854 resultados para Paperboard boxes


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This step-by-step guide introduces the PowerPoint 2010 features that can be used to create attractive posters. For example, guidelines to help elements align neatly and text boxes with margins.


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Actualmente en Colombia no se realizan los suficientes estudios logísticos para analizar aspectos importantes y relevantes de cada uno de los sectores del país, esto se debe en parte a la limitada tecnología e información que poseen cada uno de estos, este es el motivo por el cual se realizará una investigación sobre el perfil logístico del sector de fabricación de papel y cartón, con el fin de mejorar la información pertinente y así ayudar tanto al país como a las empresas que se desenvuelven en este entorno, para que de esta manera logren solucionar los problemas que se puedan presentar en cuanto a la implementación logística y así llegar a obtener mejoras y ayudar a la productividad y competitividad de Colombia. Se escogió este sector debido a que este es uno de los destacados a nivel país y con potencial de crecimiento a corto plazo, ya que realiza aportes a las actividades económicas, la productividad y competitividad de Colombia en proporciones de gran escala. Este sector pertenece al código CIIU 210 según la clasificación del “código industrial internacional uniforme” siendo uno de los más competitivos del país. Por otro lado se realizará un análisis del sector en el mundo para así lograr identificar problemas y oportunidades en el país para incrementar su eficiencia en diferentes aspectos logísticos como el transporte, almacenamiento, tiempos de producción, entre otros. Para esto se tendrán en cuenta diversas variables como la balanza comercial, el Producto Interno Bruto y la productividad que tiene actualmente el país.


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En Colombia la producción de panela es básicamente artesanal, por lo cual no se registra un gran volumen de exportaciones. Este producto es comúnmente conocido como sustituto del azúcar y dentro del país su consumo es casi igual a su producción. A pesar de lo anterior, con el presente proyecto estamos buscando abrir espacios de comercialización de la panela hacia el exterior, más específicamente con destino a la ciudad de New York – Estados Unidos, dirigido a la población latina que se encuentra en dicha ciudad. Para incentivar las ventas de nuestro producto, haremos énfasis en los beneficios nutricionales y medicinales de la panela, que aún no son conocidos por el mercado objetivo. Además, según el estudio de mercados realizado, las presentaciones con mayor acogida por los consumidores son: panela granulada y panela en cubitos, que se comercializarán en frascos plásticos y en cajas de cartón respectivamente. Para ambas referencias las presentaciones serán identificadas con el logo de la empresa, además de la bandera de nuestro país. El empaque en su etiqueta mostrará la tabla nutricional como su forma de preparación, la etiqueta estará en los dos idiomas: inglés y español. Finalmente, el término de negociación utilizado será FOB puerto colombiano, con medio de pago carta de crédito ya que brinda la confianza y seguridad de llevar a feliz término el acuerdo pactado en una negociación de comercio exterior.


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The main purpose of this study was to obtain primary cell cultures derived from Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Necrophagous this fly is used for determination of post-mortem interval and larval therapy. Since explants embryonated eggs were performed in various culture media (Grace Schneider, MM/VP12, DMEM, Grace/L-15 and L-15), supplemented with 20% fetal serum. Sterilization of the biological material was carried out by immersing it in formaldehyde and sodium hypochlorite solutions. The cell growth was initiated in the L-15, MM/VP12, and Schneider Grace/L-15 in an average time of 10 days after completion of planting by the proliferation of groups of colonies scattered on the surface of the boxes crops and also from the endings of larval fragments. The evolution of cell growth to the formation of monolayer semi-confluent was relatively fast, reaching at 3 weeks post-explant. Cellular morphology in cultured cells was heterogeneous, especially epithelioid forms, similar to nerve, giant and irregular. Comparison of the growth characteristics of these cell cultures with those obtained from other species of flies was more favorable in the evolution of those obtained from L. sericata, on the grounds that the cells are better adapted to the physical-chemical conditions of several culture media. This is the first report of a cell culture-fly family Calliphoridae.


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Radiation schemes in general circulation models currently make a number of simplifications when accounting for clouds, one of the most important being the removal of horizontal inhomogeneity. A new scheme is presented that attempts to account for the neglected inhomogeneity by using two regions of cloud in each vertical level of the model as opposed to one. One of these regions is used to represent the optically thinner cloud in the level, and the other represents the optically thicker cloud. So, along with the clear-sky region, the scheme has three regions in each model level and is referred to as “Tripleclouds.” In addition, the scheme has the capability to represent arbitrary vertical overlap between the three regions in pairs of adjacent levels. This scheme is implemented in the Edwards–Slingo radiation code and tested on 250 h of data from 12 different days. The data are derived from cloud retrievals using radar, lidar, and a microwave radiometer at Chilbolton, southern United Kingdom. When the data are grouped into periods equivalent in size to general circulation model grid boxes, the shortwave plane-parallel albedo bias is found to be 8%, while the corresponding bias is found to be less than 1% using Tripleclouds. Similar results are found for the longwave biases. Tripleclouds is then compared to a more conventional method of accounting for inhomogeneity that multiplies optical depths by a constant scaling factor, and Tripleclouds is seen to improve on this method both in terms of top-of-atmosphere radiative flux biases and internal heating rates.


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Twenty-five small soil-filled perspex boxes arranged in a square, with dwarf sunflowers growing in them, were used to study micro-scale advection. Hydrological heterogeneity was introduced by applying two different amounts of irrigation water (low-irrigation, L, versus high-irrigation, H). The nine central boxes (4 H, 4 L and I bare box) were precision weighing lysimeters, yielding diurnal measurements of evaporation. After the onset of soil water stress, a large difference in latent heat flux (up to 4-fold) was observed between the lysimeters of the H and L treatments, mainly caused by large differences between H and L stomatal conductance values. This resulted in micro-advection, causing H soil-sunflower systems to evaporate well above equilibrium latent heat flux. The occurrence of micro-advective enhancement was reflected in large values of the Priestley-Taylor constant (often larger than 2.0) and generally negative values of sensible heat flux for the H treatment. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper deals with the design of optimal multiple gravity assist trajectories with deep space manoeuvres. A pruning method which considers the sequential nature of the problem is presented. The method locates feasible vectors using local optimization and applies a clustering algorithm to find reduced bounding boxes which can be used in a subsequent optimization step. Since multiple local minima remain within the pruned search space, the use of a global optimization method, such as Differential Evolution, is suggested for finding solutions which are likely to be close to the global optimum. Two case studies are presented.


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In 1997, the United Kingdom started the world's first commercial digital terrestrial television service. The system used was the European Digital Video Broadcast - Terrestrial (DVB-T) but due to technological constraints at the time, the system chosen was the 2K system - a system that uses 1705 carriers to convey the digital television services through a hostile terrestrial environment. Today, these constraints are no longer applicable but in order to maintain backwards compatibility to the older set top boxes, the 2K system is still used. The 2K system has the disadvantage of excluding the possibiliiy of employing a Single Frequency Network (SFN) - something that can help minimise the required bandwidth for television services. This paper will demonstrate a computationally inexpensive soft decision Quadrature Amplitude Modulation technique that can reject the multipaths. (1).


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Synoptic-scale air flow variability over the United Kingdom is measured on a daily time scale by following previous work to define 3 indices: geostrophic flow strength, vorticity and direction. Comparing the observed distribution of air flow index values with those determined from a simulation with the Hadley Centre’s global climate model (HadCM2) identifies some minor systematic biases in the model’s synoptic circulation but demonstrates that the major features are well simulated. The relationship between temperature and precipitation from parts of the United Kingdom and these air flow indices (either singly or in pairs) is found to be very similar in both the observations and model output; indeed the simulated and observed precipitation relationships are found to be almost interchangeable in a quantitative sense. These encouraging results imply that some reliability can be assumed for single grid-box and regional output from this climate model; this applies only to those grid boxes evaluated here (which do not have high or complex orography), only to the portion of variability that is controlled by synoptic air flow variations, and only to those surface variables considered here (temperature and precipitation).


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The intensity and distribution of daily precipitation is predicted to change under scenarios of increased greenhouse gases (GHGs). In this paper, we analyse the ability of HadCM2, a general circulation model (GCM), and a high-resolution regional climate model (RCM), both developed at the Met Office's Hadley Centre, to simulate extreme daily precipitation by reference to observations. A detailed analysis of daily precipitation is made at two UK grid boxes, where probabilities of reaching daily thresholds in the GCM and RCM are compared with observations. We find that the RCM generally overpredicts probabilities of extreme daily precipitation but that, when the GCM and RCM simulated values are scaled to have the same mean as the observations, the RCM captures the upper-tail distribution more realistically. To compare regional changes in daily precipitation in the GHG-forced period 2080-2100 in the GCM and the RCM, we develop two methods. The first considers the fractional changes in probability of local daily precipitation reaching or exceeding a fixed 15 mm threshold in the anomaly climate compared with the control. The second method uses the upper one-percentile of the control at each point as the threshold. Agreement between the models is better in both seasons with the latter method, which we suggest may be more useful when considering larger scale spatial changes. On average, the probability of precipitation exceeding the 1% threshold increases by a factor of 2.5 (GCM and RCM) in winter and by I .7 (GCM) or 1.3 (RCM) in summer.


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Os tripanossomatídeos são caracterizados por processos moleculares diferenciados como a transcrição policistrônica e regulação pós-transcricional da expressão gênica. Em mamíferos, a tradução se inicia com a ligação do complexo eIF4F (formado pelos eIF4A, eIF4E e eIF4G) a extremidade 5' dos mRNAs, o que facilita seu reconhecimento pelo ribossomo. A atividade do eIF4F é reforçada pela proteína de ligação a cauda poli-A (PABP), na extremidade 3' dos mRNAs, que interage com o eIF4G. Dois complexos do tipo eIF4F foram identificados em tripanossomatídeos: o primeiro formado pelos EIF4G3, EIF4E4 e EIF4AI com a PABP1; e um outro baseado na interação do EIF4G4 com o EIF4E3 e o EIF4A1. Este trabalho buscou caracterizar as interações entre as subunidades destes complexos e sua associação com PABPs de Leishmania, avaliando o efeito de mutações em motivos específicos. Proteínas recombinantes foram geradas fusionadas a GST e avaliadas quanto a sua habilidade de interagir com parceiros marcados radioativamente em ensaios do tipo pull-down. Para o EIF4G3, mutações individuais em dois resíduos vizinhos (I8A e R9A), afetaram a interação com o EIF4E4 e a mutação de ambos os resíduos equivalentes do EIF4G4 (IL25-26AA) também impediu sua ligação ao EIF4E3, sugerindo um motivo comum para a ligação aos seus parceiros. As proteínas EIF4E3 e EIF4E4 foram avaliadas quanto à capacidade de interagir com a PABP2 e PABP1 respectivamente, e mutações em motivos conservados nas regiões N-terminais dos EIF4E (Boxes A, B e C) aboliram sua interação com os homólogos da PABP. Para identificar que regiões da PABP1 estão relacionadas às interações com o parceiro EIF4E4, foram obtidas proteínas PABP1 mutantes em motivos conservados e observou-se que a mutação no motivo TGM, C-terminal, aboliu sua interação com o EIF4E4. Com estas abordagens conseguiu-se avançar na definição das interações entre as referidas subunidades do eIF4F e PABP, identificando-se diferenças relevantes em relação a outros eucariotos


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FtnA is the major iron-storage protein of Escherichia coli accounting for < or = 50% of total cellular iron. The FtnA gene (ftnA) is induced by iron in an Fe(2+)-Fur-dependent fashion. This effect is reportedly mediated by RyhB, the Fe(2+)-Fur-repressed, small, regulatory RNA. However, results presented here show that ftnA iron induction is independent of RyhB and instead involves direct interaction of Fe(2+)-Fur with an 'extended' Fur binding site (containing five tandem Fur boxes) located upstream (-83) of the ftnA promoter. In addition, H-NS acts as a direct repressor of ftnA transcription by binding at multiple sites (I-VI) within, and upstream of, the ftnA promoter. Fur directly competes with H-NS binding at upstream sites (II-IV) and consequently displaces H-NS from the ftnA promoter (sites V-VI) which in turn leads to derepression of ftnA transcription. It is proposed that H-NS binding within the ftnA promoter is facilitated by H-NS occupation of the upstream sites through H-NS oligomerization-induced DNA looping. Consequently, Fur displacement of H-NS from the upstream sites prevents cooperative H-NS binding at the downstream sites within the promoter, thus allowing access to RNA polymerase. This direct activation of ftnA transcription by Fe(2+)-Fur through H-NS antisilencing represents a new mechanism for iron-induced gene expression.


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Insect pests that have a root-feeding larval stage often cause the most sustained damage to plants because their attrition remains largely unseen, preventing early diagnosis and treatment. Characterising movement and dispersal patterns of subterranean insects is inherently difficult due to the difficulty in observing their behaviour. Our understanding of dispersal and movement patterns of soil-dwelling insects is therefore limited compared to above ground insect pests and tends to focus on vertical movements within the soil profile or assessments of coarse movement patterns taken from soil core measurements in the field. The objective of this study was to assess how the dispersal behaviour of the clover root weevil (CRW), Sitona lepidus larvae was affected by differing proportions of host (clover) and non-host (grass) plants under different soil water contents (SWC). This was undertaken in experimental mini-swards that allowed us to control plant community structure and soil water content. CRW larval survival was not affected either by white clover content or planting pattern or SWC in either experiment; however, lower clover composition in the sward resulted in CRW larvae dispersing further from where they hatched. Because survival was the same regardless of clover density, the proportion of infested plants was highest in sward boxes with the fewest clover plants (i.e. the low host plant density). Thus, there is potential for clover plants over a larger area to be colonised when the clover content of the sward is low.


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A climatology of cyclones with a focus on their relation to wind storm tracks in the Mediterranean region (MR) is presented. Trends in the frequency of cyclones and wind storms, as well as variations associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the East Atlantic/West Russian (EAWR) and the Scandinavian variability pattern (SCAND) are discussed. The study is based on the ERA40 reanalysis dataset. Wind storm tracks are identified by tracking clusters of adjacent grid boxes characterised by extremely high local wind speeds. The wind track is assigned to a cyclone track independently identified with an objective scheme. Areas with high wind activity – quantified by extreme wind tracks – are typically located south of the Golf of Genoa, south of Cyprus, southeast of Sicily and west of the Iberian Peninsula. About 69% of the wind storms are caused by cyclones located in the Mediterranean region, while the remaining 31% can be attributed to North Atlantic or Northern European cyclones. The North Atlantic Oscillation, the East Atlantic/West Russian pattern and the Scandinavian pattern all influence the amount and spatial distribution of wind inducing cyclones and wind events in the MR. The strongest signals exist for the NAO and the EAWR pattern, which are both associated with an increase in the number of organised strong wind events in the eastern MR during their positive phase. On the other hand, the storm numbers decrease over the western MR for the positive phase of the NAO and over the central MR during the positive phase of the EAWR pattern. The positive phase of the Scandinavian pattern is associated with a decrease in the number of winter wind storms over most of the MR. A third of the trends in the number of wind storms and wind producing cyclones during the winter season of the ERA40 period may be attributed to the variability of the North Atlantic Oscillation.