932 resultados para P19 embryonal carcinoma cells


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E-Cadherin, a cell adhesion molecule, which plays a key role in maintaining the epithelial phenotype, is regarded as an invasion-suppressor gene in light of accumulating evidence from in vitro experiments and clinical observations. In an attempt to clarify the mechanism responsible for inactivation of this gene in carcinomas, we investigated the methylation state around the promoter region by digestion of DNA with the methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme Hpa II, as CpG methylation of the promoter has been postulated to be a mechanism of transcriptional inactivation of some genes. We found that E-cadherin expression-negative carcinoma cell lines were accompanied by the hypermethylation state, whereas E-cadherin-positive cell lines were not. Furthermore, treatment of E-cadherin-negative carcinoma cells with the demethylating agent 5-azacytidine resulted in reexpression of the gene and reversion of scattered spindle-shaped cells to cells with epithelial morphology. These results suggest that hypermethylation around the promoter may be a mechanism of E-cadherin inactivation in human carcinomas and that treatment of E-cadherin-inactivated cells with a demethylating agent may cause gene expression reversion leading to epithelial morphogenesis with acquisition of the homophilic cell-cell adhesive property.


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We investigated the influence of interferons alpha, beta, and gamma (IFN-alpha, -beta, and -gamma) on the production of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) by human renal carcinoma cells. The human renal carcinoma cell metastatic line SN12PM6 was established in culture from a lung metastasis and SN12PM6-resistant cells were selected in vitro for resistance to the antiproliferative effects of IFN-alpha or IFN-beta. IFN-alpha and IFN-beta, but not IFN-gamma, down-regulated the expression of bFGF at the mRNA and protein levels by a mechanism independent of their antiproliferative effects. Down-regulation of bFGF required a long exposure (> 4 days) of cells to low concentrations (> 10 units/ml) of IFN-alpha or IFN-beta. The withdrawal of IFN-alpha or IFN-beta from the medium permitted SN12PM6-resistant cells to resume production of bFGF. The incubation of human bladder, prostate, colon, and breast carcinoma cells with noncytostatic concentrations of IFN-alpha or IFN-beta also produced down-regulation of bFGF production.


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We expressed the full-length CD44v2-10 isoform in SKHep1 cells, a nonmetastatic human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line that does not express any endogenous CD44v isoforms. In SCID mice, expression of CD44v2-10 by SKHep1 cells had no effect on s.c. primary tumor development but caused pulmonary metastases in 41% (7 of 17) of animals compared with control SKHep1 cells (0 of 16; P < 0.01). CD44v2-10 expression by SKHep1 cells resulted in enhanced heparan sulfate (HS) attachment and an enhanced capacity to bind heparin-binding growth factors. Mutation of the v3 domain to prevent HS attachment and growth factor binding abolished the metastatic phenotype, demonstrating that HS modification of CD44v2-10 plays a critical role in the development of metastases in this model. However, in vitro proliferation, motility, and invasion were not altered by CD44v2-10 expression.


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Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) are a promising new class of chemotherapeutic drug currently in early phase clinical trials. A large number of structurally diverse HDACi have been purified or synthesised that mostly inhibit the activity of all eleven class I and II HDACs. While these agents demonstrate many features required for anti-cancer activity such as low toxicity against normal cells and an ability to inhibit tumor cell growth and survival at nanomolar concentrations, their mechanisms of action are largely unknown. Initially, a model was proposed whereby HDACi-mediated transactivation of a specific gene or set of genes was responsible for the inhibition of cell cycle progression or induction of apoptosis. Given that HDACs can regulate the activity of a number of nonhistone proteins and that histone acetylation is important for events such as DNA replication and mitosis that do not directly involve gene transcription, it appears that the initial mechanistic model for HDACi may have been too simple. Herein, we provide an update on the transcription-dependent and - independent events that may be important for the anti-tumor activities of HDACi and discuss the use of these compounds in combination with other chemotherapeutic drugs.


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We examined the potential role of SMAD7 in human epidermal keratinocyte differentiation. Overexpression of SMAD7 inhibited the activity of the proliferation-specific promoters for the keratin 14 and cdc2 genes and reduced the expression of the mRNA for the proliferation-specific genes cdc2 and E2F1. The ability of SMAD7 to suppress cdc2 promoter activity was lost in transformed keratinocyte cell lines and was mediated by a domain(s) located between aa 195-395 of SMAD7. This domain lies outside the domain required to inhibit TGFbeta1 signaling, suggesting that this activity is mediated by a novel functional domain(s). Examination of AP1, NFkappaB, serum response element, Gli, wnt, and E2F responsive reporters indicated that SMAD7 significantly suppressed the E2F responsive reporter and modestly increased AP1 activity in proliferating keratinocytes. These data Suggest that SMAD7 may have a role in TGFbeta-independent signaling events in proliferating/undifferentiated keratinocytes. The effects of SMAD7 in differentiated keratinocytes indicated a more traditional role for SMAD7 as an inhibitor of TGFbeta action. SMAD7 was unable to initiate the expression of differentiation markers but was able to superinduce/derepress differentiation-specific markers and genes in differentiated keratinocytes. This latter role is consistent with the ability of SMAD7 to inhibit TGFbeta-mediated suppression of keratinocyte differentiation and suggest that the opposing actions of SMAD7 and TGFbeta may serve to modulate squamous differentiation. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The AP-2 transcription factor family is presumed to play an important role in the regulation of the keratinocyte squamous differentiation program; however, limited functional data are available to support this. In the present study, the activity and regulation of AP-2 were examined in differentiating human epidermal keratinocytes. We report that (1) AP-2 transcriptional activity decreases in differentiated keratinocytes but remains unchanged in differentiation-insensitive squamous cell carcinoma cell lines, (2) diminished AP-2 transcriptional activity is associated with a loss of specific DNA-bound AP-2 complexes, and (3) there is an increase in the ability of cytoplasmic extracts, derived from differentiated keratinocytes, to phosphorylate AP-2alpha and AP-2beta when cells differentiate. In contrast, extracts from differentiation-insensitive squamous cell carcinoma cells are unable to phosphorylate AP-2 proteins. Finally, the phosphorylation of recombinant AP-2alpha by cytosolic extracts from differentiated keratinocytes is associated with decreased AP-2 DNA-binding activity. Combined, these data indicate that AP-2 trans-activation and DNA-binding activity decrease as keratinocytes differentiate, and that this decreased activity is associated with an enhanced ability to phosphorylate AP-2alpha and beta.


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Overexpression of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) A2 and B1 has been observed in a variety of tumour types, however, it is unknown whether this dysregulation is a consequence of, or a driving force for, unregulated cell proliferation. We have shown that the levels of hnRNPs A1, A2 and B1, but not A3, are modulated during the cell cycle of Colo16 squamous carcinoma cells and HaCaT immortalized keratinocytes, suggesting that A1, A2 and B1 are needed at particular cell cycle stages. However, the levels of hnRNP A1, A2 and B1 mRNAs were constant, indicating that regulation of protein levels was controlled at the level of translation. RNAi suppression of hnRNP At or A3 alone did not affect the proliferation of Colo16 cells but the proliferation rate was significantly reduced when both were suppressed simultaneously, or when either was suppressed together with hnRNP A2. Reducing hnRNP A2 expression in Colo16 and HaCaT cells by RNAi led to a non-apoptotic-related decrease in cell proliferation, reinforcing the view that this protein is required for cell proliferation. Suppression of hnRNP A2 in Colo16 cells was associated with increased p21 levels but p53 levels remained unchanged. In addition, expression of BRCA1 was downregulated, at both mRNA and protein levels. The observed effects of hnRNP A2 and its isoforms on cell proliferation and their correlation with BRCA1 and p21 expression suggest that these hnRNP proteins play a role in cell proliferation.


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Mammalian cells harbor numerous small non-protein-coding RNAs, including small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs), microRNAs (miRNAs), short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and small double-stranded RNAs, which regulate gene expression at many levels including chromatin architecture, RNA editing, RNA stability, translation, and quite possibly transcription and splicing. These RNAs are processed by multistep pathways from the introns and exons of longer primary transcripts, including protein-coding transcripts. Most show distinctive temporal- and tissue-specific expression patterns in different tissues, including embryonal stem cells and the brain, and some are imprinted. Small RNAs control a wide range of developmental and physiological pathways in animals, including hematopoietic differentiation, adipocyte differentiation and insulin secretion in mammals, and have been shown to be perturbed in cancer and other diseases. The extent of transcription of non-coding sequences and the abundance of small RNAs suggests the existence of an extensive regulatory network on the basis of RNA signaling which may underpin the development and much of the phenotypic variation in mammals and other complex organisms and which may have different genetic signatures from sequences encoding proteins.


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RNA interference (RNAi) is the latest new technology in the field of genetic medicine in which specific genes can be turned off, or silenced, so as to affect a therapeutic outcome. It can be highly specific, works in the nanomolar range and is far more effective than the antisense approaches popular 10-15 years ago. Here we review the field and explore the potential role of RNAi in cancer therapy, highlighting recent progress and examining the hurdles that must be overcome before this promising technology is ready for clinical use. (C) 2006 Prous Science. All rights reserved.


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N-1, N-11-Diethylnorspermine (DENSPM) is a polyamine analog that is currently under investigation as a novel anticancer drug. Although it has shown promising preclinical activity, there has been large variation in responsiveness reported between different human cancers. During our studies into the causes of this variation, we observed a consistent increase in cell proliferation at low drug concentrations (


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Elevated levels of the calcium-binding protein S100A4 promote metastasis and in carcinoma cells are associated with reduced survival of cancer patients. S100A4 interacts with target proteins that affect a number of activities associated with metastatic cells. However, it is not known how many of these interactions are required for S100A4-promoted metastasis, thus hampering the design of specific inhibitors of S100A4-induced metastasis. Intracellular S100A4 exists as a homodimer through previously identified, well conserved, predominantly hydrophobic key contacts between the subunits. Here it is shown that mutating just one key residue, phenylalanine 72, to alanine is sufficient to reduce the metastasis-promoting activity of S100A4 to 50% that of the wild type protein, and just 2 or 3 specific mutations reduces the metastasis-promoting activity of S100A4 to less than 20% that of the wild type protein. These mutations inhibit the self-association of S100A4 in vivo and reduce markedly the affinity of S100A4 for at least two of its protein targets, a recombinant fragment of non-muscle myosin heavy chain isoform A, and p53. Inhibition of the self-association of S100 proteins might be a novel means of inhibiting their metastasis-promoting activities.


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Antisense technology is a novel drug discovery method, which provides an essential tool for directly using gene sequence information to rationally design specific inhibitions of mRNA, to treat a wide range of diseases. The efficacy of naked oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) is relatively short lived due to rapid degradation in vivo. The entrapment of ODNs within biodegradable sustained-release delivery systems may improve ODN stability and reduce dose required for efficacy. Biodegradable polymer microspheres were evaluated as delivery devices for ODNs and ribozymes. Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) polymers were used due to their biocompatibility and non toxic degradation products. Microspheres were prepared using a double emulsion-deposition method and the formulations characterised. In vitro release profiles were characterised by an initial burst effect during the first 48 hours of release followed by a more sustained release. The release profiles were influenced by microsphere size, copolymer molecular weight, copolymer ratio, ODN loading, ODN length, and ODN chemistry. The serum stability of ODNs was significantly improved when entrapped within polymer microspheres. The cellular association of ODNs entrapped within small spheres (1-2μm) was improved by approximately 20-fold in A431 carcinoma cells compared with free ODNs. Fluorescence microscopy studies showed a more diffuse subcellular distribution when delivered as a microsphere formulation compared with free ODNs, which exhibited the characteristic punctate periplasmic distribution. For in vivo evaluation, polymer microspheres containing fluorescently-labelled ODNs were stereo-taxically administered to the neostriatum of the rat brain. Free ODN resulted in a punctate cellular distribution after 24 hours. In comparison ODN delivered using polymer microspheres were intensely visible in cells 48 hours post administration, and fluorescence appeared to be diffuse covering both cytosolic and nuclear regions. Whole-body autoradiography was also used to evaluate the biodistribution of free tritium labelled ODN and ODN entrapped microspheres, following subcutaneous administration to Balb-C mice. Polymer entrapped ODN gave a similar biodistribution to free ODN. Free ODN was distributed within 24 hours, whereas polymer released ODN was observed still presented in organs and at the site of administration seven days post administration.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) is considered to be the major receptor for tumour promoting phorbol esters such as 12-0- tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). These agents evoke a plethora of biological effects on cells in culture. The growth of A549 human lung carcinoma cells maintained in medium fortified with 10% foetal calf serum (FCS) is arrested for 6 days by TPA and other biologically active phorbol esters. In the work described in this thesis, the hypothesis was tested that modulation of PKC activity is closely related to events pivotal for cytostasis to occur. The effect of several phorbol esters, of newly synthesized analogues of diacylglycerols (DAG) and of bryostatins (bryos) on cell growth and ability to modulate activity of PKC has been investigated.Determination of the subcellular distribution of PKC following treatment of cells with TPA and partial enzyme purification by non-denaturing poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed translocation of enzyme activity from cytosoUc to paniculate fraction. Chronic exposure of cells to TPA resulted in a time and concentration dependent degradation of enzyme activity. Synthetic DAG and DAG analogues, unable to arrest the growth of cells at non-toxic concentrations, were neither able to affect subcellular PKC distribution nor compete effectively for phorbol ester binding sites at physiologically relevant concentrations. Bryos 1,2,4 and 5, natural products, possessing antineoplastic activity in mice, elicited transient arrest of A549 cell growth in vitro. They successfully competed for phorbol ester receptors in A549 cells with exquisite affinity and induced a shift in sub-cellular PKC distribution, though not to the same extent as PTA. Enzyme down-regulation resulted from prolonged exposure of cells to nanomolar concentrations of bryos. In vivo studies demonstrated that neither PDBu nor bryo 1 was able to inhibit A549 xenograft growth in athymic mice. The growth of A549 cell populations cultured under conditions of serum-deprivation was inhibited only transiently by biologically active phorbol esters. Fortification of serum-free medium with EGF or fetuin was able to partially restore sensitivity to maintained growth arrest by PTA. PKC translocation to the paniculate cellular fraction and subsequent enzyme down-regulation, induced by TPA, occurred in a manner similar to that observed in serum-supplemented cells. However, total PKC activity and cytosolic phorbol ester binding potential were greatly reduced in the serum-deprived cell population. Western blot analysis using monospecific monoclonal antibodies revealed the presence of PKC-a in both A549 cell populations, with significantly reduced protein levels in serum- deprived cells. PKC-/9 was not detected in either cell population.