904 resultados para Pentti, Arvo
Abstract: The constitutional decision-making to join European Economic and Monetary Union
Purpose: Studies on large animal models are an important step to test new therapeutical strategies before human application. Considering the importance of cone function for human vision and the paucity of large animal models for cone dystrophies having an enriched cone region, we propose to develop a pig model for cone degeneration. With a lentiviral-directed transgenesis, we obtained pigs transgenic for a cone-dominant mutant gene described in a human cone dystrophy.Methods: Lentiviral vectors encoding the human double mutant GUCY2DE837D/R838S cDNA under the control of a region of the pig arrestin-3 promoter (Arr3) was produced and used for lentiviral-derived transgenesis in pigs. PCR-genotyping and southern blotting determined the genotype of pigs born after injection of the vector at the zygote stage. Retina function analysis was performed by ERG and behavioral tests at 11, 24 and 54 weeks of age. OCT and histological analyses were performed to describe the retina morphology.Results: The ratio of transgenic pigs born after lentiviral-directed transgenesis was close to 50%. Transgenic pigs with 3 to 5 transgene copies per cell clearly present a reduced photopic response from 3 months of age on. Except for one pig, which has 6 integrated transgene copies, no dramatic decrease in general mobility was observed even at 6 months of age. OCT examinations reveal no major changes in the ONL structure of the 6-months old pigs. The retina morphology was well conserved in the 2 pigs sacrificed (3 and 6 months old) except a noticeable displacement of some cone nuclei in the outer segment layer.Conclusions: Lentiviral-directed transgenesis is a rapid and straightforward method to engineer transgenic pigs. Some Arr3-GUCY2DE837D/R838S pigs show signs of retinal dysfunction but further work is needed to describe the progression of the disease in this model.
Purpose: To compare the performance Glaucoma Quality of Life-15 (GQL-15) Questionnaire, intraocular pressure measurement (IOP Goldmann tonometry) and a measure of visual field loss using Moorfields Motion Displacement Test (MDT) in detecting glaucomatous eyes from a self referred population. Methods: The GQL-15 has been suggested to correlate with visual disability and psychophysical measures of visual function in glaucoma patients. The Moorfields MDT is a multi location perimetry test with 32 white line stimuli presented on a grey background on a standard laptop computer. Each stimulus is displaced between computer frames to give the illusion of "apparent motion". Participants (N=312, 90% older than 45 years; 20.5% family history of glaucoma) self referred to an advertised World Glaucoma Day (March 2009) Jules Gonin Eye Hospital, Lausanne Switzerland. Participants underwent a clinical exam (IOP, slit lamp, angle and disc examination by a general ophthalmologist), 90% completed a GQL-15 questionnaire and over 50% completed a MDT test in both eyes. Those who were classified as abnormal on one or more of the following (IOP >21 mmHg/ GQL-15 score >20/ MDT score >2/ clinical exam) underwent a follow up clinical examination by a glaucoma specialist including imaging and threshold perimetry. After the second examination subjects were classified as "healthy"(H), "glaucoma suspect" (GS) (ocular hypertension and/or suspicious disc, angle closure with SD) or "glaucomatous" (G). Results: One hundred and ten subjects completed all 4 initial examinations; of these 69 were referred to complete the 2nd examination and were classified as; 8 G, 24 GS, and 37 H. MDT detected 7/8 G, and 7/24 GS, with false referral rate of 3.8%. IOP detected 2/8 G and 8/24 GS, with false referral rate of 8.9%. GQL-15 detected 4/8 G, 16/24 GS with a false referral rate of 42%. Conclusions: In this sample of participants attending a self referral glaucoma detection event, the MDT performed significantly better than the GQL-15 and IOP in discriminating glaucomatous patients from healthy subjects. Further studies are required to assess the potential of the MDT as a glaucoma screening tool.
Runo Helsingissä 2. lokakuuta 1999 vietettyyn juhlaan kun tuli kuluneeksi 100 vuotta siitä kun Hänen Majesteettinsa Keisari ja Suuriruhtinas Nikolai II antoi suostumuksensa Tieteellisten Seurain Valtuuskunnan perustamiselle