964 resultados para Parasitic Diseases.
Infection by Helicobacter pylori is associated with the development of several gastroduodenal diseases, including gastritis, peptic ulcer disease (gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers), and gastric adenocarcinoma. Although a number of putative virulence factors have been reported for H. pylori, there are conflicting results regarding their association with specific H. pylori-related diseases. In this work, we investigated the presence of virB11 and cagT, located in the left half of the cag pathogenicity island (cagPAI), and the jhp917-jhp918 sequences, components of the dupA gene located in the plasticity zone of H. pylori, in Brazilian isolates of H. pylori. We also examined the association between these genes and H. pylori-related gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and gastric and duodenal ulcers in an attempt to identify a gene marker for clinical outcomes related to infection by H. pylori. The cagT gene was associated with peptic ulcer disease and gastric ulcers, whereas the virB11 gene was detected in nearly all of the samples. The dupA gene was not associated with duodenal ulcers or any gastroduodenal disease here analyzed. These results suggest that cagT could be a useful prognostic marker for the development of peptic ulcer disease in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. They also indicate that cagT is associated with greater virulence and peptic ulceration, and that this gene is an essential component of the type IV secretion system of H. pylori.
Purpose: To describe the use of 3.0-T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the evaluation of chronic liver diseases. Materials and Methods: Two groups of patients who had chronic liver diseases and underwent 3.0-T MRI for evaluation of the liver were included in the study. The first group of patients included 66 consecutive patients (33 male, 33 female; mean age +/- standard deviation, 56 +/- 11). The second group of patients included 30 consecutive patients (18 males, 12 females; mean age +/- standard deviation, 53 +/- 10) in whom Variable-Rate Selective Excitation (VERSE) pulses and improved adjustments procedure were used during the acquisitions. Imaging findings of chronic liver diseases, predetermined artifacts and image quality of all individual sequences in the first group and predetermined artifacts and image quality of T2-weighted sequences in the second group were reviewed retrospectively and independently by two reviewers. chi-Square tests were used to compare the findings between two groups of patients and individual sequences. Kappa statistics were used to determine the extent of agreement between the reviewers. Results: Fifteen dysplastic nodules in 6 of 66 (9%) patients and 12 hepatocellular carcinomas in 11 of 66 (17%) patients were detected. Excluding motion artifacts, three-dimensional (313) T1-weighted gradient-echo (GE) sequence was the least affected sequence by the artifacts. Image quality of T1-weighted 3D-GE sequences was excellent in 43 of 66 (65%) patients. In-phase and out-of-phase T1-weighted spoiled GE (SGE) images were fair in 62 of 66 (94%) and 61 of 66 (92%) patients, respectively. The image quality of short tau inversion recovery (STIR) and half-Fourier rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement (RARE) sequences were fair in 31 of 66 (47%) and 53 of 66 (80%) patients. STIR and half-Fourier RARE sequences in the second group demonstrated significantly better image quality (P=.03 and P<.0001). Conclusion: 3.0-T MRI allows the acquisition of very high quality postgadolinium 3D-GE sequence, which permitted the detection and characterization of lesions in the setting of chronic liver diseases. The use of VERSE pulses and improved adjustments procedure improved the image quality of T2-weighted sequences. In-phase/out-of-phase SGE sequences are at present of fair quality. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Chagas disease is a chronic, systemic, parasitic infection caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, and was discovered in 1909. The disease affects about 8 million people in Latin America, of whom 30-40% either have or will develop cardiomyopathy, digestive megasyndromes, or both. In the past three decades, the control and management of Chagas disease has undergone several improvements. Large-scale vector control programmes and screening of blood donors have reduced disease incidence and prevalence. Although more effective trypanocidal drugs are needed, treatment with benznidazole (or nifurtimox) is reasonably safe and effective, and is now recommended for a widened range of patients. Improved models for risk stratification are available, and certain guided treatments could halt or reverse disease progression. By contrast, some challenges remain: Chagas disease is becoming an emerging health problem in non-endemic areas because of growing population movements; early detection and treatment of asymptomatic individuals are underused; and the potential benefits of novel therapies (eg, implantable cardioverter defibrillators) need assessment in prospective randomised trials.
Periapical chronic lesion formation involves activation of the immune response and alveolar bone resorption around the tooth apex. However, the overall roles of T helper type 1 (Th1), Th2, and T-regulatory cell (Treg) responses and osteoclast regulatory factors in periapical cysts and granulomas have not been fully determined. This study aimed to investigate whether different forms of apical periodontitis, namely cysts and granulomas, show different balances of Th1, Th2 regulators, Treg markers, and factors involved in osteoclast chemotaxis and activation. Gene expression of these factors was assessed using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, in samples obtained from healthy gingiva (n = 8), periapical granulomas (n = 20), and cysts (n = 10). Periapical cysts exhibited a greater expression of GATA-3, while a greater expression of T-bet, Foxp3, and interleukin-10 (IL-10) was seen in granulomas. The expression of interferon-gamma, IL-4, and transforming growth factor-beta was similar in both lesions. Regarding osteoclastic factors, while the expression of SDF-1 alpha/CXCL12 and CCR1 was higher in cysts, the expression of RANKL was significantly higher in granulomas. Both lesions exhibited similar expression of CXCR4, CK beta 8/CCL23, and osteoprotegerin, which were significantly higher than in control. Our results showed a predominance of osteoclast activity in granulomas that was correlated with the Th1 response. The concomitant expression of Treg cell markers suggests a possible suppression of the Th1 response in granulomas. On the other hand, in cysts the Th2 activity is augmented. The mechanisms of periradicular lesion development are still not fully understood but the imbalance of immune and osteoclastic cell activity in cysts and granulomas seems to be critically regulated by Treg cells.
Objective. To evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of varicella vaccine (VV) in susceptible patients with juvenile rheumatic diseases receiving methotrexate and corticosteroids. Methods. Twenty-five patients with juvenile rheumatic diseases (ages 2-19 years) and 18 healthy children and adolescents (ages 3-18 years) received a single dose of VV. All 25 patients were receiving methotrexate; 13 were also receiving prednisone and 5 were also receiving other disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs. None of the vaccinated patients or controls had a previous history of varicella. Anti-varicella-zoster virus IgG antibody (anti-VZV-IgG) titers were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay immediately before, 4-6 weeks after, and 1 year after vaccination. The patients were monitored prospectively for adverse reactions related to the vaccine, exposure, and occurrence of varicella. Disease activity was assessed 3 months before and 3 months after VV. Results. Twenty patients and all of the controls had negative preimmunization titers of VZV-IgG, and 5 patients had equivocal levels. Positive VZV-IgG titers were detected in 10 (50%) of 20 seronegative patients and 13 (72.2%) of 18 controls 4-6 weeks after VV (P = 0.2). One year after vaccination, 8 of 10 patients maintained positive VZV-IgG titers. No overt varicella episodes and no severe adverse reactions were observed during the followup period. No worsening of clinical parameters and no flares of juvenile rheumatic diseases or changes in doses of medications used were detected after vaccination. In fact, the number of active joints in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis was significantly lower after VV (P = 0.009). Conclusion. VV appears to be safe in patients with juvenile rheumatic diseases receiving methotrexate, as long as continuous prospective vigilance for side effects is performed.
The experiment was conducted to investigate the dynamics of infection by gastrointestinal nematodes during the periparturition period in cows. One hundred and six beef cows were divided into two groups: G I was formed by 42 cows of one and two parturitions, and G2 by 76 cows of three or more parturitions. From the 120 days pre partum until the 90 days post partum, feces were collected for faecal egg counts (EPG) while blood was collected to determine the packed cell volume and hemoglobin levels of each animal, with monthly intervals. In the same intervals the body condition scores (BCS) were evaluated. The mean values standard deviation of the EPG for Cl were equal to 19.4 +/- 42.9, and for G2 31.1 +/- 68.0. No significant differences were observed between Cl and G2 in relation to EPC; and hematological parameters, which remained within normal patterns for both groups. The two groups had higher counts of EPG in the post partum period than in the pre partum period, with averages of 32.5 +/- 55.5 and 51.5 +/- 84.8 for groups Cl and G2, respectively. A significant difference (p < 0.05) in the parameters was observed when comparing the pre and post partum within each group studied resulting in declining values of blood and body score and an increase in EPG in the post partum. The results suggest that the cows may be more susceptible to infection by nematodes from giving birth up to 90 days post partum. However, adult cows, when well-managed, are not an important factor in the epidemiology of gastrointestinal nematodes, even in the post partum period.
The order Passeriformes comprises the largest number of families and species of birds of any avian order. Brazil is rich in passerine birds, which are a common victim of wildlife trafficking in Brazil. Annually, many birds die as a consequence of illegal trade. To investigate the occurrence of the principle diseases and to identify the main causes of death in smuggled passerine birds, the cause of death was evaluated in 360 passerine birds confiscated within the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Causes of death were determined by anatomopathologic and microbiologic studies. Infectious diseases were the cause of death of most birds, which corresponded to 78.6% of cases. The most common infectious diseases were poxvirus infection, aspergillosis, and coccidiosis. Although the etiologic agents of these diseases can coexist asymptomatically within hosts, once the host`s immunity is compromised, the pathogen multiplies quickly and causes disease. The results of this study may help to improve the care of passerine birds in captivity and increase the survival rate of confiscated birds. Results may also be useful for in situ conservation programs that investigate the reintroduction of confiscated species or captive birds.
From September 2000 to January 2002, a serologic survey was conducted in a population of free-ranging Brazilian tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) inhabiting Emas National Park and surrounding areas in Goias state. central Brazil, as part of an ecologic study. Ten tapirs were immobilized with a tiletamine-zolazepam combination. and blood samples were collected. All sera were negative for Leptospira spp.. Brucella abortus, and equine infectious anemia; and one of 10 animals was positive for Toxoplasma goudii. This report represents the first serologic survey for selected infectious diseases in a free-ranging population or Brazilians tapirs in central Brazil.
Schistosoma mansoni masks its surface with adsorbed host proteins including erythrocyte antigens, immunoglobulins, major histocompatibility complex class I, and beta (2)-microglobulin (beta (2)m), presumably as a means of avoiding host immune responses, How this is accomplished has not been explained. To identify surface receptors for host proteins, we biotinylated the tegument of live S, mansoni adults and mechanically transformed schistosomula and then removed the parasite surface with detergent, Incubation of biotinylated schistosome surface extracts witt l human immunoglobulin G (IgG) Fc-Sepharose resulted in purification of a 97-kDa protein that was subsequently identified as paramyosin (Pmy), using antiserum specific for recombinant Pmy, Fc also bound recombinant S. mansoni Pmy and native S. japonicum Pmy, Antiserum to Pmy decreased the binding of Pmy to Fc-Sepharose, and no proteins bound after removal of Pmy from extracts. Fluoresceinated human Fe bound to the surface, vestigial penetration glands, and nascent oral cavity of mechanically transformed schistosomula, and rabbit anti-Pmy Fab fragments ablated the binding of Fc to the schistosome surface, Pmy coprecipitated with host IgG from parasite surface extracts, indicating that complexes formed on the parasite surface as well as in vitro. Binding of Pmy to Fe was not inhibited by soluble protein A, suggesting that Pmy does not bind to the region between the CH2 and CH3 domains used by many other Fc-binding proteins. beta (2)m did not bind to the schistosome Fc receptor (Pmy), a finding that contradicts reports from earlier workers but did bind to a heteromultimer of labeled schistosomula surface proteins, This is the first report of the molecular identity of a schistosome Fc receptor; moreover it demonstrates an additional aspect of the unusual and multifunctional properties of Pmy from schistosomes and other parasitic flatworms.