649 resultados para Palmar nerves


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Este estudo objetivou conhecer a incidência do evento queda e identificar a presença de seus principais fatores de risco. Estudo exploratório, realizado de março a novembro/2009, com aplicação de um formulário sobre quedas em um grupo de idosos. Os dados foram analisados por cálculo de frequências, média e desvio-padrão. Participaram 62 idosos, 41,9% relataram queda nos últimos seis meses, a maioria mulheres. Identificou-se ocorrência de agravos concomitantes: visão regular, audição boa, polifarmácia, IMC normal, forte força de preensão palmar e condições dos pés adequadas. Na maioria dos que caiu, o desequilíbrio foi apontado como principal motivo. A queda ocorreu mais no período da manhã, em local de piso áspero e seco, sem degraus, rampas ou tapetes, iluminação adequada e o tipo de calçado mais utilizado foi chinelo de borracha. Percebe-se a alta ocorrência das quedas na população idosa, fato que fundamenta a necessidade de avaliação das condições de risco envolvidas


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Hyperhidrosis is an idiopathic condition characterized by excessive sweating. Symptoms generally begin in childhood or early adolescence, and rarely improve with age. The excessive localized sweating generally occurs either spontaneously, or in association with stressful or emotionally charged situations. This prospective study aimed to investigate predictive factors for compensatory hyperhidrosis after thoracoscopic sympathicotomy. From 2000 to 2002, 80 patients (53 female and 27 male) underwent hyperhidrosis surgery. The patients, ranging from 12 to 56 years old, were studied and followed-up for 42.51 ±5.98 months. A satisfaction grading using a visual analogue scale -VAS (0 = not at all satisfied, and 10 = fully satisfied) was used. The surgical procedure was performed bilaterally on the second ganglion (T2) for facial hyperhidrosis, on the third and fourth ganglia (T3 and T4) for axillary hyperhidrosis, and on the third ganglion (T3) for palmar hyperhidrosis. The results showed that, 68 patients (85%) presented with compensatory sweating (CS), which was classified as mild (33.8%), moderate (33.8%) and severe (32.4%). Considering the final surgical results, 70 patients (87.5%) were satisfied with the outcome of the operation, while 10 patients (12.5%) were dissatisfied. Degrees of satisfaction varied according to sex, age, BMI and extent of denervation. Moreover, the compensatory hyperhidrosis was more severe in abdomen and back than in legs. In conclusion, although CS is a frequent adverse effect of sympathicotomy, the degree of patient satisfaction was high. Some factors were related to the occurrence and severity of CS and the most adequate patients to be submitted to this operation are young adult women whose BMI is less than 24.9


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Os transtornos da pele e dos pelos são parte importante na prática clínica de pequenos animais. Numerosos fatores nutricionais afetam a homeostase, a qualidade e o aspecto da pelagem. As vitaminas do complexo B incluem compostos hidrossolúveis necessários como coenzimas em diversas funções celulares envolvidas no metabolismo energético e na síntese tecidual. A biotina, em especial, é necessária nas reações de carboxilação, participando da síntese de ácidos graxos, aminoácidos e purinas pelo tecido epitelial. Uma cadela com quadro de cistite recorrente e tumor venéreo transmissível foi tratada com antibioticoterapia prolongada e quimioterapia. Após alguns meses de tratamento, foram observadas lesões no plano nasal e nos coxins plantar e palmar, caracterizadas por hiperceratose, espessamento, fissuras, sangramento e inflamação. O paciente recebeu suplementação de 15mg de biotina por via oral (equivalente a 1,4mg kg-1 de peso corporal), uma vez por dia, durante 60 dias, havendo importante regressão das lesões. Sugere-se que, sob antibioticoterapia e doença, a síntese intestinal de biotina possa não ter sido suficiente, sendo necessária sua suplementação.


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Compararam-se as dificuldades transcirúrgicas e as complicações pós-operatórias das técnicas guilhotina (TG) e stripping (TS) para a neurectomia digital em eqüinos. Sob anestesia com halotano, quatro éguas tiveram os nervos digitais de um dos membros torácicos e um dos pélvicos submetidos à TG, enquanto os nervos digitais dos membros colaterais foram submetidos à TS. Os tempos cirúrgicos médios de TG e TS foram semelhantes. O comprimento médio do fragmento do nervo removido foi três vezes maior em TS (P<0,001). Independente da técnica utilizada, houve perda total da sensibilidade nos talões de todos os membros dentro dos quatro primeiros meses da cirurgia. Após 14 meses, houve retorno da sensibilidade em 37% dos membros em TG e 18,8% em TS (P=0,06). Ao exame de palpação para identificação de neuromas dolorosos, houve episódios de sensibilidade discreta em um maior número de cotos nervosos proximais operados com TS, 53,6% contra 6,4% dos operados com TG (P=0,003). Ambas as técnicas foram satisfatórias por não apresentarem maiores complicações durante ou após a cirurgia. Considerou-se que TG apresentou menor potencial para produzir reinervação e neuromas dolorosos.


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We describe the morphological organization of the deer brachial plexus in order to supply data to veterinary neuroclinics and anaesthesiology. The deer (Mazama gouazoubira) brachial plexus is composed of four roots: three cervical (C6, C7 and C8) and one thoracic (T1). Within each sex group, no variations are observed between the left and the right brachial plexus, though sex-related differences are seen especially in its origin. The origin of axillary and radial nerves was: C6, C7, C8 and T1 in males and C8-T1 (radial nerve) and C7, C8 and T1 (axillary nerve) in females; musculocutaneous nerve was: C6-C7 (males) and C8-T1 (females); median and ulnar nerves was: C8-T1 (males) and T1 (females); long thoracic nerve was: C7 (males) and T1 (females); lateral thoracic nerve was: C6, C7, C8 and T1 (males) and T1 (females); thoracodorsal nerve was: C6, C7, C8 and T1 (males) and C8-T1 (females); suprascapular nerve was: C6-C7 (males) and C6 (females) and subscapular nerve was: C6-C7 (males) and C7 (females). This study suggests that in male deer the origin of the brachial plexus is more cranial than in females and the origin of the brachial plexus is slightly more complex in males, i.e. there is an additional number of roots (from one to three). This sexual dimorphism may be related to specific biomechanical functions of the thoracic limb and electrophysiological studies may be needed to shed light on this morphological feature.


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The present study evaluated the origin, distribution and ramification of the radial nerves were studied in 30 adult domestic cats. The sample included 15 females and 15 males of unknown breed. The specimens were fixed in 10% formaldehyde solution. The radial nerve showed many fascicles from the origin also your ramification in superficial and deep branches. Radial nerves were observed to originate, in 16 cases (26.7%), from the ventral branch of the sixth cervical spinal nerve; in 60 cases (100%), from the ventral branch of the seventh cervical spinal nerve; in 60 cases (100%), from the ventral branch of the eight cervical nerve and in 60 cases (100%), from the ventral branch of the first thoracic nerve. The radial nerves branched out, in all of the animals studied (100.0%), to the tensor fasciae antebrachii, long, accessory, medial and lateral heads of the triceps branchii and anconeus muscles. The radial nerve emits of 14 to 25 nervous branches in this region. However, the branch of the sixth cervical spinal nerve and the nervous fascicles reveal significant differences (p <= 0.05), respectively, in or with relation to sex of the animals and the studied region.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Avian mycobacteriosis was diagnosed in a captive scarlet macaw (Ara macao) that presented multifocal granulomas on subcutaneous tissue, sciatic nerves, infraorbital sinus, trachea, air sacs, muscles, spleen and liver. Microscopically, central areas of caseous necrosis surrounded by epithelioid macrophage, multinucleated giant cells, and lymphocytes were observed. Acid-fast bacilli were demonstrated by Ziehl-Neelsen stain. Inoculation into Lowenstein-Jensen, Stonebrink and Petragnani media, yielded Mycobacterium spp, which was identified as Mycobacterium avium by polymerase chain reaction technique (PCR).


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as alterações microvasculares intraneurais aguda em nervo isquiático de rato submetido a esmagamento por diferentes cargas. Foram utilizados 60 ratos machos da linhagem Wistar, distribuídos em grupos experimentais de acordo com a injeção de vasos e com a carga de esmagamento. Os nervos isquiáticos direitos foram isolados e submetidos ao esmagamento com cargas (0,5 Kg, 1 Kg, 5 Kg, 10 kg e 15 kg) por 10 minutos e os nervos isquiáticos esquerdos foram utilizados como controle. Após esmagamento, os animais foram submetidos à cateterização da aorta abdominal e injeção dos vasos, em seguida 30 nervos direitos e esquerdos foram fixados em formol 10%, desidratados e diafanizados para análise longitudinal dos vasos intraneurais e os restantes retirados em toda a sua extensão, cortados em 3 fragmentos, congelados em isopentano em gelo seco e armazenados em freezer -70°C, seccionados transversalmente para análise e contagem dos vasos intraneurais. As análises macroscópica e microscópica mostraram regiões de hematoma endoneural e epineural nas diferentes cargas de esmagamento. A análise morfométrica sugere que a lesão aos vasos intraneurais foi proporcional à carga de esmagamento, causando hematoma endoneural e epineural, que cria microambiente desfavorável para a regeneração das fibras nervosas.


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Swallowing dynamics involves the coordination and interaction of several muscles and nerves which allow correct food transport from mouth to stomach without laryngotracheal penetration or aspiration. Clinical swallowing assessment depends on the evaluator's knowledge of anatomic structures and of neurophysiological processes involved in swallowing. Any alteration in those steps is denominated oropharyngeal dysphagia, which may have many causes, such as neurological or mechanical disorders. Videofluoroscopy of swallowing is presently considered to be the best exam to objectively assess the dynamics of swallowing, but the exam needs to be conducted under certain restrictions, due to patient's exposure to radiation, which limits periodical repetition for monitoring swallowing therapy. Another method, called cervical auscultation, is a promising new diagnostic tool for the assessment of swallowing disorders. The potential to diagnose dysphagia in a noninvasive manner by assessing the sounds of swallowing is a highly attractive option for the dysphagia clinician. Even so, the captured sound has an amount of noise, which can hamper the evaluator's decision. In that way, the present paper proposes the use of a filter to improve the quality of audible sound and facilitate the perception of examination. The wavelet denoising approach is used to decompose the noisy signal. The signal to noise ratio was evaluated to demonstrate the quantitative results of the proposed methodology. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: Hypoestrogenism is the main characteristic of female aging. It promotes significant changes in body composition, both in fat mass as in lean body mass, leading to a decrease in muscle strength and physical performance. Objective: The aim of this study was to test whether menopausal status and hormone levels are associated with muscular strength and physical performance in middle-aged women. Methods: In a cross-sectional study it was collected sociodemographic data, gynecological history, anthropometric and biochemical measures in women aged 40 to 65 years in Parnamirim-RN. The menopause status (pre, peri and post menopause) was determined by menstrual history. All women underwent three dimensions of physical performance assessment: handgrip dynamometry, gait speed and chair stands test - Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Categorical data were presented as absolute and relative frequencies. Quantitative data were showed as mean and standard deviation and the normality of distribution was verified with Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test. Biochemical measures of estradiol and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) were transformed to log10. ANOVA with Tukey post-test for comparison of variables between the groups pre, peri and post-menopausal was performed and then multiple linear regression analyzes. Results: Two hundred and seventy eight women aged 50.2 (±5.58) years composed this study, being 50 women in premenopausal status (18%), 122 in perimenopausal (43.9%), and 106 postmenopausal stage (38.1%). The groups were different in age (p=0.001), marital relationship duration (p <0.001), number of pregnancies (p=0.001) and parity (p=0.001). Differences in biochemical measures were observed among the groups: estradiol (p<0.001), FSH (p<0.001), total cholesterol (p=0.001). There were no differences in gait velocity between menopausal status. Values in mean of grip strength decreased by postmenopausal women to perimenopausal and premenopausal ones (24.5 ± 5.1, 25.6 ± 5.4, 26.9 ± 4.9 for post-stage, pre and peri menopausas, respectively, p = 0.02) and the performance of chair stands test was better in premenopausal women compared with that in peri and postmenopausal status (p = 0.02). In multiple linear regression for muscle strength, the variables that remained were: age, estradiol and somatic symptoms measured by Menopause Rating Scale-MRS (R2=0.15). While for the xiv chair-stands test the predictors were number of births and FSH values (R2=0.04). Conclusion: There is a relationship between the stages of menopause and muscle performance in measures of grip strength and sit-up test and these are influenced by the fall of estrogens levels. Data suggest that the decrease in muscle strength and physical performance already appear in the transition to menopause stage, pointing to the need for more research in this area and appropriate preventive interventions


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Background: Leprosy neuropathy, despite being primarily demyelinating, frequently leads to axonal loss. Neurophysiological examination of the nerves during Type 1 (T1R) and Type 2 reactions (T2R) may give some insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms.Methods: Neurophysiological examinations were performed in 28 ulnar nerves during a clinical trial of steroid treatment effectiveness, 19 patients with T1R and nine with T2R. The nerves were monitored during a period of 6 months; there were eight assessments per nerve, for a total of 224 assessments. Nine neurophysiological parameters were assessed at three sites of the ulnar nerve. The compound motor action potential amplitudes elicited at wrist, elbow and above, as well as the conduction velocity and temporal dispersion across the elbow, were chosen to focus on the changes occurring in the parameters at the elbow tunnel.Results and Conclusion: Neurophysiological changes indicating axonal and demyelinating processes during both T1R and T2R were detected across the elbow. Changes in demyelination, i.e. a Conduction Block, as a primary event present during T2R, occurring as an acute phenomenon, were observed regularly; in T1R Temporal Dispersion, a subacute phenomenon, was seen. During treatment remyelination occurred after both types of reactions.


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The Primary Health Care and one of its main strategies, the Family Health Strategy (ESF), are framed as the gateway to the Public Health System (SUS). Thus, most of the incident and prevalent health problems in the population attended should be solved at this level of care, including psychological suffering, and the so-called complaint of nerves. Nerves and nervous denote a complexity that is not always well comprehended by health workers, in such a way that the care to this kind of problem is usually inadequate. In this line of thought, the general objective of this study is to analyze the network of discourses and the care to the psychological suffering, expressed as nerves, in SUS daily Primary Health Care. Besides and more specifically, it aims at identifying the principles and guidelines of the Primary Health Care in mental health; to investigate health workers positioning before psychological suffering and complaints of nerves, and also analyze different actions and practices of care carried out in different Health Units towards complaints like nerves. Institutional Ethnography was the theoreticalmethodological perspective adopted for the work. This approach seeks to understand and analyze the institutional relationships in a particular context considering sociostructural influences and power relations, as well as daily discourses and practices. Based on interviews with health professionals, informal conversations and observations in six Health Units with ESF teams from different sanitary districts in Natal/RN, it was possible to check that the index of complaint of nerves is high. The referral to psychologists and psychiatrists, as well as the prescription of psychotropic drugs appear as the most common intervention at this level of care. In general, the participants complain that they have poor specialized knowledge about the theme of mental health. They face the problem of bad work conditions and the lack of institutional support, which make actions of illnesses prevention and health promotion even more difficult. Besides, there are different ongoing practices such as meetings for hypertensive and aged people, walk, visit, round-table discussions and community therapy. However, not all of these actions are aimed at the care of psychological suffering. It is observed that the Matrix Support, which is a methodological strategy of supervision and follow up forcases of mental health, hasn t been totally implemented in the municipal system, although it is a tool that has been used by psychologists in some Health Units in the city. It was also verified that the health care practices to the problem of nerves strongly depend on the professional s commitment with the PSF guidelines and on mental health policies, in addition to continued support, when available, from other professional who works as matrix supporter


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Nerves has been perceived as generalized suffering with multiple complaints, such as pain and other physical sensations, usually followed by symptoms of anxiety and/or depression. Even after medications have been prescribed, mainly psychotropic drugs to reduce these symptoms, exams aiming to discover the causes of the disorders, and a significant referral to health services, the problem tends to get progressively worse. The objective of this study is to characterize the diseases of clients who complain of nerves at the Unidade Mista de Felipe Camarão, Natal/RN, through in depth interviews, allowing for the clarification of ideas, beliefs and the meanings attributed to nerves by that person; to identify the symptoms and to know how they interfere in daily activities; to investigate the causes attributed to the problem and their relation to the biographical and psychosocial context of the patient. Thirteen women, health service clients, aged 30 to 59 years old, participated in the research. It was observed that they perceive, feel and act in unique ways with relation to symptoms, as well as to the attributed explanations and treatments given, showing the influence of life conditions, family context and their own subjectivity. Daily concerns and overwhelming responsibilities in the domestic environment, which usually stem from their precarious survival conditions, as well as marital conflicts motivated by the inequity of gender relations, contribute to trigger this type of suffering. The methodology of the research itself proved to be crucial to the comprehension and understanding of the meanings attributed to the complaints as well as to the argumenting process and the redefinition of the illness experience. Therefore, the importance of interdisciplinary intervention must be emphasize and specially the role of listening as relevant intervention resource


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INTRODUÇÃO: Diversos estudos disponibilizam evidências sobre características do desempenho motor e cognitivo de indivíduos com Síndrome de Down (SD), porém poucos estudos analisam a força muscular nestes indivíduos. As alterações apresentadas por indivíduos com SD podem manifestar-se funcionalmente e interferir na sua capacidade de desempenhar de forma independente diversas atividades e tarefas da rotina diária. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a influência da textura do objeto na força de preensão palmar em indivíduos com Síndrome de Down. Participaram do estudo dez indivíduos com SD, com idade entre 4 e 30 anos. MÉTODO: A análise da força de preensão palmar foi mensurada por meio de um transdutor de força. A tarefa proposta para a coleta dos dados foi realizar a preensão do transdutor, revestido com diferentes texturas, transportá-lo até um ponto previamente demarcado, e posteriormente o retorno à posição inicial. Os dados obtidos foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e não-paramétrica. RESULTADOS: Os dados da estatística descritiva permitiram observar que a textura áspera foi a que exigiu menor força de preensão palmar dos participantes neste estudo, no entanto a análise não-paramétrica indicou não haver diferença estatisticamente significativa. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste estudo indicam que textura do objeto não influenciou a força de preensão palmar executada pelos indivíduos com Síndrome de Down.