gait in the hypermobile group, identified in Study One and Study Two, the final study (Study Three), using the same subjects, tested the immediate effect of specifically designed custom-made foot orthoses upon balance and gait of hypermobile children. The design of the orthoses was evaluated against the direct measures and the measures from plaster images of the feet. This ascertained the differences in morphology of the modified casts used to mould the orthoses and the original image of the foot. The orthoses were fitted into standardized running shoes. The effect of the shoe alone was tested upon the non-hypermobile children as the non-therapeutic equivalent condition. Immediate improvement in balance was noted in single leg stance and CoP displacement in the hypermobile group together with significant immediate improvement in the percentage of gait phases and in the percentage of the gait cycle at which maximum plantar flexion of the ankle occurred in gait. The neuro-muscular and musculo-skeletal characteristics of children with joint hypermobility are different from those of non-hypermobile children. The Beighton, Solomon and Soskolne (1973) screening criteria successfully classified joint hypermobility in children. As a result of this study joint hypermobility has been identified as a variable which must be controlled in studies of foot morphology and function in children. The outcomes of this study provide a basis upon which to further explore the association between joint hypermobility and neuro-muscular and musculo-skeletal conditions, and, have relevance for the physical education of children with joint hypermobility, for footwear and orthotic design processes, and, in particular, for clinical identification and treatment of children with joint hypermobility.
Relatively little information has been reported about foot and ankle problems experienced by nurses, despite anecdotal evidence which suggests they are common ailments. The purpose of this study was to improve knowledge about the prevalence of foot and ankle musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and to explore relationships between these MSDs and proposed risk factors. A review of the literature relating to work-related MSDs, MSDs in nursing, foot and lower-limb MSDs, screening for work-related MSDs, foot discomfort, footwear and the prevalence of foot problems in the community was undertaken. Based on the review, theoretical risk factors were proposed that pertained to the individual characteristics of the nurses, their work activity or their work environment. Three studies were then undertaken. A cross-sectional survey of 304 nurses, working in a large tertiary paediatric hospital, established the prevalence of foot and ankle MSDs. The survey collected information about self-reported risk factors of interest. The second study involved the clinical examination of a subgroup of 40 nurses, to examine changes in body discomfort, foot discomfort and postural sway over the course of a single work shift. Objective measurements of additional risk factors, such as individual foot posture (arch index) and the hardness of shoe midsoles, were performed. A final study was used to confirm the test-retest reliability of important aspects of the survey and key clinical measurements. Foot and ankle problems were the most common MSDs experienced by nurses in the preceding seven days (42.7% of nurses). They were the second most common MSDs to cause disability in the last 12 months (17.4% of nurses), and the third most common MSDs experienced by nurses in the last 12 months (54% of nurses). Substantial foot discomfort (Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) score of 50mm or more) was experienced by 48.5% of nurses at sometime in the last 12 months. Individual risk factors, such as obesity and the number of self-reported foot conditions (e.g., callouses, curled toes, flat feet) were strongly associated with the likelihood of experiencing foot problems in the last seven days or during the last 12 months. These risk factors showed consistent associations with disabling foot conditions and substantial foot discomfort. Some of these associations were dependent upon work-related risk factors, such as the location within the hospital and the average hours worked per week. Working in the intensive care unit was associated with higher odds of experiencing foot problems within the last seven days, foot problems in the last 12 months and foot problems that impaired activity in the last 12 months. Changes in foot discomfort experienced within a day, showed large individual variability. Fifteen of the forty nurses experienced moderate/substantial foot discomfort at the end of their shift (VAS 25+mm). Analysis of the association between risk factors and moderate/substantial foot discomfort revealed that foot discomfort was less likely for nurses who were older, had greater BMI or had lower foot arches, as indicated by higher arch index scores. The nurses’ postural sway decreased over the course of the work shift, suggesting improved body balance by the end of the day. These findings were unexpected. Further clinical studies examining individual nurses on several work shifts are needed to confirm these results, particularly due to the small sample size and the single measurement occasion. There are more than 280,000 nurses registered to practice in Australia. The nursing workforce is ageing and the prevalence of foot problems will increase. If the prevalence estimates from this study are extrapolated to the profession generally, more than 70,000 hospital nurses have experienced substantial foot discomfort and 25-30,000 hospital nurses have been limited in their activity due to foot problems during the last 12 months. Nurses with underlying foot conditions were more likely to report having foot problems at work. Strategies to prevent or manage foot conditions exist and they should be disseminated to nurses. Obesity is a significant risk factor for foot and ankle MSDs and these nurses may need particular assistance to manage foot problems. The risk of foot problems for particular groups of nurses, e.g. obese nurses, may vary depending upon the location within the hospital. Further research is needed to confirm the findings of this study. Similar studies should be conducted in other occupational groups that require workers to stand for prolonged periods.
Changes in stride characteristics and gait rhythmicity characterize gait in Parkinson's disease and are widely believed to contribute to falls in this population. However, few studies have examined gait in PD patients who fall. This study reports on the complexities of walking in PD patients who reported falling during a 12-month follow-up. Forty-nine patients clinically diagnosed with idiopathic PD and 34 controls had their gait assessed using three-dimensional motion analysis. Of the PD patients, 32 (65%) reported at least one fall during the follow-up compared with 17 (50%) controls. The results showed that PD patients had increased stride timing variability, reduced arm swing and walked with a more stooped posture than controls. Additionally, PD fallers took shorter strides, walked slower, spent more time in double-support, had poorer gait stability ratios and did not project their center of mass as far forward of their base of support when compared with controls. These stride changes were accompanied by a reduced range of angular motion for the hip and knee joints. Relative to walking velocity, PD fallers had increased mediolateral head motion compared with PD nonfallers and controls. Therefore, head motion could exceed “normal” limits, if patients increased their walking speed to match healthy individuals. This could be a limiting factor for improving gait in PD and emphasizes the importance of clinically assessing gait to facilitate the early identification of PD patients with a higher risk of falling.