968 resultados para Point-set surface
Although numerous theoretical efforts have been put forth, a systematic, unified and predictive theoretical framework that is able to capture all the essential physics of the interfacial behaviors of ions, such as the Hofmeister series effect, Jones-Ray effect and the salt effect on the bubble coalescence remain an outstanding challenge. The most common approach to treating electrostatic interactions in the presence of salt ions is the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) theory. However, there are many systems for which the PB theory fails to offer even a qualitative explanation of the behavior, especially for ions distributed in the vicinity of an interface with dielectric contrast between the two media (like the water-vapor/oil interface). A key factor missing in the PB theory is the self energy of the ion.
In this thesis, we develop a self-consistent theory that treats the electrostatic self energy (including both the short-range Born solvation energy and the long-range image charge interactions), the nonelectrostatic contribution of the self energy, the ion-ion correlation and the screening effect systematically in a single framework. By assuming a finite charge spread of the ion instead of using the point-charge model, the self energy obtained by our theory is free of the divergence problems and gives a continuous self energy across the interface. This continuous feature allows ions on the water side and the vapor/oil side of the interface to be treated in a unified framework. The theory involves a minimum set of parameters of the ion, such as the valency, radius, polarizability of the ions, and the dielectric constants of the medium, that are both intrinsic and readily available. The general theory is first applied to study the thermodynamic property of the bulk electrolyte solution, which shows good agreement with the experiment result for predicting the activity coefficient and osmotic coefficient.
Next, we address the effect of local Born solvation energy on the bulk thermodynamics and interfacial properties of electrolyte solution mixtures. We show that difference in the solvation energy between the cations and anions naturally gives rise to local charge separation near the interface, and a finite Galvani potential between two coexisting solutions. The miscibility of the mixture can either increases or decreases depending on the competition between the solvation energy and translation entropy of the ions. The interfacial tension shows a non-monotonic dependence on the salt concentration: it increases linearly with the salt concentration at higher concentrations, and decreases approximately as the square root of the salt concentration for dilute solutions, which is in agreement with the Jones-Ray effect observed in experiment.
Next, we investigate the image effects on the double layer structure and interfacial properties near a single charged plate. We show that the image charge repulsion creates a depletion boundary layer that cannot be captured by a regular perturbation approach. The correct weak-coupling theory must include the self-energy of the ion due to the image charge interaction. The image force qualitatively alters the double layer structure and properties, and gives rise to many non-PB effects, such as nonmonotonic dependence of the surface energy on concentration and charge inversion. The image charge effect is then studied for electrolyte solutions between two plates. For two neutral plates, we show that depletion of the salt ions by the image charge repulsion results in short-range attractive and long-range repulsive forces. If cations and anions are of different valency, the asymmetric depletion leads to the formation of an induced electrical double layer. For two charged plates, the competition between the surface charge and the image charge effect can give rise to like- charge attraction.
Then, we study the inhomogeneous screening effect near the dielectric interface due to the anisotropic and nonuniform ion distribution. We show that the double layer structure and interfacial properties is drastically affected by the inhomogeneous screening if the bulk Debye screening length is comparable or smaller than the Bjerrum length. The width of the depletion layer is characterized by the Bjerrum length, independent of the salt concentration. We predict that the negative adsorption of ions at the interface increases linearly with the salt concentration, which cannot be captured by either the bulk screening approximation or the WKB approximation. For asymmetric salt, the inhomogeneous screening enhances the charge separation in the induced double layer and significantly increases the value of the surface potential.
Finally, to account for the ion specificity, we study the self energy of a single ion across the dielectric interface. The ion is considered to be polarizable: its charge distribution can be self-adjusted to the local dielectric environment to minimize the self energy. Using intrinsic parameters of the ions, such as the valency, radius, and polarizability, we predict the specific ion effect on the interfacial affinity of halogen anions at the water/air interface, and the strong adsorption of hydrophobic ions at the water/oil interface, in agreement with experiments and atomistic simulations.
The theory developed in this work represents the most systematic theoretical technique for weak-coupling electrolytes. We expect the theory to be more useful for studying a wide range of structural and dynamic properties in physicochemical, colloidal, soft-matter and biophysical systems.
As práticas de cuidado em fisioterapia, em muitas situações, resgatam a função do fisioterapeuta de executor de técnicas que lhe era atribuída nos primórdios da profissão. Ao exercer essa função meramente técnica, muitas vezes deixando-se substituir pelo equipamento nas suas ações, o profissional compromete o estabelecimento do vínculo terapeuta-paciente, contribuindo para o esvaziamento do encontro em saúde. Nessas situações, predomina o êxito técnico (a eficiência na realização do procedimento) sobre o sucesso prático (os benefícios trazidos para vida das pessoas). Para que o sucesso prático seja atingido, é fundamental que haja o questionamento sobre o que sonham as pessoas, profissionais e pacientes, para as suas vidas e para a saúde, quais são suas perspectivas e projetos de vida, seus projetos de felicidade. Nesse sentido, é imprescindível considerar, também, os projetos de felicidade dos profissionais da saúde enquanto sujeitos desse encontro. Afinal, é a partir deles que o profissional elabora o seu projeto de cuidado para cada paciente. Assim, esse trabalho buscou compreender os elementos que configuram a construção de projetos de cuidado em fisioterapia a partir da reflexão dos próprios fisioterapeutas. Para tanto, utilizou-se a metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas para que fossem produzidas narrativas da história de vida do trabalho. Os discursos foram analisados integralmente e a categorização foi feita em três sub-temas: exercício profissional, relação com os pacientes e reflexões. Foi possível perceber que muitos dos arranjos de trabalho estabelecidos visam coibir o vínculo profissional-paciente, transformando-o em valor de troca e mercantilizando a relação terapêutica. Expropriada do vínculo, a prática se resume à realização de procedimentos independentes de sua finalidade, minando as possibilidades de sucesso prático. Nesse caso, não é a tecnologia que gera o afastamento e a mecanização, mas são as estratégias de mercantilização do cuidado fisioterápico. Essa situação só pode ocorrer por um processo de subordinação do profissional e seu saber, o que está fortemente associado a condições de trabalho exploratórias. Podemos dizer que a mercantilização do cuidado facilita a restrição sobre as condições de trabalho e também é fruto dela. O problema é que essa restrição é vista pelos profissionais como não definitiva, mas como um caminho para se alcançar reconhecimento na busca pelo exercício liberal da fisioterapia. A intenção desse estudo não foi traçar um plano normativo de conduta para a profissão, mas imaginamos que o equacionamento dessas questões passa necessariamente pelo reconhecimento, pelas inquietações e indignações com o problema. O que se espera, portanto, é facilitar esse processo de desconforto por meio da proximidade dessas questões trazidas pelas narrativas.
Part I: The dynamic response of an elastic half space to an explosion in a buried spherical cavity is investigated by two methods. The first is implicit, and the final expressions for the displacements at the free surface are given as a series of spherical wave functions whose coefficients are solutions of an infinite set of linear equations. The second method is based on Schwarz's technique to solve boundary value problems, and leads to an iterative solution, starting with the known expression for the point source in a half space as first term. The iterative series is transformed into a system of two integral equations, and into an equivalent set of linear equations. In this way, a dual interpretation of the physical phenomena is achieved. The systems are treated numerically and the Rayleigh wave part of the displacements is given in the frequency domain. Several comparisons with simpler cases are analyzed to show the effect of the cavity radius-depth ratio on the spectra of the displacements.
Part II: A high speed, large capacity, hypocenter location program has been written for an IBM 7094 computer. Important modifications to the standard method of least squares have been incorporated in it. Among them are a new way to obtain the depth of shocks from the normal equations, and the computation of variable travel times for the local shocks in order to account automatically for crustal variations. The multiregional travel times, largely based upon the investigations of the United States Geological Survey, are confronted with actual traverses to test their validity.
It is shown that several crustal phases provide control enough to obtain good solutions in depth for nuclear explosions, though not all the recording stations are in the region where crustal corrections are considered. The use of the European travel times, to locate the French nuclear explosion of May 1962 in the Sahara, proved to be more adequate than previous work.
A simpler program, with manual crustal corrections, is used to process the Kern County series of aftershocks, and a clearer picture of tectonic mechanism of the White Wolf fault is obtained.
Shocks in the California region are processed automatically and statistical frequency-depth and energy depth curves are discussed in relation to the tectonics of the area.
The structure of the set ϐ(A) of all eigenvalues of all complex matrices (elementwise) equimodular with a given n x n non-negative matrix A is studied. The problem was suggested by O. Taussky and some aspects have been studied by R. S. Varga and B.W. Levinger.
If every matrix equimodular with A is non-singular, then A is called regular. A new proof of the P. Camion-A.J. Hoffman characterization of regular matrices is given.
The set ϐ(A) consists of m ≤ n closed annuli centered at the origin. Each gap, ɤ, in this set can be associated with a class of regular matrices with a (unique) permutation, π(ɤ). The association depends on both the combinatorial structure of A and the size of the aii. Let A be associated with the set of r permutations, π1, π2,…, πr, where each gap in ϐ(A) is associated with one of the πk. Then r ≤ n, even when the complement of ϐ(A) has n+1 components. Further, if π(ɤ) is the identity, the real boundary points of ɤ are eigenvalues of real matrices equimodular with A. In particular, if A is essentially diagonally dominant, every real boundary point of ϐ(A) is an eigenvalues of a real matrix equimodular with A.
Several conjectures based on these results are made which if verified would constitute an extension of the Perron-Frobenius Theorem, and an algebraic method is introduced which unites the study of regular matrices with that of ϐ(A).
The sudden axial acceleration of a column of liquid bounded at one end by a concave free surface has been found, experimentally, to produce a jet which issues from the free surface with a speed several times that imparted to the column.
Theoretical approximations to such flows, valid for small time, are formulated subject to the assumption that the fluid is inviscid and incompressible. In a special two-dimensional case, it is found that, for vanishingly small time, the velocity at the point on the free surface from which the jet emanates is π/2 times the velocity imparted to the column. The solutions to several problems in two and three dimensions assuming that the initial curvature of the free surface is small, lead to values for this ratio dependent upon the curvature—the initial velocity in the case of axial symmetry exceeding that of the analogous two-dimensional problem by approximately 25%.
Experiments conducted upon the phenomenon give values systematically in excess of those predicted by the theory, although theory and experiment are in qualitative agreement with respect to the displacement of the free surface. It is suggested that the discrepancy is attributable to effects of finite curvature having been imperfectly accounted for in the axially-symmetric analysis.
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The subject under investigation concerns the steady surface wave patterns created by small concentrated disturbances acting on a non-uniform flow of a heavy fluid. The initial value problem of a point disturbance in a primary flow having an arbitrary velocity distribution (U(y), 0, 0) in a direction parallel to the undisturbed free surface is formulated. A geometric optics method and the classical integral transformation method are employed as two different methods of solution for this problem. Whenever necessary, the special case of linear shear (i.e. U(y) = 1+ϵy)) is chosen for the purpose of facilitating the final integration of the solution.
The asymptotic form of the solution obtained by the method of integral transforms agrees with the leading terms of the solution obtained by geometric optics when the latter is expanded in powers of small ϵ r.
The overall effect of the shear is to confine the wave field on the downstream side of the disturbance to a region which is smaller than the wave region in the case of uniform flows. If U(y) vanishes, and changes sign at a critical plane y = ycr (e.g. ϵycr = -1 for the case of linear shear), then the boundary of this asymmetric wave field approaches this critical vertical plane. On this boundary the wave crests are all perpendicular to the x-axis, indicating that waves are reflected at this boundary.
Inside the wave field, as in the case of a point disturbance in a uniform primary flow, there exist two wave systems. The loci of constant phases (such as the crests or troughs) of these wave systems are not symmetric with respect to the x-axis. The geometric optics method and the integral transform method yield the same result of these loci for the special case of U(y) = Uo(1 + ϵy) and for large Kr (ϵr ˂˂ 1 ˂˂ Kr).
An expression for the variation of the amplitude of the waves in the wave field is obtained by the integral transform method. This is in the form of an expansion in small ϵr. The zeroth order is identical to the expression for the uniform stream case and is thus not applicable near the boundary of the wave region because it becomes infinite in that neighborhood. Throughout this investigation the viscous terms in the equations of motion are neglected, a reasonable assumption which can be justified when the wavelengths of the resulting waves are sufficiently large.
Topography of a granite surface has an effect on the vertical positioning of a wafer stage in a lithographic tool, when the wafer stage moves on the granite. The inaccurate measurement of the topography results in a bad leveling and focusing performance. In this paper, an in situ method to measure the topography of a granite surface with high accuracy is present. In this method, a high-order polynomial is set up to express the topography of the granite surface. Two double-frequency laser interferometers are used to measure the tilts of the wafer stage in the X- and Y-directions. From the sampling tilts information, the coefficients of the high-order polynomial can be obtained by a special algorithm. Experiment results shows that the measurement reproducibility of the method is better than 10 nm. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
In a paper published in 1961, L. Cesari [1] introduces a method which extends certain earlier existence theorems of Cesari and Hale ([2] to [6]) for perturbation problems to strictly nonlinear problems. Various authors ([1], [7] to [15]) have now applied this method to nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations. The basic idea of the method is to use the contraction principle to reduce an infinite-dimensional fixed point problem to a finite-dimensional problem which may be attacked using the methods of fixed point indexes.
The following is my formulation of the Cesari fixed point method:
Let B be a Banach space and let S be a finite-dimensional linear subspace of B. Let P be a projection of B onto S and suppose Г≤B such that pГ is compact and such that for every x in PГ, P-1x∩Г is closed. Let W be a continuous mapping from Г into B. The Cesari method gives sufficient conditions for the existence of a fixed point of W in Г.
Let I denote the identity mapping in B. Clearly y = Wy for some y in Г if and only if both of the following conditions hold:
(i) Py = PWy.
(ii) y = (P + (I - P)W)y.
Definition. The Cesari fixed paint method applies to (Г, W, P) if and only if the following three conditions are satisfied:
(1) For each x in PГ, P + (I - P)W is a contraction from P-1x∩Г into itself. Let y(x) be that element (uniqueness follows from the contraction principle) of P-1x∩Г which satisfies the equation y(x) = Py(x) + (I-P)Wy(x).
(2) The function y just defined is continuous from PГ into B.
(3) There are no fixed points of PWy on the boundary of PГ, so that the (finite- dimensional) fixed point index i(PWy, int PГ) is defined.
Definition. If the Cesari fixed point method applies to (Г, W, P) then define i(Г, W, P) to be the index i(PWy, int PГ).
The three theorems of this thesis can now be easily stated.
Theorem 1 (Cesari). If i(Г, W, P) is defined and i(Г, W, P) ≠0, then there is a fixed point of W in Г.
Theorem 2. Let the Cesari fixed point method apply to both (Г, W, P1) and (Г, W, P2). Assume that P2P1=P1P2=P1 and assume that either of the following two conditions holds:
(1) For every b in B and every z in the range of P2, we have that ‖b=P2b‖ ≤ ‖b-z‖
(2)P2Г is convex.
Then i(Г, W, P1) = i(Г, W, P2).
Theorem 3. If Ω is a bounded open set and W is a compact operator defined on Ω so that the (infinite-dimensional) Leray-Schauder index iLS(W, Ω) is defined, and if the Cesari fixed point method applies to (Ω, W, P), then i(Ω, W, P) = iLS(W, Ω).
Theorems 2 and 3 are proved using mainly a homotopy theorem and a reduction theorem for the finite-dimensional and the Leray-Schauder indexes. These and other properties of indexes will be listed before the theorem in which they are used.
Objetivo. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da incorporação de diacetato de clorexidina (CDA), em diferentes concentrações e tempos de armazenamento, nas propriedades físicas e na atividade antibacteriana de resinas acrílicas, utilizadas na confecção de coroas e pontes provisórias. Métodos. Fase I: Foram confeccionados 150 corpos de prova retangulares (3,0 mm X 10 mm X 64 mm), de acordo com a norma ISO 1567 e 150 corpos de prova quadrados (10 mm X 10 mm X 2,0 mm), utilizando-se duas resinas acrílicas autopolimerizáveis, Duralay (Reliance Dental Mfg. Co.) e Dencor (Clássico). Os corpos de prova foram distribuídos em 30 grupos (n=10/grupo) de acordo com a concentração de CDA incorporada às resinas (p/p) (A) 0%, (B) 1%, (C) 2%, (D) 4%, (E) 5%, em função do tempo de armazenamento em água destilada, a 37C (T0 2h, T1 7 dias, T2 30 dias). Foram realizados os ensaios de microdureza Knoop, em microdurômetro Micromet 5104, Buehler (N), rugosidade superficial (Ra), em rugosímetro digital Mitutoyo Surftest SJ-201 (n=5) e resistência à flexão em três pontos (MPa), em uma máquina de ensaio universal EMIC MF 200 DL (n=5). Fase II: Adicionalmente, a atividade antibacteriana dos materiais sobre Streptococcus mutans foi determinada através da realização de testes de difusão em meio BHI, sendo para isso confeccionados 30 corpos de prova em forma de disco (12 mm X 3,0 mm) com as mesmas 5 concentrações (n=3/grupo). Os resultados foram tabulados e submetidos à análise estatística three-way ANOVA (Fase I) e two-way ANOVA (Fase II). Resultados. ANOVA mostrou que a adição de CDA não provocou alteração significativa na resistência à flexão dos materiais testados. A resistência à flexão é inversamente proporcional ao tempo para a resina Dencor e diretamente proporcional ao tempo para a resina Duralay. Houve aumento da microdureza com o acréscimo de CDA ao material Dencor com relação ao grupo controle, enquanto que no material Duralay a CDA não interferiu significativamente nesta propriedade. A rugosidade superficial aumentou significativamente (p<0,001) com o tempo e com o aumento da concentração de clorexidina na resina Dencor e não provocou alteração significativa em Duralay. Os testes de difusão em ágar demonstraram atividade antimicrobiana significativa (p<0,05) em todos os grupos, quando comparados ao grupo-controle. A inibição ao crescimento de Streptococcus mutans foi maior com o aumento da concentração desta substância. A resina Dencor apresentou maior halo de inibição do que a resina Duralay. Conclusões. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que a incorporação de clorexidina aos materiais testados exibiu efeito antibacteriano contra S. mutans, sem contudo afetar de maneira crítica as propriedades físicas avaliadas.
A central question in Neuroscience is that of how the nervous system generates the spatiotemporal commands needed to realize complex gestures, such as handwriting. A key postulate is that the central nervous system (CNS) builds up complex movements from a set of simpler motor primitives or control modules. In this study we examined the control modules underlying the generation of muscle activations when performing different types of movement: discrete, point-to-point movements in eight different directions and continuous figure-eight movements in both the normal, upright orientation and rotated 90 degrees. To test for the effects of biomechanical constraints, movements were performed in the frontal-parallel or sagittal planes, corresponding to two different nominal flexion/abduction postures of the shoulder. In all cases we measured limb kinematics and surface electromyographic activity (EMB) signals for seven different muscles acting around the shoulder. We first performed principal component analysis (PCA) of the EMG signals on a movement-by-movement basis. We found a surprisingly consistent pattern of muscle groupings across movement types and movement planes, although we could detect systematic differences between the PCs derived from movements performed in each sholder posture and between the principal components associated with the different orientations of the figure. Unexpectedly we found no systematic differences between the figute eights and the point-to-point movements. The first three principal components could be associated with a general co-contraction of all seven muscles plus two patterns of reciprocal activatoin. From these results, we surmise that both "discrete-rhythmic movements" such as the figure eight, and discrete point-to-point movement may be constructed from three different fundamental modules, one regulating the impedance of the limb over the time span of the movement and two others operating to generate movement, one aligned with the vertical and the other aligned with the horizontal.
We present a new efficient numerical approach for representing anisotropic physical quantities and/or matrix elements defined on the Fermi surface (FS) of metallic materials. The method introduces a set of numerically calculated generalized orthonormal functions which are the solutions of the Helmholtz equation defined on the FS. Noteworthy, many properties of our proposed basis set are also shared by the FS harmonics introduced by Philip B Allen (1976 Phys. Rev. B 13 1416), proposed to be constructed as polynomials of the cartesian components of the electronic velocity. The main motivation of both approaches is identical, to handle anisotropic problems efficiently. However, in our approach the basis set is defined as the eigenfunctions of a differential operator and several desirable properties are introduced by construction. The method is demonstrated to be very robust in handling problems with any crystal structure or topology of the FS, and the periodicity of the reciprocal space is treated as a boundary condition for our Helmholtz equation. We illustrate the method by analysing the free-electron-like lithium (Li), sodium (Na), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), tungsten (W) and magnesium diboride (MgB2)
It is demonstrated with powerful evidence that the extraordinary transmission of a metallic grating is undoubtedly due to the excitation of standing surface plasma waves in the Fabry-Perot like resonator. This is the first time that the strong standing waves set up in the groove of a sub-wavelength double-layer grating (SWDG) for the surface plasma waves have been reported. Moreover, about 90% transmission is gained with an SWDG, more easily fabricated than ordinary metallic gratings, in the first peak of transmission spectrum.
In this work a chain of 4000 silver nanoparticles embedded in a glass medium is considered, and its leftmost particle is excited by an electric field pulse of Gaussian shape. Considering Drude’s model, losses of the system are taken into account by γ factor, which stands for the Ohmic losses, and different quantities, such as frequencies of excited modes and group velocities are calculated. Besides, these results are compared to those obtained from the dispersion relation of an infinite chain. The increase of losses affects the lifetime and propagation length of the plasmon; besides, although the response dispersion relation for an infinite chain seems to remain invariable, this is not the case for a finite chain. The mismatches are bigger for higher losses. Furthermore, plasmon propagation velocities are analysed, and an explanation for the mismatch of longitudinal modes close to the intersection point with the dispersion of light is suggested. Finally, some concepts to treat this problem from the energy transport point of view are introduced.
Esteróides Anabolizantes Androgênicos (EAA) têm sido usados por atletas com o objetivo de melhorar a massa muscular. O abuso de EAA está associado com distúrbios urogenitais, inclusive com disfunção erétil. Contudo as alterações morfológicas penianas decorrentes do uso de EAA não foram descritas. O objetivo é avaliar as alterações morfológicas do pênis de ratos púberes e adultos tratados cronicamente com doses supra-fisiológicas de EAA. No trabalho foram usados quarenta e oito ratos machos Wistar, divididos em quatro grupos: ratos controle, com 105 dias (C105) e com 65 dias de idade (C65) submetidos a injeção de veículo e ratos tratados, com 105 dias (T105) e com 65 dias de idade (T65), submetidos à injeção de decanoato de nandrolona na dose de 10 mg/Kg, uma vez por semana, durante oito semanas. Os ratos foram mortos, seus pênis foram coletados, fixados e processados de maneira rotineira para histologia. Cortes de 5m de espessura foram corados com Tricrômico de Masson, Vermelho de Picrosirius e analisados em microscopia de luz. As densidades de superfície do espaço sinusoidal, músculo liso e tecido conjuntivo do corpo cavernoso foram calculadas pelo método de contagem de pontos. A área do pênis, do corpo cavernoso (com e sem túnica albugínea) e da túnica albugínea foram medidos em cortes transversais. As médias dos grupos foram comparadas pelo teste t de Student. Em todos os casos, a significância foi fixada em um valor de probabilidade de 0,05. Nos resultados entre outras diferenças, destaca-se uma diminuição do corpo cavernoso sem túnica albugínea de 12,5% no grupo T105 e de 10,9% no grupo T65, em comparação com os seus controles. A densidade de superfície de músculo liso cavernoso apresentou uma diminuição de 5,6% e 12,9% nos grupos T65 e T105, comparando-se com os seus controles. O espaço sinusoidal aumentou em 17% no grupo T105 e diminuiu em 9,6% no grupo T65. Concluimos que o uso de altas doses de EAA promoveu mudanças estruturais no pênis dos ratos adultos, e estas podem estar envolvidas na disfunção erétil.
The effect of varying both the aspect ratio and the coefficient of friction of contacts with elliptical geometry on their elastic shakedown performance has been examined theoretically for surfaces with two types of subsurface hardness or strength profiles. In stepwise hardening the hard layer is of uniform strength while in linear hardening its strength reduces from a maximum at the surface to that of the core at the base of the hardened layer. The shakedown load is expressed as the ratio of the maximum Hertzian pressure to the strength of the core material. As the depth of hardening, expressed as a multiple of the elliptical semi-axis, is increased so the potential shakedown load increases from a level that is appropriate to a uniform half-space of unhardened material to a value reflecting the hardness of the surface and near-surface material. In a step-hardened material, the shakedown limit for a surface 'pummelled' by the passage of a sequence of such loads reaches a cut-off or plateau value, which cannot be exceeded by further increases in hardening depth irrespective of the value of the friction coefficient. For a linear-hardened material the corresponding plateau is approached asymptotically. The work confirms earlier results on the upper bounds on shakedown of both point and line contacts and provides numerical values of shakedown loads for intermediate geometries. In general, the case depth required to achieve a given shakedown limit reduces in moving from a transversely moving nominal line load to an axisymmetric point load.