918 resultados para Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)


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A obesidade é uma doença crônica não transmissível, caracterizada pelo excesso de gordura corporal. Então, a gordura acumulada na região abdominal promove resistência à insulina e conseqüentemente alterações metabólicas as quais em conjunto configuram o quadro de síndrome metabólica (SM). O genótipo Pro12Pro parece estar relacionado à menor sensibilidade à insulina, desencadeando o processo fisiopatológico da SM. Então, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de uma dieta hipocalórica sobre o perfil metabólico e composição corporal de mulheres com e sem SM com genótipo Pro12Pro no gene PPARγ2. O presente estudo trata-se de um ensaio clínico, onde mulheres entre 30 e 45 anos, obesas grau I, sem SM (n=23) e com SM (n=7) foram submetidas à dieta hipocalórica por 90 dias. A identificação do genótipo foi realizada por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR). No início e nos dias 30, 60 e 90 foram avaliados peso corporal, massa magra (MM), massa gorda (MG), componentes da SM, uricemia, insulinemia, leptinemia, adiponectinemia, os índices HOMA-IR e QUICKI. O consumo energético foi avaliado nas 12 semanas de tratamento. Foi utilizado o teste t de Student para amostras independentes foi utilizado para comparar os grupos entre si, e o modelo pareado para comparar a evolução dentro de cada grupo em relação ao início do estudo. Todas as mulheres apresentaram genótipo Pro12Pro. O grupo com SM apresentou menor HDL-c (44,43,2 vs. 56,82,4 mg/dL, p=0,013), e maior triglicerídeo (180,926,7 vs. 89,76,6mg/dL, p=0,014) e VLDL-c (36,25,3 vs. 17,91,3mg/dL, p=0,014) no início do estudo. Ambos os grupos apresentaram redução ponderal (-3,30,7% grupo sem SM e - 4,20,9% grupo com SM) e da circunferência da cintura (-2,40,5% grupo sem SM e - 5,91,4% grupo com SM) significativas. O grupo sem SM reduziu da MG progressivamente até os 90 dias (37,00,8 para 36,60,5%, p=0,02), e com isso aumentou MM (62,00,5 para 63,40,5%, p=0,01), o grupo com SM também reduziu MG ao longo do estudo (32,62,3 para 29,62,4%, p<0,01) e aumentou MM significativamente (62,21,0 para 64,31,3%). A pressão arterial sistólica reduziu no primeiro mês de tratamento no grupo sem SM (de 120,41,8 para 112,32,1 mmHg, p<0,01). No que diz respeito aos parâmetros metabólicos, o grupo sem SM mostrou redução da insulinemia (32,54,2 para 25,92,4U/mL, p=0,05) e aumento da adiponectinemia (4,70,6 para 5,10,8 ng/mL, p=0,02) aos 30 dias, do colesterol total (180,25,8 para 173,85,4 mg/dL, p=0,04), e da leptina (27,01,9 para 18,21,4 ng/mL, p<0,01) aos 60 dias, porém, houve redução do QUICKI aos 90 dias (0,390,03 para 0,350,01, p=0,01). No grupo com SM, a leptinemia reduziu aos 60 dias (20,31,9 para 14,71,1 ng/mL, p=0,01) e a adiponectinemia aos 90 dias (5,71,2 para 7,11,4 ng/mL, p<0,01), também houve remissão de 57,1% dos casos de SM. Sugerimos que, a dieta hipocalórica foi eficaz na redução do peso corporal e da MG, principalmente a localizada na região abdominal. Conseqüentemente, houve melhora considerável do perfil metabólico relacionado à obesidade no grupo sem SM, e também dos marcadores de sensibilidade à insulina e cardioprotetores relacionados à SM, além da remissão dos casos de SM.


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Buscamos detectar evidências da presença de genes envolvidos na produção de Enzimas Modificadoras de Aminoglicosídeos (EMAs), Beta-lactamases de espectro estendido (ESBLs) e Mecanismos Plasmidiais de Resistência a Quinolonas (PMQRs) em cepas de K. pneumoniae, K. ozaenae e E. coli isoladas de amostras de água de rios afluentes da Baía de Guanabara e de materiais clínicos de origem hospitalar, além de avaliar o "status sanitário" dos corpos aquáticos abordados no tocante à contaminação fecal recente e indicações de contaminação hospitalar e por outros ambientes de alta seletividade. As cepas de materiais clínicos foram selecionadas entre Maio e Julho de 2010, a partir da semeadura em meio de cultura contendo 8g/mL de gentamicina. As amostras de água foram coletadas em Abril e em Julho de 2009. Realizamos testes de colimetria, empregando para tal, a metodologia convencional e outra, na qual adicionamos 32g/mL de cefalotina e 8g/mL de gentamicina aos caldos Lactosado e Escherichia coli (caldo EC), a fim de detectar e quantificar coliformes resistentes. Para o isolamento das cepas empregamos meios de cultura contendo 32g/mL de cefalotina e 8g/mL de gentamicina. As cepas foram identificadas e submetidas a testes de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos (TSA), testes presuntivos para presença de ESBLs, extração de DNA plasmidial e ensaios de Reação em Cadeia de Polimerase (PCR) para a detecção dos genes. A utilização de agentes antimicrobianos nos testes de colimetria nos permitiu detectar a presença e quantificar coliformes totais e fecais resistentes nas amostras de água analisadas nos diferentes pontos. O TSA das cepas isoladas de amostras de água exibiu perfis de multirresistência, compatíveis com o de bactérias de origem hospitalar, semelhante ao encontrado nas cepas isoladas de materiais clínicos. Todas as cepas isoladas de amostras de água e 90% das cepas de materiais clínicos apresentaram pelo menos uma banda plasmidial. Os ensaios de PCR evidenciaram a presença de produtos de amplificação para EMAs, ESBLs e PMQRs, sendo que 7,4% das cepas de amostras de água e 20% das cepas de materiais clínicos apresentaram produtos de amplificação para as três classes de antimicrobianos. A realização de testes de colimetria empregando antimicrobianos, como gentamicina e cefalotina, pode ser uma ferramenta adicional importante ao teste convencional, quando o interesse for, o monitoramento e a prevenção de contaminação ambiental, especialmente associada a microrganismos carreando genes de resistência. O uso criterioso de antimicrobianos em atividades de cunho hospitalar e veterinário e medidas no sentido de prevenção de lançamento de esgoto e/ou tratamento dos efluentes, são fundamentais para o controle da disseminação de elementos genéticos de resistência transferíveis entre os microrganismos. A detecção e identificação de microrganismos apresentando elementos de resistência em ambiente extra-hospitalar como em água e solo, em particular, o emprego de testes de colimetria empregando antimicrobianos, se faz necessária, como forma de prevenção e controle de disseminação destes microrganismos com potencial de causar infecções em humanos e outros animais que eventualmente entram em contato com estes ambientes.


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Os alelos HLA-DRB1, que codificam uma sequência de aminoácidos (QKRAA/QRRAA/RRRAA) nas posições 70 a 74 da terceira região hipervariável da cadeia 1 do gene DRB1, denominada epítopo compartilhado (EC), estão associados com maior susceptibilidade e gravidade para artrite reumatóide (AR) em diversas populações. Uma nova classificação proposta por Du Montcel et al tem sido desenvolvida para apurar a associação entre HLA-DRB1 e AR. Este estudo foi desenhado com o objetivo de determinar a frequência dos alelos HLA-DRB1 em pacientes brasileiros com AR, e sua associação com o fator reumatoide (FR), anticorpos antipeptídeos citrulinados (ACPA) e lesão radiográfica articular e óssea. Quatrocentos e doze pacientes com AR e 215 controles foram incluídos. A tipificação HLA-DRB1 foi realizada pela reação em cadeia de polimerase (PCR) usando primers específicos e hibridação com oligonucleotídeos de sequência específica (SSOP). A pesquisa de ACPA foi determinada pela técnica de ELISA e a do FR por nefelometria, a avaliação radiográfica realizada pelo método do índice de Sharp modificado de Van Der Heijde. Para análises estatísticas foram utilizados os testes do qui-quadrado, t de Student e a regressão logística. Nos pacientes com AR alelos HLA-DRB1*04:01, *04:04, *04:05 se associaram com AR (p<0,05), embora o amplo intervalo de confiança, vale a pena ressaltar a associação observada com o alelo DRB1*09:01 e a doença (p<0,05). Alelos HLA-DRB1 EC+ foram observados em 62,8% dos pacientes e em 31,1% do grupo controle (OR 3,62; p <0,001) e estiveram associados com ACPA (OR 2,03; p<0,001). Alelos DRB1 DERAA mostraram efeito protetor para a AR (OR 0,42; p<0,001). A análise da nova classificação de HLA-DRB1 mostra que S2 e S3P se associaram a AR (p<0,05). Alelos S2 e/ou S3P esteve presente em 65% dos pacientes e 32% do grupo controle (OR 3,86; p<0,001) e estiveram associados a ACPA (OR.2,11; p=0,001). Alelos S3D, S1, X mostraram efeito protetor para a AR. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo demonstram que pacientes brasileiros com AR de etnia majoritariamente mestiça, alelos HLA-DRB1 avaliados segundo a hipótese do EC e a classificação proposta por Du Montcel estiveram associados à suscetibilidade à doença e à presença de ACPA.


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In this note, we document polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) primer pairs for 101 nuclear-encoded microsatellites designed and developed from a genomic library for red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Details of the genomic library construction, the sequencing of positive clones, primer design, and PCR protocols may be found in Karlsson et al. (2008). The 101 microsatellites (GENBA NK Accession Numbers EU015882-EU015982) were amplified successfully and used to genotype 24 red drum obtained from Galveston Bay, Texas (Table 1). A total of 69 of the microsatellites had an uninterrupted (perfect) dinucleotide motif, and 30 had an imperfect dinucleotide motif; one microsatellite had an imperfect tetranucleotide motif, and one had an imperfect and compound motif (Table 1 ). Sizes of the cloned alleles ranged from 84 to 252 base pairs. A ‘blast’ search of the GENBANK database indicated that all of the primers and the cloned alleles were unique (i.e., not duplicated).


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Microsatellites are codominantly inherited nuclear-DNA markers (Wright and Bentzen, 1994) that are now commonly used to assess both stock structure and the effective population size of exploited fishes (Turner et al., 2002; Chistiakov et al., 2006; Saillant and Gold, 2006). Multiplexing is the combination of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification products from multiple loci into a single lane of an electrophoretic gel (Olsen et al., 1996; Neff et al., 2000) and is accomplished either by coamplification of multiple loci in a single reaction (Chamberlain et al., 1988) or by combination of products from multiple single-locus PCR amplifications (Olsen et al., 1996). The advantage of multiplexing micro-satellites lies in the significant reduction in both personnel time (labor) and consumable supplies generally required for large genotyping projects (Neff et al., 2000; Renshaw et al., 2006).


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O gênero Enterococcus tem emergindo como um dos mais importantes patógenos em infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde no mundo. Estes microrganismos apresentam habilidade de adquirir genes de resistência a vários antimicrobianos, incluíndo à vancomicina, além de possuir diversos fatores associados à virulência, que contribuem sobremaneira para a sua permanência no hospedeiro, facilitando sua disseminação, particularmente, no ambiente hospitalar. Os objetivos deste estudo foram caracterizar, por testes fenotípicos e genotípicos, amostras de Enterococcus isoladas de quadros infecciosos em pacientes atendidos em quatro instituições de saúde localizadas na cidade do Natal, RN, no período de setembro de 2010 a junho de 2011. As espécies de Enterococcus foram caracterizadas por testes fisiológicos convencionais e por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) multiplex, utilizando oligonucleotídeos específicos para caracterização do gênero e espécies. O perfil de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos foi avaliado por testes de difusão em ágar. Os valores de concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) para vancomicina, teicoplanina e linezolida foram determinados pelo emprego do teste E; e o genótipo de resistência à vancomicina foi analisado por PCR. Genes associados à virulência (asa1, cylA, esp, gelE e hyl) foram detectados por ensaios de PCR multiplex. O polimorfismo genético das amostras bacterianas foi avaliado por metodologia de eletroforese em campo pulsado (PFGE), com a utilização da enzima SmaI. Foram obtidas 117 amostras, a partir de quadros infecciosos em 116 pacientes. Os resultados revelaram que a espécie E. faecalis foi a prevalente (91,4%). Os testes de susceptibilidade revelaram que as taxas de resistência mais elevadas estiveram associadas à tetraciclina (58,2%) e a níveis elevados de estreptomicina (36,7%). A resistência à vancomicina foi detectada em uma amostra de E. faecium, portadora do genótipo vanA, correspondendo ao primeiro isolamento de amostra com essa característica de resistência no RN. Esta amostra foi isolada em um caso de co-infecção com E. faecalis sensível à vancomicina. Adicionalmente, susceptibilidade intermediária a linezolida foi identificada em três amostras de E. faecalis. Dentre os determinantes de virulência identificados, gelE foi o prevalente (83,8%). De acordo com as espécies E. faecalis o perfil mais detectado foi gelE + esp (31,6%), na espécie E. faecium foi o perfil esp (28,6%) e a única amostra de E. gallinarum apresentou dois determinantes de virulência (asa1 + cylA). O gene hyl não foi identificado em nenhuma das amostras. A análise do polimorfismo genético das amostras por PFGE evidenciou uma elevada policlonalidade. Diante das características de resistência e de virulência observadas e da sinalização da emergência de mecanismos de resistência importantes no Estado do RN, este estudo chama atenção para a necessidade de rastreamento, particularmente entre portadores sadios, e estabelecimento de políticas de controle da disseminação dessas amostras nas instituições de saúde, mesmo em regiões onde tais características ainda sejam pouco frequentes.


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O diagnóstico da hanseníase neural pura baseia-se em dados clínicos e laboratoriais do paciente, incluindo a histopatologia de espécimes de biópsia de nervo e detecção de DNA de Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) pelo PCR. Como o exame histopatológico e a técnica PCR podem não ser suficientes para confirmar o diagnóstico, a imunomarcação de lipoarabinomanana (LAM) e/ou Glicolipídio fenólico 1 (PGL1) - componentes de parede celular de M. leprae foi utilizada na primeira etapa deste estudo, na tentativa de detectar qualquer presença vestigial do M. leprae em amostras de nervo sem bacilos. Além disso, sabe-se que a lesão do nervo na hanseníase pode diretamente ser induzida pelo M. leprae nos estágios iniciais da infecção, no entanto, os mecanismos imunomediados adicionam severidade ao comprometimento da função neural em períodos sintomáticos da doença. Este estudo investigou também a expressão imuno-histoquímica de marcadores envolvidos nos mecanismos de patogenicidade do dano ao nervo na hanseníase. Os imunomarcadores selecionados foram: quimiocinas CXCL10, CCL2, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD45RA, CD45RO, CD68, HLA-DR, e metaloproteinases 2 e 9. O estudo foi desenvolvido em espécimes de biópsias congeladas de nervo coletados de pacientes com HNP (n=23 / 6 BAAR+ e 17 BAAR - PCR +) e pacientes diagnosticados com outras neuropatias (n=5) utilizados como controle. Todas as amostras foram criosseccionadas e submetidas à imunoperoxidase. Os resultados iniciais demonstraram que as 6 amostras de nervos BAAR+ são LAM+/PGL1+. Já entre as 17 amostras de nervos BAAR-, 8 são LAM+ e/ou PGL1+. Nas 17 amostras de nervos BAAR-PCR+, apenas 7 tiveram resultados LAM+ e/ou PGL1+. A detecção de imunorreatividade para LAM e PGL1 nas amostras de nervo do grupo HNP contribuiu para a maior eficiência diagnóstica na ausência recursos a diagnósticos moleculares. Os resultados da segunda parte deste estudo mostraram que foram encontradas imunoreatividade para CXCL10, CCL2, MMP2 e MMP9 nos nervos da hanseníase, mas não em amostras de nervos com outras neuropatias. Além disso, essa imunomarcação foi encontrada predominantemente em células de Schwann e em macrófagos da população celular inflamatória nos nervos HNP. Os outros marcadores de ativação imunológica foram encontrados em leucócitos (linfócitos T e macrófagos) do infiltrado inflamatório encontrados nos nervos. A expressão de todos os marcadores, exceto CXCL10, apresentou associação com a fibrose, no entanto, apenas a CCL2, independentemente dos outros imunomarcadores, estava associada a esse excessivo depósito de matriz extracelular. Nenhuma diferença na frequência da imunomarcação foi detectada entre os subgrupos BAAR+ e BAAR-, exceção feita apenas às células CD68+ e HLA-DR+, que apresentaram discreta diferença entre os grupos BAAR + e BAAR- com granuloma epitelioide. A expressão de MMP9 associada com fibrose é consistente com os resultados anteriores do grupo de pesquisa. Estes resultados indicam que as quimiocinas CCL2 e CXCL10 não são determinantes para o estabelecimento das lesões com ou sem bacilos nos em nervo em estágios avançados da doença, entretanto, a CCL2 está associada com o recrutamento de macrófagos e com o desenvolvimento da fibrose do nervo na lesão neural da hanseníase.


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Colonies of the scleractinian coral Acropora palmata, listed as threatened under the US Endangered Species Act in 2006, have been monitored in Hawksnest Bay, within Virgin Islands National Park, St. John, from 2004 through 2010 by scientists with the US Geological Survey, National Park Service, and the University of the Virgin Islands. The focus has been on documenting the prevalence of disease, including white band, white pox (also called patchy necrosis and white patches), and unidentified diseases (Rogers et al., 2008; Muller et al., 2008). In an effort to learn more about the pathologies that might be involved with the diseases that were observed, samples were collected from apparently healthy and diseased colonies in July 2009 for analysis. Two different microbial assays were performed on Epicentre Biotechnologies DNA swabs containing A. palmata coral mucus, and on water and sediment samples collected in Hawksnest Bay. Both assays are based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of portions of the small rRNA gene (16S). The objectives were to determine 1) if known coral bacterial pathogens Serratia marcescens (Acroporid Serratiosis), Vibrio coralliilyticus (temperature-dependent bleaching, White Syndrome), Vibrio shiloi (bleaching, necrosis), and Aurantimonas coralicida (White Plague Type II) were present in any samples, and 2) if there were any differences in microbial community profiles of each healthy, unaffected or diseased coral mucus swab. In addition to coral mucus, water and sediment samples were included to show ambient microbial populations. In the first test, PCR was used to separately amplify the unique and diagnostic region of the 16S rRNA gene for each of the coral pathogens being screened. Each pathogen test was designed so that an amplified DNA fragment could be seen only if the specific pathogen was present in a sample. A positive result was indicated by bands of DNA of the appropriate size on an agarose gel, which separates DNA fragments based on the size of the molecule. DNA from pure cultures of each of the pathogens was used as a positive control for each assay.


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植物与昆虫的互作关系是个长期进化的过程,虫害给农业生产带来巨大损失。本研究以甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus)为例,研究了不同环境条件和遗传背景下外源基因的表达与效用,同时利用蛋白质组技术,研究了虫害损伤模拟条件下植物可能存在的内源抗性机制。甘蓝型油菜中转入了人工合成的Bt(Bacillus thuringiensis)杀虫基因,能使植物产生抗虫蛋白抵御虫害。我们在湖北湖南两个实验点进行了大田实验,按植株生长发育的4个不同时期从转基因植株的叶片上采样,研究抗虫蛋白在植物体内的表达动态。植株顶部第三片展开叶的Bt毒蛋白浓度在结荚期前随植物生长而不断增加,而在结荚期出现或增或减的现象。采样叶片的可溶性总蛋白浓度含量一直呈增加的趋势,直到结荚以后出现含量的明显降低。同时,收集了转基因油菜与湘油15号在田间自然杂交形成的杂交后代种子用于栽培,用GFP仪检测杂交后代的绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein),并用聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction, PCR)检测并确认带有转基因的杂交植株。为了检测带有转基因的杂交后代油菜中Bt毒蛋白的杀虫效率,用对Bt毒蛋白敏感的试虫品系——初孵棉铃虫幼虫(Helicoverpa armigera)进行杀虫活性检测实验。结果表明,携带Bt基因的杂交湘油及其转基因亲本对试虫的体重增长量均产生了负面影响,可以推断在调查取样的植株生长发育阶段,转基因杂交后代与其转基因亲本植株的杀虫效率没有显著差异。转基因植物及其杂交后代中抗虫蛋白的持续表达及田间带有转基因的自播植物的出现会使害虫产生耐受抗性的潜在可能性增加。 相对于人为增加的抗虫基因,植物在长期对抗昆虫的过程中也进化形成了自我防御机制,能够产生特异的抗性蛋白来应对昆虫的取食。本研究用机械损伤模拟害虫取食,对比了油菜受到物理损伤前后可溶性总蛋白的含量变化并试图通过蛋白质组学技术来检测可能发生变化的蛋白质。Bradford定量测定发现,同一植株同一叶片损伤前后可溶性总蛋白含量差异显著,损伤后蛋白表达量显著增高。蛋白质组双向凝胶电泳及其差异分析显示,损伤前后有8个蛋白质点发生明显的上调或下调。选择其中2个差异蛋白点经过MALDI-TOF质谱鉴定,它们分别是Rubisco小亚基前体以及果糖-1,6-二磷酸醛缩酶和粪卟啉-3-氧化酶的混合物,这些蛋白质在其他植物的抗逆研究中也有报道,它们可能在油菜叶片应答机械损伤过程中对维持植物的生理功能也有重要作用。


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The genotypes of liver mitochondrial high-affinity aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) are strongly associated with the drinking behavior and the alcohol liver diseases, since the individuals with atypical ALDH(2)(2) allele have higher levels of acetaldehyde in their plasma. The atypical ALDH(2)(2) allele has a nucleotide base transition (G-->A) in its exon 12. Based on this point mutation, we developed a rapid, reliable and inexpensive method, mismatch amplification mutation assay (MAMA), for the determination of human ALDH2 usual and atypical alleles. Two pairs of primers were designed for the amplification of the usual ALDH(2)(1) allele and the atypical ALDH(2)(2) allele, respectively. If the sample for the detection was heterozygous, it could be amplified by both of the primers. The product of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of ALDH2 exon 12 could be easily screened by electrophoresis on a 2% agarose gel. The results of the MAMA method were further confirmed by sequencing. In the total of fifty samples from unrelated healthy Chinese Han people from Wuhan, China, the frequency of atypical ALDH(2)(2) allele was found to be 12%.


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Scleractinian coral species harbour communities of photosynthetic taxa of the genus Symbiodinium. As many as eight genetic clades (A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H) of Symbiodinium have been discovered using molecular biology. These clades may differ from each other in their physiology, and thus influence the ecological distribution and resilience of their host corals to environmental stresses. Corals of the Persian Gulf are normally subject to extreme environmental conditions including high salinity and seasonal variation in temperature. This study is the first to use molecular techniques to identify the Symbiodinium of the Iranian coral reefs to the level of phylogenetic clades. Samples of eight coral species were collected at two different depths from the eastern part of Kish Island in the northern Persian Gulf. Partial 28S nuclear ribosomal (nr) DNA of Symbiodinium (D1/D2 domains) were amplified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). PCR products were analyzed using Single Stranded Conformational Polymorphism (SSCP) and phylogenetic analyses of the LSU DNA sequences from a subset of the samples. The results showed that Symbiodinium populations were generally uniform among and within the populations of 8 coral species studied, and there are at least two clades of Symbiodinium from Kish Island. Clade D was detected from 8 of the coral species while clade C90 was found in 2 of species only (one species hosted two clades simultaneously). The dominance of clade D might be explained by high temperatures or the extreme temperature variation, typical of the Persian Gulf.


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A total of 361 caudal fin samples were collected from adult A. stellatus specimens caught in the north Caspian Sea, including specimens from Kazakhstan (Ural River), Russia (Volga River), Azerbaijan (Kura River), specimens caught in the south Caspian Sea including specimens from Fishery Zone 1 (from Astara to Anzali), Fishery Zone 2 (from Anzali to Ramsar), Fishery Zone 3 (from Nowshahr to Babolsar), Fishery Zone 4 (from Miyankaleh to Gomishan) as well as from specimens caught in Turkmenistan (all specimens were collected during the sturgeon stock assessment survey). About 2 g of fin tissue was removed from each caudal fin sample, stored in 96% ethyl alcohol and transferred to the genetic laboratory of the International Sturgeon Research Institute. Genomic DNA was extracted using phenol-chloroform method. The quality and quantity of DNA was assessed using 1% Agarose gel electrophoresis and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was conducted on the target DNA using 15 paired microsatellite primer. PCR products were electrophoresed on polyacrylamide gels (6%) that were stained using silver nitrate. Electrophoretic patterns and DNA bands were analyzed with BioCapt software. Allele count and frequency, genetic diversity, expected heterozygosity and observed heterozygosity allele number, and the effective allele number, genetic similarity and genetic distance, FST and RST were calculated. The Hardy Wienberg Equilibrium based on X2 and Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) at 10% confidence level was calculated using the Gene Alex software. Dendrogram for genetic distances and identities were calculated using TFPGA program for any level of the hierarchy. It is evident from the results obtained that the 15 paired primers studied, polymorphism was observed in 10 pairs in 12 loci, while one locus did not produce DNA bands. Mean allele number was 13.6. Mean observed and expected heterozygosity was 0.86 and 0.642, respectively. It was also seen that specimens from all regions were not in Hardy Wienberg Equilibrium in most of the loci (P≤0.001). Highest Fst (0.063) was observed when comparing specimens from Fishery Zone 2 and Fishery Zone 4 (Nm=3.7) and lowest FST (0.028) was observed when comparing specimens from the Volga River and those from the Ural River (8.7). Significant differences (P<0.01) were observed between RST recorded in the specimens studied. Highest genetic distance (0.604) and lowest genetic resemblance (0.547) were observed between specimens from Fishery zones 2 and 4. Lowest genetic distance (0.311) and highest genetic resemblance (0.733) was observed between specimens from Turkmenistan and specimens from Fishery zone 1. Based on the genetic dendrogeram tree derived by applying UPGMA algorithm, A. stellatus specimens from Fishery zone 2 or in other words specimens from the Sepidrud River belong to one cluster which divides into two clusters, one of which includes specimens from Fishery zones 1, 3 and 4 and specimens from Turkmenistan while the other cluster includes specimens from Ural, Volga and Kura Rivers. It is thus evident that the main population of this species belongs to the Sepidrud River. Results obtained from the present study show that at least eight different populations of A. stellatus are found in the north and south Caspian Sea, four of which are known populations including the Ural River population, the Volga River population, the Kura River population and the Sepidrud River populations. The four other populations identified belonging to Fishery zones 1, 3, and 4 and to Turkmenistan are most probably late or early spawners of the spring run and autumn run of each of the major rivers mentioned. Specific markers were also identified for each of the populations identified. The Ural River population can be identified using primers Spl-68, 54b and Spl-104, 163 170, 173, the Volga River population can be identified using primers LS-54b and Spl-104, 170, 173 113a and similarly the population from the Kura River can be identified using primers LS-34, 54b and Spl-163, 173 and that from the Sepidrud River can be identified using primers LS-19, 34, 54b and Spl-105, 113b. This study gives evidence of the presence of different populations of this species and calls for serious measures to be taken to protect the genetic stocks of these populations. Considering that the population of A. stellatus in Fishery zone 2 is an independent population of the Sepidrud River in the Gilan Province, the catch of these fishes in the region needs to be controlled and regulated in order to restore the declining stocks of this species.


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The genetic structure of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) populations was studied using microsatellite technique. A total of 207 specimens of adult pikeperch were collected from Aras dam (57 specimens), Anzali wetland (50 specimens), Talesh (50 specimens) and Chaboksar (50 specimens) coasts. Also a total of 158 specimens of adult perch were collected from Anzali (Abkenar (50 specimens)and Hendekhale(48 specimens)) and Amirkolaye(60 specimens) wetlands. About 2 g of each specimen's dorsal fin was removed, stored in 96% ethyl alcohol and transferred to the genetic laboratory of the International Sturgeon Research Institute. Genomic DNA was extracted using ammonium-acetate method. The quality and quantity of DNA was assessed using 1% agarose gel electrophoresis. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was conducted on the target DNA using 15 pairs of microsatellite primers. PCR products were electrophoresed on poly acryl amide gels (6%) that were stained that were stained using silver nitrate. DNA bands were analyzed with BioCapt software. Allele count and frequency, genetic diversity, expected and observed heterozygosity , allele number and the effective allele number, genetic similarity and genetic distance, Fst, Rst, Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium based on X2 and Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) at 10% confidence level was calculated using the Gene Alex software. Dendogram for genetic distances and identities were calculated using TFPGA program for any level of hierarchy. The results for P. fluviatilis showed that from 15 pair of primers that were examined 6 polymorphic and 7 monomorphic loci were produced, while 2 loci didn't produce any DNA bands. Mean allele number was 4.1±1.1 and mean observed and expected heterozygosity was 0.56±0.12 and 0.58±0.14 respectively. It was also seen that specimens from all regions were not in Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium in some of loci (P<0.001). Highest Fst (0.095) with Nm=2.37 was observed between Hendekhale and Amirkolaye and the lowest Fst (0.004) with Nm=59.31 was observed between Abkenar and Hendekhale. According to AMOVA Significant difference (P<0.05) was observed between recorded Rst in the studied regions in Anzali and Amirkolaye lagoons. In another words there are two distinct populations of this species in Anzali and Amirkolaye lagoons. The highest genetic distance (0.181) and lowest genetic resemblance (0.834) were observed between specimens from Hendekhale and Amirkolaye and the lowest genetic distance (0.099) and highest genetic 176 resemblance (0.981) were observed between specimens from Abkenar and Hendekhale. Based on the genetic dendogram tree derived by applying UPGMA algorithm, specimens from Anzali and Amirkolaye wetlands have the same ancestor. On the other hand there is no noticeable genetic distance between the specimens of these two regions. Also the results for S. lucioperca showed that from 15 pair of primers that were examined 6 polymorphic and 7 monomorphic loci were produced, while 2 loci didn't produce any DNA bands. Mean allele number was 3.0±0.6 and mean observed and expected heterozygosity was 0.52±0.21 and 0.50±0.14 respectively. It was also seen that specimens from all regions were not in Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium in some of loci (P<0.001). Highest Fst (0.093) with Nm=2.43 was observed between Aras dam and Anzali wetland and the lowest Fst (0.022) with Nm=11.27 was observed between Talesh and Chaboksar coasts. Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed between recorded Rst in the studied regions exept for Talesh and Chaboksar Coasts. In another words there are three distinct populations of this species in Caspian sea, Anzali wetland and Aras dam. Highest genetic distance (0.110) and lowest genetic resemblance (0.896) were observed between specimens from Aras dam and Anzali wetland and the lowest genetic distance (0.034) and highest genetic resemblance (0.966) were observed between specimens from Talesh and Chaboksar coasts. Based on the genetic dendogram tree derived by applying UPGMA algorithm, specimens from Talesh and Chaboksar coasts have the lowest genetic distance. On the other hand the main population of this species belongs to Anzali wetland. Phylogenetic relationship of these two species was inferred using mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequencing. For this purpose 2 specimens of P. fluviatilis from Anzali wetland, 2 specimens of S. lucioperca from Aras dam and 2 specimens of S. lucioperca from Anzali wetland were sequenced and submitted in Gene Bank. These sequences were aligned with Clustal W. The phylogenic relationships were assessed with Mega 4. The results of evolutionary history studies of these species using Neighbor-Joining and Maximum Parsimony methods showed that the evolutionary origin of pikeperch in Aras Dam and Anzali wetland is common. On the other hand these two species had common ancestor in about 4 million years ago. Also different sequences of any region specimens are supposed as different haplotypes. 177 As a conclusion the results of this study showed that microsatellite and mtDNA sequencing methods respectively are effective in genetic structure and phylogenic studies of P. fluviatilis and S. lucioperca.


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Objective To confirm the genetic relation between Giardia lamblia (G. lamblia) isolates from different geographic regions of China and other countries. Methods Genomic DNA were extracted from the trophozoites or cysts of Giardia lamblia. The triose phosphate isomerase (tim) gene was amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. PCR products were digested with endonuclease and sequenced. The data of sequencing were analyzed with the DNAstar software and compared with that of the isolates acquired from GenBank. Results Of nine isolates of Giardia lamblia from China (C1, C2, CH2 and CH3), Cambodia (CAM), Australia (A1 and A2) and America (BP and CDC), respectively, 3 (A1, A2 and CAM) fit into Group 1 (WB), 2 (CH2 and CH3) into Group 2, and 4 (C1, C2, BP and CDC) into Group 3 (GS). The results confirmed the genetic relatedness of G. lamblia isolates from all over the world. Conclusion Genotyping isolates of G. Lamblia provides important information for establishing the phylogenetic relationship or for the epidemiological evaluation of the spreading of this organism.


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Using bioinformatics approach, the genome locus containing interleukin (IL)-22, IL-26, and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) genes has been identified in the amphibian, Xenopus tropicalis. Like that in other vertebrates such as fish, birds, and mammals, the Xenopus IL-22, IL-26, and IFN-gamma are clustered in the same chromosome and the adjacent genes are conserved. The genomic structures of the Xenopus IL-22, IL-26, and IFN-gamma gene were identical to that of their mammalian counterparts. The Xenopus IL-22 and IL-26 genes contained five exons and four introns while the Xenopus IFN-gamma gene consisted of four exons and three introns. The Xenopus IL-22, IL-26, and IFN-gamma share 14.1-41.6%, 14.6-31.2%, and 23.7-36.5% identity to their counterparts in other species, respectively. Reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and real-time quantitative PCR analyses revealed that the expression of IL-22, IL-26, and IFN-gamma genes was significantly upregulated after simulation with bacterial polyliposaccharide and/or synthetic double-stranded poly(I:C), suggesting these cytokines like those in other vertebrates play an important role in regulating immune response in Xenopus.