908 resultados para Personalized Medicine
A Position Paper for the Professions Allied to Medicine Patients with cancer are living longer due to early diagnosis and better treatment. In recent years there has been increasing attention to issues related to the quality of life of patients with cancer and a recognition of the potential for habilitation and rehabilitation. As a result, PAMs as members of the multi-disciplinary team are now more actively involved with patients diagnosed with cancer during all phases of their disease. Each person’s life possesses a unique blend of psychological, social, economic and physical factors and comprehensive care requires the needs of the whole person to be addressed. This requires patients and carers having timely access to the most appropriate range of professional skills that will allow individual patients and their carers to retain control of their lives and associated circumstances for as long as possible. It also requires professions, in all locations, to work in a collaborative patient centred manner that affords the best outcome for patients. The need has been highlighted for a multi-professional approach to the delivery of cancer services in “Investing for the Future” and “A Framework for the Multi-professional Contribution to Cancer Care in Northern Ireland”. This need has also been highlighted in the PAM Strategy document. åÊ
This report has been written in the context of this interest and in response to a request from the Department of Health and Children. It follows a Forum on regulatory issues that was held at the IPA in June 2001 and attended by many CAM practitioners. The Minister for Health and Children asked the Institute to build on the discussions at the Forum by preparing a report on possible options in the regulation of CAM practitioners in Ireland. The focus of the report is on regulatory and policy issues in general. It is not within the Instituteâ?Ts competence or brief to comment on more specific clinical or technical issues. Download the document here
Extracts of 13 Brazilian medicinal plants were screened for their antimicrobial activity against bacteria and yeasts. Of these, 10 plant extracts showed varied levels of antibacterial activity. Piper regnellii presented a good activity against Staphylococus aureus and Bacillus subtilis, a moderate activity on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and a weak activity against Escherichia coli. Punica granatum showed good activity on S. aureus and was inactive against the other standard strains. Eugenia uniflora presented moderate activity on both S. aureus and E. coli. Psidium guajava,Tanacetum vulgare, Arctium lappa, Mikania glomerata, Sambucus canadensis, Plantago major and Erythrina speciosa presented some degree of antibacterial activity. Spilanthes acmella, Lippia alba, and Achillea millefolium were considered inactive. Five of the plant extracts presented compounds with Rf values similar to the antibacterial compounds visible on bioautogram. Of these, three plants belong to the Asteraceae family. This may mean that the same compounds are responsible for the antibacterial activity in these plants. Anticandidal activity was detected in nine plant extracts (P. guajava, E. uniflora, P. granatum, A. lappa, T. vulgare, M. glomerata, L. alba, P. regnellii, and P. major). The results might explain the ethnobotanical use of the studied species for the treatment of various infectious diseases.
Several scores with predictive value for morbidity or mortality have been published this year. Their current purpose is to improve the direction of admissions and lengths of stay in hospital. Their use permits more directed care, especially for the elderly, and therefore could improve the proper orientation and admission of patients. Also this year, certain procedures are undergoing evaluation, namely: new assays for troponin, and non-contrast CT in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Furthermore in the therapeutic realm: the importance of cardiac massage and the advantages of therapeutic hypothermia in cardiac arrest, and the efficacy of oxygen therapy in cluster headache.
Social medicine is a medicine that seeks to understand the impact of socio-economic conditions on human health and diseases in order to improve the health of a society and its individuals. In this field of medicine, determining the socio-economic status of individuals is generally not sufficient to explain and/or understand the underlying mechanisms leading to social inequalities in health. Other factors must be considered such as environmental, psychosocial, behavioral and biological factors that, together, can lead to more or less permanent damages to the health of the individuals in a society. In a time where considerable progresses have been made in the field of the biomedicine, does the practice of social medicine in a primary care setting still make sense? La médecine sociale est une médecine qui cherche à comprendre l'impact des conditions socio-économiques sur la santé humaine et les maladies, dans la perspective d'améliorer l'état de santé d'une société et de ses individus. Dans ce domaine, la détermination du statut socio-économique des individus ne suffit généralement pas à elle seule pour expliquer et comprendre les mécanismes qui sous-tendent les inégalités sociales de santé. D'autres facteurs doivent être pris en considération, tels que les facteurs environnementaux, psychosociaux, comportementaux et biologiques, facteurs qui peuvent conduire de manière synergique à des atteintes plus ou moins durables de l'état de santé des individus d'une société. A une époque où les connaissances, les compétences et les moyens à disposition en biomédecine ont fait des progrès considérables, la pratique de la médecine sociale en cabinet a-t-elle encore sa place en 2013?
This textbook is a definitive guide to the complete spectrum of community medicine. The basic concepts are set out in a clear readable and concise way. The main types of health data are described, as are the principles of disease prevention and its main strategies.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Background: A form of education called Interprofessional Education (IPE) occurs when two or more professions learn with, from and about each other. The purpose of IPE is to improve collaboration and the quality of care. Today, IPE is considered as a key educational approach for students in the health professions. IPE is highly effective when delivered in active patient care, such as in clinical placements. General internal medicine (GIM) is a core discipline where hospital-based clinical placements are mandatory for students in many health professions. However, few interprofessional (IP) clinical placements in GIM have been implemented. We designed such a placement. Placement design: The placement took place in the Department of Internal Medicine at the CHUV. It involved students from nursing, physiotherapy and medicine. The students were in their last year before graduation. Students formed teams consisting of one student from each profession. Each team worked in the same unit and had to take care of the same patient. The placement lasted three weeks. It included formal IP sessions, the most important being facilitated discussions or "briefings" (3x/w) during which the students discussed patient care and management. Four teams of students eventually took part in this project. Method: We performed a type of evaluation research called formative evaluation. This aimed at (1) understanding the educational experience and (2) assessing the impact of the placement on student learning. We collected quantitative data with pre-post clerkship questionnaires. We also collected qualitative data with two Focus Groups (FG) discussions at the end of the placement. The FG were audiotaped and transcribed. A thematic analysis was then performed. Results: We focused on the qualitative data, since the quantitative data lacked of statistical power due to the small numbers of students (N = 11). Five themes emerged from the FG analysis: (1) Learning of others' roles, (2) Learning collaborative competences, (3) Striking a balance between acquiring one's own professional competences and interprofessional competences, (4) Barriers to apply learnt IP competences in the future and (5) Advantages and disadvantages of IP briefings. Conclusions: Our IP clinical placement in GIM appeared to help students learn other professionals' roles and collaborative skills. Some challenges (e.g. finding the same patient for each team) were identified and will require adjustments.
The submission from the Irish Society of Physicians in Geriatric Medicine to the Minister for Health and Children for the National Dementia strategy is available to read here
Physical activity appears once again as the single most effective preventative intervention in older persons to delaying functional decline, avoiding falls, and mitigating the odds of developing dementia. Integrated care that promotes interdisciplinary collaboration among healthcare professionals is a major avenue to improve care coordination in polymorbid older patients. A study depicts the large gap between physicians and nurses' views about their respective skills and role in such a collaboration. On the cognitive side, while several studies show that new cohorts of older persons appear to age in better cognitive shape, results of trials of semagestat, a gamma-secretase inhibitor, and post-menopausal estrogenic therapy were disappointing. Finally, a study challenges the benefits of hydration in terminally ill patients.
To determine the features of papers, authors, and citation of eleven journals in tropical medicine indexed by Science Citation Index Expanded, the database of the Institute for Scientific Information, we analyzed original articles, editorials, reviews, corrections, letters, biographies, and news published in these journals. The results show that these journals covered 107 countries or regions on six continents. The average number of reference was 23.05, with 87.89% of the references from periodicals. The Price Index was 31.43% and the self-citing rate was 7.02%. The references in the first 20 journals ranked by the amount of citation accounted for 36.71% of the total citations. Brazil, United States, India, and England are more advanced in tropical medicine research. The conclusion is that these journals covered most research done in these countries or regions. Most researches were done by cooperation of the researchers, but many of the publications used outdated articles and should include newer information.
Emergency medicine is a cross-discipline characterized by its ability to identify critical threats, as well as its ability to prioritize investigations and identify appropriate treatments. Recent publications have been published on upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage, elbow fracture or brain haemorrhage, to optimize and standardize the investigations. In parallel, conditions such as cardiopulmonary arrest, spontaneous pneumothorax or stroke, benefit from recent therapeutic advances. However, emergency physicians and primary care physicians must remain critical of the numerous medical publications, as evidenced by the contradictory results concerning the interaction between proton pump inhibitors and clopidogrel.
This is a map of Genitourinary Medicine (GUM)/Sexual Health services across the five health trust areas. It gives contact details for the GUM/sexual health clinics and opening times.