858 resultados para PISCO
La biomasa planctónica en promedio fue 0,36 mL.m-3; el 95% de los volúmenes fue <0,5 mL.m-3, el fitoplancton fue 35% y se caracterizó por el dominio de diatomeas de afloramiento (Skeletonema costatum, Lithodesmium undulatum, Chaetoceros spp., Thalassiosira subtilis y Thalassionema nit schioides) entre Salaverry- Chancay y Pisco-Ilo (30 mn) y abundancia de diatomeas oceánicas y dinoflagelados termófilos (Guinardia striata, G. flaccida, Cerataulina pelagica, Coscinodiscus wailesii, Proboscia spp., Ceratium massiliense, C. tripos v. atlanticum y Goniodoma polyedricum) entre Puerto Pizarro-Chicama y Punta Mendieta–Ilo hasta 120 mn en la zona norte. La distribución de los indicadores biológicos estuvieron acorde a las condiciones ambientales, Protoperidinium obtusum, indicador de Aguas Costeras Frías se registró desde Punta Falsa hasta Ilo (30 mn). Ceratium praelongum y C. incisum, indicadores de Aguas Subtropicales Superficiales se registraron frente a Punta Falsa y San Juan (60 mn) ampliando su distribución en Atico (120 mn). Ceratium breve, indicador de AES estuvo ampliamente distribuido al norte de 10°S (120 mn), con acercamientos a la costa en Puerto Pizarro y Punta Falsa. Messodinium rubrum se registró desde Punta Mendieta hasta Matarani, concentración de 8756x103 cel.L-1.
Los volúmenes de plancton fluctuaron entre 0,015 mL.m-3 (Pisco) y 4,648 mL.m-3 (Chimbote), promedio 0,838 mL.m-3, el 79% de estaciones tuvo volúmenes <1,0 mL.m-3. La predominancia del fitoplancton alcanzó 34%. El análisis de comunidades discriminó la formación de dos grupos: 1) estaciones con especies en fases iniciales de sucesión dentro de las 50 mn (Chaetoceros spp., Detonula pumila y Thalassiosira subtilis) y 2) con especies de fases intermedias y típicas de aguas cálidas (Planktoniella sol, Thalassiosira cf. parteneia y Thalassiothrix longissima) asociadas a dinoflagelados cosmopolitas, que se distribuyeron por fuera de las 50 mn. Indicadores biológicos: Protoperidinium obtusum (ACF) se registró hasta las 60 mn; Ceratium breve, indicador de AES se registró frente a Chimbote (75 mn) y Paita (190 mn); Ceratium praelongum, indicador de ASS, se registró a 60 mn, llegando hasta 30 mn frente a Paita.
Las características principales de las redes de cerco artesanales anchoveteras para CHD (PS 01.1.0 “ISSCFG”), utilizan tamaños de malla en el copo y cuerpo de ½” ~ 13 mm de material nylon Poliamida (PA). Se encontró una diferencia en las dimensiones, el material y diámetro del hilo del paño usado, entre las redes de las ANC-CHD tradicionales (Paita, Chimbote, Callao e Ilo) que utilizan paños anchoveteros de R310tex, R381tex R462tex, con longitud de relinga superior (LRS) de 183-366 m (100 a 200 bz), altura de paño estirado (AHE) de 27 a 64 m (15 a 35 bz); y las redes de cerco ANC-Pisco que utilizan paños anchoveteros de R155tex y R230tex, con LRS de 270 a 396 m (145 a 215 bz) y AHE de 30 m (16 bz). Del análisis regresional experimental, las principales características de la red (LRS, AHE), y la embarcación–capacidad de bodega-(CBOD) presentaron correlaciones significativas para la flota ANC-Tradicional (r = 0,86 y 0,91), mientras que en la flota ANC-Pisco las correlación de la función CBODLRS fue de 0,30 y la AHE fue constante (30 m) para todo el rango de LRS (270 - 396 m).
La biomasa planctónica fluctuó entre 0,30 mL/m3 (Chimbote) y 1,90 mL/m3 (Paita), promedio 0,30 mL/m3; el 86% del volumen fue menor a 0,5 mL/m3. El fitoplancton fue abundante (70%) predominando diatomeas sobre dinoflagelados. Géneros de mayor importancia fueron Bacteriastrum, Planktoniella, Ditylum, Chaetoceros, Thalassiosira, Hemiaulus, Asteromphalus, Pleurosigma, Coscinodiscus, Guinardia, Leptocylindrus, Roperia, Eucampia y Prorocentrum. Los indicadores biológicos mostraron distribución normal, P. obtusum se registró entre Paita y Chimbote, dentro de las 20 mn hasta las 40 mn en Callao y Pisco. Ceratium incisum (ASS) solo fue encontrado frente a San Juan, fuera de las 180 mn.
RESUMO A medicina atua com a prevenção e a cura das doenças humanas num sentido amplo. Uma formação com enfoque em problemas permite ao estudante um poder de análise dos componentes das situações de saúde. O Programa de Integração em Saúde da Comunidade (Pisco) prevê levar estudantes e professores para a vivência da prática voltada à integralidade das ações, valorizando a prevenção e a promoção à saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as vivências dos estudantes de Medicina no processo de avaliação das atividades do Pisco do primeiro ao quarto ano do curso e a sua relação com o projeto pedagógico do curso. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo quali-quantitativo. Foram produzidos registros escritos pelos estudantes ao final de cada encontro, de março de 2008 a dezembro de 2011, posteriormente analisados por meio do Discurso do Sujeito e pelo software QualiQuantiSoft®. Os resultados mostram diminuição do número de registros a partir da quinta etapa, pois a partir dela os alunos iniciam vivências em ambientes diferentes de prática médica e, assim, passam a desvalorizar as atividades no Programa de Saúde da Família.
A Perturbação de Hiperatividade e Défice de Atenção (PHDA) é uma das perturbações mais frequentes na infância, sendo detetada com maior frequência em contexto escolar, dada as exigências impostas ao nível das regras sociais e académicas. Este estudo apresenta uma revisão da literatura sobre a PHDA, evidenciando aspetos importantes sobre a problemática, como as suas caraterísticas, os problemas associados, a etiologia, o diagnóstico, a intervenção, entre outros. São apresentadas estratégias de intervenção a nível pedagógico, de forma a auxiliar os agentes educativos a lidar eficazmente com a PHDA. É descrito o impacto das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) em contexto educativo, evidenciando a influência que as mesmas podem ter em crianças com PHDA especificamente na sua capacidade de atenção, no seu desempenho escolar e na sua inclusão. O objetivo deste trabalho é reunir informações úteis sobre a PHDA e as TIC, de forma a apresentar estratégias diversificadas que possam auxiliar os agentes educativos a intervir de forma responsável e eficaz com alunos com PHDA. Ambiciona-se que este estudo, leve os docentes a compreender que as TIC podem funcionar como uma excelente ferramenta de trabalho a explorar com alunos com PHDA.
Peru is a developing country with abundant fresh water resources, yet the lack of infrastructure leaves much of the population without access to safe water for domestic uses. The author of this report was a Peace Corps Volunteer in the sector of water & sanitation in the district of Independencia, Ica, Peru. Independencia is located in the arid coastal region of the country, receiving on average 15 mm of rain annually. The water source for this district comes from the Pisco River, originating in the Andean highlands and outflowing into the Pacific Ocean near the town of Pisco, Peru. The objectives of this report are to assess the water supply and sanitation practices, model the existing water distribution system, and make recommendations for future expansion of the distribution system in the district of Independencia, Peru. The assessment of water supply will be based on the results from community surveys done in the district of Independencia, water quality testing done by a detachment of the U.S. Navy, as well as on the results of a hydraulic model built in EPANET 2.0 to represent the distribution system. Sanitation practice assessments will be based on the surveys as well as observations from the author while living in Peru. Recommendations for system expansions will be made based on results from the EPANET model and the municipality’s technical report for the existing distribution system. Household water use and sanitation surveys were conducted with 84 families in the district revealing that upwards of 85% store their domestic water in regularly washed containers with lids. Over 80% of those surveyed are drinking water that is treated, mostly boiled. Of those surveyed, over 95% reported washing their hands and over 60% mentioned at least one critical time for hand washing when asked for specific instances. From the surveys, it was also discovered that over 80% of houses are properly disposing of excrement, in either latrines or septic tanks. There were 43 families interviewed with children five years of age or under, and just over 18% reported the child had a case of diarrhea within the last month at the time of the interview. Finally, from the surveys it was calculated that the average water use per person per day is about 22 liters. Water quality testing carried out by a detachment of the U.S. Navy revealed that the water intended for consumption in the houses surveyed was not suitable for consumption, with a median E. coli most probable number of 47/100 ml for the 61 houses sampled. The median total coliforms was 3,000 colony forming units per 100 ml. EPANET was used to simulate the water delivery system and evaluate its performance. EPANET is designed for continuous water delivery systems, assuming all pipes are always flowing full. To account for the intermittent nature of the system, multiple EPANET network models were created to simulate how water is routed to the different parts of the system throughout the day. The models were created from interviews with the water technicians and a map of the system created using handheld GPS units. The purpose is to analyze the performance of the water system that services approximately 13,276 people in the district of Independencia, Peru, as well as provide recommendations for future growth and improvement of the service level. Performance evaluation of the existing system is based on meeting 25 liters per person per day while maintaining positive pressure at all nodes in the network. The future performance is based on meeting a minimum pressure of 20 psi in the main line, as proposed by Chase (2000). The EPANET model results yield an average nodal pressure for all communities of 71 psi, with a range from 1.3 – 160 psi. Thus, if the current water delivery schedule obtained from the local municipality is followed, all communities should have sufficient pressure to deliver 25 l/p/d, with the exception of Los Rosales, which can only supply 3.25 l/p/d. However, if the line to Los Rosales were increased from one to four inches, the system could supply this community with 25 l/p/d. The district of Independencia could greatly benefit from increasing the service level to 24-hour water delivery and a minimum of 50 l/p/d, so that communities without reliable access due to insufficient pressure would become equal beneficiaries of this invaluable resource. To evaluate the feasibility of this, EPANET was used to model the system with a range of population growth rates, system lifetimes, and demands. In order to meet a minimum pressure of 20 psi in the main line, the 6-inch diameter main line must be increased and approximately two miles of trench must be excavated up to 30 feet deep. The sections of the main line that must be excavated are mile 0-1 and 1.5-2.5, and the first 3.4 miles of the main line must be increased from 6 to 16 inches, contracting to 10 inches for the remaining 5.8 miles. Doing this would allow 24-hour water delivery and provide 50 l/p/d for a range of population growth rates and system lifetimes. It is expected that improving the water delivery service would reduce the morbidity and mortality from diarrheal diseases by decreasing the recontamination of the water due to transport and household storage, as well as by maintaining continuous pressure in the system to prevent infiltration of contaminated groundwater. However, this expansion must be carefully planned so as not to affect aquatic ecosystems or other districts utilizing water from the Pisco River. It is recommended that stream gaging of the Pisco River and precipitation monitoring of the surrounding watershed is initiated in order to begin a hydrological study that would be integrated into the district’s water resource planning. It is also recommended that the district begin routine water quality testing, with the results available to the public.
The evolution of landscapes crucially depends on the climate history. This is particularly evident in South America where landscape responses to orbital climate shifts have been well documented. However, while most studies have focused on inferring temperature variations from paleoclimate proxy data, estimates of water budget changes have been complicated because of a lack of adequate physical information. Here, we present a methodology and related results, which allowed us to extract water discharge values from the sedimentary record of the 40 Ka-old fluvial terrace deposits in the Pisco valley, western Peru. In particular, this valley hosts a Quaternary cut-and-fill succession that we used, in combination with beryllium-10 (10Be)-based sediment flux, gauging records, channel geometries and grain size measurements, to quantitatively assess sediment and water discharge values c. 40 Ka ago in relation to present-day conditions. We compare these discharge estimates to the discharge regime of the modern Pisco River and find that the water discharge of the paleo-Pisco River, during the Minchin pluvial period c. 40 Ka ago, was c. 7–8 times greater than the modern Pisco River if considering the mean and the maximum water discharge. In addition, the calculations show that inferred water discharge estimates are mainly dependent on channel gradients and grain size values, and to a lesser extent on channel width measures. Finally, we found that the c. 40 Ka-old Minchin terrace material was poorer sorted than the modern deposits, which might reflect that sediment transport during the past period was characterized by a larger divergence from equal mobility compared to the modern situation. In summary, the differences in grain size distribution and inferred water discharge estimates between the modern and the paleo-Pisco River suggests that the 40 Ka-old Minchin period was characterized by a wetter climate and more powerful flood events.