326 resultados para PROPOFOL
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Anestesiologia - FMB
Methadone is a little used opioid in veterinary practice, and there are still questions about its use. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of intramuscular (IM) or intravenous (IV) administration of methadone on cardiopulmonary parameters and times of extubation and recovery in female dogs submitted to ovariohysterectomy. Sixteen adult female dogs were used and premedicated with levomepromazine (0.6mg/kg, IM). After 20 minutes, propofol (5mg/kg, IV) was used for induction and anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane. After 10 minutes, methadone at 0.3mg/kg was administered intravenously in IVG and intramuscularly in IMG. The measurement of heart (HR) and respiratory rates (RR), median arterial pressure (MAP), esophagic temperature (ET) and concentration of end-tidal carbon dioxide (PE'CO2) was performed immediately before the administration of the opioid (T0), after 20 minutes (T1) and then at 10-minute intervals (T2, T3, T4 and T5). The statistical analysis used was profile (5%). HR, APM, RR, PE'CO2, BT and SpO2 did not differ significantly among times or between groups at any time. Times of extubation and recovery were higher in IVG. It is possible to conclude that IV and IM administration of methadone did not produce changes in the cardiorespiratory parameters of that specie.
A técnica de analgesia multimodal, por meio da infusão contínua de fármacos, pode ser empregada para diminuir a incidência de sensibilização central durante a anestesia. Avaliaram-se as características cardiorrespiratórias, durante o procedimento de artroscopia de joelho, em cães anestesiados com isofluorano e monitorados por meio do índice biespectral, submetidos à infusão contínua de morfina ou fentanil, associada à lidocaína e cetamina. Utilizaram-se 16 cães adultos, machos ou fêmeas, os quais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, denominados MLK - que recebeu morfina (3,3μg/kg/min), lidocaína (50μg/kg/min) e cetamina (10μg/kg/min) ou FLK - em que foi substituída a morfina pelo fentanil (0,03μg/kg/min). Os cães foram pré-tratados com levomepromazina (0,5mg/kg IV), induzidos à anestesia com propofol (5mg/kg) e mantidos com isofluorano, ajustando-se a concentração para obterem-se valores de índice biespectral entre 55 e 65. As mensurações da frequência cardíaca (FC), dos parâmetros eletrocardiográficos (ECG), das pressões arteriais sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) e média (PAM), da tensão de dióxido de carbono expirado (EtCO2), da saturação de oxi-hemoglobina (SpO2), da frequência respiratória (FR) e da temperatura esofágica (T) iniciaram-se 30 minutos após a indução (M0) e continuaram após o início da infusão das soluções, em intervalos de 15 minutos (M15 a M75). Diferenças entre os grupos foram registradas para duração do complexo QRS (M60), para FC e T, entre M30 e M75, com MLK apresentando médias maiores que FLK, que registrou médias maiores que MLK para a SpO2 (M60), para os intervalos QT (M30 e M75) e RR (M0, M60 e M75). Concluiu-se que o emprego de morfina ou fentanil, associados à lidocaína e cetamina, promove efeitos semelhantes e não compromete as características avaliadas.
The present study investigated the benefits of tumescent anesthesia with lidocaine in dogs undergoing mastectomy, seeking the patients' comfort and their postoperative recovery. Seven animals, with different weight and breed, who had cancer in the region of mammary chain underwent mastectomy surgery. All animals received the same anesthetic protocol being used as the association between acepromazine and morphine doses of 0.04mg.kg-1 and 0.4mg.kg-1 (IM), respectively. After 15 minutes a catheter was placed in the cephalic vein and induction with propofol 4mg.kg-1 and 0.2mg.kg-1 followed by maintenance with isoflurane anesthesia was done. After instrumentation, we proceeded to the tumescent anesthesia technique with ice-cold solution consisting of Ringer's lactate, lidocaine 2% without epinephrine and adrenaline in a total volume of 15mL.kg-1. The average duration of the procedure was 74±18 minutes. The plasmatic peak of lidocaine was between 30 and 60 minutes after infiltration. The rescue analgesic was performed after approximately seven hours of infiltration. It can be concluded that the tumescent anesthesia with lidocaine should be considered as a constituent of anesthetic and analgesic protocol in dogs undergoing mastectomy surgery providing parameter stability, safety and good quality postoperative recovery.
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
BackgroundThis is an update of a Cochrane Review first published in The Cochrane Library, Issue 2, 2008.The technique called one-lung ventilation can confine bleeding or infection to one lung, prevent rupture of a lung cyst or, more commonly, facilitate surgical exposure of the unventilated lung. During one-lung ventilation, anaesthesia is maintained either by delivering an inhalation anaesthetic to the ventilated lung or by infusing an intravenous anaesthetic. It is possible that the method chosen to maintain anaesthesia may affect patient outcomes. Inhalation anaesthetics may impair hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) and increase intrapulmonary shunt and hypoxaemia.ObjectivesThe objective of this review was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of intravenous versus inhalation anaesthesia for one-lung ventilation.Search methodsWe searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL); The Cochrane Library (2012, Issue 11); MEDLINE (1966 to November 2012); EMBASE (1980 to November 2012); Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciencias da Saude (LILACS, 1982 to November 2012) and ISI web of Science (1945 to November 2012), reference lists of identified trials and bibliographies of published reviews. We also contacted researchers in the field. No language restrictions were applied. The date of the most recent search was 19 November 2012. The original search was performed in June 2006.Selection criteriaWe included randomized controlled trials and quasi-randomized controlled trials of intravenous (e. g. propofol) versus inhalation (e. g. isoflurane, sevoflurane, desflurane) anaesthesia for one-lung ventilation in both surgical and intensive care participants. We excluded studies of participants who had only one lung (i.e. pneumonectomy or congenital absence of one lung).Data collection and analysisTwo review authors independently assessed trial quality and extracted data. We contacted study authors for additional information.Main resultsWe included in this updated review 20 studies that enrolled 850 participants, all of which assessed surgical participants no studies investigated one-lung ventilation performed outside the operating theatre. No evidence indicated that the drug used to maintain anaesthesia during one-lung ventilation affected participant outcomes. The methodological quality of the included studies was difficult to assess as it was reported poorly, so the predominant classification of bias was 'unclear'.Authors' conclusionsVery little evidence from randomized controlled trials suggests differences in participant outcomes with anaesthesia maintained by intravenous versus inhalational anaesthesia during one-lung ventilation. If researchers believe that the type of drug used to maintain anaesthesia during one-lung ventilation is important, they should design randomized controlled trials with appropriate participant outcomes, rather than report temporary fluctuations in physiological variables.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Anestesiologia - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Twenty-four bitches which had been in labour for less than 12 hours were randomly divided into four groups of six. They all received 0(.)5 mg/kg of chlorpromazine intravenously as premedication, followed 15 minutes later by either 8 mg/kg of thiopentone intravenously (group 1), 2 mg/kg of ketamine and 0-5 mg/kg of midazolam intravenously (group 2), 5 mg/kg of propofol intravenously (group 3), or 2(.)5 mg/kg of 2 per cent lidocaine with adrenaline and 0(.)625 mg/kg of 0(.)5 per cent bupivacaine with adrenaline epidurally (group 4). Except for group 4, the bitches were intubated and anaesthesia was maintained with enflurane. The puppies' heart and respiratory rates and their pain, sucking, anogenital, magnum and flexion reflexes were measured as they were removed from the uterus. The puppies' respiratory rate was higher after epidural anaesthesia. in general the puppies' neurological reflexes were most depressed after midazolam/ketamine, followed by thiopentone, propofol and epidural anaesthesia.
Um felino macho, sem raça definida, pesando 3,6 kg com 10 anos de idade foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário “Luiz Quintiliano de Oliveira”, apresentando obstrução uretral com indicação para uretrostomia perineal. Ao exame físico geral, observou-se freqüência cardíaca (FC) de 240 bat.min-1, taquipnéia, temperatura retal (TR) de 38,4oC, mucosas normocoradas, tempo de preenchimento capilar de um segundo e desidratação de aproximadamente 5%. Como medicação pré-anestésica, administrou-se cetamina (6mg.kg-1), midazolam (0,15mg.kg-1) e morfina (0,15mg.kg-1) pela via intramuscular. A veia cefálica foi canulada com cateter 24G para administração de Ringer com Lactato de sódio (10mL.kg-1.h-1) e a indução foi realizada por meio da administração de propofol (4,4mg.kg-1) pela via intravenosa. Seguiu-se a intubação orotraqueal com sonda no 4,0 conectando-se a um circuito sem reinalação de Baraka, sendo a manutenção anestésica efetuada com isofluorano em fluxo diluente de oxigênio a 100%. Em seguida, realizou-se a técnica de anestesia peridural com o paciente em posição esternal e membros pélvicos estendidos cranialmente. Após localização do espaço entre as vértebras L7 e S1, introduziu-se uma agulha 13x4,5 percutaneamente até atingir o espaço peridural, administrando-se morfina (0,1mg.kg-1), fentanil (3mcg.kg-1) e lidocaína a 1% com vasoconstritor (1,8mg.kg-1), perfazendo um volume total de 0,25mL.kg-1. Durante o procedimento anestésico, monitorou-se a FC, freqüência respiratória (f), pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), pressão parcial de dióxido de carbono ao final da expiração (ETCO2), temperatura esofágica (TE), saturação periférica da hemoglobina (SpO2) e plano anestésico. O tempo total de anestesia e cirurgia foi de 65 e 50 minutos, respectivamente. O plano anestésico manteve-se estável, sem a necessidade de resgate analgésico. A SpO2, concentração de isofluorano e TE mantiveram-se em 97±2%, 1,3±0,1% e 36,7±0,4oC, respectivamente. Durante a anestesia, observou-se um momento de hipotensão, provavelmente devido ao bloqueio simpático decorrente da anestesia peridural. Tal evento foi tratado com bolus de solução de Ringer com Lactato de sódio (5mL.kg-1) promovendo o retorno da PAS aos valores de normalidade. A recuperação anestésica do animal foi isenta de complicações inerentes ao procedimento anestésico. O emprego de opióides pela via peridural é recomendado em procedimentos cirúrgicos abdominal, torácico, genito-urinário e ortopédico, principalmente em pacientes de alto risco, obesos e idosos. Em humanos, a associação da morfina e fentanil pela via peridural demonstra analgesia pós-operatória superior à promovida pelo uso isolado da morfina. Conclui-se que na espécie felina, a associação de morfina e fentanil pela via peridural pode ser uma boa alternativa para realização de protocolos de anestesia balanceada para uretrostomia.