784 resultados para Place Branding


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Der Sammelband ,,Right-wing extremism" hat ein doppeltes Ziel. Zum einen soll er das Nationale Forschungsprogramm 40plus und seine Projekte präsentieren (die alle mit Beiträgen präsent sind), zum anderen sollen diese nationalen Beiträge in eine internationale Perspektive gestellt werden, sodass in der Übersicht und Umschau eine Verortung der schweizerischen Forschung (und damit auch des NFP40plus selbst) und ihrer Resultate möglich wird. Eingeladen wurden dazu führende europäische Forscher auf dem Gebiet des Rechtsextremismus.


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Rats, like other crepuscular animals, have excellent auditory capacities and they discriminate well between different sounds [Heffner HE, Heffner RS, Hearing in two cricetid rodents: wood rats (Neotoma floridana) and grasshopper mouse (Onychomys leucogaster). J Comp Psychol 1985;99(3):275-88]. However, most experimental literature concerning spatial orientation almost exclusively emphasizes the use of visual landmarks [Cressant A, Muller RU, Poucet B. Failure of centrally placed objects to control the firing fields of hippocampal place cells. J Neurosci 1997;17(7):2531-42; and Goodridge JP, Taube JS. Preferential use of the landmark navigational system by head direction cells in rats. Behav Neurosci 1995;109(1):49-61]. To address the important issue of whether rats are able to achieve a place navigation task relative to auditory beacons, we designed a place learning task in the water maze. We controlled cue availability by conducting the experiment in total darkness. Three auditory cues did not allow place navigation whereas three visual cues in the same positions did support place navigation. One auditory beacon directly associated with the goal location did not support taxon navigation (a beacon strategy allowing the animal to find the goal just by swimming toward the cue). Replacing the auditory beacons by one single visual beacon did support taxon navigation. A multimodal configuration of two auditory cues and one visual cue allowed correct place navigation. The deletion of the two auditory or of the one visual cue did disrupt the spatial performance. Thus rats can combine information from different sensory modalities to achieve a place navigation task. In particular, auditory cues support place navigation when associated with a visual one.


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Les médecins de premiers recours (MPR) sont parmi les spécialistes les plus souvent confrontés aux problèmes de santé liés au travail. Les atteintes de l'appareil locomoteur (rachis ou extrémités) et les problèmes psychiques sont les principales pathologies liées au travail rencontrées par leur patient. Dans ce contexte, il est essentiel pour le MPR de pouvoir identifier le lien entre l'atteinte à la santé et le contexte professionnel afin de conduire une prise en charge adaptée. Cet article aborde, par deux vignettes cliniques, les aspects sémiologiques et thérapeutiques du syndrome d'épuisement professionnel (burnout) et des troubles musculosquelettiques du membre supérieur. Il propose des repères au MPR pour orienter sa pratique dans une approche multidimensionnelle tournée aussi bien vers le patient que sur son environnement professionnel.


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The publication of the 2006 directives concerning the management of PAP smears has incited us to update our internal protocols at the CHUV, which are described in this article. A new addition to these directives is the specific management of adolescent PAP smears, who present both a high HPV carriage rate and increased incidence of cytological abnormalities with a favorable outcome in most cases. Our goal is to avoid over-treating dysplasias in this type of patient in order to avoid long-term complications. Emphasis is placed on the first gynecological consultation where a listening ear and clear and targeted information remain essential in the proper management of a young patient.


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Recommandations conçues dans le cadre d'un Groupe de travail coordonée par Lucia Mazzolai du Service d'angiologie. Membres du Groupe de travail: Angelillo-Scherrer Anne (Service d'hématologie), Burnier Michel ( Service de néphrologie), Demartines Nicolas (Service de chirurgie viscérale), Duchosal Michel (Service d'hématologie), Farron Alain (Service d'orthopédie), Hohlfeld Patrick (Département de gynéco-obstétrique), Hugli Olivier (Service des urgences), Jichlinski Patrice (Service d'urologie), Jolliet Philippe (Service de médecine intensive), Kern Christian (Service d'anesthésiologie), Levivier Marc (Service de neurochirurgie), Leyvraz Serge (Service d'oncologie), Meuli Reto (Service de radiodiagnostic et radiologie interventionnelle), Nicod Laurent (Service de pneumologie), Qanadli Salah (Service de radiodiagnostic et radiologie interventionnelle), Ris Hans-Beat (Service de chirurgie thoracique et vasculaire), Ruchat Patrick (Service de chirurgie cardiovasculaire), Vial Yvan (Service de gynécologie obstétrique), Vogt Pierre (Service de cardiologie), Von Segesser Ludwig (Service de chirurgie cardiovasculaire), Waeber Gerard (Service de médecine interne), Yersin Bertrand (Service des urgences)


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Registries are among the oldest methods used in public health for epidemiological surveillance and decision making in the area of communicable diseases. Although other sources of data are now available in many developed countries, registries still provide important information. This article reviews the main aims and characteristics of modern registries, providing several examples of current epidemiological problems. Practical advantages and disadvantages of registries are also discussed, as well as some developmental perspectives in this area.


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El estudio de las implicaciones comunicativas presentes en el paisaje tangible e intangible circundante abre un amplio abanico de posibilidades para el tratamiento de la denominada comunicación en el paisaje. El análisis de los efectos que el entorno genera en los procesos de comunicación humana, el seguimiento de los procesos comunicativos mediante los cuales se mercadea con el paisaje, la construcción de imaginarios individuales y colectivos a partir de la interacción ciudadanía-territorio, el tránsito de espacio a lugar y, más recientemente, la habilitación de identidades territoriales a partir de la construcción de una imagen de marca de ciudad o de país –léase promoción turística, citymarketing y/o branding, entre otros– presentan, en todos los casos, amplias connotaciones de alcance comunicativo. La búsqueda del mensaje presente en el paisaje plantea, en este mismo sentido, el tratamiento del espacio a modo de sistema de comunicación. En cualquier caso, parece claro que, en los últimos tiempos, asistimos a una cierta eclosión de procesos de comunicación concebidos desde la realidad existente en el espacio y más aún, en el paisaje, por lo que se hace necesario avanzar hacia un tratado comunicativo del paisaje.


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As with the 1970 Census, the U.S. Department of labor's Employment and Training Administration (ETA) has compiled a series of special reports for the use of program managers and other social scientists concerned with human resources. These reports. which were designed cooperatively by federal, state and local government research staff, include much unpublished data from the 1980 Census Summary Tape Files. The reports in this series cover not only all of the major government and census designated geographic areas in the United States, but also the unique administrative areas that concern program managers.