992 resultados para PHOSPHOLIPASE A(2) HOMOLOG
In mammalian species, oocyte activation is initiated by oscillations in the intracellular concentration of free calcium ([Ca2+]i), which are also essential to allow embryonic development. To date, evidence supporting the hypothesis that a sperm factor is responsible for initiating oocyte activation has been presented in various mammalian species. Among the possible candidates to be the active sperm factor is the novel sperm-specific phospholipase C ζ (PLCζ), which besides its testis-specific expression is capable of initiating [Ca2+]i oscillations. In this study, we investigated the presence of PLCζ in the sperm of the domestic cat and whether normospermic and teratospermic cats differ in their PLCζ expression. Immunoblotting with anti-PLCζ antibodies confirmed the presence of an immunoreactive band of ~70 kDa in whole sperm lysates of domestic cat as well as in both soluble and insoluble fractions from this sperm. Additional immunoreactive bands, probably C- and N-terminal truncated versions of PLCζ, were also visualized in the soluble sperm fractions. Interestingly, immunoreactivity of PLCζ was detectable in teratospermic sperm, although with slightly less intensity than in normospermic sperm. In conclusion, domestic cat sperm express PLCζ in both cytosolic and high-pH fractions, which is consistent with data in other mammals. Sperm from teratospermic cats also express PLCζ, albeit at reduced concentrations, which may affect the fertility of these males. © 2013 Elsevier Inc..
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A myotoxic phospholipase A2, named bothropstoxin II (BthTX-II), was isolated from the venom of the South American snake Bothrops jararacussu and the pathogenesis of myonecrosis induced by this toxin was studied in mice. BthTX-II induced a rapid increase in plasma creatine kinase levels. Histological and ultrastructural observations demonstrate that this toxin affects muscle fibers by first disrupting the integrity of plasma membrane, as delta lesions were the earliest morphological alteration and since the plasma membrane was interrupted or absent in many portions. In agreement with this hypothesis, BthTX-II released peroxidase entrapped in negatively charged multilamellar liposomes and behaved as an amphiphilic protein in charge shift electrophoresis, an indication that its mechanism of action might be based on the interaction and disorganization of plasma membrane phospholipids. Membrane damage was followed by a complex series of morphological alterations in intracellular structures, most of which are probably related to an increase in cytosolic calcium levels. Myofilaments became hypercontracted into dense clumps which alternated with cellular spaces devoid of myofibrillar material. Later on, myofilaments changed to a hyaline appearance with a more uniform distribution. Mitochondria were drastically affected, showing high amplitude swelling, vesiculation of cristae, formation of flocculent densities, and membrane disruption. By 24 hr, abundant polymorphonuclear leucocytes and macrophages were observed in the interstitial space as well as inside necrotic fibers. Muscle regeneration proceeded normally, as abundant myotubes and regenerating myofibers were observed 7 days after BthTX-II injection. By 28 days regenerating fibers had a diameter similar to that of adult muscle fibers, although they presented two distinctive features: central location of nuclei and some fiber splitting. This good regenerative response may be explained by the observation that BthTX-II does not affect blood vessels, nerves, or basal laminae. © 1991.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The current study examined the role of PLD2 in the maintenance of mast cell structure. Phospholipase D (PLD) catalyzes hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine to produce choline and phosphatidic acid (PA). PLD has two isoforms, PLD1 and PLD2, which vary in expression and localization depending on the cell type. The mast cell line RBL-2H3 was transfected to overexpress catalytically active (PLD2CA) and inactive (PLD2CI) forms of PLD2. The results of this study show that PLD2CI cells have a distinct star-shaped morphology, whereas PLD2CA and RBL-2H3 cells are spindle shaped. In PLD2CI cells, the Golgi complex was also disorganized with dilated cisternae, and more Golgi-associated vesicles were present as compared with the PLD2CA and RBL-2H3 cells. Treatment with exogenous PA led to the restoration of the wild-type Golgi complex phenotype in PLD2CI cells. Conversely, treatment of RBL-2H3 and PLD2CA cells with 1% 1-Butanol led to a disruption of the Golgi complex. The distribution of acidic compartments, including secretory granules and lysosomes, was also modified in PLD2CI cells, where they concentrated in the perinuclear region. These results suggest that the PA produced by PLD2 plays an important role in regulating cell morphology in mast cells. (J Histochem Cytochem 60:386-396, 2012)
Macrophage ingestion of the yeast Candida albicans requires its recognition by multiple receptors and the activation of diverse signaling programs. Synthesis of the lipid mediator prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)) and generation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) also accompany this process. Here, we characterized the mechanisms underlying PGE(2)-mediated inhibition of phagocytosis and filamentous actin (F-actin) polymerization in response to ingestion of C. albicans by alveolar macrophages. PGE(2) suppressed phagocytosis and F-actin formation through the PGE(2) receptors EP2 and EP4, cAMP, and activation of types I and II protein kinase A. Dephosphorylation and activation of the actin depolymerizing factor cofilin-1 were necessary for these inhibitory effects of PGE(2). PGE(2)-dependent activation of cofilin-1 was mediated by the protein phosphatase activity of PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10), with which it directly associated. Because enhanced production of PGE(2) accompanies many immunosuppressed states, the PTEN-dependent pathway described here may contribute to impaired antifungal defenses.
Antioxidant and inflammatory aspects of lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2 ): a review
The association of cardiovascular events with Lp-PLA2 has been studied continuously today. The enzyme has been strongly associated with several cardiovascular risk markers and events. Its discovery was directly related to the hydrolysis of the platelet-activating factor and oxidized phospholipids, which are considered protective functions. However, the hydrolysis of bioactive lipids generates lysophospholipids, compounds that have a pro-inflammatory function. Therefore, the evaluation of the distribution of Lp-PLA2 in the lipid fractions emphasized the dual role of the enzyme in the inflammatory process, since the HDL-Lp-PLA2 enzyme contributes to the reduction of atherosclerosis, while LDL-Lp-PLA2 stimulates this process. Recently, it has been verified that diet components and drugs can influence the enzyme activity and concentration. Thus, the effects of these treatments on Lp-PLA2 may represent a new kind of prevention of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, the association of the enzyme with the traditional assessment of cardiovascular risk may help to predict more accurately these diseases.
Abstract Background Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 activity (Lp-PLA2) is a good marker of cardiovascular risk in adults. It is strongly associated with stroke and many others cardiovascular events. Despite this, the impact of obesity on this enzyme activity and its relation to biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in adolescents is not very well investigated. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the influence of obesity and cardiometabolic markers on Lp-PLA2 activity in adolescents. Results This cross-sectional study included 242 adolescents (10–19 years) of both gender. These subjects were classified in Healthy Weight (n = 77), Overweight (n = 82) and Obese (n = 83) groups. Lipid profile, glucose, insulin, HDL size, LDL(−) and anti-LDL(−) antibodies were analyzed. The Lp-PLA2 activity was determined by a colorimetric commercial kit. Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and body composition were monitored. Food intake was evaluated using three 24-hour diet recalls. The Lp-PLA2 activity changed in function to high BMI, waist circumference and fat mass percentage. It was also positively associated with HOMA-IR, glucose, insulin and almost all variables of lipid profile. Furthermore, it was negatively related to Apo AI (β = −0.137; P = 0.038) and strongly positively associated with Apo B (β = 0.293; P < 0.001) and with Apo B/Apo AI ratio (β = 0.343; P < 0.001). The better predictor model for enzyme activity, on multivariate analysis, included Apo B/Apo AI (β = 0.327; P < 0.001), HDL size (β = −0.326; P < 0.001), WC (β = 0.171; P = 0.006) and glucose (β = 0.119; P = 0.038). Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that changes in Apo B/Apo AI ratio were associated with a 73.5 times higher risk to elevated Lp-PLA2 activity. Conclusions Lp-PLA2 changes in function of obesity, and that it shows important associations with markers of cardiovascular risk, in particular with waist circumference, glucose, HDL size and Apo B/Apo AI ratio. These results suggest that Lp-PLA2 activity can be a cardiovascular biomarker in adolescence.
Angiotensin II (Ang II), acting via the AT1 receptor, induces an increase in intracellular calcium [Ca(2+)]i that then interacts with calmodulin (CaM). The Ca(2+)/CaM complex directly or indirectly activates sodium hydrogen exchanger 1 (NHE1) and phosphorylates calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII), which then regulates sodium hydrogen exchanger 3 (NHE3) activity. In this study, we investigated the cellular signaling pathways responsible for Ang II-mediated regulation of NHE1 and NHE3 in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. The NHE1- and NHE3-dependent pHi recovery rates were evaluated by fluorescence microscopy using the fluorescent probe BCECF/AM, messenger RNA was evaluated with the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and protein expression was evaluated by immunoblot. We demonstrated that treatment with Ang II (1pM or 1 nM) for 30 min induced, via the AT1 but not the AT2 receptor, an equal increase in NHE1 and NHE3 activity that was reduced by the specific inhibitors HOE 694 and S3226, respectively. Ang II (1 nM) did not change the total expression of NHE1, NHE3 or calmodulin, but it induced CaMKII, cRaf-1, Erk1/2 and p90(RSK) phosphorylation. The stimulatory effects of Ang II (1 nM) on NHE1 or NHE3 activity or protein abundance was reduced by ophiobolin-A (CaM inhibitor), KN93 (CaMKII inhibitor) or PD98059 (Mek inhibitor). These results indicate that after 30 min, Ang II treatment may activate G protein-dependent pathways, including the AT1/PLC/Ca(2+)/CaM pathway, which induces CaMKII phosphorylation to stimulate NHE3 and induces cRaf-1/Mek/Erk1/2/p90(RSK) activity to stimulate NHE1
Das menschliche Gen human giant larvae (hugl) ist ein Homolog des hochkonservierten Drosophila Gens lethal giant larvae (lgl), welches in Epithelzellen die Funktion eines neoplastischen Tumorsuppressors und Polaritätsregulators einnimmt. Ein Verlust oder eine verminderte Expression beider Homologe des Gens, hugl-1 und hugl-2, geht einher mit dem Auftreten und der Progression verschiedener epithelialer Tumorerkrankungen wie malignen Melanomen und Brust-, Kolon- oder Lungentumoren. Die exakte Funktion der Homologe Hugl-1 und Hugl-2 bezüglich der Regulation und Aufrechterhaltung der epithelialen Zellpolarität sowie ihre Rolle in der Genese humaner Tumore ist jedoch weitgehend unbekannt. Gänzlich unbekannt ist auch die Bedeutung von Hugl-1 und Hugl-2 als Polaritätsregulatoren für die Ausbildung und den Erhalt der T-Zellmorphologie und -funktion. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es daher, die Polaritäts- und Tumorsuppressorgene hugl-1 und hugl-2 in funktionellen Analysen mittels siRNA-vermitteltem Gen-Silencing in Epithelzellen und T-Lymphozyten zu charakterisieren. Darüber hinaus wurden die Funktionen und Eigenschaften von mgl-2, dem murinen Homologen von hugl-2, im Cre/loxP-vermittelten konditionalen Knockout Mausmodell in vivo analysiert.rnrnZur Charakterisierung der biologischen Effekte von Hugl-1 und Hugl-2 auf das Wachstumsverhalten, Migration und Invasion von Epithelzellen wurden in dieser Arbeit erfolgreich unterschiedliche shRNA-Expressionskonstrukte generiert sowie Hugl-supprimierte Zelllinien etabliert. In vitro Studien sowie in vivo Tumorigenizitätsanalysen lieferten übereinstimmend Hinweise darauf, dass verminderte Hugl-1- und Hugl-2-Expressionsspiegel eine signifikante Rolle in der Vermittlung invasiver und tumorigener Eigenschaften von Epithelzellen spielen. Dabei rief der Verlust beider Homologe deutlich stärkere Reaktionen hervor als die Suppression eines einzelnen Homologen. Zudem wiesen die Überexpression des Zellzyklusregulators Cyclin D1 sowie die Hyperproliferation von Hugl-1- und/oder Hugl-2-depletierten Epithelzellen auf eine wichtige Rolle der beiden Homologe in der Zellzyklusprogression und Zellproliferation hin. Ein geringer Expressionsstatus von Hugl-1 und -2 schien darüber hinaus mit einer verstärkten Resistenzbildung gegenüber Chemotherapeutika zu korrelieren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte weiterhin gezeigt werden, dass die untersuchten T-Lymphozyten nur Hugl-1 exprimieren und dass letzteres notwendig für den F-Aktin-vermittelten Erhalt der T-Zellpolarität und -morphologie ist. Hugl-1-supprimierte, über voneinander unabhängige Signalwege (TCR- oder Chemokinrezeptor) stimulierte T-Lymphozyten wiesen eine bedeutende Störung der Lamellipodien- und Uropodausbildung auf und ließen eine Interaktion von Hugl-1 auf Ebene des F Aktins vermuten. Des Weiteren zeigte sich, dass der Polaritätsregulator Hugl-1 die CD3/TCR-induzierte Zelladhäsion positiv beeinflusst. Die Analyse der T-Zellmigration und -motilität offenbarte in Übereinstimmung dazu die Wichtigkeit von Hugl-1 für die Polarisierung und Migration der T-Zellen sowohl im Chemokingradienten als auch auf mDCs. rnrnFür die Aufklärung der funktionellen Rolle von mgl-2 in vivo wurde in dieser Arbeit eine Tamoxifen-induzierbare, Cre/loxP-vermittelte konditionale Mauslinie generiert und analysiert. Die mgl-2-deletierten Tiere wiesen weder signifikante phänotypische Unterschiede noch Abweichungen in der Organanatomie auf und ließen daher auf eine Kompensation durch das im Darmepithel koexprimierte und möglicherweise funktionell redundante mgl-1 Gen schließen.rn
The cholecystokinin-2 receptor (CCK2R), is expressed in cancers where it contributes to tumor progression. The CCK2R is over-expressed in a sub-set of tumors, allowing its use in tumor targeting with a radiolabel ligand. Since discrepancies between mRNA levels and CCK2R binding sites were noticed, we searched for abnormally spliced variants in tumors from various origins having been previously reported to frequently express cholecystokinin receptors, such as medullary thyroid carcinomas, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas, and gastroenteropancreatic tumors. A variant of the CCK2R coding for a putative five-transmembrane domains receptor has been cloned. This variant represented as much as 6% of CCK2R levels. Ectopic expression in COS-7 cells revealed that this variant lacks biological activity due to its sequestration in endoplasmic reticulum. When co-expressed with the CCK2R, this variant diminished membrane density of the CCK2R and CCK2R-mediated activity (phospholipase-C and ERK activation). In conclusion, a novel splice variant acting as a dominant negative on membrane density of the CCK2R may be of importance for the pathophysiology of certain tumors and for their in vivo CCK2R-targeting.
Background Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) family proteins have a well-characterized role in heterochromatin packaging and gene regulation. Their function in organismal development, however, is less well understood. Here we used genome-wide expression profiling to assess novel functions of the Caenorhabditis elegans HP1 homolog HPL-2 at specific developmental stages. Results We show that HPL-2 regulates the expression of germline genes, extracellular matrix components and genes involved in lipid metabolism. Comparison of our expression data with HPL-2 ChIP-on-chip profiles reveals that a significant number of genes up- and down-regulated in the absence of HPL-2 are bound by HPL-2. Germline genes are specifically up-regulated in hpl-2 mutants, consistent with the function of HPL-2 as a repressor of ectopic germ cell fate. In addition, microarray results and phenotypic analysis suggest that HPL-2 regulates the dauer developmental decision, a striking example of phenotypic plasticity in which environmental conditions determine developmental fate. HPL-2 acts in dauer at least partly through modulation of daf-2/IIS and TGF-β signaling pathways, major determinants of the dauer program. hpl-2 mutants also show increased longevity and altered lipid metabolism, hallmarks of the long-lived, stress resistant dauers. Conclusions Our results suggest that the worm HP1 homologue HPL-2 may coordinately regulate dauer diapause, longevity and lipid metabolism, three processes dependent on developmental input and environmental conditions. Our findings are of general interest as a paradigm of how chromatin factors can both stabilize development by buffering environmental variation, and guide the organism through remodeling events that require plasticity of cell fate regulation.
Deregulation of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) is linked to a broad range of cancers, stressing the necessity of studying their regulatory pathways. We and others demonstrated previously that c-Cbl is necessary for the lysosomal degradation of erythropoietin-producing hepatocellular B1 (EphB1) carcinoma and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) RTKs. Moreover, the tumor suppressor phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) was shown to modulate c-Cbl-dependent EGFR degradation. We therefore investigated the involvement of PTEN in EphB1 signaling and degradation. We used PTEN mutants, PTEN, and NHERF1 small interfering RNA in CHO-EphB1 and SW480 cells endogenously expressing EphB1 to delineate EphB1-PTEN interactions. PTEN was constitutively associated with c-Cbl, protecting it from degradation. EphB1 stimulation triggered ∼50% serine-threonine PTEN dephosphorylation and PTEN-Cbl complex disruption, a process requiring PTEN protein phosphatase activity. Both proteins independently translocated to EphB1, with PTEN in association with the scaffold protein NHERF1. Biologically, PTEN lipid phosphatase activity impairs EphB1-dependent cell adhesion and chemotaxis. This study demonstrates for the first time in mammalian cells that the Eph receptor and PTEN associate and influence their signaling. Moreover, it contributes to the emerging concept that PTEN regulates expression of RTKs through modulation of their degradation. Finally, it reveals a new role for PTEN protein phosphatase activity involved in this process.
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase D (GPI-PLD) is abundant in serum and has a well-characterized biochemistry; however, its physiological role is completely unknown. Previous investigations into GPI-PLD have focused on the adult animal or on in vitro systems and a putative role in development has been neither proposed nor investigated. We describe the first evidence of GPI-PLD expression during mouse embryonic ossification. GPI-PLD expression was detected predominantly at sites of skeletal development, increasing during the course of gestation. GPI-PLD was observed during both intramembraneous and endochondral ossification and localized predominantly to the extracellular matrix of chondrocytes and to primary trabeculae of the skeleton. In addition, the mouse chondrocyte cell line ATDC5 expressed GPI-PLD after experimental induction of differentiation. These results implicate GPI-PLD in the process of bone formation during mouse embryogenesis.
The mammalian target of rapamycin (MTOR) assembles into two distinct complexes: mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) is predominantly cytoplasmic and highly responsive to rapamycin, whereas mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2) is both cytoplasmic and nuclear, and relatively resistant to rapamycin. mTORC1 and mTORC2 phosphorylatively regulate their respective downstream effectors p70S6K/4EBP1, and Akt. The resulting activated mTOR pathways stimulate protein synthesis, cellular proliferation, and cell survival. Moreover, phospholipase D (PLD) and its product, phosphatidic acid (PA) have been implicated as one of the upstream activators of mTOR signaling. In this study, we investigated the activation status as well as the subcellular distribution of mTOR, and its upstream regulators and downstream effectors in endometrial carcinomas (ECa) and non-neoplastic endometrial control tissue. Our data show that the mTORC2 activity is selectively elevated in endometrial cancers as evidenced by a predominant nuclear localization of the activated form of mTOR (p-mTOR at Ser2448) in malignant epithelium, accompanied by overexpression of nuclear p-Akt (Ser473), as well as overexpression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A isoform, the latter a resultant of target gene activation by mTORC2 signaling via hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-2alpha. In addition, expression of PLD1, one of the two major isoforms of PLD in human, is increased in tumor epithelium. In summary, we demonstrate that the PLD1/PA-mTORC2 signal pathway is overactivated in endometrial carcinomas. This suggests that the rapamycin-insensitive mTORC2 pathway plays a major role in endometrial tumorigenesis and that therapies designed to target the phospholipase D pathway and components of the mTORC2 pathway should be efficacious against ECa.